Game of Thrones Season 2 Announced (Future news will be found at the new Pre-Season news thread)



  • The engine in ANF seems like the new norm for them, so I would imagine so

    IR0NR4TH posted: »

    I'd imagine our choices will carry over to Season 2 given the whole determinant status on most of their major characters.. I wonder if they'

  • I suppose one way to handle the determinant status for Ludd/Gryff is he gets executed by Ramsay for crappy Ironwood shields. I am of course talking about those big ones which would be a good way to foreshadow the Battle of the Bastards. Torrhen becomes the next Lord Whitehill regardless!

    Looking forward to the next season!

  • I keep telling myself that the wait will be worth it because we'll get to see our favorite characters looking all new and re-designed.

    IR0NR4TH posted: »

    I'd imagine our choices will carry over to Season 2 given the whole determinant status on most of their major characters.. I wonder if they'

  • Any date on when GOT season 2 will be released ???

  • No news yet!

    Faithella20 posted: »

    Any date on when GOT season 2 will be released ???

  • I am quite hopeful we will get some news after Walking Dead or Guardians of the Galaxy. I have waited too long for this. I want my game. :D

    No news yet!

  • Seriously? You believe that GRRM will release TWoW anytime soon? I used to believe it too - back in 2014, then again in 2015, then again in 2016(believed in his words - that he's making progress). This year I gave up. Will watch the series - it has been better ever since episode 1, season 1. I have embraced the truth - that the piggy won't release TWoW. All that he's doing is talking about "progress" - what progress? None! Can't wait for July, to see the 7th season. Sixth and seventh book though.. that's like science fiction.

    no ending??? to the series? well the novels are still coming out and tv series will go on for 3 series then come to an with maybe a spin of thats set in the past.

  • Dude he's going to release two books by the end of the year chill out

    YForrester posted: »

    Seriously? You believe that GRRM will release TWoW anytime soon? I used to believe it too - back in 2014, then again in 2015, then again in

  • Everything the pig's doing is just writing books of other people in Westeros. I've already made peace with myself. I know we won't get to read The Winds of Winter.

    MrEggplant posted: »

    Dude he's going to release two books by the end of the year chill out

  • Hypothetically... if Rodrik and Asher were still playable characters in season 2, how do you think they'd handle trailers?

  • it's a good question but i would say they do it with Rodrik because didn't they not use him for EP6 trailer

    AgentZ46 posted: »

    Hypothetically... if Rodrik and Asher were still playable characters in season 2, how do you think they'd handle trailers?

  • They'll use a mix of both, just like they did in the Episode 6 trailer.

    AgentZ46 posted: »

    Hypothetically... if Rodrik and Asher were still playable characters in season 2, how do you think they'd handle trailers?

  • If they show Hodor, no doubt people are going to go nuts.

  • They also still have that Super Show thing they kept talking about last year don't they?

    IR0NR4TH posted: »

    Some new things I thought of, of when Season Two will be released. The last episode of The Walking Dead: Season One was released on Novem

  • Well, I don't know where to put this, so here you go. Played around with this app and here's the result lol

    enter image description here

  • There's also a Meme thread for GoT if you want to post more memes/etc in the future. :)

    FetchWalker posted: »

    Well, I don't know where to put this, so here you go. Played around with this app and here's the result lol

  • Thanks. I didn't know there was one. Gonna use it next time :)

    There's also a Meme thread for GoT if you want to post more memes/etc in the future.

  • Come ON telltale. This is getting exceedingly ridiculous. No updates since mid 2016 and they left us in an UGLY lurch at the end of the last game. I'm very unhappy that they can leave us so long in such a crappy position, they started hinting but at least they can give us the HONEST TRUTH about what is going on with this next game! Are they working on it, are they thinking about it, will they think about it? PLEASE, we need INFO!!

  • Actually they used both Rodrik and Asher for the trailer.

    BigGazMan posted: »

    it's a good question but i would say they do it with Rodrik because didn't they not use him for EP6 trailer

  • Could leave it ambiguous and have characters refer to them as 'him' or the 'Lord Forrester'?

    AgentZ46 posted: »

    Hypothetically... if Rodrik and Asher were still playable characters in season 2, how do you think they'd handle trailers?

  • So long as the many big decisions we made in Season One actually have an effect on the story of Season Two, then I don't mind waiting longer!

  • Honestly, I'm not buying the season pass unless I know for certain Asher/Rodrik lives past the first episode. I haven't waited this long between seasons just to see my biggest decision from S1 given the Kenny/Jane treatment.

  • Most of my investments are on Rodrik/Asher. If they are gone, I'm gonna have a difficult time playing through the season. Unlike Kenny/Jane, the fact that Asher or Rodrik are guaranteed to survive the first season might make it a little more possible for their survival and continuing playable role.

    Part of me is anxious to see The Walking Dead ANF finished just so we can finally get some news on this game. Well, if we get them at all.

    Honestly, I'm not buying the season pass unless I know for certain Asher/Rodrik lives past the first episode. I haven't waited this long between seasons just to see my biggest decision from S1 given the Kenny/Jane treatment.

  • I could see Telltale ditching other determinant characters like Gwyn/Royland/Tuttle early on, but as far as I'm concerned Rodrik/Asher are absolutely non-negotiable. If they're slaughtered before the first episode is even over, the fans will see right through it.

    I've never really liked how the GoT series is so enamored with death all the damn time, but I guess that's an indirect result of George R.R. Martin's approach to storytelling.

    Most of my investments are on Rodrik/Asher. If they are gone, I'm gonna have a difficult time playing through the season. Unlike Kenny/Jane,

  • I'm fine if there's just a straightforward path for the surviving lord as long as the dialogue and choices match his personality.

  • edited May 2017

    Episode 6 seems like so long ago

  • Exactly. I'm not asking for radically different storylines. I'd be happy with something as minor as alternate dialogue branches to accommodate Rodrik or Asher's character. Why should this be such a logistical nightmare for Telltale?

    I'm fine if there's just a straightforward path for the surviving lord as long as the dialogue and choices match his personality.

  • It's been 538 days since we heard any real news about Game of thrones Season 2, let that sink in....

  • I don't think telltale had any intentions of following up with GOT so much as putting a potential S2 on the back burner if they decided to proceed with it in the future.

    It's been 538 days since we heard any real news about Game of thrones Season 2, let that sink in....

  • They'll either announce S2 this year, or not at all.

  • You think they were in the planning stages of the game when S2 was announced?

    Chibikid posted: »

    I don't think telltale had any intentions of following up with GOT so much as putting a potential S2 on the back burner if they decided to proceed with it in the future.

  • Not at all. I'm saying I think they announced a S2 for when they got around to it at some point down the line.

    You think they were in the planning stages of the game when S2 was announced?

  • i've honestly gave up on this.

  • I think Telltale have gone a bit extreme with this. The Foresters have been absolutely slaughtered, there are not enough pearls where good things happen to certain characters like in Martin's work.

    For example Jon Snow became a massive hero in GOT. Aria has also been very successful. Bran also. It appears that the writers have pulled the writing off the happenings of the Stark's too much without being innovative and throwing us some gems of satisfaction, eg. getting some sort of revenge.

    I could see Telltale ditching other determinant characters like Gwyn/Royland/Tuttle early on, but as far as I'm concerned Rodrik/Asher are a

  • edited May 2017

    Yep, I honestly think they've shafted the idea of GOT 2. No updates to the official thread, which likely means it's not even being worked on.

    A theory here: perhaps the GOT cast are now charging too much now as GOT has expended over the years, and now TellTale can't afford them (the voice actors) anymore, so they're burying the idea of further seasons quietly, with time on their hands for us to forget.

    We might as well make up our own storylines...

    BigGazMan posted: »

    i've honestly gave up on this.

  • Then why not just reduce the number of characters lifted directly from the show and focus on the ones unique to Telltale's House Forrester saga?

    Yep, I honestly think they've shafted the idea of GOT 2. No updates to the official thread, which likely means it's not even being worked on

  • If that was the case, I'd honestly be pretty okay with not having any characters from the show within it. I like it best when they focus on the game characters.

    Yep, I honestly think they've shafted the idea of GOT 2. No updates to the official thread, which likely means it's not even being worked on

  • edited May 2017

    I'd love for Asher/Rodrik to follow a similar path to Arya Stark's; a brutal trial-by-fire as opposed to a completely hopeless descent into hell. Asher/Rodrik could present the perfect opportunity for Telltale to depict what might have happened if Eddard or Robb had somehow managed to escape their fate.

    I think Telltale have gone a bit extreme with this. The Foresters have been absolutely slaughtered, there are not enough pearls where good t

  • If they do plan to incorporate the events of Hardhome and the Battle of the Bastards, they likely would want to bring Kit Harrington back on board but his price tag would be higher than before. Even if they do just bring in Jon, Sansa and Ramsay, it's still going to be costly.

  • So I played the first episode of season 1 awhile ago and started watching some YouTube vids on the other episodes and started to wonder if I should buy the remaining season 1 episodes to get ready for season 2. This is one of the only telltale games I haven't played (at least after TWD season 1 never played any of their games before TWD season 1) I also never watched the TV show or read the books so is this game worth it for someone who knows nothing about the universe can I just jump straight in because I did not understand much in episode 1.

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