Thanks, Telltale.

Let me preface by saying I loved all of your work beforehand. I bought The Walking Dead: Season 1 due to all the positive publicity, unsure if I would like it. The next night, I was bawling my eyes out. I should have known then to trust you guys.

Months later, one of my friends insisted that I get The Wolf Among Us. Knowing nothing about Fables, I was a tad skeptical. Within minutes I was hooked. Thankfully, I didn't have to endure the infamous "Episode 2 Wait", as I bought the season pass in late February. The finale came out the day before my birthday; thanks for the (unintentional) gift.

Then I heard about Tales From the Borderlands. And I was unimpressed. I had played a bit of Borderlands 1 and had dropped it to accommodate another game; I figured you had to be a die hard fan to enjoy your take on Pandora. I hadn't learned from my TWAU experience and assumed it wasn't worth playing; I was still reeling from "You're not as bad as everyone says you are" and the ever-dwindling prospects of Season 2.

Then on the last day of April vacation, I took a chance with my remaining PSN money and bought it.

As much as I loved TWAU, you guys, quite simply, knocked it out of the park. I was riveted. I cared for each and every one of those characters. I found my gaming doppelgänger in Rhys; with the exception of being a lot shorter, his attempted takedown in Episode 1 reminded me of my attempts at football (TOUCHGOAL!)

Episode by episode, you guys had me begging for more. Between episodes 4 and 5, I religiously checked Job's Twitter and finally made an account on here. I listened to the musical intro songs on a loop.

Now it's all done. It's easily my Game of the Year, and definitely one of my favorites of all time. In some ways I don't want a Season 2, because this was just so perfect. If Rhys and Fiona don't show up in an eventual Borderlands 3 or even an unrelated sequel series, I will be sorely disappointed. You guys made much more than characters; you made friends. And I miss them already.

Thank you for putting heart and soul into a medium populated by mindless shooters. When my father half-jokingly makes fun of video games from here on out, all I have to do is refer to this. You guys made a great experience. And me (along with everyone else on this board) is extremely greatful.


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