Would you like to see season 2, or popular characters from Tales return in borderlands 3?

For all we know, both could happen, but if you had a choice, what would would it be ?
I’d personally prefer Tales season 2, yes having someone like Fiona or Loaderbot be playable with their own skill trees and Rhys being a quest giver as head of Atlas would be cool, but we’d get more time with the characters getting to know them more over 5 or 6 episodes (like GoT has)


  • Can I pick both? If not, then TFTBL Season 2.

  • Season 2 for sure. I'm not sure if I'd even like Gearbox to pick it up - it's not like it's an easy task to build on someone else's masterpiece and BL being a completely different genre doesn't make it any easier.

  • If I had to choose, Id say Season 2.

    But, when Borderlands 3 comes out, I hope itll include some of Telltale's characters, except Rhys and Fiona, I feel like making that just some sub plot side mission in Borderlands 3 just wouldnt work.

  • If I had to choose, I'd pick Borderlands 3 to come first, filled with beautiful tftb references and some character appearances, maybe?

    I'd love to see the universe now in Borderlands 3 style, because with everything that has happened, it sure will be different!!

    Then tftb Season 2 like, straight after it. Please? Gearbox? Telltale? It all needs to happen.

  • Honestly? What I really want is for the characters to all be NPC's (or PC's in Fiona and Loaderbot's case) in BL3 and for TFTBL season 2 to have an entirely new cast. My reasoning is that 1)it would introduce a ton of people (who haven't played tales) to the characters and, subsequently, TFTBL. 2) It would give Telltale a chance to have a brand new series in the BL (that's Borderlands not boy-love) universe, thus expanding it. 3) I really don't want them to die, and I have a feeling one of them definitely would if they were in season 2.

  • jmmjmm
    edited November 2015

    Borderlands 3, but a Tales DLC episode to wrap things up with Tales (Vault/teleport) and a lead to Borderlands 3 would be nice.

    In BL3 I would be happy to get references to Tales and at least a few characters from Tales as quest givers (Rhys, Vaughn, maybe Sasha and August) plus playable Fiona (Base or DLC) and Loaderbot (DLC)

  • I honestly don't care as long as there is a TftB season 2 or Borderlands 3. Who knows they might make both. But I just don't want either of these games to forget the characters in TftB S1.

  • Uhh, BL3 I guess.

  • Borderlands 3

  • That depends, if you're asking either Tales season 2 or Borderlands 3...then I gotta say Borderlands 3, Tales may have gotten me to give Borderlands a second chance (where I ended up really loving it) but it's still amazing and wouldn't wanna give it up

    But if Borderlands 3 would happen either way, and picking Tales season 2 just meant we wouldn't see Rhys, Fiona, etc. in Borderlands 3, then Tales season 2 all the way

  • ^^^^
    This. All of this.

    Poogers555 posted: »

    If I had to choose, Id say Season 2. But, when Borderlands 3 comes out, I hope itll include some of Telltale's characters, except Rhys and Fiona, I feel like making that just some sub plot side mission in Borderlands 3 just wouldnt work.

  • Lol, i'd like that too, just seeing what the community prefers

  • I actually wouldn't want to see any of the TFTB characters in Borderlands 3 outside of a brief cameo or mentions in dialogue. They did a decent job in the game of having the main characters not break the character you developed for them when controlling the other one but if you look the dialogue is really pretty bland.

    And personally I'd rather play a TFTB S2 from right where it left off.

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