I have a question...

How did Hyperion know what Rhys had in his head when they sent Vasquez down to Pandora? Did I miss something?


  • They could always track Rhys because of his hardware, and the whole point of using the Nakayama drive was to submit Nakayama's credentials to Hyperion's servers.

  • edited November 2015

    That's one thing that I wish they would have elaborated on. One line that comes to my mind is;

    "You're Hyperion property, Rhys. And Hyperion doesn't lose track of its property."

    Maybe since Rhys' cybernetic enhancements allow him to connect to the echonet, it also allows Hyperion to spy on his vital signs and mind activity? Maybe they noticed that something had happened and he was now carrying around something potentially valuable in his brain?

    Or maybe it just has to do with Nakayama's drive. Maybe some other important people at Hyperion knew about Jack and Nakayama's plan involving AIs and immortality suits. So when they saw that Rhys had tried to use Nakayama's credentials, they assumed that he had gotten a hold of something important.

  • Oh that makes sense because when Vasquez call Rhys at the death rally, He says something along the lines of "Hello, Dr. Nakayama."

    Linnet posted: »

    They could always track Rhys because of his hardware, and the whole point of using the Nakayama drive was to submit Nakayama's credentials to Hyperion's servers.

  • Oh yeah, Yvette was able to track them on Pandora...

    Deadpoolian posted: »

    That's one thing that I wish they would have elaborated on. One line that comes to my mind is; "You're Hyperion property, Rhys. And Hyper

  • i have a theory hyperion track user credentials and login data so when rhys used nakayamas id drive hyperion probably saw nakayamas login on pandora knowing he is dead used tracking and found rhys was using the data to access hyperions network but also knowing nakayamas id drive contained important software and that is why they sent vasquez down to pandora probably because of the vault key deal and with orders to recover rhys body or in this case head

  • Yeah. Once Rhys did that, management knew the drive survived and suddenly cared whether or not Rhys came back.

    Oh that makes sense because when Vasquez call Rhys at the death rally, He says something along the lines of "Hello, Dr. Nakayama."

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