Vice: Tales From The Borderland 16th Best Game of 2015
Might it be Telltale's best game yet? Probably. Tales... doesn't require any prior knowledge of the Borderlands series to enjoy, and very quickly has the quips flowing as freely as it does the blood of its bandit scum. Even its robots are funny. But it's really touching, too, something few will have seen coming from a franchise based on headshots and loot-grabbing.
Source: Top 20 Best Games of 2015
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Also, only 16th? I'm not even sure there were 16 good games that came out this year, and I'm not sure why Tales wouldn't be at least top 10, in my opinion though.
Here you go:
Somehow the source got cut out when I posted for some reason.
Updated op with it.
People need to stop gassing up Life is Strange and Until Dawn. Until dawn was pretty good but the finale for Life is Strange was ass. All your choices didn't matter in the end so it getting 4th place is ridiculous.
Not high enough if you ask me, should have been higher.
Fallout 4,tftb,batman and until dawn are lower then life is strange?
Yeah,that a pretty bad list imo.
Come on now...we are on TTG forum...we can't use that against other games lol.
Also, I think LIS is ranked higher because one of the reasons is because it is a new ip that boom'd from nothing. It didn't have the Borderlands universe or anything else to depend on. A "original" game that surprised many and deserves to recognition its getting.
Hey, I saw a list from Paste magazine and they had LIS as 24th and Tales wasn't even on the list. I think Undertale was #1 on their list which I won't argue against. Though, they also had Cibele ranked pretty high.
Until Dawn was great for the jump scares. The story was good but seriously I think most try and talk it up because they want other games not to seem good.
FO4 was also another good game but not as good as hyped. Honestly, I don't think it deserves any awards..especially if Witcher is in the mix.
TFTB a great game and probably the best series TTG brought out in a while. It should be higher but I wouldn't put it in the top 10.
Batman.....Telltale Game series?
In all seriousness. The list is actually pretty good and maybe its a little bias on our part to think some should be higher than others. In the end it is all about opinions and a majority of the people at Vice Gaming felt those games should be ranked in that manner.
16th? Well that's ridiculous.
Don't know what happened but the text for the source didn't save.
Updated OP again
Awful list.
Tales is definitely in the top 5.
I don't think life is strange is a bad game, I actually really enjoyed it. But the finale ruined the whole game for me. Sure it was an original story, however they did the choices thing (just like Telltale), but your last choice literally disregarded most of your previous choices. Until Dawn was pretty good too, but all your choices just boiled down to if someone was dead or not. Tales'a choice varied from deaths to trust to settings. That's why I wish it were higher.
Though there were a significant amount of great games in my opinion a better year than last, I do think that Tales is good enough to be in the top 5 or 10 this year, mainly due to the comedy, characters and witty banter.
Same thoughts on LIS here as you
Both of the endings making every choice mean nothing really bugged me, when they hyped it up to actually do the opposite.
Yeah Life is Strange episodes 1,2,3,4 were like this awesome build up only to get a shit finale.
I was also disappointed that tales lost out to her story for best narrative. I'm obviously biased and haven't played her story. I love ttg and know that it will get more recognition in the future!!!
16th?! Easily my best game of the year. It's hard to get higher than that when you don't have the AAA presentation and marketing of other games!
I think he meant Arkham Knight.
Yeah, that's what I meant. Actually, my comment was posted a few hours before telltale even announced the batman game lol
I agree with some of the list, although I feel as if Tales should of been in first place, it had me smiling all the way through, except the sadder parts. Undertale should of been in the top 3. (Huge Undertale fan by the way.)