Season Two AU by Badgershite (Fan-made)



  • Rodrik going down the deep end.

    JakeSt123 posted: »

    Part 65 ((Reasonably) Angry Rodrik)

  • Just glad that wasn't Tom

    JakeSt123 posted: »

    Part 65 ((Reasonably) Angry Rodrik)

    edited January 2016

    enter image description here "I'm going to kill that man"

    Mira to Morgryn: "If you go anywhere near Forrester lands, my brothers will kill you !" Well Morgryn won't have the chance to come to them, they're coming to him >:)

    JakeSt123 posted: »

    Part 66 (Switching POVs tomorrow. Biiiig stuff is gonna be going on.)

  • MOBZIKK posted: »

    "I'm going to kill that man" Mira to Morgryn: "If you go anywhere near Forrester lands, my brothers will kill you !" Well Morgryn won't have the chance to come to them, they're coming to him

  • <3

    JakeSt123 posted: »

    Had to do it.

  • I'm really loving the way you're handling Rodrik. I've always loved when characters go angry, vengeful and dark.

    JakeSt123 posted: »

    Part 66 (Switching POVs tomorrow. Biiiig stuff is gonna be going on.)

  • Are Rodders and Tom sticking together now?

    Also what was Mira and Tom's relationship like in your au? I'm assuming they were friends, but you never know.

    JakeSt123 posted: »

    Part 66 (Switching POVs tomorrow. Biiiig stuff is gonna be going on.)

  • Are Rodders and Tom sticking together now?


    Also what was Mira and Tom's relationship like in your au? I'm assuming they were friends, but you never know.

    I'd say they were friends. I'm not sure you can really be on bad terms with Tom in the original game, you can only mildly piss him off and he forgets about it later. I'm not sure - I was sorta always on good terms with him.

    PigeonPie posted: »

    Are Rodders and Tom sticking together now? Also what was Mira and Tom's relationship like in your au? I'm assuming they were friends, but you never know.

  • enter image description here Ser Ashrik Whitehill ?

    edited January 2016

    enter image description here Gatter the Whitehill Fooker ?

    MOBZIKK posted: »

    Ser Ashrik Whitehill ?

  • Caught me red-handed. A lot of my Whitehill Goons are just two canon characters slapped together XD

    MOBZIKK posted: »

    Gatter the Whitehill Fooker ?

  • They look gorgeous, it's okay :)

    JakeSt123 posted: »

    Caught me red-handed. A lot of my Whitehill Goons are just two canon characters slapped together XD

  • I need more Whitehill bannermen. Now is your chance to give me two ttgot characters to make a disgusting fusion out of. That's how bannermen are made around these parts.

  • Bannerman #1: Elsera + Ethan ? Oh wait...
    Bannerman #2: Duncan + Royland ?

    JakeSt123 posted: »

    I need more Whitehill bannermen. Now is your chance to give me two ttgot characters to make a disgusting fusion out of. That's how bannermen are made around these parts.

  • Ludd and Josera.

    I think that would be a cool concoction.

    JakeSt123 posted: »

    I need more Whitehill bannermen. Now is your chance to give me two ttgot characters to make a disgusting fusion out of. That's how bannermen are made around these parts.

  • That sounds absolutely horrifying.

    I love it.

    I'm gonna add it to my 'queue' because I've gathered quite a lot of these to do in an hour haha

    Kateis posted: »

    Ludd and Josera. I think that would be a cool concoction.

  • Ahah, I bet you've got all sorts of combinations, have fun with these... Monstrosities.

    JakeSt123 posted: »

    That sounds absolutely horrifying. I love it. I'm gonna add it to my 'queue' because I've gathered quite a lot of these to do in an hour haha

  • I really love this, keep up the great work! It is a shame though...

    enter image description here

    ...that this appearance was wasted on a character who's already dead. It's by far my favorite design out of the OCs.

  • Maybe try to fuse three characters instead of 2? That way it might make the fusion less apparent.

    JakeSt123 posted: »

    I need more Whitehill bannermen. Now is your chance to give me two ttgot characters to make a disgusting fusion out of. That's how bannermen are made around these parts.

  • edited January 2016

    That-Soldier-Who-Got-Bit-By-Talia + Mr. Sideburns

    Lucan + Norren

    Ortengryn + Lyman Lannister

    Morgryn + Andros

    Ramsay + Frostfinger

    JakeSt123 posted: »

    I need more Whitehill bannermen. Now is your chance to give me two ttgot characters to make a disgusting fusion out of. That's how bannermen are made around these parts.

  • I suppose he's dreaming about how he lost his eye...but I could be wrong.

    JakeSt123 posted: »

    Part 68 (I suppose sleep talking is preferable to sleep walking)

  • I intended for him to be dreaming about his childhood abuse at the hands of his brothers, but really it's up for interpretation.

    I suppose he's dreaming about how he lost his eye...but I could be wrong.

  • I don't understand the last pic.

    I'm just sitting here like "Talia... YOU PUT THAT KNIFE DOWN RIGHT NOW!"

    JakeSt123 posted: »

    Part 68 (I suppose sleep talking is preferable to sleep walking)

  • So it's going to be that easy ?

  • I hope she doesn't kill him NOW. That's a terrible idea. They find him dead, and heads will start to roll. She should bid her time and make that whiny bitch suffer when he's lying and crying in the mud.

    JakeSt123 posted: »

    Part 68 (I suppose sleep talking is preferable to sleep walking)

  • edited January 2016

    I don't think Talia can or will do it but I'd definetly be happy if she did.

    JakeSt123 posted: »

    Part 68 (I suppose sleep talking is preferable to sleep walking)

  • Now Talia will hear Gryff's sob story and will feel compassion/pity for him. They will then become allies and will kill Torrhen. What ? This plot is more likely than Half Life 3 being announced.

  • edited May 2017

    Well, I absolutely admire this part, because of it being an illustration of how things are done in ttgot. Forresters, who are considered to be the perfect noble guys by this fandom, ruin lives of random people without even noticing. When those people fight back - they are cravens, assholes, villains and deserve to die. Derrock is the only person in this picture I sympathize with right now. Such a shame, that anyone who bares his sword against this holy, pure, beautiful family is sentenced to death. Fight on, fight on, Derrock the butt monkey. I'm with you for those couple sets of pictures left before you'll die. I will not forget you, same as I won't forget any of people, who were killed by Forresters. The North remembers, eh? Isn't the only one that does.

    JakeSt123 posted: »

    Part 70 (Oh, god. Here we go.)

  • I feel like my goal with this project has become to really muddy the water in regards to reality; make the Whitehills a lot more grey, make the Forresters more flawed than they already are. I'm not sure yet, but this could be the first in a series of events where the Forresters have to second guess themselves. Of course, I have to do it with characters like Derrock because it'd be out of character if I did the same with people like Gryff and Harys.

    Krapinka posted: »

    Well, I absolutely admire this part, because of it being an illustration of how things are done in ttgot. Forresters, who are considered to

  • Derrock seemed pretty cool in that scene. Gotta wonder what's going through Talia's head as she takes in his words.

    JakeSt123 posted: »

    Part 70 (Oh, god. Here we go.)

  • She's probably not even taking it in, probably panicking. Like "ohmygodihoperoylandgetshereASAPbecausei'mprobablyabouttodierightnow"

    AgentZ46 posted: »

    Derrock seemed pretty cool in that scene. Gotta wonder what's going through Talia's head as she takes in his words.

  • How fucking dares he play the victim here. If not for Talia he'd be dead. And considering by his behavior, he's no saint either. Hope Royland finishes the job and puts him out of our misery.

    JakeSt123 posted: »

    Part 70 (Oh, god. Here we go.)

  • It's not like he knows, that he is inside of a game (well, game's au) where player can make choices. From where he stands, Talia and Royland captured and beat him for no reason, got him locked up which ended in him loosing his eye because of Torrhen. With the amount of information he has, his anger is completely justified.

    How fucking dares he play the victim here. If not for Talia he'd be dead. And considering by his behavior, he's no saint either. Hope Royland finishes the job and puts him out of our misery.

  • Talia and Royland captured him after the Whitehills sacked Ironrath, so I'd say their reasoning is pretty justified. Talia didn't force him to desert, that was his choice. He's the one that messed his life up, deserting and being clumsy enough to fall into the hands of a child and a one-eyed man. Instead of trying to murder a little girl (which will only make his life 100 times worse...) he should accept the consequences and be happy he's still bloody alive.

    Krapinka posted: »

    It's not like he knows, that he is inside of a game (well, game's au) where player can make choices. From where he stands, Talia and Royland

  • I do not see how Whitehills sacking Ironrath justifies capturing him. Is he a highborn that can be used as a hostage or something? He is a soldier that was following orders, capturing and beating him didn't benefit Royland and Talia in any way and I doubt it could, but they still did it. For what? For revenge? Well, he has the same reasoning for attacking Talia now, so it's all relatable.

    Also, I wouldn't call deserting from the house that Torrhen Whitehill rules a mess up. More like, an act of heroism, no irony intended.

    Talia and Royland captured him after the Whitehills sacked Ironrath, so I'd say their reasoning is pretty justified. Talia didn't force him

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