VIDEO: Two Tributes to Tales
As we bid farewell to Season 1 (and start our prayer vigils for Season 2), I just wanted to share * coughshowoffcough * a couple vids I put together. (Would have shared these quite a while ago actually, but the second one took longer to finish. Comedy is hard!)
Made this one as a sort of teaser/trailer, trying to keep spoilers to a minimum. I think I did okay in that regard. (YMMV, of course.)
This vid is the one that started it for me--my very first fan music video! As I was playing Ep 2, I was literally thinking to myself I love this setting, these characters--this is such a wonderful world! (<3 me some sci-fi / western hybrids) And, as I'd watched the Dragon Age: Inquisition trailer not so long ago, this song kept cropping up in my head. I disregarded it at first: "Nah--sounds too dramatic, too serious for this game." But it kept coming back, so, what the hell--I gave it a shot... and it ended up working really well! (if I do say so myself)
Music: “Dare to Be Stupid” by Weird Al Yankovic | Video: Episodes 1 -3
My very second fan video! Since the last one was all srs bsns drama, I wanted to make a companion vid to highlight the humor. Because this game gave me more genuine laugh out loud moments than anything else in a long time. I love it so much~ And what better choice than Weird Al to showcase the Bad Decision Crew? Not spoiler-free by a long-shot though, so Viewer Beware. (just for Ep 1-3)
Anyway, hope you guys enjoy!
I'm so glad someone else is doing Tale videos
I swear barely anyone has done any!
Glad you enjoyed 'em! I've watched your videos, they're pretty awesome too
Those were great! Your "Dare to be Stupid" video had me in stitches. Comedy IS the hardest genre to pull off, but you knocked this one out of the park!
It's always great to see TFTBL GMVs. There aren't enough of them out there. I've made a few myself (and have ideas for several more), but I haven't really attempted any funny ones.
Ooh, I'm always looking for TFTBL music videos, too. There aren't too many of us creating them, it seems. I only recently started making them myself.
I'd love to see yours... would you share a link, please?
Here's one of my vids, but got like 5 other tales ones.

Those are very cool videos. I really like the trailer feel to some of them.
Here are mine, if you're interested:
pretty good man, in the future, just make sure you edit out the loading the screnes and things
Yeah, unfortunately, that problem is going to persist as long as I'm using my current editing program, because I'm pushing it to do something more precise than it was really designed to handle. I use Windows Movie Maker, which is a pretty basic (and pretty finicky) program. You can adjust the beginning and endings of clips all you like, but the program seems to have set points at which it will trim the video. For instance, you try to trim a clip at 0.73 seconds, the program will trim it at 0.77 seconds instead, etc. Some day I'll need to find and learn a better editing program.
Try and get a high seas version of sony vegas
Going over something the hundredth time or so, it gets harder to recognize your own funny. So it means a lot to hear it hit the mark with someone--laughter is the best compliment! :-)