Top 7 WORST female characters

As title says, which female characters, in your opinion, are the WORST.



  • Gary-OakGary-Oak Banned
    edited December 2015
    1. Carley (Walking Dead)

    Hated her, she was only there to be a love interest of sorts but she had little to no personality so it was hard to get attached to her.

    1. Tatsumaki (One Punch Man)

    Plain and simple; She's a bitch

    1. Isabela (Dragon Age)

    Same reason as Tatsumaki

    1. Lilith (Borderlands)

    She fucks everything up in the Pre-Sequel, caused the death of countless people. And also she's a bitch,

    1. Jack (Mass Effect)

    Yeah, she had a tough childhood, Yeah cerberus sucks, but she's so one-dimensional it's not funny. Her whole entire character is basically NYEEEEH I HATE CERBERUS YOU SHOULD HATE CERBERUS.

    1. Chloe (Life Is Strange)

    Man oh man is she horrible. She's annoying, rude, a hypocrite, etc. If you play the game you would know what I'm talking about.

    1. Ellie (Last Of Us)

    Pretty much everything I hate condensed into one person. Fuck. Ellie.

  • Ellie?! How dare you!! What is it that you hate in people to not like Ellie?

    Gary-Oak posted: »

    * Carley (Walking Dead) Hated her, she was only there to be a love interest of sorts but she had little to no personality so it was har

  • edited February 2016

    1. Gwyn Whitehill from Game of Thrones by TellTale. (Oh, Asher, my family just killed your brother, much sad, let's marry 'kay?)

    enter image description here

    2. Chloe Price from Life is Strange. (Voice Acting was kinda good, rest... not so much)

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    3. Maxine Caulfield from Life is Strange (I don't hate her, but she is too boring for me... and needs better Voice Acting)

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    4. Snow White from The Wolf Among Us. (Bitchy and ungrateful)

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    5. Lilith from Borderlands. (Words can't describe how much I want her to die)

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    6. Bella Swan from Twilight. (J-Just no, one of the worst written female characters EVER)

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    7. Ginevra Weasley from Harry Potter. (I was actually rooting for Voldemort to destroy this little fraud in Chamber of Secrets, unfortunately, that didn't happen)

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  • edited December 2015

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    Gary-Oak posted: »

    * Carley (Walking Dead) Hated her, she was only there to be a love interest of sorts but she had little to no personality so it was har

  • Emily - Until Dawn

    Cortana - Was great before they sexualised her, just why

    Err and that's my list I think!!

  • No particular order (except the first):

    1. Chloe Price (Life is Strange)
    2. Max Caufield (Life is Strange)
    3. Lilith (Borderlands series)
    4. Bella Swan (Twilight series)
    5. Andrea (TWD show, love her in the comics)
    6. Bonnie (TWD 400 Days/Season 2)
    7. Meg Griffin (Family Guy)
  • edited December 2015

    I still hate how much the show destroyed Andrea's character and have her died in such a strange and dumass way. I don't mind Laurie who played her. She could have been a good Andrea if they have just stick to the Comic version.

    No particular order (except the first): * Chloe Price (Life is Strange) * Max Caufield (Life is Strange) * Lilith (Borderlands series

  • I still hate how much the show destroyed Andrea's character and have her died in such a strange and dumass way.

    Wait, Andrea is dead in show? Why? If I remember correctly, she is still alive in comics.

    I still hate how much the show destroyed Andrea's character and have her died in such a strange and dumass way. I don't mind Laurie who played her. She could have been a good Andrea if they have just stick to the Comic version.

  • You know, I think I read somewhere that Robert Kirkman said that they were eventually going to start turning her character in the show into the one we see in the comics, what the hell happened to that?

    I still hate how much the show destroyed Andrea's character and have her died in such a strange and dumass way. I don't mind Laurie who played her. She could have been a good Andrea if they have just stick to the Comic version.

  • Yes, she did die in the television series, but is also very much alive in the comics. In the show (spoilers ahead, just so you know), she was bit by a zombified Milton after The Governor killed him. He had Andrea restrained to a chair at the other end of the room, that way, when Milton turned, she would be his target. While she tried to escape, since Milton had placed a saw or something beside the chair in order to cut the restraints, she stupidly kept stopping to either talk to the dying Milton or look at his corpse, which is why her death was stupid. She wasted way too much time when she should have been escaping.

    I still hate how much the show destroyed Andrea's character and have her died in such a strange and dumass way. Wait, Andrea is dead in show? Why? If I remember correctly, she is still alive in comics.

  • That death really does sound lame, I'm going to check it out on Youtube. I wonder why they killed her off that soon.

  • Surprised to see Carley, Ellie, Chloe, and Max in some of these list.

    Also, surprised no one said Princess Peach yet.

  • edited December 2015

    Also, surprised no one said Princess Peach yet.

    I was actually going to have Peach on my list, but I think that I hate Lilith more. :P

    Surprised to see Carley, Ellie, Chloe, and Max in some of these list. Also, surprised no one said Princess Peach yet.

  • Princess Peach, the woman who gets kidnapped for a living. :)

    Surprised to see Carley, Ellie, Chloe, and Max in some of these list. Also, surprised no one said Princess Peach yet.

  • Just have five for right now.

    1. Dolores Umbridge (Harry Potter)
    2. Lydia (Breaking Bad)
    3. Emily (Until Dawn)
    4. Clementine (TWD)
    5. Andrea (TWD)
  • Gary-Oak posted: »

    * Carley (Walking Dead) Hated her, she was only there to be a love interest of sorts but she had little to no personality so it was har

  • Emily from 'Emily is away'

  • edited December 2015
    • Alma Coin (The Hunger Games)
    • Kendra (Dead Space)
    • Tavia (TWD S2)
    • Myranda (Game of Thrones)

    What I have so far.

  • edited December 2015
    1. Emily (Until Dawn)

    2. Clementine and Jane (TWD S2)

    3. Melissandre (GOT)

    4. Sakura (Naruto)

    5. Angelica (RugRats)

    6. Princess Peach (Mario)

    7. Rouge (Sonic)

  • Azula (ATLA)- She's terrible, but in a good way. God I wanted her to have a painful death and that's what made her the worst

    enter image description here

    There's so many badly written characters out there and characters that people hate for generic reasons, I wanted to choose someone whose purpose was to make us hate them and did so perfectly.

  • No order:

    • Emily (Until Dawn)
    • Jane (TWD S2)
    • Kuo (InFamous)
    • Andrea (TWD Show)
    • Tracey De Santa (GTA 5)
  • edited December 2015

    Eh, there aren't many Female characters I've come to have a true hatred of, Not even Lori or Fi. I love (or at the very least slightly dislike) all characters. I mean... I hate Alice from Resident Evil (movie), I wouldn't put her in a list of awful characters.

    EDIT: Nevermind, I've been binge watching Harry Potter today and I just remembered Umbridge. Only one character in the universe can make me hate them so bad that just seeing their ACTOR makes my skin crawl. Fuck that bitch.

  • Also, surprised no one said Princess Peach yet.

    Why? I mean, Peach does get kidnapped, but that's only in the sake for the game to actually happen. Plus, Super Princess Peach for the DS is really fun, she's adorable, and Peach is really awesome in Smash brothers. (I main Peach and Ike)

    Surprised to see Carley, Ellie, Chloe, and Max in some of these list. Also, surprised no one said Princess Peach yet.

  • You monster. Our great Princess and ruler Kenny will hear of this. (God I sound like a Kenny worshipper.)

  • I agreed with you on everything, and then you got to Chloe and Ellie... Eh, I love both of their characters.

    Gary-Oak posted: »

    * Carley (Walking Dead) Hated her, she was only there to be a love interest of sorts but she had little to no personality so it was har

  • Ada Wong from the Resident Evil series...

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    I hate her with a passion. She ruined RE 6 with her Mary Sue display, and the fact that a awesome bad ass like Leon S Kennedy practically melts into butter when she's around pisses me off. I am all for awesome, bad ass female characters. But Ada is a Mary freakin SUE!

    Moira Burton also from Resident Evil 2 Revelations. She's just like Chloe Price from Life is Strange, both are just... ugh.

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    Yes, tragic past aside they both still annoy the hell out of me. Sorry y'all had to go through crap, but seriously, I can't like you just because you shot your sister or your daddy died. Heartless, but I can't convince myself to like either of them. (Though, after giving it some thought, Chloe does go through some actual believable character growth. But I still wouldn't rewrite a timeline for her...)

    Emily from Until Dawn. The only reason I wouldn't shoot her is because I'd hate to send Mike to jail over it. No picture, I hate her that much.

    Sumia from Fire Emblem Awakening

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    First of all, Nintendo done fucked up when they make a game about choice and making your own story but before you even play the game they make her the cannon wife of the main male character whom is also the best husbandu option in the game. Then they only get together because Sumia lives for him, she's got no other purpose int he world to make Chrom pies and do all his chores. Sure, when you love someone you do things for them, but Sumia is the definition of Mary Sue. She is endearingly clumsy, a natural with animals, and she's also the CANNON WIFE. FUUUUUUUUUUU I almost can't stomach to play the game knowing they made such a huge decision cannon before we can even play. Not only that, but they completely push the pairing on you throughout the entire game. I could go on, but it makes me furious to think about it. D:<

    Shana from Legend of Dragoon

    enter image description here

    Prime example of a Mary Sue, whom is also pushed on the main character as their destined lover. She's just so bland, annoying, and is like the chosen one for multiple things. Great game for it's time, but Shana is the worst character in such an amazing story.

    I thought hard on the other 2... but I don't know anyone in any other games that I hate so bad that I am repulsed by them in the games. I'm pretty open to characters and accepting them after time passes, but some characters I can't accept or like no matter how much game developers or writers want us to like them.

  • Lymle from Star Ocean 4 is the worst. Besides that, I would say Daenerys, Megan (Human Revolution), Erin (Thief), Rinoa (FF8), Pam (Front Mission 3), and that lady from Heroes whose power was sending text messages with her mind.

  • I love Ada ;-; however I can understand your gripe with her in Resident Evil 6. Even then it was the campaigns, characters, bugs, meh game play and absurd plot that ruined 6 for me

    Ada Wong from the Resident Evil series... I hate her with a passion. She ruined RE 6 with her Mary Sue display, and the fact that a a

  • Well, I mean, I would say why, but I've already made countless comments on this forum as to why.

    Jake360 posted: »

    Ellie?! How dare you!! What is it that you hate in people to not like Ellie?

  • God , Tracey from GTA was just so overdone. I know GTA likes to make fun of stereotypes, but Tracey's entire character was so stereotypical that I couldn't even take her seriously.

    AronDracula posted: »

    No order: * Emily (Until Dawn) * Jane (TWD S2) * Kuo (InFamous) * Andrea (TWD Show) * Tracey De Santa (GTA 5)

  • Well, here I go (BTW my list has characters that are badly written and characters that I hate but they are well written):

    1. Daenerys Stormborn Targaryen (Game of Thrones). God, I hate her so much... I'm so glad with what happened to her in Season 5.
    2. Margaery Tyrell (Telltale's Game of Thrones). I don't hate her that much in the show but in the game, I hate her a lot more and my feelings about her are so conflicted in the show.
    3. Max Caulfield (Life Is Strange). No surprise here. She is one of the first protagonists I hated in gaming history.
    4. Jane (The Walking Dead: S2). She made a very big mistake. And I will never forgive her for that.
    5. Victoria Chase (Life Is Strange). "Now, why don't you go fuck your selfie." I don't have anything else to say.
    6. Bonnie (The Walking Dead: S2). Well... yeah... Just stealing all the supplies we have :I
    7. Jaina Proudmoore (World of Warcraft). If she dies in Legion, I will be very happy.
  • (Not in any particular order)

    1: Princess Peach from Mario (Need I say more?)

    2: Bella from Twilight (Again. Need I say more?)

    3: Nikki from Lost (She was universally considered by fans to be the worst character of the entire series because she was annoying and pointless. While I didn't think she was THAT annoying, she was definitely pointless since she served absolutely no purpose whatsoever and was only created because fans complained that the show focused on the same fifteen survivors every episode. I understand that, but the worst part is, she's never given an introduction. She just sort of appears. She already knows the characters and the characters already know her so the writers were acting like she was an already established character. Literally every time she was on screen I would always say, "Who the fuck are you?" Okay. Sorry. I'm rambling. On to the next one.)

    4: Laurie and Andrea from the Walking Dead. (I tied these two because they're both equally annoying and they both come from the same series. While I thought Andrea got a little better in Season 3, Laurie was consistently annoying throughout her entire time on the show.)

    5: Jessica from Until Dawn (Yeah, I know people hate Emily the most, but honestly, I couldn't stand Jessica.)

    6: Mary Jane Watson from the Sam Raimi Spider-Man trilogy. (Man, talk about the biggest cocktease in the history of mankind.)

    7: Lisa from The Room. (But in all fairness, everyone in that movie is an unlikable prick.)

    Extra: Carley from the Walking Dead. (I don't hate this character and I always prefer to save her over Doug since I think she's a much more interesting character than Doug and I like the idea of Lee having a romantic interest. But the fact that she's a grown ass woman and doesn't know how to use batteries just bothers me to the ends of the earth. Maybe I'm nitpicking, but I'm sorry. This really really bugs me.)

  • That bitch...

    Emily from 'Emily is away'

  • Laurie? Do you mean Lori, Rick's wife? Or the actress Laurie who plays Andrea.

    ralo229 posted: »

    (Not in any particular order) 1: Princess Peach from Mario (Need I say more?) 2: Bella from Twilight (Again. Need I say more?) 3: N

  • I think he/she meant Lori and Andrea, not Laurie.

    Laurie? Do you mean Lori, Rick's wife? Or the actress Laurie who plays Andrea.

  • Attack me if you want, but the worst female character in my opinion is Max from Life Is Strange. They literally picked out the cringiest girl and slapped a paranormal super power on her.

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  • edited December 2015

    I couldn't stand her, such a boring character.

    Attack me if you want, but the worst female character in my opinion is Max from Life Is Strange. They literally picked out the cringiest gir

  • No, really, she sucked. Flat and the voice acting wasn't the best, to put it lightly.

    Attack me if you want, but the worst female character in my opinion is Max from Life Is Strange. They literally picked out the cringiest gir

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