My choices locked, why?
I've bought the whole season pass, downloaded all 5 episodes (On PS4). Completed episode 1 and started episode 2 now, but the option of "My choices" in the "Extras" menu is locked. Why is that? How am I supposed to check my choices and see what other people picked?
I remember after finishing episode one, instead of seeing all the choices I made and comparing them I got a message saying that I'm offline and to refresh my choices. But I'm not offline, so what the hell.. I'm online..
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I'm having the exact same issue on my PS4. I'm connected to PSN, and I logged into my TTG account before starting Episode 1, and after every Episode, I get the "Offline" message and to refresh my choices. My Choices is still locked in the Extras menu and nothing has been uploaded to the site.
I guess it's an issue on Telltale's server side then..
Sucks, because when I turn on Game of Thrones for example, I can check my choices fine, but Tales from the Borderlands has this issue
FINALLY! I finally found thread about this problem. I've been having the exact same problem as you. I have played on both PC and Xbox and only the Xbox version gives me this problem. It's super frustrating especially because I dont even know how to unlink and link my account on the xbox again to hopefully see if the connection refreshes. I really hope someone figures it out.
I did the unlinking of accounts. It's right on this page in your profile settings. I unlinked my PSN and then logged in again. Nothing helped. I tried replaying the first episode last bit, didn't do anything..
I've opened up a ticket, emailed Telltale, no response yet..
I'm having that problem on Pc too! If you find anything out I would love to know!
Yeah, my GoT choices on PS3 uploaded and unlocked no problem. Seems to be just TFTB is having the issue. Starting Back to the Future on PS4 shortly-not sure if that one has choice uploads or not. Don't remember them being there on the PS3 digital version.
Same problem here with Borderlands on my PS4. No issues with GOT, all my choices showed in the game. With Borderlands, I didn't sign up for my TellTales account until after playing the 1st episode. I figured they would unlock after purchasing the season pass, but I'm done with episode 3 and it still shows my choices as locked. Very annoying. Even when logging into the telltales profile I created, nothing is synced. Says I've purchased nothing, and no stats. Yes, I'm online - the game even says I'm logged into my account. My account shows to be synced to my PS4. Also my game has been buggy, getting stuck at a couple of loading or game over screens.
I'm alright with the bugs, but really want to see the choices and comparisons.
Hope they can get this fixed.
Same problem on PS4 with me. Came here hoping to find a solution, but glad to see that I'm not the only one with this problem. At least you can see other choices people have made here on the site, but no choices for episode 1.
Oh I didn't realise you can check the choices on this website. I just did, I can see my choices and other people's choices, so that's cool.. Too bad the in game view is bugged and won't show
Same here
They aren't the same choices that they show you in-game, though. Hope this gets fixed soon!
same problem
same on my nvidia shield TV
I have the same problem on my PC. I can see some choices on the website, but they only represent a small part of the episodes and none of the "big" decisions. I can't see my choices after the episode, because the game says I'm offline, although I'm logged into my account. Quite frustrating.
Same problem on PS4
Same on my PC
Same problem for me on PS4; just finished up and bummed this isn't working.
Has anyone heard how to get the choices unlocked?
Nope, Telltale is ignoring my email.. They're either aware and working on the problem or they're not giving a crap and ignoring it..
Same problem here on PS4. I just bought the season pass on PSN, downloaded the first ep, played all the way through, and was stumped as to why they didn't show the choices at the end, then suddenly I get a "you are offline" screen (obviously I was not) and asked to refresh choices, so I did. Then credits, then main menu. The "My Choices" is locked. I checked the TTG site logged into my account, and it showed nothing under the choices for episode one. So I unlinked from my Playstation in the settings tab, then re-signed in back in the game, which reconnected the link. I played through Ep 1 again on a new save just now, and still no in-game choices shown ("My Choices" still showing locked), although the website now shows my "other" choices (not the main ones).
I can't get my head around this. In googling, I see threads from a year ago about this problem and now this one which is recent. Has this really been going on so long uncorrected? Does anyone know of anyone else playing this on PS4 that has ever gotten their main choices shown in-game? Seeing everyone's choices is such a big part of playing TTG games. TELLTALE, GIVE US THE ANSWER, PLEASE!
I had this issue when this game first came out but it got fixed it most likely is a temporary problem with the telltale servers I wouldn't worry
I can't see my choices either in the game (PC). I click refresh and it gives me an error about connecting to the server. I can see my choices in the website but only for episode 1 and 2. I can see only 2 choices for episode 3. About to start on episode 4 but wanted to make sure this program is working first.
Same issue on PC (Steam version)
An official statement would be nice.
I just logged in and "my choices" are finally working for me in game
I am getting the same problem just finished episode 1 on PS4 and it told me I was offline (obviously I was in fact online) and I can't find anyway of viewing my choices and more importantly comparing them to the rest of the world, which was always the most interesting bit about playing a telltale game!
Just finished the first episode on a Xbox 360 and I keep getting the Server Unavailable error whenever I try to login. I would have though Telltale would have fixed all the bugs by now. I really don't feel like buying the rest of the game now.
I'm having this issue right now and the worst part? it says I haven't even finished episode 1 on my profile. My choices don't show up anywhere.
my choices will not show up on my telltale account and my ps4 is linked with my telltale account
My choices are not showing up a year after this game has been released. This is unacceptable for a game of decisions to have the decisions be glitched and not being able to see them.