Answer the question above you



  • One.

    Fallout 3 or Fallout 4?

  • :D yes! So can you sell me this pen?

  • To get Hit by a man driving down the road.

    Single, in a relationship, engaged or married?

  • Single. Not bothered about having a relationship tbh.


  • edited March 2016

    I don't understand that question

    Can xbox one controller be used on PC games which are availabe on xbox 360 and not one?

  • You mean mine? A OT3 is something you ship as a love triangle or a poly relationship - an relationship involving more than two people.

    For example, I ship Rey x Finn x Poe from Star Wars.

    AronDracula posted: »

    I don't understand that question Can xbox one controller be used on PC games which are availabe on xbox 360 and not one?

  • You can't kill him because the the great RPG known as Fallout 4 locks him and the majority of the companions as essential. Seriously fuck that game

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    Preston Garvey. Reasons: His fucking 'accept-on-auto' settlement quests and cause of calling the SS "babe" if you romanced with him. F

  • Well, there are always console commands (and I guess mods). So there won't be any problem for me. :P

    Clemenem posted: »

    You can't kill him because the the great RPG known as Fallout 4 locks him and the majority of the companions as essential. Seriously fuck that game

  • edited March 2016

    This mod exists bro......or do you want something to satisfy your bloodlust?

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    Well, there are always console commands (and I guess mods). So there won't be any problem for me. :P

  • Ok, my answer is no one

    lottii-lu posted: »

    You mean mine? A OT3 is something you ship as a love triangle or a poly relationship - an relationship involving more than two people. For example, I ship Rey x Finn x Poe from Star Wars.

  • Oh, praise the Nexus community for this mod. This mod exists bro......or do you want something to satisfy your bloodlust?

  • edited March 2016

    I'm not 100% sure, but I think the answer is no.

    Favorite Fallout 4 companion?

  • DOG

    Who is the most annoying minor antagonist? BB from FNAF or Chester from Emily Wants To Play?

  • idc

    Why can't we smell colours?

    AronDracula posted: »

    DOG Who is the most annoying minor antagonist? BB from FNAF or Chester from Emily Wants To Play?


    Would you rather only play Dark Souls: Prepare to Die edition for the rest of your life, or be forced to play through the entire FNAF Series for 12 hours?

  • I would rather be forced to play FNAF for 12 hours even though it might kill me.

    Who's better? Leafy or H3H3?

    SHAAAAAAAAAAAAAUUUUUUUUUUUUN Would you rather only play Dark Souls: Prepare to Die edition for the rest of your life, or be forced to play through the entire FNAF Series for 12 hours?

  • edited March 2016


    Who's worse? H3H3 or Leafy?

  • ErykaEryka Banned

    I don't know. Both are bad.

    Who's your Senpai?

  • ErykaEryka Banned

    Bigby, because I love furries.

    InGen or Blind Sniper?

  • Me because I'm an egotistical nobody

    Eryka posted: »

    Bigby, because I love furries. InGen or Blind Sniper?

  • edited March 2016

    Uhh, (who do I choose so I don't get Banned by the other mod...) Blind! no. InGen!! argh... mm. Jennifer! Ah ha! There's mod who doesn't get this attention. Now I'm equal in both of their eyes. [please be merciful.]

    To be or not to be?... that is the question. (Darn it. I hit reply instead of new comment...)

    Eryka posted: »

    Bigby, because I love furries. InGen or Blind Sniper?

  • the more the merrier

    favourite character and why??

  • Yeah Nexus has to correct the inadequacies of Bethesda. Sad

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    Oh, praise the Nexus community for this mod.

  • I'd like to give Vallory more screen time and development, she seemed really cool for the scenes she was in, but was barely a part of the game. I would have added more scenes with her or make her more involved. There's also a couple of choices that could have mattered more, but mainly the Vallory thing.

    Most important amendment in the U.S. Constitution?

  • Presently, the 4th. It's disappearing before our eyes.

    "From each according to his ability to each according to his need" is a fundamentally good idea. Agree or disagree. Support your answer.

  • Disagree. The ability of a human being is often determinate of their capacity for success. People with great ability are able to rise, and better themselves through hard work and determination. These individuals are the great innovators and inventors that have improved society and technology through time. By taking from those with ability and dispersing their wealth, their ability to prosper is thus reduced. Karl Marx, the proponent of the idea referenced in the question, also stated that people should be able to keep the fruits of their labor, but if the fruits of labor are taken away, then those with ability will not thrive in a manner necessary for development. Additionally, the question is raised, "how are ability and need quantified?", which is a question to which I have yet to see a reasonable answer.

    Is the two-party system a efficient necessity or a restrictive problem in the United States of America, and why?

  • Interesting answer! This is why I fish for good replies with the support your answer part. I think I'll eventually ask more questions from the political compass test.

    One thing to note, Marx actually didn't come up with that slogan, it was some French socialists. IIRC Marx just outlined specific instances when it could be applicable, such as in a society where wage labor has been abolished in favor of a gift economy. So in this case he isn't contradicting himself.

    Disagree. The ability of a human being is often determinate of their capacity for success. People with great ability are able to rise, and b


    BigBlindMax posted: »

    Interesting answer! This is why I fish for good replies with the support your answer part. I think I'll eventually ask more questions from

  • Which TWD TV counterpart do you think is better than its comic one?

  • Fun fact : Marx spent like a bajillion pages of Das Kapital debunking the guy in my gravatar. The man was an absolute savage!

    Chilled posted: »


  • Carol

    Which TWD TV counterpart do you think is worse than its comic one?

  • Easy, Andrea. I'm glad they killed her off on the show.

    Best meal you had?

  • The home cooked meal I had during my Philmont expedition. It wasn't anything that special. Beef + veggie stew and biscuits, but after a week and a half of shitty dehydrated camp food, it was nirvana.

  • Which youtuber do you think has the best sense of humor?

  • JonTron

    What is your favorite multiplayer game to play?

  • Uncharted

    Which moments from TWD TV Show did you enjoy much more than the comics?

  • I've only read a bit of the comics, but Shane's death was way better in the show.

    Would you rather have to drown 1 puppy every month, or turn into a puppy/dog and stay that way for the rest of your life.

    You wouldn't get in legal trouble for drowning the puppy, it would be a random breed each month (but always adorable).

    AronDracula posted: »

    Uncharted Which moments from TWD TV Show did you enjoy much more than the comics?

  • ErykaEryka Banned

    Drown the puppies

    @Duck_Hunt or @JonDee013?

  • edited March 2016


    Eryka or AronDracula?

  • enter image description here

    CunningFox posted: »

    Duck_Hunt. Eryka or AronDracula?

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