Answer the question above you



  • @Eryka

    Hillary or Trump?

  • ErykaEryka Banned

    Trump all the way

    Furries or Cloppers?

  • Furries. Most of them are pretty normal with some unusual hobbies.

    So a furry related question.

    Would you wear a dog like leather collar a month to have half of rent paid by someone else?

  • This an offer? ;)

    Clord posted: »

    Furries. Most of them are pretty normal with some unusual hobbies. So a furry related question. Would you wear a dog like leather collar a month to have half of rent paid by someone else?

  • ErykaEryka Banned

    Of course yes!

    Furry-related question:

    @ABigBadWolf or @ABigBadFurry?

  • wat

    Eryka posted: »

    Of course yes! Furry-related question: @ABigBadWolf or @ABigBadFurry?

  • :(

    CunningFox posted: »

    Duck_Hunt. Eryka or AronDracula?

  • ErykaEryka Banned

    It's a game Furry, they gotta choose between ABigBadWolf or ABigBadFurry

    ABigBadWolf posted: »


  • @ABigBadWolf

    Puppies or kittens?

  • Puppies! ;-;

    Your favorite ship? (You can say whatever kind of ship, you want... you guys know what I mean >.>)

  • ErykaEryka Banned

    Rhyscest, Rhack and Ashmo

    Who's your favorite mod?

  • InGen or Sniper probably.

    "I'd always support my country, whether is was right or wrong." Agree or disagree? Support your answer.

  • edited March 2016

    ...Blaze Rods...!

    Can an opinion be considered wrong?

  • Lets get right into the news

    What is the worst fandom?

  • I don't know, I'll just say something generic, please don't sue me. Uh, so many groups I could insult, umm Bronies? Weeaboos (does that even count?)? Bielbers? I don't know (Please don't kill me)

    How is my new avatar?

  • Pillsbury sugar cookie dough. I'm very specific. If you mean an actually baked cookie though, then definitely peanut butter.

    If you directed/wrote AMC's adaptation of the comic's first Negan encounter, how would you want it to play out?

  • Just like it did in the comic and put more of an emphasis on Maggie's cries and begging to make him even more hateful

    Who's tougher Kenny or Randall

  • edited March 2016

    I want to say Kenny, but I think I'll go with Randall. He actually thinks he's gonna kill everyone with those hands all broken, really? smh. He does handle himself well in a hand-to-hand combat. And can take a huge beating. I don't know, we'll have to see in the next episode (if he's alive) how tough he really is. (So sorry Kenny fans, but its ok, I like him too). Or, maybe Kenny though. He gets beat up all the time too. grr. [Actually, I really can't decide. We need both of these guys to meet up and duke it out.]

    What are your thoughts on DLC? Do you like it? Or, do you take no part in buying it?

    Clemenem posted: »

    Just like it did in the comic and put more of an emphasis on Maggie's cries and begging to make him even more hateful Who's tougher Kenny or Randall

  • Marx was just a spook!

    BigBlindMax posted: »

    Fun fact : Marx spent like a bajillion pages of Das Kapital debunking the guy in my gravatar. The man was an absolute savage!

  • I buy it as long as it's good.

    Are you going to kill yourself or kill yourself?

  • Fan-fucking-tastic. Appropriate since the finale is Sunday, we'll finally be arriving at Pee Pee Pants City.

    I don't know, I'll just say something generic, please don't sue me. Uh, so many groups I could insult, umm Bronies? Weeaboos (does that even count?)? Bielbers? I don't know (Please don't kill me) How is my new avatar?

  • edited March 2016

    Kill myself or course, duh!

    Clem or Lee?

  • Clem

    Ben or Zachary?

  • This is difficult but #1 is Isa, then Milo.

    Favorite animal? (idk I got no other ideas xD)

  • Cat.


  • ErykaEryka Banned


  • I had it with this shit, flagged as offensive.

  • ErykaEryka Banned
    edited March 2016

    You're kidding, right?

    papai46 posted: »

    I had it with this shit, flagged as offensive.

  • Duh.

    Eryka posted: »

    You're kidding, right?

  • ErykaEryka Banned


    papai46 posted: »


  • It tastes like shit

    Minigun or Flamethrower?

  • edited March 2016


    Achievement Hunter or Funhaus? (A Rooster Teeth fan should answer this)

  • edited March 2016

    Achievement Hunter. MAAARK NUUU-UUUUUTT!

    The weirdest, most out-of-context thing you've ever heard? (For example, just walking past a group of people and hearing "He likes it raw.")

  • ...kitties

    bet you guys didn't expect that

    AronDracula posted: »

    @ABigBadWolf Puppies or kittens?

  • A man survivng a metal bar THROUGH his head. Seriously, I did hear about it

    Which episode of Minecraft made you to love it?

  • Episode 1. I really loved the characters.

    If you knew you'd get away with it, what would be the biggest crime you'd be willing to commit.

  • A heist resulting in millions

    Who would win in a fight Jimmy Hopkins or Clementine?

  • Clem, even though Jimmy learned how to fight from a badass hobo.

    Best movie based of a video game? Mine was Ace Attorney.

  • edited March 2016

    I'd say... Prince of Persia, It was ok, but better than others. [I hope Ratchet and Clank changes that.] (I was literally going to ask the exact same question after answering @Clemenem 's one.)

    How about, best video game based off a movie?

  • Jurassic Park, since that's the only video game based off of a movie that I've played.

    Fruit or vegetables?

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