Which death made you sad the most? (Spoilers for lots of Telltale games)
In all the Telltale Games you played, which character death made you cry or near to crying the most? For me, I have to say either Lee, Rodrik or Scooter. Probably Lee, because he died with a little girl at his side.
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"Probably Lee, because he died with a little girl at his side."
This reminds me of David Carradine.
Made me pretty sad when Mira died in my playthrough.
Lee and Asher's Death
Lee and Kenny's. I would say LB's and Sasha's, but as they didn't die, I'm not going to count them.
enter link description here
Hope that answers your question.
Oh lord, the feels ;-;
Lee. I also shed a tear at Ethan's funeral only because of Talia's song
Lee because the whole episode was basically about him dying and saving Clem.
It does
Lee lady mira ethane funeral only because of talia song
LEE. The saddest part is you get to choose how he dies. The most powerful scene ever is when you let Clementine choose the decision for you.
Telltale you are the best gaming company ever.
Ignoring Lee, I would say that Walter's death from Walking Dead: Season 2 was sad, as he was one of the more kind characters. In terms of classic Telltale games, the fakeout of Max's death in Sam and Max: The Devil's Playhouse, Episode 5 was also pulled off really well.
Lee's was the only one out of gaming in general.
Lee and Vivian
Lee-no-brainer, the easy choice.
Scooter-Completely unexpected as he was a main Borderlands character. By far the saddest and his last moments were so heroic.
Asher-the handsome blond bastard himself! I got this spoiled for me but I was still in tears witnessing him sacrifice himself for his family.
Rodrik (kinda)- I thought Telltale were going to kill him after the Fall of Ironrath and I started to cry as he belted out (what I thought were) his last words, "The North Remembers!" I was overjoyed when Royland saved me.
Mommy Forrester- sniff
Kenny's 'death', Season 1-Undermined by the fact he survived but effecting nonetheless
Ben Paul for me.
Rodrik's been the closest death to ever bring me to tears in anything.
Scooter and Asher
Gortys - In the beginning of Episode 5. I felt so bad for her, just like I felt bad the entire beginning of that episode! Thank goodness it all turned out alright. Well, better than alright. Like super-awesome.
Kenny (S2) - I had to shoot Kenny, because I couldn't let him kill someone in cold blood. But his final moments, nonetheless, were heartwrenching. To see a broken man trying to come to terms with who he's been was difficult to get through in my opinion.
Walking dead season 1: Lee
Walking dead season 2: Luke, Sam (dog), Clementine fake death
Game of thrones: Rodrick, Ethan
Lee>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and multiply that another 100 times >>>> every else's death from TT games. not that they werent sad but Lee's death was one of the saddest things ever.
Don't mind me, I'm just gonna revive this month-old thread.
Psh, remember Forum Guideline 1.9.
I won't close it, but please, remember this.
That's poor forum etiquette and against the rules from what I know.
Edit: Looks like InGens already got that covered.
All right, I will.
I'm still in pain.
Nick. Because he was such a good character that died such a disappointing death.
Lee but with kudos to Max.
I felt I was given more than enough time to come to terms with Lee dying and all the emotion from the scene came from Clementine coming to terms with it. So, the feeling was more for her than for him. None the less, the scene was emotional.
Max was shocking and I really didn't expect it. Poor little buddy. Mentioning it because no one else did. You kind of have to at least bring it up when the star of 3 Telltale games dies.
Snow's 'Fake' episode 1 death. I was pretty shocked and sad for Bigby.
It still ended well though. Max died but past Max arrived in a time machine and they continued on as it was.

Edit: Oops, didn't notice the date on the comment.
Magnus from Minecraft Story mode