Unpopular walking dead opinions?



  • lol it's really unpopular opinions.

    I think Clem in S3 is so cool, cute, amazing.

    * The hate for Gabe is over the top * Clementine is immature and really boring and generic in season 3 * Nate sucks * The michonne dlc was really good

  • EXACTLY! If anything, they should be mad at Clem.

    Yeah lol Clementine was the one who approached Gabe aswell lol

  • Honestly she's not that bad i just don't like how my choices don't influence her behaviour and personalty

    Gargamel13 posted: »

    lol it's really unpopular opinions. I think Clem in S3 is so cool, cute, amazing.

  • Clem mature kid for Gabe.

    EXACTLY! If anything, they should be mad at Clem.

  • No Clem has horrible decision making in season 3

    Gargamel13 posted: »

    Clem mature kid for Gabe.

  • How you can say that? look at her ... she's so adorable.

    enter image description here

    No Clem has horrible decision making in season 3

  • Doesn't change that fact that she's wrong most the time

    Gargamel13 posted: »

    How you can say that? look at her ... she's so adorable.

  • edited February 2017

    Yeah, it really dosen't.

    Doesn't change that fact that she's wrong most the time

  • The face of pure evil. I don't trust her a bit

    Gargamel13 posted: »

    How you can say that? look at her ... she's so adorable.

  • The Michonne Mini Series was pretty good.

  • Yeah I really enjoyed the story and characters

    The Michonne Mini Series was pretty good.

  • I "ship" (shipped?) Jane and Luke. The way everyone else was looking at the baby when AJ was born but Luke was looking over at Jane and you can tell he's like "damn I wanna have a picket fence house and a baby with Jane", but then he falls through an icy lake because "plot" I guess

    They'd have been awesome apocalypse parents! Just imagine it! "Luke Jaime Junior" with Clementine as a big sister and having Jane and Luke as a mother and father. Just the thought has me happy and miserable at the same time - a beautiful dream that'll never happen :c

    Look, Brownie, I'm a bit obsessed over all things The Walking Dead myself, but sometimes I think you're waaaaaaay too into this stuff. I worry, man.

    BHBrowne posted: »

    I'll just list off a couple of my opinions that I don't see shared too often, here. I think I have a fair few "unpopular" ones. Maybe not, t

  • Ben was a fucking idiot to tell Kenny the truth at Crawford when a group of walkers were just coming to them.

  • I like Javier also more

    Deadpoolian posted: »

    I like playing as Javier more than I like playing as Clementine. I love season 3 so far, I don't understand the hate it's getting. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

  • Same

    AnimalBoy posted: »

    I enjoy playing as Javier more then i did as Clem. Guess since i'm a grown man i like playing as a grown man.

  • I loved it. I highly prefer it to Season 3 as of right now.

    The Michonne Mini Series was pretty good.

  • I think we can all agree on that one.

    AronDracula posted: »

    Ben was a fucking idiot to tell Kenny the truth at Crawford when a group of walkers were just coming to them.

  • A lot of people just don't care or talk about this.

    I think we can all agree on that one.

  • Yeah, you see the thing is, Ben was always a fucking idiot.

    AronDracula posted: »

    Ben was a fucking idiot to tell Kenny the truth at Crawford when a group of walkers were just coming to them.

  • Whoever the fuck that girl is right there...that is NOT Clementine.

    Gargamel13 posted: »

    How you can say that? look at her ... she's so adorable.

  • Aren't we all a little bit obsessed with the Walking Dead, Wolf? xD

    I mean, have you seen LIAWOF? It's basically one man's obsession turned into a horrific tale. Not to mention how 90% of my conversations revolve around the Walking Dead.

    Plus, you've got to admit, Jane and Luke, they can be pretty cute together.

    Brownie there, though, he analyzes things way too much ;) Let's just make fun of him instead.

    I "ship" (shipped?) Jane and Luke. The way everyone else was looking at the baby when AJ was born but Luke was looking over at Jane and you

  • Not to mention how 90% of my conversations revolve around the Walking Dead.

    Friend: I just lost my brother. My whole world is spiraling out of control.
    Dom: Aw, I lost a close one too, I understand ya.
    Friend: Really? Who did you lose?
    Dom: A brother named Lee. sniffle

    Oh, look, you actually showed up to the forums just to advertise your fanfic xD At least this time, it's indirect. So, does this mean you'll be sticking around the forums or you just came to stalk Brownie?

    I never really liked Jane that much, so I didn't care about the ship. I only started caring about it because of Brownie's story, to be honest xD

    Aren't we all a little bit obsessed with the Walking Dead, Wolf? xD I mean, have you seen LIAWOF? It's basically one man's obsession turn

  • Brownie mentioned you replied to one of his comments, so I reckoned I should show up and make some replies myself, and thus, here I am. I would post more here, but haven't really had a reason to until now xD

    Oh, and by the way, if you haven't read LIAWOF insert shameless plug here, followed by Wolf smacking me across the face

    Alright, alright. I get it.

    That conversation is literally how it would go down. No question. YOU WERE MY BROTHER, LEE! I LOVED YOU! totally not ripping off Star Wars

    Then there are days at work, where I will go from doing actual work to talking about writing. I'm fucking obsessed, Bigby. How much will it cost to hire you as a therapist?

    Not to mention how 90% of my conversations revolve around the Walking Dead. Friend: I just lost my brother. My whole world is spiral

  • Bitch, I've got enough on my plate with people trying to kill each other here in the Woodlands.

    Brownie mentioned you replied to one of his comments, so I reckoned I should show up and make some replies myself, and thus, here I am. I w

  • But imagine the profit, Bigby. All you have to do is sit there as I babble endlessly, and you get paid for it! Gotta put all that Youtube Money to something ;)

    Bitch, I've got enough on my plate with people trying to kill each other here in the Woodlands.

  • Not unpopular

    The show sucks.

  • TheRedEyeJediTheRedEyeJedi Banned
    edited February 2017

    that they didn't have the BALLS to kill off Judith......even tho they actually DID kill her off then bring her back like lol no!

    don't get me wrong I don't enjoy the idea of a baby dying so horribly, but it would have added a layer of realisum to the show, and having a baby around is just going to screw things up, like why is Rick always throwing himself into danger when he has a baby to look after?

  • I really enjoyed Episode 1 and 2 of A New Frontier.

  • Dude, your Civ livestream had four views. FOUR FUCKING VIEWS! Don't come into my office, flashing those two cents you made off of Youtube and expecting therapy sessions. >:(

    But imagine the profit, Bigby. All you have to do is sit there as I babble endlessly, and you get paid for it! Gotta put all that Youtube Money to something

  • The joke was that I actually haven't made any money off of Youtube, thanks to my buddies not sharing the profits. Well, the whole two dollars of it xD

    Although, Brownie and I are curious, what would be your unpopular opinion of the Walking Dead? Willing to bet it's your strong love for Katier.

    Dude, your Civ livestream had four views. FOUR FUCKING VIEWS! Don't come into my office, flashing those two cents you made off of Youtube and expecting therapy sessions. >:(

  • I don't really think I've got an unpopular opinion, not one that I can remember xD So, yeah, I'll go with Katier as my unpopular opinion.

    They're a really nice couple and Kate is one of the only characters I'm rooting for this season. A lot of people think she's a cliché or something, but while I agree she might not be very original, she's still very interesting - how she is too young and carefree, yet has to look after two kids who aren't even her own and try to be their mother role. And you can tell she's laidback and she even has a cool sense of humor - I really liked when Javi was carrying her at the end of Episode 2 and she's just, "How about we take that trip to Norway?"

    [KISS KATE] intensifies

    [KISS KATE] intensifies


    I'm reppin' Katier to the death, baby.


    The joke was that I actually haven't made any money off of Youtube, thanks to my buddies not sharing the profits. Well, the whole two dollar

  • Because looking after a baby in the ZA requires you to be in dangerous situations

    that they didn't have the BALLS to kill off Judith......even tho they actually DID kill her off then bring her back like lol no! don't ge

  • But when he went looking for Gabriel for example, he didn't have to right? he could have sent others, but no he risked his life for a dude he has known for a matter of months and who has betrayed him before. Anything could have happened outside the walls.

    Because looking after a baby in the ZA requires you to be in dangerous situations

  • He's the leader tho

    But when he went looking for Gabriel for example, he didn't have to right? he could have sent others, but no he risked his life for a dude h

  • Kenny calling the Cancer Survivors "invalids" is weird.

  • Luke was mentally "too far gone" starting after they escaped from Carver's, maybe even worse than Kenny and Jane but just in a different way. People just don't notice because of his nice guy persona.

  • Explain your reasoning?

    wdfan posted: »

    Luke was mentally "too far gone" starting after they escaped from Carver's, maybe even worse than Kenny and Jane but just in a different way. People just don't notice because of his nice guy persona.

  • First thing's first, he couldn't handle Sarah and needed Clementine to save her. When they do get her out of there, he is all over the place mentally, spouting stuff about how he could have, should have done more and how he's let the team down.

    Later on, you can talk to him and he's talking crap, hinting that they should have let Carver live. Even Kenny and Jane were switched on enough to know that Carver had to go.

    He abandons his duties to have sex with Jane. A reckless, irresponsible action that nearly got the group killed. When called out on it, he's saying some garbage about "having one good moment in his life" or something instead of apologising for nearly getting the group killed.

    His judgement is all over the place. Wanting to stay at the piece of shit they were at, even though they know for a fact that things aren't gonna get any better there rather than listening to Kenny and taking the chance to leave. Stupidly snapping at Kenny for trying to ease the pressure off a dying Rebecca, chatting shit about Kenny "being weird" about something.

    Charging out in the shootout with the Russian's. What the hell was he thinking there? Another sign that this guy is too far gone.

    Shortly after the shootout with the Russian's he's talking to Clementine and just by the way he is talking you can tell that all of this has gotten to him. Blaming himself for everybody's death, insisting he could have done more, etc.

    BroKenny posted: »

    Explain your reasoning?

  • I think you may be getting the normal effects of an apocalypse and being mentally too far gone confused. I'm a firm believer that Kenny wasn't too far gone in the slightest, and anyone who thinks that way should have all their doubts in him erased when he pleads for Edith to take Clem & AJ, but I digress.

    Luke wasn't meant to be a leader. We can obviously see that from the start. Pete and Carlos were the leaders of the Cabin Group in my eyes. Luke was a genuine nice guy who never expected the world to go the way it was. He cared about Sarah, but he wasn't sure how to handle her in a world where the dead are a constant threat. He was a wreck of what Carver did to him. I think the reason why he couldn't save Sarah was a lot more physical than it was mental. He just didn't have the strength at the time. If Sarah dies, yeah, he's all over the place. Sarah was just a kid and after Carlos dies, Luke feels like she's his responsibility, and feels gutted because he couldn't do anything to get her out. Couldn't, not wouldn't, like I said there was no chance she would listen to him and there was no chance he had the strength to carry her. If anything, Sarah was the one too far gone in that situation.

    Luke wasn't a murderer. Sure Carver was a terrible human being, but Luke tried to hold onto his good morals and tried talking to the group about sparing his life, because that was his personality. If anything, that situation shows he's the opposite of too far gone. After all the things Carver did, Luke still was able to voice his opinion about letting him live.

    On the Jane topic, yes it was extremely irresponsible, and he shouldn't have done it with her. However the whole one "having one good moment in his life" comment is completely justifiable. Pete, Carlos, Sarah, Alvin, Nick, plus I'm sure countless others have died. To quote him, "Everything is shit!" He wasn't too far gone, he was just a normal guy that lost a lot and saw a bit of light, albeit Jane's vagina, and gave into temptation. Plus I'm pretty sure he did say sorry to Kenny when he raised his voice.

    Yeah you have a point about the stupid idea of wanting to stay at the observation deck, but I assume Amid The Ruins was short on choices so the writers probably did that just to give us another choice to make. The "being weird" comment to Kenny, while it made me dislike Luke a bit, was just a sign of the growing animosity towards Kenny that Luke had. It doesn't make him insane.

    He also didn't charge out in the shootout. He ran from cover to cover to try and get a better angle. That's not insane at all? It's unlucky he got tagged while he was running, but he did it to try and get an advantage point to help more in the gunfight.

    And finally, of course he's gonna say that. It was a part of the grieving process. Like I said earlier, he lost everyone, including Rebecca at that point. He's gonna think he could have done more. He's gonna be sad/mad. That's just human nature. If he would have survived, he would have gotten over it, despite never forgetting about it.

    So yeah, I don't think he was too far gone in any shape or form. I don't think anyone was too far gone. Jane was kinda nuts, but that's about it.

    wdfan posted: »

    First thing's first, he couldn't handle Sarah and needed Clementine to save her. When they do get her out of there, he is all over the place

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