Life is Strange
Conker's Bad Fur Day
Perfect Dark
Wolf Among Us
Oddworld Strangers Wrath
L.A Noire
Jet Set Ra… moredio/Jet Set Future sequel
Elder Scrolls Skyrim
Gotham City Impostors
Bioshock infinite
Mark of The ninja
Life is Strange
Conker's Bad Fur Day
Perfect Dark
Wolf Among Us
Oddworld Strangers Wrath
L.A Noire
Jet Set Ra… moredio/Jet Set Future sequel
Elder Scrolls Skyrim
Gotham City Impostors
Bioshock infinite
Mark of The ninja
Life is Strange
Conker's Bad Fur Day
Perfect Dark
Wolf Among Us
Oddworld Strangers Wrath
L.A Noire
Jet Set Radio/Jet Set Future sequel
Elder Scrolls Skyrim
Gotham City Impostors
Bioshock infinite
Mark of The ninja
I would like a modern L.A. Noire tbh. But I can't see rockstar doing anything other than the next GTA and fingers crossed for a new RedDead
Such a shame Whore of The Orient hot cancelled. Looked like a spiritual successor to it (it was being developed by former Team Bondi staff)