You probably saw the first picture and asked yourself: "Is that a new horror movie?". No, that's actually the real world. These photos above are from the inhumane air-strikes that were carried the past week on the Syrian city of Aleppo, carried out by the criminal Assad regime and supported by the Russian army. You may say: "What's so special about those particular air-strikes? A lot like them happened before." I will tell you why. For the first time, they've struck the citizens in the most crucial parts of the city, they struck hospitals, mosques and schools, hundreds.. even thousands of children were killed, and the only reason they were killed is that they were born in Syria. For the first time ever, the Jumuaah prayer was cancelled to prevent even more bloodshed from happening. The question here is.. what have we got to give for those people? We watermarked our profile pics with the flags of the attacked countries, we called upon ISIS for what they've done to the world. Wanna know something funny? The amount of Syrians killed to date in the war so far is nearly 200,000+ civilians, now compare that to the amount of every single person killed in all of the terrorist attacks all around the world, not even close! Wanna know something even funnier? ISIS has killed to this date a staggering percentage of.. 4% of the amount of people killed in Syria, the remaining 96% of deaths were solely from the air-strikes that Al-Assad carries out on Syria nearly everyday in a strange silence in the entire world. I'm not saying this to excuse any of the past crimes that ISIS has committed in the past, but to point out the hypocrisy in anyone of us, including me. So, when are we going to wake up? When are we going to realize that our governments nearly everywhere in the world are trying to drive us away from the real tragedy, the whole world is corrupt! These so called human-rightists and PCs that go and cry everywhere when someone touches them but pay no attention when a mass extermination that is the worst since WWII, I'm telling you that when these children grow up and the war ends, they will have the right to urinate on the governments, the human-rightists and the world itself!
To end this whole article, I wanna say this: I beg anyone who reads this to try and support the Syrians with anything you can do or have, or at least help raise awareness about the problem anywhere you could, they need every help and every prayer they can get from the entire world, we are their only hope...
If you are a social media user, please change your profile pic to red to highlight the bloodshed in Syria and help raise awareness about the problem everywhere.
It is really horrible. When is the bloodshed every going to end? They are killing innocent people! What did they do to deserve this?! I will keep them in my prayers. When I go back to school Monday, I will tell people about this terror in Aleppo. Even though this is the only social media I have I will try to spread the word. I think we should make the telltale forums red for a while just like we did for France and Belgium.
Yeah but. . . they're Syrians.
EDIT: The first two pictures look like a mime fooled with a metamfiezomaiophobic.
They're Syrian. . .
I don't understand, is that supposed to be a crime?
Punishable by death.
Look, if it's a kind of an ironic joke then spit it out because I'm not in the mood for jokes, but if you really mean it, then I don't know what to tell you!
Is this a reference to something or are you just a massive racist?
The human race is a massive asshole.
But guise, Assad and Russia are fighting ""TERRORISTS"" and protecting Christians!!! /s. it's just that "terrorist" to Assad's men means anything from ISIS, to FSA, to anyone with the misfortune of living in areas they don't control.
The regime is little better than ISIS in my opinion. Their atrocities aren't as dramatic or personal, but they've snuffed out tens of thousands of civilians all the same. It makes me sick that these monsters will almost certainly win.
Red it is.
This better be a joke.
Is that a joke or am I hearing racist bullshit?
This world is so fucked up it's unreal... Almost everyone has turned against eachother and bombing innocent countries for no reason I feel embarassed by the world we live in
this is horrible
There ya go, real glad to help by changing my profile pic to match the color of the bodily fluid known as blood. Hope it saves many lives!
Please, don't cut yourself on me.
Is "Syrian" a race?
Oxygenated, please and thank you.
How can it be racist?
It's past the subway exit.
Well get it back to the lungs and fix this problem. . .
What does someone being a Syrian have to do with anything? Can't you see that these people are suffering? They do not deserve this type of treatement. They are people just like us. They feel pain just like us. People seeing their family members being killed, their bodies being crushed by rubble and their homes and hospitals being destroyed. How can you say "They're Syrian? I just don't understand how you be that way. You do not and probably in the future will not understand the struggle they are going through. I know I can't change your mind, but please try to think this over. Think about the children who are suffering, who are being killed and losing their loved ones. I just hope you forget they're Syrian and see that they are people just like us. They need our support and let them know that we care about them.
Half of the people here are joking about the death of so many innocent people. Seriously WTF?!
Collateral damage, it's incredibly sad but not much can be done about it. It has gone hand in hand with war since the start of humanity. It sucks but in some ways is the necessary evil, for Syria? I do not know.
It's probably because people are expecting change from just changing your profile picture red. Still, I find the number of people making that many jokes on such a serious topic is pretty despicable.
If you want people to be aware of something like this just tell them. Don't expect people to find out about this just by changing your profile picture, people will just think it's another fad.
Collateral damage isn't killing 6x as many Syrian civilians as ISIS did last year. That's indiscriminate slaughter and utter contempt for the lives of your people.
I hope I dont sound like an asshole here, but changing your profile pic to red really doesn't do anything.
I've known people that have bad-mouthed the events in Paris just because of the Facebook filter. Same kind of people that make jokes about the Holocaust, too!
Yeah fair enough, that's why I added the 'don't know' but because I'm not fully informed of what's happening over there, just commenting from what I know.
Just wanted to add something here, of course changing your profile pic isn't going to directly help anyone, but what we are doing is called "raising awareness". Who knows? Maybe there's an official or anyone who could help that just so happened to be visiting the forums at the moment, we are also expected to spread the word about it everywhere so that the authorities could possibly learn about, the hashtag above was #1 trending in Facebook and Twitter, now imagine if the whole world knew about it?
What I wanna say is that the least you could help these people with is by spreading the word.
I'm sorry if I seem like the biggest asshole here for saying this but I support Bashar Al-Assad. The Syrian opposition are merely terrorist who caused this war, no better than the rebels in Libya who plunged that country in a spiraling staircase of death and destruction and if they are not like the Libyan rebels then they are the same as the Mujahideen from Afghanistan, which became the Taliban.
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Well maybe I used the wrong word but you know what I mean that comment was offensive I meant
Actually, yes. Race is also defined as a heredity or nationality. Congratulations. You're a racist.
Its horrible but its war, they have to try and end it the ISIS threat. In the long run hopefully this helps people and stabilizes the country. Assad isnt great but removing leaders from the middle east has just led to disaster in the past, so working with him is the better option.
(I also think this changing your photo thing is becoming more and more obsolete the more it keeps happening, its becoming as meaningless as a hastag)
Help them how? I mean what do you want even the government to do about this, let alone normal people? You cant believe they wouldnt bomb these areas unless absolutely necessary?
Tragic but Assad is the last semblence of order there so I support him. Rebels were proven to make deals with ISIS on multiple occasions so their win is a big no.We all saw how well it turned out in Libia after Kadafi.
There are conventionnal laws. Such as not striking Churches, Hospital, and so on..
ISIS are in and using those areas what should they do? War is horrible, pretty much every war ever has civilian causalities, there often unavoidable. ISIS are causing chaos in these regions, they have to be stopped somehow.