So far, we know to likely expect the Android port sometime "Late September." Please keep posts asking about release dates and/or availability in our Episode waiting threads, which you can also follow for news updates.
So far, we know to likely expect the Android port sometime "Late September." Please keep posts asking about release dates and/or availability in our Episode waiting threads, which you can also follow for news updates.
Fragmentation. There's no excuse for taking this long in the first place and delivering a horrendous iOS experience, but for Android they have to make Mali/Adreno/Tegra, etc. versions. Hopefully we get a better optimized experience, but I doubt it.
They haven't given up, it's possible that the delay could caused by the fact there are lots of different android devices and it could take more time to configure episode 1 for all of them.
Only 3 days left till the Sept ends and we would see are they sticking on their words and release the game for Android or they have the poorest of the poor assistance when it comes to providing service to people fuck you ....
Ok I think we've all been waiting a bit to long and this game is already on iOS and wasn't the App store and Playstore suppose to be released the same day? It's been what??? 3-4 weeks since it's been in Apple's app store but nothing in Google's PlayStore yet? When is this this coming to us?! I'd like to get a release date for this game, C'mon TellTell when are we going to get Batman????? I'm already losing my patience.
I wonder if they're just going to finish the serries then plan to release the whole season all at once to the play store... They did the same thing with TWD
I feel the same way bro been waiting many weeks after the release on IOS and its still not available for Android. I think this is complete bs and I'm really getting pissed off waiting for this damn game
I feel the same way bro been waiting many weeks after the release on IOS and its still not available for Android. I think this is complete bs and I'm really getting pissed off waiting for this damn game
September 28th 2016
And ttg still says 'late september'
No updates on Android release from any of ttg's social accounts. They just dont care about Android, they seem to have failed to realise what huge amount of money they make from Android store
September 28th 2016
And ttg still says 'late september'
No updates on Android release from any of ttg's social accounts. They just dont care about Android, they seem to have failed to realise what huge amount of money they make from Android store
Ok guys enough with the hates....We all know that TELLTALE'S new engine is not yet properly optimised..we can see the results based on PC,PS4, Xbox one... and other consoles. So if these strong devices are not able to handle it properly then how do u expect mobile devices to work good?
So telltale is taking time just to optimise their engine so that majority of Android users can play without major problems...
That's fair enough, but I think people are mostly getting frustrated with the complete lack of updates (coupled with the fact that they're broadcasting about episode 2 all over the place while not mentioning ep 1 on Android). If what you're saying is the case, they could easily avoid a lot of this just by telling people that themselves.
Ok guys enough with the hates....We all know that TELLTALE'S new engine is not yet properly optimised..we can see the results based on PC,PS… more4, Xbox one... and other consoles. So if these strong devices are not able to handle it properly then how do u expect mobile devices to work good?
So telltale is taking time just to optimise their engine so that majority of Android users can play without major problems...
They have stated late September, if it's not released and no news update of to why, well then they are really messing up. Give us something..progress notes so hard to ask for? Even a lie lol
They have stated late September, if it's not released and no news update of to why, well then they are really messing up. Give us something..progress notes so hard to ask for? Even a lie lol
one guy talked to the telltale developers and he said, "Talked to the dev yesterday they said it'd be about a month but that could be sooner or later. No official release date." (This was 6 days ago)
Telltale have not yet disclosed any release dates on the Mac version. Follow our Episode 1 Waiting Thread for news.
Thread: Any Word On Android Release?
Any news as to when this game is coming to Android Google Play Store?
So far, we know to likely expect the Android port sometime "Late September." Please keep posts asking about release dates and/or availability in our Episode waiting threads, which you can also follow for news updates.
Sorry, I'm new here.
It's okay, just giving a friendly heads up.
yep since your new
If they have released the game for iOS then what is taking them so long for Android
Again 'late sept'? What the heck guys? Really ttg? Google isnt THAT strict in verifying new game uploads
If they won't release till late September then I would stop following ttg
Just remember Telltale releases games on Tuesday
Fragmentation. There's no excuse for taking this long in the first place and delivering a horrendous iOS experience, but for Android they have to make Mali/Adreno/Tegra, etc. versions. Hopefully we get a better optimized experience, but I doubt it.
It's only Monday
Maybe tomorrow remember tomorrow is Tuesday and they releace games on tuesday
Fuck with waiting! they released the game for iOS and not Android whom are they befooling just fuck off....
Maybe they gave up on android I hope not
No news either.. Maybe they having a really hard time doing it.
They haven't given up, it's possible that the delay could caused by the fact there are lots of different android devices and it could take more time to configure episode 1 for all of them.
I agree, this has gotten ridiculous.
It's the 27th and still no Android release. This is really making me mad ttg!
Only 3 days left till the Sept ends and we would see are they sticking on their words and release the game for Android or they have the poorest of the poor assistance when it comes to providing service to people fuck you ....
Thread: Play store release?
Ok I think we've all been waiting a bit to long and this game is already on iOS and wasn't the App store and Playstore suppose to be released the same day? It's been what??? 3-4 weeks since it's been in Apple's app store but nothing in Google's PlayStore yet? When is this this coming to us?! I'd like to get a release date for this game, C'mon TellTell when are we going to get Batman????? I'm already losing my patience.
I wonder if they're just going to finish the serries then plan to release the whole season all at once to the play store... They did the same thing with TWD
You and me both bro telltale really start acting like an ass this time
I feel the same way bro been waiting many weeks after the release on IOS and its still not available for Android. I think this is complete bs and I'm really getting pissed off waiting for this damn game
Whew, Episode 3 activity starting and.... We're still waiting on Ep1 for Android. 3 more days in “Late September”
Fuck off ttg
They do not no how to release the game how to provide services to the users then how can you call yourself an successful gamming organisation
September 28th 2016
And ttg still says 'late september'
No updates on Android release from any of ttg's social accounts. They just dont care about Android, they seem to have failed to realise what huge amount of money they make from Android store
Episode 3 release isnt that far and we dont have ep1, forget ep2 and dont even expect ep3 right now...
I don't like them any more
Ok guys enough with the hates....We all know that TELLTALE'S new engine is not yet properly optimised..we can see the results based on PC,PS4, Xbox one... and other consoles. So if these strong devices are not able to handle it properly then how do u expect mobile devices to work good?
So telltale is taking time just to optimise their engine so that majority of Android users can play without major problems...
That's fair enough, but I think people are mostly getting frustrated with the complete lack of updates (coupled with the fact that they're broadcasting about episode 2 all over the place while not mentioning ep 1 on Android). If what you're saying is the case, they could easily avoid a lot of this just by telling people that themselves.
One more day if not tomorrow then never
They have stated late September, if it's not released and no news update of to why, well then they are really messing up. Give us something..progress notes so hard to ask for? Even a lie lol
when everybody is waiting for episode 3, we just wait for episode 1 , ridiculous
Yeah I bet they are going to stop using the new engine it's causing too many problems
one guy talked to the telltale developers and he said, "Talked to the dev yesterday they said it'd be about a month but that could be sooner or later. No official release date." (This was 6 days ago)
(in the comments)