The only reason Gameloft is back on the top of my 'best devs list', they never promise release dates until its a day or week away...and ttg? We all know what they've become since batman, so dark and ignorant. Ok you are not releasing it, but at least post a little tweet or fb post addressing to the dying android users goddammit.
Android users already tolerated the fact that old classic games (jpark, monkeyisland etc) were released ONLY on iOS, but now batman? Android is much more powerful and capable than iOS, and no one can ignore the fact other than ios users who want to defend themselves... I have never been so pissed off at ttg
The only reason Gameloft is back on the top of my 'best devs list', they never promise release dates until its a day or week away...and ttg?… more We all know what they've become since batman, so dark and ignorant. Ok you are not releasing it, but at least post a little tweet or fb post addressing to the dying android users goddammit.
Android users already tolerated the fact that old classic games (jpark, monkeyisland etc) were released ONLY on iOS, but now batman? Android is much more powerful and capable than iOS, and no one can ignore the fact other than ios users who want to defend themselves... I have never been so pissed off at ttg
I'm just as impatient as you are about this too now, but I do understand that the bases of Androids API coding is more difficult than Apples IPA, but my frustration is they promised several release dates and kept holding it back when they could've easily replaced the release to a TBA instead of giving us several promised release dates after the first replaced arrival date to avoid all this frustration.
This is a stupid argument. A week or two delay may be fine, but it's been multiple months. They shouldn't have set a release date if they co… moreuldn't deliver. It is painfully obvious they are not putting as much effort into all the mobile ports, that's just a fact. It's not a priority for them. Are you not allowed to criticize something if you're not actively helping it? That makes no sense.
I gave up on waiting for the Mac release and bought the iOS version instead. My purchase for the Mac game was refunded in about two days after requesting it.
Hopefully they can get things squared away and not alienate fans in the process. I'm still looking forward to TWD 3 (don't screw it up, TTG)!
The telltale staff members should give us some message or news that why it is taking so long to release the game for Android or should give some information to thier moderators
I sent a email, and they reply with "it's coming very soon, and a arricle about android soecs is goning to be released very soon before the game is released on android".
I sent a email, and they reply with "it's coming very soon, and a arricle about android soecs is goning to be released very soon before the game is released on android".
I created an account just to voice my disppointment. I just saw a commercial saying it was out on all platforms, and this was from a show I recorded the night before. I go to the Google Playstore and don't see it.
Comeon telltale, you can't just leave your cutomers in the dark like this!
The commercial was probably made before Telltale knew they would delay the Google Play version, which is unfortunate as I can see why that would confuse people.
I created an account just to voice my disppointment. I just saw a commercial saying it was out on all platforms, and this was from a show … moreI recorded the night before. I go to the Google Playstore and don't see it.
Comeon telltale, you can't just leave your cutomers in the dark like this!
The telltale staff members should give us some message or news that why it is taking so long to release the game for Android or should give some information to thier moderators
Also signed up to voice my frustration at TTG and no news RE android. How hard could it be for them to say "hey we're having a few issues, sorry about the delays. Here is some helpful information."
I don't normally care but I really want to play this after playing Wolf among us.
Hey if you check thier all series panel it states that game is now available for mobile users and they have also mentioned the release date for Mac users but the game is still not available for in play store?why so
Hey if you check thier all series panel it states that game is now available for mobile users and they have also mentioned the release date for Mac users but the game is still not available for in play store?why so
I have been really patient with telltale, but they decide to screw us and release batman for ios >:(
Xactly, why always ios before android? >:/
The only reason Gameloft is back on the top of my 'best devs list', they never promise release dates until its a day or week away...and ttg? We all know what they've become since batman, so dark and ignorant. Ok you are not releasing it, but at least post a little tweet or fb post addressing to the dying android users goddammit.
Android users already tolerated the fact that old classic games (jpark, monkeyisland etc) were released ONLY on iOS, but now batman? Android is much more powerful and capable than iOS, and no one can ignore the fact other than ios users who want to defend themselves... I have never been so pissed off at ttg
Well, at least the release date can't be delayed again…because there isn't one.
I'm just as impatient as you are about this too now, but I do understand that the bases of Androids API coding is more difficult than Apples IPA, but my frustration is they promised several release dates and kept holding it back when they could've easily replaced the release to a TBA instead of giving us several promised release dates after the first replaced arrival date to avoid all this frustration.
Wow telltale...
still waiting..... GREAT JOB TELLTALE!
So... Is it actually not out on PS3 in Europe? Or was there just no confirmation of it coming out?
Episode 2 out on ios but android still no News telltale u are breaking our hearts and we are tired of waiting
I gave up on waiting for the Mac release and bought the iOS version instead. My purchase for the Mac game was refunded in about two days after requesting it.
Hopefully they can get things squared away and not alienate fans in the process. I'm still looking forward to TWD 3 (don't screw it up, TTG)!
You android people are still here IOS people like me are in episode 3 already
We cant do shit bro...its in ttg's 'mood' ya know, they give it to us when they want.
No longer hyped, all excitement gone to waste. Will play when it comes, but wont be that happy or engaged in it
You all are wasting your time they would not release the game for android
Hey ammore12321 what do you mean by you Android users? If you have got the game then play it don't make us jealous
Sorry just saying the truth
Sorry!But no one asked for your truth....
It's like watching chimps throw shit back and forth at the gorillas in the zoo.

The telltale staff members should give us some message or news that why it is taking so long to release the game for Android or should give some information to thier moderators
I've been lurking this thread for a month.. Still no news for episode 1 on android, I'm really disappointed..
Wow, tell ******* tale, just wow
Telltales losers I think they not planning to release game on Android
Wow moderators! Anyone who raise voice you people suppose to bann him great job
Incredible! Telltale releases Episode TWO on iOS before they release one on Android.
Thread: batman telltale series release date for android via playstore
I'm going alittle crazy that it's not out yet and I'm trying really hard not to just watch it on youtube
How can a developer be so great, i love ttg even more now
I sent a email, and they reply with "it's coming very soon, and a arricle about android soecs is goning to be released very soon before the game is released on android".
sorry about spelling im typing in phone
I created an account just to voice my disppointment. I just saw a commercial saying it was out on all platforms, and this was from a show I recorded the night before. I go to the Google Playstore and don't see it.
Comeon telltale, you can't just leave your cutomers in the dark like this!
The commercial was probably made before Telltale knew they would delay the Google Play version, which is unfortunate as I can see why that would confuse people.
It's seriously making me go crazy
Any news on the Mac front yet? Is it coming out on Mac?
Also signed up to voice my frustration at TTG and no news RE android. How hard could it be for them to say "hey we're having a few issues, sorry about the delays. Here is some helpful information."
I don't normally care but I really want to play this after playing Wolf among us.
Guess they just want my dollars
Hey if you check thier all series panel it states that game is now available for mobile users and they have also mentioned the release date for Mac users but the game is still not available for in play store?why so
By mobile i think they just mean iOS so it's probably a mistake as it hasn't released on Android devices yet.