Off Topic: Taking my driving test tomorrow! Wish me luck!
To my "sort of" frenemies but civil forum posters haha @BetterToSleep @Everyone'sClemInTime @KCohere @RichWalk23 @prink34320 @Flog61 @sialark @IronWoodLover
Hope you guys are having a good day!
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Good luck my man.
Don't go out there and fuck it up... don't Kenny it up in other words.
Good luck, m8.
Good luck, hope you get your driving license earlier than Spongebob.
Good luck with your test. If you pass, maybe you could give me some tips once I start my own driving test someday.
Good luck Dan!
Good luck, Dan! Do your best!
And keep us updated.
Maybe he could teach me how to drive at all.
Best of luck to you!
Good luck lol.
Don't mess up the parallel parking! Everyone always goofs that part up I swear! Where I took my exam, if you hit the curb you fail with parallel parking, but the trick is to do it veryyyy slowly and hit the curb so softly the instructor doesn't notice haha. Just easeeee into it.
Good luck, drive safely, and don't let your "friends" in the car talk you into speeding up to jump at the top of the hill.
Good luck!! I hope you pass, I've yet to take mine xd
Remember to wear your seat-belt
Good luck kid.
How old are u???
Old enough to take his drivers test?
17 then .
Damn I feel old, passed my test 4 years ago
My age is a clue in my username lol. Thanks for the replies guys! Tests in 2 and a half hours lol
Wow, 290786 years old! Anyway, good luck on your test!
Failed it guys, shame really as i only got 4 minors but failed on failing to see a closed junction, pretty much it really
That sucks. Hopefully things work out next time.
I remember doing mines early and had trouble parking and messed it up completely. The instructor still passed me probably since she wasn't pissed off by bad drivers since I was the first.
Damn. Sorry to hear about that.
Don't let it put you off, there's always next time.
rip in driveroni
it sort of worked but anyways I wish you better luck next time
No, no. His age is dan. seriously, some people just don't understand.
Wow that sucks man. Yeah, driving is hard. You gotta pay attention to every little detail around your vehicle.. Especially for the test.
I'm not sure what country you live in, but here in America it's 16.
Just a fun fact (not trying to correct you!) while the general age is sixteen, it actually varies for some states. I remember a friend getting their license at fifteen. I had to struggle to remember to feed my fish at fifteen, I couldn't even begin to fathom managing a car at that age, lol.
Hey man, at least you know what you need to work on for next time. Sometimes, things take more than a single try. My sister failed her test twice because of parallel parking. That made for some interesting family discussions, let me tell you.
Not to worry it took me 2 times before I got it right. I passed the written with flying colors, but yeah the driving part is the most difficult.
D is the fourth letter on the English alphabet.
A is the first one.
N is the fourteenth letter.
The sum of all that is nineteen.
Therefore, 290786 is nineteen years old.
Hey, there's no shame in failing the first try. I failed my first try too. Just think about what you did wrong and remember what you need to work on for next time
Or, I'm sure one could interpret that as 4114 years old, hm?
Well Dan, ya done Kenny'd-it.
Next time, B-Lee-ve in yourself more.
Or, try Jane-ting in your head.
You could also go far by Troy-l and error.
I think my awful puns are re-Lilly getting worse. Oh Well... ington.
Both of you are overthinking this waaay too much. The solutions simple, we just need to find a list of the most popular baby names of the past few decades, find Dan and then BAM! Another success for the Telltale Detective Agency.
No one died
I didn't mean literally.
I meant RIP his chance for driving a car.
They can take the test again. Rest in peace is a odd thing to say about a driving licence XD
Well, either way, I wasn't being literal.
You didn't get the overdone sarcasm in our comments…?
Or you know, we read it backwards.
86 stands for 1986
07 stands for the month July.
29 is the day.
1986 July 29th is the day of birth. Therefore he is 27 years old.
Another case cracked, by Detective Rabbit. I take tips.