Australian Federal Parliamentary Election 2016
Today, the 2nd of July, marks Federal Election Day in Australia.
While I cannot vote (being one and a half years too young), I do have an opinion on this matter: that I would rather have Labor than the Liberal-National Coalition in power.
You see, in the previous election, when the Coalition was elected, I saw that they did so mainly on the ground of two things.
- Protection of our borders by "stopping the boats" (sending the people to detention camps in Papua New Guinea instead of admitting them into Australia as refugees)
- That Labor was unreliable, as evidenced by their ousting of Rudd in favour of Gillard, before then reinstating Rudd for the election.
The first one is a barbaric policy that has been found to be illegal
READ MORE HERE: Australian Asylum: Why is it controversial - by the BBC
Secondly, the Coalition did the same thing with Abbot, so that is rendered a moot point.
The Liberal party has always been the party by and for the rich. They have already privatised much of medicare (nowhere close to American levels, thank God) and this election shall be providing tax cuts for people that earn more than $80,000 AUD per year (only 14% of the population) should they win.
Personally, as disordered as Labor could potentially be, I would rather them over another term with the Coalition.
But that is my take, what are yours?
GREENS! Only party I know a damned thing about,
I just got back from voting. Such a pain to choose between a bunch of people you know nothing about.
i voted for labor, i didnt want to see any more damages to health care, certain help for depresstion has been cut and cancelled. medicare was in danger this time. plus if they could create more jobs for Australia that would be amazing the Australia encomenty is in trouble, in certain areas in Aust there is no currently any jobs.
Mostly valid points. One problem I have with one of them, though:
The assertion that - as you put it - "half of them" asylum seekers are not genuine refugees is simply untrue. Here is a list of facts about this from Australian Red Cross
Then sent those guys to Europe we will galdly exchange them for our morons who wants the opposite.
Figured I should bump this thread in light of Bill Shorten conceding defeat in the election, which means The Coalition will remain in government.
From what I know, all of the parties are full of cunts. Not voting.
Enjoy the fine lol
Do you get fined if you don't vote?
Yes, but from what I hear there are ways around the law anyway.
Doesn't that just mean poorer less educated people will vote purely to avoid a fine and put zero thought into the repercussions, sounds like a stupid idea to me.
People like that usually just put 1,2,3,4 on the paper instead of making a serious note.
It is a proverbial double-edged sword.
On one hand, the idea is that everyone pitches in and has a say. So that, when there is an election, it is less likely that a party was put into power by the votes of a relatively small amount that may not represent the majority. On the other hand, you have people that do not care much for politics and just vote for whomever because of this fine, only that they can avoid their fines and get away from the polls as soon as possible.
Yes it is compulsory. Everything I would say Rammstein and Xboxplayer have said.