Monkey Island Treasure Hunting!



  • edited August 2009
    Yeah. It's because you were only meant to get one depending which version you got, Wii or PC. Maps, 1, 2, 7 and 8 are PC only and 3, 4, 5 and 6 are Wii only. Those duplicates meant that both Wii and PC users could enjoy those particular prizes from the Tiki. To avoid people from getting 2 of each, Telltale allowed only one code to be given, so people couldn't take advantage of messing with the Tiki's and getting 2 discount codes.
    Gman5852 wrote: »
    I know 2 people have replied to this already, but telltale put the codes there so WIIWARE users could get the prizes, if you have the PC version, you wouldn't have to mess with it at all.
    That isn't true. I have the PC version and I had to mess with it. Completing the maps ingame didn't update the website, it still said I hadn't completed them on the website, so consequently I had to enter each tiki manually on the site by using the tiki combination that is shown on the maps ingame when you complete them.
  • edited August 2009
    Rawr wrote: »
    That isn't true. I have the PC version and I had to mess with it. Completing the maps ingame didn't update the website, it still said I hadn't completed them on the website, so consequently I had to enter each tiki manually on the site by using the tiki combination that is shown on the maps ingame when you complete them.

    It did for me, are you using the Steam version or something that isn't already logged in to Telltale's system when you play?
  • edited August 2009
    Pale Man wrote: »
    It did for me, are you using the Steam version or something that isn't already logged in to Telltale's system when you play?

    Maybe they are working offline (IE offline setting) when they're playing the game. Maybe it's a cookies thing.
  • edited August 2009
    Rawr wrote: »
    That isn't true. I have the PC version and I had to mess with it. Completing the maps ingame didn't update the website, it still said I hadn't completed them on the website, so consequently I had to enter each tiki manually on the site by using the tiki combination that is shown on the maps ingame when you complete them.
    Really, because I got the demo to complete my treasure hunting collection, and my prizes were gotten autimaticly when I logged in:p
    Infact, I got a messege that siad they will update autimaticly when you get the prize. They can't do that with wiiware users, so they have the tiki. I also think that steam users dont update autimaticly either, which is why telltale probably gave codes in the PC version.
  • edited August 2009
    Nope. My version was bought directly from TellTale and it's been registered and all that through the launcher. It did say it was going to update automatically, and directed me to the site, but it still said I hadn't completed the maps. I'm betting it's Windows Firewall though. In Windows 7's Firewall you have to go directly into the settings manually to allow a program to send information to the internet.
  • edited August 2009
    Rawr wrote: »
    Nope. My version was bought directly from TellTale and it's been registered and all that through the launcher. It did say it was going to update automatically, and directed me to the site, but it still said I hadn't completed the maps. I'm betting it's Windows Firewall though. In Windows 7's Firewall you have to go directly into the settings manually to allow a program to send information to the internet.

    Sounds fishy enough to be Microsoft. And thanks for your help in the S&M thread, man! Who's with me for putting Bill Gates' head on a stick, setting it on fire then parading it around Microsoft's offices with a megaphone, telling everybody their king is dead and to clear their desks?
  • edited August 2009
    As long as we bring sonic grenades and water guns, I'm in. ----^
  • edited August 2009
    thatdude98 wrote: »
    As long as we bring sonic grenades and water guns, I'm in. ----^

    Hehe I'm sure Max would approve!
  • edited August 2009
    tbm1986 wrote: »
    Hehe I'm sure Max would approve!

    No Max only improves real granades and real guns.
  • edited August 2009
    Noticed something... typing in the Wii codes seems to remove one of the blank squares on my list. That is, before typing in a code, there were 11 total squares, and after typing it in, there were 10. Is this intended?
  • edited August 2009
    Thanks for offering the wallpaper in 16:10 resolution!
  • edited August 2009
    When do we get map #3? Episode 2 is out...
  • edited August 2009
    When do we get map #3? Episode 2 is out...

    Map 3 has been out... actually... all 8 are out
  • edited August 2009
    he probably meant the third unlockable map for the far there have only been two links on the net unlocking maps. i sure hope there will be more as the season continues, at the moment there are no blank spaces left in my account.
    there could be more journals or wallpapers. i don't need more coupons...just like some stuff to accompany the games..
  • edited August 2009
    I'm having a slight map-based problem...
    I've found the map on the Monkey Island Wiki, but it's behind the Main Page button - I can't click it without being sent back to the main page. I can't find the map on the other two sites, either, so it's really bugging me...
  • edited August 2009
    i just went looking for it and i think you got the wrong map...the real one shouldn't be covered by anything.
  • edited August 2009
    Is it the one with the Grogatini sword on it? on the Characters page?

    Or have I failed miserably again? ;)
  • edited August 2009
    Is it the one with the Grogatini sword on it? on the Characters page?

    Or have I failed miserably again? ;)
    Yes, that's the one.
  • edited August 2009
    Right. Thank you for that! I still can't collect it, though... Any thoughts?
  • edited August 2009
    I was slightly disappointed they didn't put another link in the Interloper, but then they can only do so much at once!
  • edited August 2009
    Are there any new treasures bound to Episode 2, haven't started it yet, but will start on it soon :P
  • edited August 2009
    Zyrocz wrote: »
    Are there any new treasures bound to Episode 2, haven't started it yet, but will start on it soon :P

    Same question for me, only will there be more treasures in wiiware version.
  • edited August 2009
    Hope they will realese the whole season 1 on Xbox Live when Episode 5 is out.
    But also want season 2 of S&M on Live Marketplace.
  • edited August 2009
    I'm having a slight map-based problem...
    I've found the map on the Monkey Island Wiki, but it's behind the Main Page button - I can't click it without being sent back to the main page. I can't find the map on the other two sites, either, so it's really bugging me...

    That page doesn't load correctly in Internet Explorer, FireFox should do the trick.
  • edited August 2009
    I had a feeling that would be the case...

    ...However, I've just stumbled across the map over at
    - and a literal stumble, too. I wasn't even looking for anything! Much appreciated, though, Jeroen.

    Oh, and I've finally understood the WiiWare Treasure Hunting set-up (slow, I know, but hey ;) ). What I find odd is that some of the treasures are still money-off coupons for the site - not to sound ungrateful, but have Telltale considered that people may have bought the WiiWare version because their computers aren't powerful enough to run the games on? That's why I've gone WiiWare, at least... Could you perhaps give us some exclusive downloads (soundtrack samples, PC wallpapers, etc.), rather than coupons? Just a suggestion...
  • edited August 2009
    I have just completed the first episode on wiiware, and decided to try out the treasure hunt. I got all the tiki codes, and the rewards are truly great, but for some reason I get no reward for thinkikan`s tiki code (I think that was the correct name). Also, I second Y Cymro Coll`s opinion about separate wiiware prizes (Like a gifted strong bad episode!)
  • edited August 2009
    i didnt get the newsletter for map #7 :(
    what can i do?
  • Macfly77Macfly77 Moderator
    edited August 2009
    homerjs wrote: »
    i didnt get the newsletter for map #7 :(
    what can i do?
    Follow tbm1986's link.
    tbm1986 wrote: »
    Anyhoo, if you want another couple of maps, follow these links:

    map 7
    map 8
  • edited August 2009
    didnt work, still got the first 2 maps only.... and i would prefer getting it the regular way anyways :)
    why didnt i get that newsletter argh...
  • edited August 2009
    found the newsletter, gmx put it into spam...... -_- but only this one, i received other mails from telltale properly. and i got the map now :)
  • edited August 2009
    i don't get it... i just started treasure hunting and played the first two maps, tookscreenshots of the codes, entered the codes (it says "map unlocked"), but it happens nothing. i have still only the two first maps to choose.

    edit: okay, i just figured out, that you need the codes only if you have the wii-version...

    with the link provided in the newsletter and a little help from tbm1986, i got map 7 and 8.

    so... how do i get maps 3 - 6 ???

    edit: alright, just read that 3-6 are only for wii...

    edit2: and ingame i still only have the first two maps, where the second map (fudgebear's beginners map) doesn't seem to be completed (no code sign on it), but on the website both maps are completed!!

    HELP!! i want to play the other two maps (7+8) :eek:

    Please, with sugar, a cherry, nuts and chocolate sprinkles on top.

    edit again: okay..... i played around a bit with the "codewhells" and now i got them all.... god, i love the discount codes...

    Thanks for the nice gifts, dear Telltalers!! :-)
  • edited August 2009
    did I miss any maps?I only got the first two, and maps 7 and 8.As far as I know 3-6 are from the wii, and I don't wanna cheat using the tiki, but are there any more maps beside those 4 for pc to get without cheating with the tiki?
  • Macfly77Macfly77 Moderator
    edited August 2009
    Sanin92 wrote: »
    did I miss any maps?I only got the first two, and maps 7 and 8.As far as I know 3-6 are from the wii, and I don't wanna cheat using the tiki, but are there any more maps beside those 4 for pc to get without cheating with the tiki?

    As far as I know, not at this time.
  • edited August 2009
    I hope that we see more in-game mini-games like this treasure hunting thing! It really was a great idea, maybe insult sword fighting can be a mini game!
  • edited August 2009
    Are people allowed to divulge how you play around with the tikis to get the discount codes?
  • edited August 2009
    Jagger88 wrote: »
    Are people allowed to divulge how you play around with the tikis to get the discount codes?

    I dunno, but I can try:

    1 3 3
    1 4 2
    3 1 4
    4 4 4

    without having used any of those myself ;0
  • edited August 2009
    Sanin92 wrote: »
    I dunno, but I can try:

    1 3 3
    1 4 2
    3 1 4
    4 4 4

    without having used any of those myself ;0

    Wow, thanks to those I now have all the prizes XD!!!


    Hope the one on Spinner Cay is released soon!
  • edited August 2009
    Jagger88 wrote: »
    Wow, thanks to those I now have all the prizes XD!!!


    Hope the one on Spinner Cay is released soon!

    As far as I know, there won't be any for spinner cay.

    1. Jake said it's a Launch of the Screeming Narwhall ONLY
    2. That it will only last till end of season

    and besides, how would treasure hunting work in a episode without any treasure puzzles?

    Oh, and: No problem :D
  • edited August 2009
    Sanin92 wrote: »
    As far as I know, there won't be any for spinner cay.

    1. Jake said it's a Launch of the Screeming Narwhall ONLY
    2. That it will only last till end of season

    and besides, how would treasure hunting work in a episode without any treasure puzzles?

    Oh, and: No problem :D


    And, I haven't finished Screaming Narwhal yet, or read Jake's post, so I didn't know!! Nevermind... I hope my 50% off season code lasts until S&M: S3...
  • edited August 2009
    Jagger88 wrote: »

    And, I haven't finished Screaming Narwhal yet, or read Jake's post, so I didn't know!! Nevermind... I hope my 50% off season code lasts until S&M: S3...

    Sry, but I highly doubt that.Seeing that they didn't even let MI beeing buyed by that coupon, I guess it was meant for the older telltale games only.

    btw. as far as I understood, the treasure hunting site will after the season, together with the ingame option, be removed.

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