The Thread of general TWD-related questions



  • enter image description here
    This chick

    Tisha Who?

  • I'm not sure, but T.V. Jesus is a lot more chilled out than Kenny. Kenny had a hair trigger in season 2.

    DabigRG posted: »

    And is he what Kenny(Season 2 in particular) was based on?

  • I would say all or mostly Caucasian. She isn't Asian and doesn't have skin dark enough to be of African, Hispanic, or Middle Eastern descent.

    DabigRG posted: »

    What race is Jane supposed to be?

  • edited December 2016

    Is she from the Michonne game? I don't remember her.

    DabigRG posted: »

    This chick

  • One of Carver's minions. She takes Carlos to do his job after Troy takes him aside.

    Bon-Bon posted: »

    Is she from the Michonne game? I don't remember her.

  • That was my default thought as well, but then I realized how odd she looks compared to the other characters. Could be a product of the Self-Insert undertones, though.

    Bon-Bon posted: »

    I would say all or mostly Caucasian. She isn't Asian and doesn't have skin dark enough to be of African, Hispanic, or Middle Eastern descent.

  • Her complexion borders on being grey.

    DabigRG posted: »

    That was my default thought as well, but then I realized how odd she looks compared to the other characters. Could be a product of the Self-Insert undertones, though.

  • Evil Albino?

    Bon-Bon posted: »

    Her complexion borders on being grey.

  • What is your ideal characterization for each of the mian characters?

  • I think Larry was in his mid-50s.

    DabigRG posted: »

    Are these ages correct?: Here's some relatively rough ages for the sake of it Kids:Clementine, Duck Teens: Sarah, Becca, Ben, Mi

  • Really now? Cause he has a lot of gray on him.

    OneWayNoWay posted: »

    I think Larry was in his mid-50s.

  • In road to survival, it has Larry's age listed as late 50s.

    DabigRG posted: »

    Really now? Cause he has a lot of gray on him.

  • Oh, okay.
    What's road to survival?

    Auruo posted: »

    In road to survival, it has Larry's age listed as late 50s.

  • I don't really know how to explain it other than it's a walking dead role-playing app.

    DabigRG posted: »

    Oh, okay. .... What's road to survival?

  • Okay then. Might look into it.

    Auruo posted: »

    I don't really know how to explain it other than it's a walking dead role-playing app.

  • Awesome.

    DabigRG posted: »

    What race is Jane supposed to be?

  • I can't believe that Jane could be something other than Caucasian-American!

    But then again, I also thought Clem was White.

    DabigRG posted: »

    That was my default thought as well, but then I realized how odd she looks compared to the other characters. Could be a product of the Self-Insert undertones, though.

  • minions

    DabigRG posted: »

    One of Carver's minions. She takes Carlos to do his job after Troy takes him aside.

  • Rashid and Vanessa.

    Tisha Who?

  • And who can blame ya? Sure, she has black parents, but I initially thought she some sort of Asian.

    I can't believe that Jane could be something other than Caucasian-American! But then again, I also thought Clem was White.

  • A community or group at a light house.

    In the United States, lighthouses are maintained by the United States Coast Guard, so there would possibly be a lot of Supplies
    and since S3 is taking place in Virgina, there's possibilities. There's the Cape Henry Light, New Point Comfort Light, or TTG can just make a fictional one.

    DabigRG posted: »

    Anyone got any interesting story ideas?

  • That sounds interesting. Maybe you can do a quick synopsis of that concept.

    A community or group at a light house. In the United States, lighthouses are maintained by the United States Coast Guard, so there would

  • depends on the season ...but a general template as follows.

    • Clementine a good natured girl, wise and tempered by loss. Loyal and caring...yet just a bit sassy...still young enough to make mistakes..brave enough to own up to them.
    • Lee a good man paying for a bad day. A very long fuse...but do not be around him when he goes off. Caring and nurturing.
    • Kenny a good man who perhaps was not cut out to be a family man. Haunted by his failures he is driven to save his family...but has tunnel vision that gets him in trouble. Impulsive and at times a little cowardly. A good guy to drink with in a bar...daily living a bit harder.
    • Jane a survivor. Young enough to not have fully appreciated family the way you do when you are older. Smart, yet combative. Darwinst view of the apocalypse tends to make her seem colder than she is. Stripped of all pretention..she is someone who is afraid of losing loved ones and that drives her loner ideal. Strangely loyal once she does let someone in to her life.
    • goo gaa gaa?
    • Javier a man who seems to be willing to do anything to protect his family...but dunno yet.
    DabigRG posted: »

    What is your ideal characterization for each of the mian characters?

  • Repeats
    How quick can someone complete each episode of Season 1?
    How quick can someone play each episode of Season 2?

    Now, why couldn't Season 2 have as much content as Season 1 if the number isn't off?

  • Will our endings in Season 2 Matter in Season 3? Or is it their going with one ending?

  • Well now...S1 was longer...and written by someone who had a clue. Also Kirkman was a bit more involved. You and I have been over this many times. Season 2 suffered due to a lack of story focus. They also forgot that TWD is best when you inject real humanity into the characters. One of my favorite parts of Season2 was the campfire in E5....everyone got to just be human again...even Kenny. Also...who gets rid of the antagonist midway through the season?

    DabigRG posted: »

    Repeats How quick can someone complete each episode of Season 1? How quick can someone play each episode of Season 2? Now, why couldn't Season 2 have as much content as Season 1 if the number isn't off?

  • I'll do one for Cape Henry Light.

    Since there are two towers Cape Henry, that might be too much ground to cover for one leader, so there'd be two leaders for each tower.

    Wikipedia states:
    Old Cape Henry Lighthouse is 26 feet in diameter at its base, and 16 feet at its top, It was built with Aquia Creek sandstone from the same source as the White House. The new lighthouse, 157 feet (48 m) tall, was built of cast iron and wrought iron, with a more powerful first-order Fresnel lens.

    So they're pretty big and sturdy, but let's just say for each tower about, 4-6 people including the leader.

    The lighthouses are located in the city of Virginia Beach within the boundaries of Joint Expeditionary Base East, a Navy base. So, the group might've been able to get supplies from the Navy base, and maybe some or all of the members were stationed there, so there's military experience.

    DabigRG posted: »

    That sounds interesting. Maybe you can do a quick synopsis of that concept.

  • based on your ending ..determines things about Clementine in S3

    Shadow2122 posted: »

    Will our endings in Season 2 Matter in Season 3? Or is it their going with one ending?

  • You know, it occurs to me that this is similar to a topic idea I had a while back. Maybe I'll expand on it.

    Also, seeing Jane and AJ on here raised an eyebrow. depends on the season ...but a general template as follows. * Clementine a good natured girl, wise and tempered by loss. Loy

  • I'm in my 20s and already going grey. Some people age more quickly than others depending on their genetics.

    DabigRG posted: »

    Really now? Cause he has a lot of gray on him.

  • I really enjoyed your characterization of Lee, Kenny, and Jane. Thank you depends on the season ...but a general template as follows. * Clementine a good natured girl, wise and tempered by loss. Loy

  • There will be 42 different starting points for Clementine based on all of your past choices.

    Shadow2122 posted: »

    Will our endings in Season 2 Matter in Season 3? Or is it their going with one ending?

  • You and I have been over this many times.

    Well, excuse me, princess.

    One of my favorite parts of Season2 was the campfire in E5

    Oh goody, the scene that got me heated on my first playthrough!

    Also...who gets rid of the antagonist midway through the season?

    I'm sure there's some example that isn't a bigger bad at some point.

    Well now...S1 was longer...and written by someone who had a clue. Also Kirkman was a bit more involved. You and I have been over this many

  • Yeah, too bad he never got the credit and due that he deserved.

    Flog61 posted: »

    He's certainly one of the more reasonable and competent members of the Cabin group

  • [removed]

    Bon-Bon posted: »

    I'm in my 20s and already going grey. Some people age more quickly than others depending on their genetics.

  • On, you poor man. Hopefully, you own it! :smile:

    Bon-Bon posted: »

    I'm in my 20s and already going grey. Some people age more quickly than others depending on their genetics.

  • Does the boat get stolen if Lee leaves to look for Clementine by himself?

  • Yes. All four(or three) of the others are locked in the garage, with Kenny's bruises indicating that he tried to fight the Cancer Group but they overpowered him and Clive later states that they held Ben at gunpoint. No idea what the explanation for Christa and Omid is though.

    Bon-Bon posted: »

    Does the boat get stolen if Lee leaves to look for Clementine by himself?

  • How does a thread about fights sound?

  • Like what?

    based on your ending ..determines things about Clementine in S3

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