The Thread of general TWD-related questions



  • What kind of game references do you want to see in TWD game?

  • What?

    AronDracula posted: »

    What kind of game references do you want to see in TWD game?

  • He wears and eyepatch in both the TV show and the comic. In the comic he also lost an arm and... he was basically tortured as a revenge by the woman he raped. TV show Governor was a pussy compared to the comic one.

    DabigRG posted: »

    I'm comparing what was apparently the comic version of the Governor to the TV show version. He wears an eyepatch, right?

  • I was gonna say spoilers, but I doubt I'll ever read the comic anyway.

    He wears and eyepatch in both the TV show and the comic. In the comic he also lost an arm and... he was basically tortured as a revenge by the woman he raped. TV show Governor was a pussy compared to the comic one.

  • A fusion?! The Governor is Carlos and Michonne's fusion?!

    Louche posted: »

    What? No he's some spanish or mexican looking dude with a nice mustache and a long greasy hair

  • Something that I've mulled over but don't know what else to put this is the idea that you could streamline the story into a more focused narrative by combining some characters. What characters do you think could've undergone this process and why?

  • Game references. The Last of Us has a TWD reference.

    DabigRG posted: »


  • Oh, reference to other games in TWD. Okay, gotcha now.

    AronDracula posted: »

    Game references. The Last of Us has a TWD reference.

  • How long was Wyatt alone before Vince saved him?

    How did Vince save him?

  • If we're meant to take the title 400 Days at face value, then anywhere between the 359 remaining days, though only if Wyatt was left behind by Eddie.

    Given the setting, I assume he was surrounded by walkers or something and Vince showed up just in time to cover his escape.

    How long was Wyatt alone before Vince saved him? How did Vince save him?

  • I believe the stats change periodically as people play the game.

    Then how come these stats show that more than twice as many people ignored Jane than killed Kenny?

    Fixed. :unamused:

  • I just had this thought lately, and I feel I should ask this.

    Is there a chance Arvo accidentally shot Clementine? And he actually feels really bad for doing so? It would explain why he ran away.

  • Actually, yes. According to various sources, Arvo shooting Clementine even on your nicest and/or most nonthreatening playthrough is supposed to be an accident, as indicated by a difference in his expression. Having watched nearly all of the various versions of that scene when writing my Unfortunately Sympathetic example, I can confirm that it is there, it's just too easy to miss: when Mike reacts to Clementine suddenly getting shot and glances back at Arvo, Arvo's face will either be a glare(mean/threatening) or a look of shock(nice/nonthreatening). So, that raises two questions: 1. Why not have the camera zoom in appropriately to show that Arvo panicked or that the gun just went off or whatever? and 2. Why didn't you just come up with another reason for Clementine getting knocked out, like [whoever's] example where Mike just punches her?

    I just had this thought lately, and I feel I should ask this. Is there a chance Arvo accidentally shot Clementine? And he actually feels really bad for doing so? It would explain why he ran away.

  • I've heard it mentioned several times that you can see Eddie's car at Gil's Pitstop if he left Wyatt, but I cannot for the life of me find it. Is it in Shel's story? Russell's? Someone help please

  • Would you be interested in seeing a character with multiple personality disorder in TWD?

  • What happened to the screenshot thread? Mods locked it up again? Was going to post in it, but it's gone.

  • Why exactly did Bonnie and later Kenny give a shit if Jane and Mike & Bonnie come back to Parker's Run or not?

  • Because a baby was on the way and they needed a group. Having just Kenny and Luke taking care of Rebecca, AJ, Clem, and determinately Sarah would be a lot harder than if they had 3 extra bodies.

    For example they all had a task to do at that time. Kenny was comforting and taking care of a panicking Rebecca, Luke was on walker duty, Jane was supposed to find a place to have the baby, and Mike and Bonnie found water and blankets. If those 3 weren't there then either the group's supplies or it's its members would be suffered for it.

    DabigRG posted: »

    Why exactly did Bonnie and later Kenny give a shit if Jane and Mike & Bonnie come back to Parker's Run or not?

  • Oh, okay. It just struck me as a bit odd that Kenny and Bonnie (and determinately Luke) of all people would be so on edge about what people they allied with out of convenience do on their own while out getting things for Rebecca. Mike at least makes sense given his backstory but Jane made it clear that she just wanted to escape from Carver early on.

    Because a baby was on the way and they needed a group. Having just Kenny and Luke taking care of Rebecca, AJ, Clem, and determinately Sarah

  • Well Kenny cared about Rebecca and AJ and keeping the group together, Bonnie knew she was a goner without other survivors. Things were incredibly scarce and desperate after escaping Carver's, there wasn't anyone else so naturally they tried gravitating together.

    What do you mean about determinately Luke?

    And what do you by Mikes backstory? He didn't have one

    DabigRG posted: »

    Oh, okay. It just struck me as a bit odd that Kenny and Bonnie (and determinately Luke) of all people would be so on edge about what people

  • What do you mean about determinately Luke?

    If you go with Mike and Bonnie first instead of Jane, you learn that Mike is apparently a little desperate to be accepted by the group after his got destroyed by Carver. After they arrive back at Parker's Run, talking to Luke has him express mistrust over the fact that Mike wanting acceptance before he's truly earned it doesn't make sense to him.

    And what do you by Mikes backstory? He didn't have one

    enter image description hereenter image description here

    Mike was originally intended to be "Ralph," the member of the North Carolina Bandits who held Christa at gunpoint. Basically, the gunshot you heard was either Christa attacking him with his own gun or Victor trying to shoot her and hitting Ralph instead, leaving him with a scar and a damaged ear; he would then be captured by Carver after his group was attacked and thrown into the pin with Reggie and eventually Jane. Clementine would then recognize him at Howe's and she(by which, I mean Kenny) would decide whether she can trust him or not while they plan the plan.

    Due to the episode length and/or a late change of story plans, this factoid wasn't utilized in the final episode but the model and portrayal of him was more or less left in tact. As a result, he desires to earn everyone's approval after losing his last group, Kenny and Luke in a determinate hub scene are hesitant to trust him, and his eventual plans for Arvo with Bonnie's help is essentially him falling back on his old ways out of desperation.

    Well Kenny cared about Rebecca and AJ and keeping the group together, Bonnie knew she was a goner without other survivors. Things were incre

  • I guess if we consider the unused backstory his backstory, then sure. It would have made a lot more sense having Mike = Ralph and would've provided some intense conflict within the group, but sadly it was retconned and never actually happened.

    DabigRG posted: »

    What do you mean about determinately Luke? If you go with Mike and Bonnie first instead of Jane, you learn that Mike is apparently a

  • Yeah, could've given Clementine some personal agency in that already bare episode as long as Kenny stayed out of it for a bit. At the very least, it's one of those things where there's really nothing saying it can't be part of the story we got, but whatever.

    I guess if we consider the unused backstory his backstory, then sure. It would have made a lot more sense having Mike = Ralph and would've provided some intense conflict within the group, but sadly it was retconned and never actually happened.

  • Okay, two things:

    How do you see messages sent to you without constantly clicking load more on the Feed?

    Does anyone know who @gottobelol is?

  • He was spamming some fucked up fanart of Clementine to some people's private messages.

    And because of that, he got banned.

    DabigRG posted: »

    Okay, two things: How do you see messages sent to you without constantly clicking load more on the Feed? Does anyone know who @gottobelol is?

  • You don't say?

    He was spamming some fucked up fanart of Clementine to some people's private messages. And because of that, he got banned.

  • You got spammed too? :/

    DabigRG posted: »

    You don't say?

  • edited January 2017

    More like I went into my feed looking for someone to ask me something and happened to see that sent to me along with something I couldn't see. "Say cheese," indeed. :neutral:

    How about @breakbadlop?

    You got spammed too?

  • Probably the same deal.

    DabigRG posted: »

    More like I went into my feed looking for someone to ask me something and happened to see that sent to me along with something I couldn't see. "Say cheese," indeed. How about @breakbadlop?

  • Its in Shel's story, if I remember right.

    I've heard it mentioned several times that you can see Eddie's car at Gil's Pitstop if he left Wyatt, but I cannot for the life of me find it. Is it in Shel's story? Russell's? Someone help please

  • At the very least, his was more of an art thing. Not sure if I should say much on this, but the first thing was not "whatisthis, I don't even" but rather "Um, K. Uh, why'd you send me this?".

    Probably the same deal.

  • I keep wondering what all the walking dead characters would look like with Clementines hat on.

  • Not really a question, but I'm sure modelswaps may help with that.

    I keep wondering what all the walking dead characters would look like with Clementines hat on.

  • Do you remember at what moment you see it?

    Its in Shel's story, if I remember right.

  • If anyone knows anything about model manipulation or whatever, can someone make a picture of Michelle with Sarah's glasses?

    On a slightly related note, how to you change your profile pic to something other than the defaults?

  • Was this a line at some point?
    If you live long enough, you see the same eyes in different people

  • No i dont believe so

    DabigRG posted: »

    Was this a line at some point? If you live long enough, you see the same eyes in different people

  • I wish

    DabigRG posted: »

    Was this a line at some point? If you live long enough, you see the same eyes in different people

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