No particular order
Vince- Best looking Asian
Samantha - Dem titties tho, Jk
Stephanie - She's perdy
Jonas - The eyes, move over Randal… morel
Gabby - Her fiery anger somehow brings more attraction than Lilly
Ben - I call him Pewdiepie, plus he's thicc and tall
Luke- Pewdiepie with more facial hair with a great accent
Paige - She's aight, love the music that plays for her
Doug - He's so handsome,i saved him
Bonnie - I was going to put another guy but I wanted equal Genders.
I'm in funny, dark skined, scrawny guys. Like Leo Valdez, from Heroes of Olympus (bad books, good character, everyone else are stupid Mary Sue/Gary Stu with the same preocupations and boring personality and FUCKING PERCY JACKSON AGAIN LET OTHER PEOPLE SHINE! DAMMIT, UNCLE RICK!)
yeah, I'm crazy, AND REGRET NOTHING! That Javier (that is name of old man, i know a lot of old Javier's) looks like an asshole and certainly doesn't like Clem. What if he's with the bad guys and we only discover that at the end? What if he's a pedophile? What if he is more important than Clem. I pass, thanks.
That Javier (that is name of old man, i know a lot of old Javier's) looks like an asshole and certainly doesn't like Clem. What if he's with the bad guys and we only discover that at the end? What if he's a pedophile? What if he is more important than Clem. I pass, thanks.
Aaand THERE'sthe Pro-Clementine Javier premature hate I've come to expect from any fandum!
Also, I was gonna question how interacting with Clementine would make him a pedophile but decided it's not really worth askin.
Not THAT handsome? Are you crazy!?!?!?!?
I'm in funny, dark skined, scrawny guys. Like Leo Valdez, from Heroes of Olympus (bad books… more, good character, everyone else are stupid Mary Sue/Gary Stu with the same preocupations and boring personality and FUCKING PERCY JACKSON AGAIN LET OTHER PEOPLE SHINE! DAMMIT, UNCLE RICK!)
yeah, I'm crazy, AND REGRET NOTHING! That Javier (that is name of old man, i know a lot of old Javier's) looks like an asshole and certainly doesn't like Clem. What if he's with the bad guys and we only discover that at the end? What if he's a pedophile? What if he is more important than Clem. I pass, thanks.
Not THAT handsome? Are you crazy!?!?!?!?
I'm in funny, dark skined, scrawny guys. Like Leo Valdez, from Heroes of Olympus (bad books… more, good character, everyone else are stupid Mary Sue/Gary Stu with the same preocupations and boring personality and FUCKING PERCY JACKSON AGAIN LET OTHER PEOPLE SHINE! DAMMIT, UNCLE RICK!)
yeah, I'm crazy, AND REGRET NOTHING! That Javier (that is name of old man, i know a lot of old Javier's) looks like an asshole and certainly doesn't like Clem. What if he's with the bad guys and we only discover that at the end? What if he's a pedophile? What if he is more important than Clem. I pass, thanks.
Now, seriously, here's my ranking. (I'm a straight male, but I'm gonna make ranking for both genders. Not meaning sexually, just natural beauty/charm.):
10th. Lilly
9th. Edith
8th. Bonnie
7th. Michonne
6th. Shel
5th. Jane
4th. Samantha
3rd. Molly
2nd. Carley
1st. Clementine (NO PEDO, I mean I think she's the cutest, most beautiful girl of all TWD media. I just wanna cuddle her and tell her everything will be fine.)
10th. Ben
9th. Mark
8th. Nick
7th. Pete
6th. Omid
5th. Alex Fairbanks (Same as Clem, wanna hug him.)
4th. Kenny
3rd. Lee
2nd. Luke
1st. Javier
Aww, no love for Kenneth?
Now, seriously, here's my ranking. (I'm a straight male, but I'm gonna make ranking for both genders. Not m… moreeaning sexually, just natural beauty/charm.):
10th. Lilly
9th. Edith
8th. Bonnie
7th. Michonne
6th. Shel
5th. Jane
4th. Samantha
3rd. Molly
2nd. Carley
1st. Clementine (NO PEDO, I mean I think she's the cutest, most beautiful girl of all TWD media. I just wanna cuddle her and tell her everything will be fine.)
10th. Ben
9th. Mark
8th. Nick
7th. Pete
6th. Omid
5th. Alex Fairbanks (Same as Clem, wanna hug him.)
4th. Kenny
3rd. Lee
2nd. Luke
1st. Javier
Was more of a rhetorical question really, but I appreciate you taking the time to write a thorough response, anyway. Still, straight black male lesbian... wtf mate? XD
Yeeeah, "effort."
Well, as a straight black male lesbian, I naturally find myself forming a few thoughts, observances, and opinions on th… moree female characters based on appearance, personality, and skill. So, using the Walking Dead wikia for a character list, I was able to do this within 3-5 hours of bullshittin(by which I mean doing multiple things at once) based on some preexisting impressions. Some good and positive(Michelle, Sarah, debatably Jane), some bad and negative(Carley, Lilly, Becca), some enlightening-ly surprising(Bonnie, Sam, Gabby).
It honestly took more time to come up with some of the jokes and links.
I was originally just gonna say male lesbian but because the few people I said that to got confused, I added the straight just to get the joke across. I'm a guy who likes females so I jokingly say I'm a lesbian.
...although, I suppose you could call an actual lesbian a f@gg0+, so maybe I shouldn't.
Was more of a rhetorical question really, but I appreciate you taking the time to write a thorough response, anyway. Still, straight black male lesbian... wtf mate? XD
There was a discussion a while back about how Javier and Clementine don't like each other because they don't speak to one another in the trailer. Smart, right?
He's not a pedophile. Where did that come from? I'm sure TTG wouldn't make one of the playable characters a pedophile.
And yeah he may be… more an asshole but he's an extremely good looking one, and I don't think he is an asshole.
He is not OLD! He's like 20-25.
And how do you know he doesn't like Clem?
Haha I can imagine the confusion, it took me longer than I'm proud to admit to realise you weren't referring to some new Tumblr-born sexuality. But hey, whatever floats your boat.
I was originally just gonna say male lesbian but because the few people I said that to got confused, I added the straight just to get the jo… moreke across. I'm a guy who likes females so I jokingly say I'm a lesbian.
...although, I suppose you could call an actual lesbian a f@gg0+, so maybe I shouldn't.
Oh my god, that's not even surprising anymore lol. people are so defensive of Clementine not being overshadowed by Javier that they will make up something as an excuse as to why they dislike Javier for no reason.
There was a discussion a while back about how Javier and Clementine don't like each other because they don't speak to one another in the trailer. Smart, right?
I don't think we've seen enough of him to form opinions, period. It's been two years since Season 2. Every aspect of that season and the prior one have been explored and analysed to death, so I guess it is to be expected. People need something to talk about to keep the forum going.
Oh my god, that's not even surprising anymore lol. people are so defensive of Clementine not being overshadowed by Javier that they will make up something as an excuse as to why they dislike Javier for no reason.
I don't think we've seen enough of him to form opinions, period. It's been two years since Season 2. Every aspect of that season and the pri… moreor one have been explored and analysed to death, so I guess it is to be expected. People need something to talk about to keep the forum going.
Haha I can imagine the confusion, it took me longer than I'm proud to admit to realise you weren't referring to some new Tumblr-born sexuality. But hey, whatever floats your boat.
I was originally just gonna say male lesbian but because the few people I said that to got confused, I added the straight just to get the jo… moreke across. I'm a guy who likes females so I jokingly say I'm a lesbian.
...although, I suppose you could call an actual lesbian a f@gg0+, so maybe I shouldn't.
I know right. But I'm male; The straightup lack of men on my list should help.
Also, I sometimes just assume the profile pic is an indication but don't use too many pronouns just in case.
I'm just going by my own personal tastes since not everyone views beauty the same way.
* Kenny. For an old guy.
* Nick. Meh.
… more* Eddie. Not into the whole piercing/tats thing but he's good looking.
* Mark. He's okay.
* Russell. Hes a cutie.
* Javier. From what I've see he's pretty attractive.
* Omid. Not really into short guys but he's nice in the face.
* Ben. Also a cutie.
* Lee. In that strong "I'm-gonna-take-care-of-you" way.
* Luke. I mean it's pretty self-explantory.
* Brie. In a motherly way.
* Bonnie. She looks a lot better when she's not doing drugs.
* Michonne. Again, in a "I'm-gonna-take-care-of-you" way.
* Molly. Cute barrette and athletic af.
* Jane. Not into short hair on girls but she rocks it well.
* Sam from Michonne. Not the dog, tho he's hot too.
* Carley. Well.... yeah.
* Lily. All the stress made her look old but she's still pretty.
* Clementine. She's gonna be a hottie when she's older.
* Stephanie. Obvious.
Nice to see Javier actually has some fans, I guess.
It's also worth noting that the thread title is just a fitting reference; if you want to do more than ten characters or even all of them, feel free.
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Makes ya wonder how he stayed a virgin.
*I'm agender.
Well, he isn't the most confrontational about his opinions.
Like with Lily...?

I'm in funny, dark skined, scrawny guys. Like Leo Valdez, from Heroes of Olympus (bad books, good character, everyone else are stupid Mary Sue/Gary Stu with the same preocupations and boring personality and FUCKING PERCY JACKSON AGAIN LET OTHER PEOPLE SHINE! DAMMIT, UNCLE RICK!)
yeah, I'm crazy, AND REGRET NOTHING! That Javier (that is name of old man, i know a lot of old Javier's) looks like an asshole and certainly doesn't like Clem. What if he's with the bad guys and we only discover that at the end? What if he's a pedophile? What if he is more important than Clem. I pass, thanks.
Aaand THERE'sthe Pro-Clementine Javier premature hate I've come to expect from any fandum!
Also, I was gonna question how interacting with Clementine would make him a pedophile but decided it's not really worth askin.
He's not a pedophile. Where did that come from? I'm sure TTG wouldn't make one of the playable characters a pedophile.
And yeah he may be an asshole but he's an extremely good looking one, and I don't think he is an asshole.
He is not OLD! He's like 20-25.
And how do you know he doesn't like Clem?
Ummmm... I'm suspicious about this,
Aww, no love for Kenneth?
Now, seriously, here's my ranking. (I'm a straight male, but I'm gonna make ranking for both genders. Not meaning sexually, just natural beauty/charm.):
10th. Lilly
9th. Edith
8th. Bonnie
7th. Michonne
6th. Shel
5th. Jane
4th. Samantha
3rd. Molly
2nd. Carley
1st. Clementine (NO PEDO, I mean I think she's the cutest, most beautiful girl of all TWD media. I just wanna cuddle her and tell her everything will be fine.)
10th. Ben
9th. Mark
8th. Nick
7th. Pete
6th. Omid
5th. Alex Fairbanks (Same as Clem, wanna hug him.)
4th. Kenny
3rd. Lee
2nd. Luke
1st. Javier
Was more of a rhetorical question really, but I appreciate you taking the time to write a thorough response, anyway. Still, straight black male lesbian... wtf mate? XD
I was originally just gonna say male lesbian but because the few people I said that to got confused, I added the straight just to get the joke across. I'm a guy who likes females so I jokingly say I'm a lesbian.
...although, I suppose you could call an actual lesbian a f@gg0+, so maybe I shouldn't.
There was a discussion a while back about how Javier and Clementine don't like each other because they don't speak to one another in the trailer. Smart, right?
Haha I can imagine the confusion, it took me longer than I'm proud to admit to realise you weren't referring to some new Tumblr-born sexuality. But hey, whatever floats your boat.
Oh my god, that's not even surprising anymore lol. people are so defensive of Clementine not being overshadowed by Javier that they will make up something as an excuse as to why they dislike Javier for no reason.
I don't think we've seen enough of him to form opinions, period. It's been two years since Season 2. Every aspect of that season and the prior one have been explored and analysed to death, so I guess it is to be expected. People need something to talk about to keep the forum going.
Hahahahaahaha give this man or woman an Oscar
Um...can anyone remind me what "that dude next to Javier in screenshot" looks like? Just for fun.
You say in the thread about who seems attractive enough to F@#k!
EDIT: comment nº 100 of this thread \0/
Lmaoo, thanks!
EDIT : 2x
Tfw you cant even guess someone's gender
The way you are using Italics is suspicious.
Aren't lesbians girls and for Men is just "gay" or "Homosexual"?
Well, Im sure you can call girls either one of those three, but lesbian is specifically feminine as far as I can tell.
The way you've dodged my questioning is suspicious....
I know right. But I'm male; The straightup lack of men on my list should help.
Also, I sometimes just assume the profile pic is an indication but don't use too many pronouns just in case.
The way you are wasting time of your life to answer my stupid comments is suspicious.
That's what I mean.
Well, F@(k you too, love!
Sam is the fairest in Da Bajou, tho.
Your link is suspicious.
(ok i'll stop)
I'll keep it in mind.
I'm just going by my own personal tastes since not everyone views beauty the same way.
What… does… that, have, to do with?
Maybe you're thinking about asexual?
Oops, just realized I did it backwards. 10 being the most attractive
Let me tell you about this lovely lovely program, 39.99, you can buy it now for Thanksgiving: it's called "the Edit button."
2 lazy m8
I noticed that many of you have males as well as females listed in a single list.
I might consider doing the same later.