Actually, I think it might be possible to be both male and lesbian at the same time, as long as the person in question is of opposite gender and sex (like, male-gendered but female anatomically or vice versa) and attracted to someone who is female either way.
The telltale server crashed the first time I tried posting this, why is today so bad ;m;
Yeeeah, "effort."
Well, as a straight black male lesbian, I naturally find myself forming a few thoughts, observances, and opinions on th… moree female characters based on appearance, personality, and skill. So, using the Walking Dead wikia for a character list, I was able to do this within 3-5 hours of bullshittin(by which I mean doing multiple things at once) based on some preexisting impressions. Some good and positive(Michelle, Sarah, debatably Jane), some bad and negative(Carley, Lilly, Becca), some enlightening-ly surprising(Bonnie, Sam, Gabby).
It honestly took more time to come up with some of the jokes and links.
Javier looks a tiny bit like human Shrek.... I'm not complaining, though.
But, the hottest character has to be Crabtree's friend.
AKA Adam Harrington or Fuck me? Heh, fuck you, motherfucker!
Javier looks a tiny bit like human Shrek.... I'm not complaining, though.
But, the hottest character has to be Crabtree's friend.
AKA Adam Harrington or Fuck me? Heh, fuck you, motherfucker!
They might still be teenagers.
Aw, shit...
Nah, but in all seriousness, I think a Telltale staff in some thread confirmed that they were both in their 20s, so it's all fine.
Was more of a rhetorical question really, but I appreciate you taking the time to write a thorough response, anyway. Still, straight black male lesbian... wtf mate? XD
mood because i'm listening to rock
Javier gives off this vibe of Freddy from Scooby-doo
lol like Josh's creepy vibe look from Until Dawn, the funny thing about it is that's Josh's real face! (in until dawn)
Actually, I think it might be possible to be both male and lesbian at the same time, as long as the person in question is of opposite gender and sex (like, male-gendered but female anatomically or vice versa) and attracted to someone who is female either way.
The telltale server crashed the first time I tried posting this, why is today so bad ;m;
Bonnie definitely a crack cocaine or meth user
Ah, so she's a professional when it comes to using her mouth/throat then...
Get out.
Hey, she's gotta get that fix somehow.
I don't see notifications often but secretly it's when she is shot near chest so we can see the her prominent chest region
Thank you. Who is your #1 waif-fu or whatever?
Bonnie (S2)
Clementine (S3) I feel odd saying this
Samantha (Michonne mini series)
Javier looks a tiny bit like human Shrek.... I'm not complaining, though.
But, the hottest character has to be Crabtree's friend.
AKA Adam Harrington or Fuck me? Heh, fuck you, motherfucker!
Oh my goodness, you're right!
The bald walker in season 2 who looked like a granny, she's a 10(I think it's a she)
Really? Is their a side by side comparison? I want to be sure.
...where was this at exactly?
Ep 2, when they're going back for nick. clementine puts a hammer in her skull.
In this video at about 27:23
I see it now, he could be his dad.
She's a piece of work alright. Looks like Nick already made her knees weak, tho.
Gotta be Samantha and Paige.
Do we know how old they are? They might still be teenagers.
The link is having some sort of error.
Aw, shit...
Nah, but in all seriousness, I think a Telltale staff in some thread confirmed that they were both in their 20s, so it's all fine.
That's good.
It would be awkward if they were underage.
You haven't seen my list, have you?
But yeah, it probably could be.
So what if I did? You stole her from me!
I'd date Season 3 Clementine. Relax, I'm 15. Other than that, Carley maybe. Luke is a pretty good looking guy and I say that as a straight male.
You know, In hindsight, I probably should've saved some of that load instead of blowing it all at once
The way it sounds tho...
I guess Jane isn't so bad after all...

Nah man, Molly is the original bae
If there were any characters you'd wanna kiss/bang/marry, who would it be?