Season 2 Episode Name and Episode Storyline Ideas

This is not Really Predictons Well... sorta But it's more of a creativity group for a bit of imagination



  • Namestrong textminecraft story mode number two. Plot More money for Tell Tele

  • Episode 9: Jesse finds a cake

    the end

  • edited August 2016

    Season 2 Ep 1: Ham in need

    Ep 2: Sandwich in shoes

    Ep 3: No lollipoping around

    Ep 4: Pieing the price

    Ep 5: Ketchup in action

    (Okay, I'm done. You can all figure out the story behind each ep.)

  • Episode 1: World's Collide

    Episode 2: A Thing To Finish Up

    Episode 3: The Secret Below

    Episode 4: Invasion

    Episode 5: A New Life

  • season 2 Ep 1: We really should be doing a sequel to TWAU
    Ep 2: Maybe this should end
    Ep 3: Anyone got any ideas? Maybe we find more out about Nerissa

  • lmao that apostrophe World's Collide

    The collide belongs to the world?

    World is Collide?

    JimMate789 posted: »

    Episode 1: World's Collide Episode 2: A Thing To Finish Up Episode 3: The Secret Below Episode 4: Invasion Episode 5: A New Life

  • s2. ep 1. bob
    ep2. hi bob
    ep3. wanna play bob?
    ep.4 time to go home bob
    ep5. goodbye bob!
    ep6. bob: bye bye

  • "Times's Up" They Go back in time

  • lol wut

    s2. ep 1. bob ep2. hi bob ep3. wanna play bob? ep.4 time to go home bob ep5. goodbye bob! ep6. bob: bye bye

  • edited September 2016

    Episode 1: Beating the horse
    Episode 2: Beating the dead horse
    Episode 3: We should probably make TWAU Season 2 or TFTBL Season 2 but meh.
    Episode 4: Milkin' the cash cow
    Episode 5: We should have stopped 7 episodes ago.
    Episode 6, 7 and 8: We must have some spare ideas somewhere.

  • Food names for and episode = XD

    Lazy_DC posted: »

    Season 2 Ep 1: Ham in need Ep 2: Sandwich in shoes Ep 3: No lollipoping around Ep 4: Pieing the price Ep 5: Ketchup in action (Okay, I'm done. You can all figure out the story behind each ep.)

  • Season 2 Episode 1: A New Start

    Episode 2: Heven or What?

    Episode 3: Wait Up!

    Episode 4: The World is gone!!

    Episode 5: Mystery Solved

    DLC Episodes:

    Episode 6: New People.

    Episode 7: A New Friend

    Episode 8: Is This the End?

    Good one's right?

  • Season 2:
    EP1 - Haha, told you... question marrrkkkk....
    EP2 - Wither Storm Remorse
    EP3 - Herobrine is not in this episode.
    EP4 - Time for the epic cliffhanger...
    EP5 - When Ships Collide

    DLC Special: 40% of all Episode 1 buyers will make it to this point.

  • Season 2
    Ep 1: Jesse's sad
    Ep:2 Jesse find Reuben
    Ep 3: Jesse's happy
    Ep 4: Reuben want revenge
    Ep 5: Reuben kill Jesse
    Ep 6: Jesse's sad in the sky

  • edited September 2016

    This comment was a fucking emotional roller coaster holy shit that was a god damn trip.

    Also, just in case you take this seriously, it's a joke on how all over the place the comment was, it wasn't like, genuinely emotional, but props for being interesting.

    MegaXD posted: »

    Season 2 Ep 1: Jesse's sad Ep:2 Jesse find Reuben Ep 3: Jesse's happy Ep 4: Reuben want revenge Ep 5: Reuben kill Jesse Ep 6: Jesse's sad in the sky

  • It would be more fun if i made these episodes -

    1. Jesse finds another jesse
    2. Jesse and the other jesse find more jesses
    3. Jesse populated the world
    4. Jesse found jesse aliens
    5. Jesse is JESSier
    6. End of the world
  • maybe the adventure pass is season now so maybe

    EPISODE 1: Back to Old friends

    EPISODE 2: Stop him!

    EPISODE 3: The End

    EPISODE 4: It's not The End!

    EPISODE 5: Let's try To Stop him

    EPISODE 6: This is not Good..

    EPISODE 7: There's two of him Now!

    EPISODE 8: Let's kick the Evil's butt!

    BONUS (maybe there's two more episodes)

    EPISODE 9: He didn't Died!

    EPISODE 10: We won't Give up!

    (all i mean about Stop him, Let's try To Stop him, there's two of him now, let's kick the evil's butt and he didn't died are soren)

  • Maybe.....

    AChicken posted: »

    Season 2: EP1 - Haha, told you... question marrrkkkk.... EP2 - Wither Storm Remorse EP3 - Herobrine is not in this episode. EP4 - Time f

  • episode 1 Rubén returns. Episode 2 Rubén dies again Episode 3 Rubén goes to hell. Episode 4 Rubén kills the devil. Episode 5 Rubén eats Jessie


    donmike84 posted: »

    episode 1 Rubén returns. Episode 2 Rubén dies again Episode 3 Rubén goes to hell. Episode 4 Rubén kills the devil. Episode 5 Rubén eats Jessie

  • Lol haha

    s2. ep 1. bob ep2. hi bob ep3. wanna play bob? ep.4 time to go home bob ep5. goodbye bob! ep6. bob: bye bye

  • edited September 2016

    Season 2: I have written short stories about WHAT could happen in episode with thoose names.

    EP1 - Order Reborn! - The Order starts a new adventure in the forest of the KNIGHTS.(Knight Adventure)

    EP2 - Golden Diamond - The Order are being sent by a mysterious organization to retrive a Golden Diamond. ("James Bond" Adventure)

    EP3 - The Chamber of the Emerald - People are being killed by a monster that are told to live in a chamber of emeralds. ("Harry Potter" Adventure)

    EP4 - The Wizard's Legacy - The Order meets the greatest brewer and sorcerer in the history of the World. ("Lord of the Rings" Adventure)

    EP5 - Halt! Who goes there? - The Order gets imprisoned for a crime, without even commiting it! Can they escape? (Prison Adventure)

    EP6- Phantom of the Dead - A mysterious figure keeps wandering around the theather where the Order watch their show. Who is it? ("Phantom of the Opera" Adventure)

    EP7 - Void or Afterlife? - Have the Order now failed? They are now trapped in what comes after death. Is there any way to come back to our world? ("Afterlife" Adventure)

    EP8 - There is only the Beginning - The Order prepares the final battle against the Dark Lord. Is this really the end or is it just the beginning? ("Final Battle" Adventure)

    These are COMPLETLY random examples.

  • edited September 2016

    Minecraft: Story Mode - Season 2
    Episode 1: The Power of Riddles
    Episode 2: Betrayal
    Episode 3: On the Other Side
    Episode 4: Only One
    Episode 5: Blue Power

  • edited November 2016

    If you were to see my expresion right now.

    Now to think of it... WTF


    donmike84 posted: »

    episode 1 Rubén returns. Episode 2 Rubén dies again Episode 3 Rubén goes to hell. Episode 4 Rubén kills the devil. Episode 5 Rubén eats Jessie

  • But good examples.

    Season 2: I have written short stories about WHAT could happen in episode with thoose names. EP1 - Order Reborn! - The Order starts a new

  • Episode 1: A journeys begging?
    Episode 2: old faces new beginnings
    Episode 3: The order of the builders
    Episode 4: one last (I couldn't think of anything else after one last :p)
    Episode 5: Anothef Journey's end?

    I feel if there will be a season 2 there will be new characters maybe just new people or people related to Jessie like if Jessie has a kid.

  • Sees the names of the first 2 episodes

    WAT is this?

    Episode 1: Beating the horse Episode 2: Beating the dead horse Episode 3: We should probably make TWAU Season 2 or TFTBL Season 2 but me

  • Reads episode 3's name

    I KNOW

    AChicken posted: »

    Season 2: EP1 - Haha, told you... question marrrkkkk.... EP2 - Wither Storm Remorse EP3 - Herobrine is not in this episode. EP4 - Time f

  • edited September 2016

    Minecraft: Story Mode - Season 2
    Episode 1: Unknown?
    Episode 2: Another Block
    Episode 3: Shelter
    Episode 4: He Wants Revenge
    Episode 5: Death of Hope

    DLC - Memories Pack
    Episode 6: Old Continent
    Episode 7: The Crew of Darkness
    Episode 8: It Came Back?

  • The truth.

    JimMate789 posted: »

    Sees the names of the first 2 episodes WAT is this?

  • edited October 2016

    These are awesome! I'll try my hand at this, if I may...

    Episode One: Heads Together

    This series stars a brother and a sister (the player picks one of the two- Miles or Skylar) who live in the treetops of a forest, raised by whichever Jesse you picked in the first series. Though not related by blood, they still have a strong familial bond. When a mob outbreak spawns almost two weeks before the Order of the Stone's official reunion (Petra or Lukas has since replaced Jesse as group leader) Jesse leaves to investigate. When he/she doesn't return, the siblings decide to team up with their friends to locate him/her before the Order arrives. The episode ends with the group being unceremoniously thrown into the Nether by an overwhelming number of mobs/wolves. Escaping the Nether proves difficult since Ellegaard's minecart system has long since been... "derailed".

    Other friends include Mable's daughter- Fable, an aspiring Redstone engineer named Kyle who seems he would do better as a griefer, Puff (a sheep no one but Jesse cares about), a child librarian/mining researcher trying to maximize diamond-hunting efficiency- her name is Lapis, and a crafting specialist named Daniel who seems utterly pointless.

    Episode Two: Let Cook Until Burned

    After the gang are forced to set up camp and try to get some sleep, they quickly discover that the Nether is starting to flood with lava (more than usual). They proceed to investigate, coming across a bold warrior searching for loot (Sir Racabrane), some go-getting redhead who never mentions her name, and a girl who wants desperately to be a witch (as in an actual Minecraft witch). A few days of exploring and surviving finally lead to an exit portal, where the would-be witch tries to get through first and destroy the portal on the other side (her practicing with potions has gotten too out of hand for this temperamental realm, or so she claims. She wants to start anew, without lava spouting all over the place). With some help from Racabrane and the redhead, the group escapes, only to find themselves in a snowy forest biome far away from home. The episode ends with the company- passed out in the snow- being discovered by a villager.

    Episode Three: Sibling Rivalry

    The villagers of a nearby village prove to be surprisingly hospitable to the newcomers, even though the only one who speaks their language is Villager #777 (the one with a beard... voiced by Dan Lloyd? :P ). The throng wants to get moving, but find themselves divided regarding what route they should take. The forest seems like the quickest way home, but Villager #777 claims that there are "unforeseeable threats " lurking within. He says a wiser path would be the one already made by merchants who occasionally visit the village- longer and out of the way, but safer. Either path proves to have difficulties- the Merchant's path turns out to be boring enough for an epic duel to take place, and the Forest route holds mobs that are twice their normal size. Both directions lead to the Frostbite Docs, where a merchant (Rufus) offers to guide the group across the water in exchange for Lapis' favorite book. If you refuse, a pirate captain named Nexa takes the group on her custom-made ship with their promise of working hard to earn their keep. Nexa, although uninterested in Lapis' book, takes an interest in Lapis and her knowledgability.

    Episode Four: Sight Seeing

    After a few days of sailing, things are running smoothly until a strange creature/storm kicks in. The throng winds up separated on two different shores of a desert island- Miles with Fable and Daniel, Skylar with Lapis, Kyle and Puff. Whichever guide was picked in the previous episode has run off with Lapis' book- Nexa, because she wanted to find out why the other merchants were so interested in it, and Rufus because he sees his end of the bargain as "fulfilled". With each group trying to find the other, members start seeing mirages and become concerned with what's real and what isn't. Eventually, they meet back up in a cave, the same one written about in Lapis' book. The protagonist of said book, entitled "The Treasure Trove of a Terrible Two-Timer", was said to have explored the cave searching for treasure, but found something else. When he returned, he filled the place with treasure gained using the object he had found. The group finds Rufus/Nexa facing said treasure that he/she found using the book (the group didn't need it since Lapis had the story memorized). Fighting/Trap triggering ensues, and depending on who gains the upper hand Rufus, Nexa, Miles, or Skylar finds him/herself in an underground dungeon, face to face with a Jesse behind bars.

    Episode Five: No Way Out

    I might update this later if you guys are interested. Thanks for reading!

  • Episode 1: new start
    Episode is based on a fresh start where at end we see soren

    Episode 2: soren and ender dragon
    This episode focus on the ender dragon which can out of command block

    Episode 3: terror and worse
    Someone like old Ivor makes a wiether

    Episode 4: blown up
    Wiether meets enderdragon

    Episode 5: back to farlands
    Jessie gets Another book by ivor

    Episode 6: epic battle went wrong
    Plan to dystroy wiether and dragon backfired

    Episode 7: getting PAMA, old order and old builders
    Sets to get old order PAMA and old builders

    Episode 8: All in one
    Old order, PAMA, old builders, New order together dystroy wiether


  • And another episode Jessie find 100 soren

    100 soren = 100 Fbomb
    Original soren Jessie moves out
    Blows 100 F bomb
    Fbomb rain

    guyalf1 posted: »

    It would be more fun if i made these episodes - * Jesse finds another jesse * Jesse and the other jesse find more jesses * Jesse populated the world * Jesse found jesse aliens * Jesse is JESSier * End of the world

  • Minecraft Story Mode - Season 2

    Episode 1: Journey's beginning

    Episode 2: New danger and enemies

    Episode 3: Research of mystery place

    Episode 4: We can do this!

    Episode 5: First loss

    Episode 6: Create things is not possible of order of the Water

    Minecraft Story Mode - Season 2 DLC episodes

    Episode 7: Where this sword?

    Episode 8: Wither's heart

    Episode 9: Found more warriors

    Episode 10: The first attack on us

    Episode 11: The first victory of the enemy

    Episode 12: The final battle with enemy and journey end

    Many episodes I came up, I know, but my imagination she is.

  • I like your ideas, but I don't think they'll have episodes with the name 'Stop Him!' and another episodes name with 'Let's Try To Stop Him!'

  • Wow, you have a great imagination! :)

    Season 2: I have written short stories about WHAT could happen in episode with thoose names. EP1 - Order Reborn! - The Order starts a new

  • All of you have excellent ideas..let's hope there is another season & maybe some of your ideas will be considered.

  • ep.1 a storms coming

    ep.2 rivalries

    ep.3 the f bomb

    ep.4 is that bacon?

    ep.5 a hidden secret

    ep.6 the fantom menus

    ep.7 error alert

    ep.8 a final battle?

  • Woo!! :D

    All of you have excellent ideas..let's hope there is another season & maybe some of your ideas will be considered.

  • (v1)
    Minecraft: Story Mode - Season 3
    Episode 1: Disconnected
    Episode 2: Notification
    Episode 3: Re-Launch
    Episode 4: Center
    Episode 5: In Memory
    DLC - Error Pack
    Episode 6: Access Granted
    Episode 7: ID
    Episode 8: Emergency Switch


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