Season 2 Episode Name and Episode Storyline Ideas



  • damn, I've created a mini fanbase

    -quadruple xD-

  • Sadly, I think I'm milking this way too much, I don't think I can continue

    J-lol posted: »

    damn, I've created a mini fanbase

  • Anyways, welcome to the fanbase.

    • Tohabath

    You guys will probably find TWD Season 1, 2 and 3 being f*cked up by me :D

    J-lol posted: »

    Sadly, I think I'm milking this way too much, I don't think I can continue

  • The heck happened to the bullet points?

    J-lol posted: »

    Anyways, welcome to the fanbase. * Tohabath *JimMate789 *Acheive250 *PetraTheHotHead *EnderSlainer *L-dog You guys will probably find TWD Season 1, 2 and 3 being f*cked up by me

  • L-dog posted: »


  • So I'll make the plots later :

    Episode 1 : The Beginning of A New End

    Episode 2 : Friends and Foes

    Episode 3 : What Goes Around Comes Around

    Episode 4 : Twists and Turns

    Episode 5 : A New Age

    I really only thought of the plots and not the names. Episode One and Episode Five's names are the ones I'm okay with.

    Characters : Episode 1

    Emily/Oliver : The main protagonist you play as. Either a boy or girl and you choose his or her appearance. You live with your two friends Thomas and Robert in a small house near the city. The adventure begins in Endercon. You are with your dog and decide to separate with the group to try and get some drinks. Because of this, you meet the hooded man.

    Sparky : A small wolf puppy which belongs to Emily. You meet him in Episode One. Where he runs to Tom and licks his face in the beginning. He plays bigger roles as the story progresses, and In Episode One at Endercon he is suspicious of The Hooded Man and bites his cloak, leading to your first encounter of him.

    Thomas "Tom" : Emily's best friend and an aspiring engineer. You see him in Episode One where he walks in about to wake you up, only to get licked by Sparky. It is noted that he has won the building competition along with you and Rob for the past four years. In Episode Two if you go to Redstonia he goes a bit fanboy for Olivia.

    At Endercon when the dragon is unleashed, he throws his diamond pick axe at it, puncturing the skin and making the dragon falter, giving everyone enough time to escape.

    Robert "Rob" : Rob is a fighter, and you see him first in Episode one punching a dummy made out of an armor stand, leather armor, and a pumpkin for a head. He greets you and promptly teases Tom, calling him a pussy for not joining the fight last week. Tom replies that Rob was drinking health potions and milk for an entire day trying to wear off the effects of the fight, and he didn't want to make himself sick.

    The Hooded Man : The main antagonist. You first meet him at Endercon, where you dog, Sparky, bites him on the cloak. You try to apologize but he ends up insulting you. You leave him, suspicious of his actions.

    Later on in the middle of Jesse's speech, he interrupts, shocking everyone. He accuses Jesse of causing more pain than good, saying it was his fault in the first place that made the Witherstorm exist, and he caused two deaths, amnesia, and the suffering of the townsfolk all because of a stupid potion he and his friends decided to STEAL.

    Jesse denies this, but The Hooded Man laughs and says that Jesse is a liar and charlatan. (Con artist) Petra attempts to tackle him but ends up crashing into Jesse, knocking them both off stage. Axel, Lukas, and Olivia try to stop him, but he also makes them tackle each other.

    He then takes something out of his pocket and places it down, revealing it was an Ender Dragon egg. The same one Ivor had said was missing from his house. The Man chuckles and asks the crowd if Jesse was truly a hero, and if he could really defeat the Ender Dragon. He states that the Witherstorm was not designed to kill, but the dragon, a lethal lizard with poisonous breath, was 10x as powerful, and could destroy them in an instant.

    He then laughs and says that it just so happens that today, without the fortress Ivor made to bind it, it could be at the proper tempatures to incubate.. And therefore hatch. Then the dragon does some mayhem and freaks the heck out of the audience. I'm going to continue later.

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