My scripted idea for a Sam & Max ride (BEWARE OF LONG LOAD)

edited April 2010 in Sam & Max
Hey, remember when I made a thread about what a Sam & Max theme park ride would be like? Well, neither do I! Regardless, I wrote a screenplay on how I think the ride would be like. It's a work in progress, but it's coming out pretty well so far. Right now, it's just the pre-show stuff. Anyways, enjoy!

Alright, I can't post the Word document because it's too big in size. Apparently, it looks like I'm going to need to paste the writing in.

We go inside the ride area, and the queue is made to look somewhat like the hallways of SAM & MAX'S office building. There are a few TVs here and there that show small clips from the SAM & MAX games from Telltale. They also give subtle foreshadowing to the upcoming events in the ride.

Once we get to the front of the line, we are told which boarding row we will be going on. In the pre-loading room, there are a few video screens placed on either side of the wall. Right now, they are playing a looping animation of the Freelance Police symbol spinning.

Once everyone is herded into the pre-show area, the animation starts flickering to static, and the pre-show begins. SAM is in front of the camera fiddling with it, then backs away and shows that we are seeing a feed of SAM & MAX'S OFFICE. MAX is standing in a corner.


There we go, finally got it set up.

About time. I've been trying to practice my lines for way too long now.

(ahem) Welcome, money-givers, to the offices of the Freelance Police! I'm Sam, the tall and smart one.

And I'm Max, the cute, cuddly, psychopathic trigger-happy one!

We're here to show you the behind the scenes of how us policemen do our jobs.

Some say it's crazy, some say it's animal cruelty, but I say it's fun!

Just then, the PHONE RINGS.
(gasp) I GOT IT! I GOT IT!!

I got it!

No, I got it!

The two start fighting, and accidentally knock over the camera. Now, the only thing being heard is their fighting and the PHONE ringing. Suddenly, they stop, and the PHONE is heard being picked up.
SAM (O.S.)
Hello? Yes? Yes? Yes! What? … I'm sorry, what? No. Yes? Yeees? Holy mace-wielding minotaur kings! We're on our way!

SAM hangs up the PHONE, and as MAX is talking, SAM is putting the CAMERA back onto the table.
Who was it? PETA again?

Not this time, my furry little pal. It was the Commissioner.

Oh, good. That means they haven't found me yet.

Apparently, those rat vigilantes, the Skinbodies, have came back to power and are stealing hair supplies the city over!

Gasp! Now how will I make myself all deranged and adorable in the morning?

Don't you worry, we'll put a stop to it. But it looks like we might need to (motions towards audience) bring these guys along with us.

Great. More dead weight.

It's a good thing I bought all those miniature DeSotos a few days ago, for some reason.

How incredibly convenient!

But first, we have to show these people a mandatory ride safety video, or else the Disney/Universal guys will be all over us. Max, if you'd do the honors?


MAX bends down in front of the CAMERA and presses a button. The picture flickers into static and after a few seconds, the picture flickers back and the C.O.P.S from the TTG games come up, floating on a blue-and-black background.

Hello, and welcome to Sam & Max: The 3D Ride! We are the Computer Obsolescence Prevention Society, better known as the C.O.P.S!

Before you enjoy the awesomeness that is this ride, we need to go through a few safety regulations.

(beeping noises)


All in due time, friend. Anyway, onto business. We were originally going to offer everyone Augmented Reality Goggles, but due to some … er, miscalculations...


...we decided to give out Augmented Reality Glasses instead!

A rotating animation of the AUGMENTED REALITY GLASSES appear on the right of the screen.
Be sure to pick them up in the kiosk next to the doors as you go inside!

The AUGMENTED REALITY GLASSES shrink out and disappear.
And be sure to put your glasses in our Augmented Reality Glasses Containment Bins when you leave, which are conveniently located behind the exit doors.

A rotating picture of one of the AUGMENTED REALITY GLASSES CONTAINMENT BINS appears on the right of the screen.

No, they are Augmented Reality Glasses Containment Bins.

The animation of the AUGMENTED REALITY GLASSES CONTAINMENT BIN shrinks and disappears, much in the same way as the last animation.
Be sure to go all the way around to the end of the row and sit. Each seat gives you a good view of the ride, so don't be annoyed.

If you have heart problems, pregnancy, or if you're just plain scared, there are a few non moving seats in the front. And finally, no eating, drinking, smoking, kissing, hurting, killing, maiming, shooting, laser blasting, bouncing, chasing, choking, or spontaneously combusting while on the ride. And that's it!

(short congratulatory tune)

Thank you for listening, and enjoy the ride!


Yes, my friend. Yes you may.

YAY! (ahem) (in booming voice) DOORS OPEN NOW!! THERE IS NO ESCAPE!!!!

At this cue, the automatic doors swing open, and we go in.

That's all I got. What's your feedback?


  • edited July 2009
    Sounds pretty good. Maybe we need a theme park ride for them. But the pre-show script looks good, seems like it has a nice tone from the telltale games to it.

    BTW, might want to see if you can go for a slightly longer Sam exclamation at the phone, seems slightly short. But good base for it, though.
  • edited July 2009
    Yeah, that Sam exclamation is from the games themselves. I'm just using it as a placeholder until I can think up a good one.
  • edited July 2009
    I want to see the rest! This is awesome!!!
  • edited July 2009
    I haven't gotten the whole ride footage idea yet, but expect it to come in the next few days ;) Until then, enjoy this:


    We go into a slightly hexagonal room, with two angled walls on either side of the wall with the screen. The screen is only showing black right now. We each go into DESOTOS and sit in our seats. Once everyone is seated, the show begins. The screen is still black, but we hear SAM & MAX's voice over the speakers.
    SAM (V.O.)
    Are we comfortable, Max?

    MAX (V.O.)
    I think so, Sam. I just can't get this seatbelt on. I think my vital organs are being crushed.

    SAM (V.O.)
    More than they usually are?

    MAX (V.O.)
    No, actually.

    SAM (V.O.)
    Alright, time for a vehicle inspection.

    MAX (V.O.)
    Aye-aye, cap'n!

    SAM (V.O.)

    MAX (V.O.)

    SAM (V.O.)
    Alright, inspection complete!

    MAX (V.O.)
    Now let's get this train wreck a-rollin'!

    We hear a KEY go in an ignition, and an engine starts up. This booms over the speaker. While the car is trying to start, the DESOTOS rise up about two feet into the air.

    That's all I got. Any ideas, anyone?
  • edited July 2009
    I like it so far, but maybe more of an interactive ride, like the Monsters Inc. ride at Disney Land. I'm thinking of... *shudder* Lorne's Sam & Max ride. Except, you know... better.
    You could ride around in a mini Desoto, fearing all the time that you might crash into something (or someone), while Sam and Max are guiding you through your... I'm gonna call it a "mission" for lack of a better word.
  • edited July 2009
    Yeah...I have no idea what happens in Lorne's Sam & Max ride. >_> <_<
  • edited July 2009
    I'd ride it! The scripts sound great. I can't wait to read more of it when you have the time to make up some more. ^_^
  • edited July 2009
    I will go ahead and spoil one part of the ride:

    We go to the moon.

  • edited July 2009
    So... this'll be like the Spider Man ride at Universal Studios Orlando Resort, right?
  • edited July 2009
    Yeah...I have no idea what happens in Lorne's Sam & Max ride. >_> <_<

    Basically, you're riding a little Desoto, and you get to see a lot of stuff that has happened to Sam and Max. But maybe for your ride, the people would experience the adventure, too. The props on Lorne's ride were just cardboard cutouts.
  • edited July 2009
    Snicklin wrote: »
    So... this'll be like the Spider Man ride at Universal Studios Orlando Resort, right?

    Not exactly.

    My idea is that it's one-fifth Muppetvision 3D, two-fifths Jimmy Neutron's Nicktoon Blast, one-fifth Terminator 2 3D, and one-fifth Shrek 3D.

    Yeah, that's a lot of 3D.
  • edited July 2009
    Not exactly.

    My idea is that it's one-fifth Muppetvision 3D, two-fifths Jimmy Neutron's Nicktoon Blast, one-fifth Terminator 2 3D, and one-fifth Shrek 3D.

    Yeah, that's a lot of 3D.

    can you elaborate?
  • edited July 2009
    I'm thinking of this Spongebob 3D motion 3D ride I went on at Kings Island... anyway, this sounds great. Oh, and I haven't got to die on Mr Toad with my soul train token yet, in case you're wondering.
  • edited July 2009
    I'm thinking of this Spongebob 3D motion 3D ride I went on at Kings Island... anyway, this sounds great. Oh, and I haven't got to die on Mr Toad with my soul train token yet, in case you're wondering.

    Actually, I've been on that ride as well. It's also over at Carowinds near where I live. That's also one part of the ride (it's in sixths now)

    Also, you need to remember to uphold your part of the deal. ;)
    GinnyN wrote: »
    can you elaborate?

    Okay, let's see...

    It has moving vehicles like the Jimmy Neutron ride (although the vehicles are miniature DeSotos, as the script shows), it has 3D and gives a bit of "damage" to the theater like MuppetVision, it is going to have in-ride effects like Shrek 3D (my favorite idea is with Max accidentally firing bullets at you, and in the theater, a bunch of lights go off in time with Max's blasts to feel like he's shooting around the theater, and little air jets go off to make it feel like bullets go past your head :) ), and something that relates to the Terminator ride.
  • edited July 2009
    I think you've done a pretty good job on the writing..which is quite hard to nail.. kudos!
  • edited July 2009
    Hero1 wrote: »
    I think you've done a pretty good job on the writing..which is quite hard to nail.. kudos!

    Thanks for all the praise, guys. I'll try to see if I can get the rest of the ride up. I'm feeling somewhat brain-dead for ideas, so if anyone has any ideas for the ride, they'd be appreciated. :)

    Oh, yes, and if you want to see one of the things that I'm using as a guide to write this script, here it is.
  • edited July 2009
    I have two ideas:

    1- Sam says something like they have to be less heavy, and Max attemps to let behind the public, until Sam correct him and said they have to unload the trunk (And, if you want, you can give a long list of stuff in the trunk, including a Gorilla)

    2- Somehow, Sam went missing, and Max has to drive. Let's the public know why Sam doesn't let him drive unless he feels generous for a little while, and Sam, somehow, is still in the car (Just for make the horror short. But he can be missing for something else. The point is just make Max drive).
  • edited July 2009
    1 - Not bad, maybe have it so that Max sounds like he's behind the auditorium.

    2 - I had an idea similar to that: Sam has Max shoot at the Skinbodies, then he gets distracted and starts shooting at the riders. Then Sam says something along the lines of "let me handle this, you drive the car", and Max gets distracted and jumps off a ramp onto the train bridge.

    Still up for any ideas.
  • edited July 2009
    Now I'm thinking about it, what's about if Max actually left the public behind. Without saying he will, he just do it. Like, all the auditorium went to dark and the mini-desotos stop moving for a sec and then Sam shouts something like "Not the people, bucket head! The trunk!".

    I'll be in Brainstorming mode for a while, and, if I have an idea even if its stupid, I'll post it. :)
  • edited July 2009
    When Bob says no spontaneusly combusting, Max's voice should come over and whisper "Hey Sam I need to combust." And then Sam's voice would say " Max I asked you if you needed to go before and you said no." "But realy need to go NOW" Max's voice. "Alright just go up the back and hope that theres nobody within a metre radius of you."Sam's voice. Steps are heard with Max ocasionly saying "Pardon me", "sorry lady" and "get out the way!". The COPS start to talk again.
  • edited August 2009
    No, I'm not doing any more suggestions for the pre-show video. It's not a bad idea, I'm just not using it.
  • edited August 2009
    I'd love a ride like this at Universal! The script definitely seems on par with Telltale's material. Good job!

    Edit: 200th post, woooo!
  • edited March 2010
    Guess what? Since I've basically left this thread to rot, I decided to post and say that I have gotten back to work on writing the script for this. There's nothing good yet, but once I get a good chunk finished, I'll post it.

    And yes, I'm adding to it because of Season 3.
    edited March 2010
    Yay. This looks awesome dude! I wish it was true...
  • edited April 2010
    Oh god Wow if only this was on universal! :o Id pretty much ride it all day! :D
  • edited April 2010
    I can also imagine the gift shop, modeled after bosco's inconvinience! The gift shop is filled with awesome t-shrirts, plushies, toys, fridge magnets and a photo area where you can take pics with sam & max! *hopes Universal considers this idea for a new ride! :D*
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