Well I remember Burch saying she is asexual so I don't think I could ship her with anyone (which same goes for Zer0 - how ever I don't mind the idea of one sided Zer0/Rhys)
Besides, even if she wasn't I don't think any of the Maya ships could interest me tbh.
and totally not because I
Or Moxxi. But I can see pretty much anyone with Moxxi.
Zer0! Zer0! Zer0!
i know the struggle
i guess it could work because both of them are asexual
Well Maya is asexual, so...
If I have to choose, I vote for Krieg.
Well I remember Burch saying she is asexual so I don't think I could ship her with anyone (which same goes for Zer0 - how ever I don't mind the idea of one sided Zer0/Rhys)
Besides, even if she wasn't I don't think any of the Maya ships could interest me tbh.
I don't think it really matters if their both asexuals.
not axton?
I dunno, I like the idea of her being a fairly independent cut-throat that never wants to settle down or grow too attached to anyone.
I know what I'm about, son.
Krieg. PRETTY LADY!!!!
Um he has no mouth