Tales From The Borderlands miscellaneous subjects thread
I couldn't find something similar, so this is the thread were you can post anything regarding Tales From the Borderlands (and maybe Borderlands in general) that you don't find fitting for any other thread, and you also don't want to make an entire new thread for it.
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I'll start: What happens if you don't pick up any flash grenades in their old house in Hollow Point? What will Fiona throw up in the air in epsode 2 if you choose to trust her over Jack?
No matter what happens, Fiona will always pick up 2 flash grenades.
Ya know how we can buy different outfits and skins for the characters? I always wondered how those change the dialogue
OMG I'm so glad this thread exist now I can ask any off-topic question!
Now, I have a doubt: I played TftB first, before all the other Borderlands games. I started playing the first one, but it's just so BOOOOOORING! "Come, here I have a mission for you: Go kill this thing! Oh, you finished, good, go kill this other thing!". I know a lot of shooter videogames are like this, but as a person who only played two *shooter *videogames in her life, and those being Bioshock Infinite and Tomb Raider, I find videogames with no story very boring. Anyways, I hear people talking about Handsome Jack and Tiny Tina and stuff, and I want to understad more TftB, and get to know Pandora better, and get to see the history of Hyperion and Atlas and stuff. When does the main history start? Do I have to play the all first game to understand the other two? If not, when does the story in the first videogame start? How long do I have to go on pointless quests that doesn't have to do anything related to a Vault or, idk, and actual story?!
Please, no spoiler. Thanks.
OMG I'm so glad this thread exist now I can ask any off-topic question!
Now, I have a doubt: I played TftB first, before all the other Borderlands games. I started playing the first one, but it's just so BOOOOOORING! "Come, here I have a mission for you: Go kill this thing! Oh, you finished, good, go kill this other thing!". I know a lot of shooter videogames are like this, but as a person who only played two *shooter *videogames in her life, and those being Bioshock Infinite and Tomb Raider, I find videogames with no story very boring. Anyways, I hear people talking about Handsome Jack and Tiny Tina and stuff, and I want to understad more TftB, and get to know Pandora better, and get to see the history of Hyperion and Atlas and stuff. When does the main history start? Do I have to play the all first game to understand the other two? If not, when does the story in the first videogame start? How long do I have to go on pointless quests that doesn't have to do anything related to a Vault or, idk, and actual story?!
Please, no spoiler. Thanks.
Borderlands 2 is considered the best main Borderlands game, it has a much better story, and thats where Handsome Jack starts. Also you really dont need to worry about playing Borderlands 1 to understand Borderlands 2.
Telltale forum be like
Thanks... and what about the Pre-Sequel? What happends in that game?
Thanks... and what about the Pre-Sequel? What happends in that game?
Pre Sequel takes place between Borderlands 1 and 2, it plays alot like Borderlands 2, but not nearly as good story wise. Its about Jack before he was Handsome Jack, hiring Vault Hunters to open a Vault on the moon.
I can see the first Borderlands being a pain if you aren't keen on shooters and grinding, but I generally give it a pass on its weaknesses since it was rather novel at the time. It combined the elements of FPS and popular RPGs pretty darn well. Guns did stuff we'd never seen before. Playing with friends makes some of the drudge a bit better, too.
BL2 is a vast improvement story-wise - so I'm not about to argue there - but BL at least did its job in setting up the feel, look, and rules of the universe. There are locations and characters in BL2 that are from BL, so having that reference makes things more enjoyable, but I agree that it's not crucial to understanding BL2. Much like various references in Tales.
I enjoyed playing as Lilith, too. Her phasewalk is godly by the end of the game (I'd join the cult).
If I remember correctly - it's been a while - the story doesn't really start picking up some steam until you reach New Haven.
I kept Fionas and Sashas original clothes when the group went to Helios last time I played it, and literally the only difference was that Sasha said "Really?" when I backed out of the menu to the quickchange station.
Has anyone done an Yvette-cosplay? Her awesome haircut doesn't get enough appreciation, and I'd love to see a real life version of it.
Yup I got that too, then Sasha just stands there for no reason.
Also, I think if you buy Sasha the goggles in episode 3, I think she tells Fiona she wants to test them out when she rides Loaderbot.
Thank you
You think the Hyperion people would react to the wonderful Pandoran fashion but no, nothing. Would it be that hard to have the guide for example say something about it to Sasha, then have Sasha angrily look at Fiona for not buying new clothes.
Yeah I thought it was weird that no one mentions Sasha or Fiona's clothing if you didnt get the Hyperion looks.
Like, in during the tour, if you didnt buy the Hyperion outfit for Fiona, some of the visitors should have said that Fiona didnt look at all like a tour guide based on what she was wearing.
I don't think so, but I have seen some sick cosplays of Sasha (which is rare) from this girl
Awww, you know I like Sasha? Thanks!
Foreshadowing for the Mr. Robot game that TTG published, or just coincidence? At one point, Sasha calls Rhys Mr. Roboto too, but that seems even more far-fetched. What do you think? EDIT: just found out that Mr. Roboto is a song by Styx, and some other things too.

So just something I kinda want to mention, because why not, the ending to episode 5 was a little different from the final product.
Originally it seemed that after Rhys and Fiona say what they said to each other back in episode 1, Rhys would also say "come on Big Money" (what Fiona in episode 1 when they pressed the button) afterwords, Rhys and Fiona would stop opening the Vault Treasure and freak out about how they managed to remember what they said. I just think its kinda interesting because that is what I guess the last joke of the game could have been.
Getting TFTB flashbacks from Batman. "Please scan skin". At least it wasn't used for a skin pizza

Hey anyone else thinks Fiona and Sasha are not biologically related? idk, the look kinda different, don't you think?
Nah they're biological, one of there biggest similarities is their eyes.
...But they have different shades of green... shouldn't they be the same colour? idk the could have met in the streets at a very, very young age and idk just my stupid toughts.
sisters don't have to look like each other, in order to be biologically related.
me and one of my sisters are simmler: she's tan, i'm pale, she has brown eyes, i have green, she has dark brown hair, my natural hair colour is light brown.
there are multiple this i could also mention, but to conclude we are complete opposites. and i can assure we are biologically related.
I'd like to know more about their backstory, like their biological parents and how they lost them and ended up with Felix.
Season 2, amirit fellas?
At least DLC, like 400 days, you hear me Telltale! But that's probably too late now.
I have to get this off my chest. Who do I need to fuck, marry, and/or kill to get a crossover TFTBL and Tiny Tina's Assault on Dragon Keep? Obviously Rhys has a Harry Potter wand so we're halfway there with the RP tropes already. Fiona's got the vampire lapels so she's rolling some kind of dark sorceress. And Sasha? Spirit healer. Vaughn? Level 1 keyboard-turning noob who actually has no idea how to play. Looks can be deceiving.
OK. Now that that's out of my system: what would you guys want to see if there was such a crossover?
aaaaaaaand she's double postin'
I have to get this off my chest. Who do I need to fuck, marry, and/or kill to get a crossover TFTBL and Tiny Tina's Assault on Dragon Keep? Obviously Rhys has a Harry Potter wand so we're halfway there with the RP tropes already. Fiona's got the vampire lapels so she's rolling some kind of dark sorceress. And Sasha? Spirit healer. Vaughn? Level 1 keyboard-turning noob who actually has no idea how to play. Looks can be deceiving.
OK. Now that that's out of my system: what would you guys want to see if there was such a crossover?
i like borderlands 1 better because after you finish the game, farming other enemies isnt as boring as BL2. but story wise, The pre sequel and BL2 are better.
I legitimately think Fiona may have brought bowler hats back in style.
My sister and I are both blue eyed. We have different shades - mine are more silvery blue, and her's are dark blue. We're still related biologically (we have a blue eyed dad, brown eyed mom).
Hell yeah she did!
Does Rhys jack off with his robo-arm?
Jack jacks Rhys off
Asking the real questions around here
Ok, but...
ugh, I should better shut up. I'm not wining this.
Hey man, it's alright. You're not the only person who thinks this. For all we know, you could be right.