I guess. Was still annoying how you never got the option to confront Arvo about the supplies and his motive if you didn't actually steal from him. I know if I almost lost my life in a gunfight I'd wanna know why it took place.
Gonna go ahead and copy these things since I don't know if I'll ever get around to doing more personal stuff here.
Javier having more development beyond being a Supporting Protagonist with Informed Flaws
Clementine and "jesus" having a little more to them beyond obligatory fan service, with the former having more appropriate and/or consistent characterization(s) throughout
Mariana either surviving Badger's sting operation, actually mattering in death, or never existing
Gabe's depth/potential being tapped more before the finale(yes, I'm still kinda mad--wanna fight about it?)
Actual backstory exposition, particularly where Kate and especially Tripp are concerned
Hub areas where you can actually have meaningful interactions beyond the one immediate topic(again, looking at you Tripp)
Far less rushed/dropped subplots and copouts--nuff said
A more cohesive story, rewrites or not
Determinate factors mattering or being handled better universally
More handwaving when necessary
Joan being a more unified/complex antagonist instead of dramatically shifting characterization between episodes(one of her 3+ copouts)
Tripp being more defined, consistent, and actually being worthy of the invisible importance he's given
Yeah, I originally had Ava(which btw, most of the avatars are pretty nice this time around), but I felt she, Kate, and Gabe might be too obvious picks, so I went down my personally list and Joan was the next character, which works since I doubt theere'll be too many of her around here.
I know, I should probably reread it at some point. And maybe finally get around to expanding on those other characters I said I would.
Personally i found ANF to be average with my main grip with it being how some characters were wasted ((Francine, Hector, Clint, Ava)) i mean what was the point of introducing Francine if she was Just gonna get killed off.
Okay, so I'm just about caught up with current reviews, so if I happened to skip you, please feel free to let me know.
I'm planning on ge… moretting back to doing rewrites myself, perhaps revisiting/wrapping-up some of my ideas for Season 2 for the time being and jumping on the ANF bandwagon. Got a number of little things I wanna do there, but then who doesn't?
Primarily speaking, her death as a hostage is the primary catalyst for Conrad's arc, so at least a tangible effect on the story--more so than Mariana even.
However, it is worth noting that she was originally gonna betray the Garcias/Group/Town somehow according to the games code, so they did have more in mind for her befitting her introduction feeling like a quick character establishing moment.
Personally i found ANF to be average with my main grip with it being how some characters were wasted ((Francine, Hector, Clint, Ava)) i mean what was the point of introducing Francine if she was Just gonna get killed off.
Primarily speaking, her death as a hostage is the primary catalyst for Conrad's arc, so at least a tangible effect on the story--more so tha… moren Mariana even.
However, it is worth noting that she was originally gonna betray the Garcias/Group/Town somehow according to the games code, so they did have more in mind for her befitting her introduction feeling like a quick character establishing moment.
which obviously means Christa since while i do Like omid more than Christa she would probably survive longer since Omid is too trusting while Christa s more cautious.
Yeah but I wouldn't mind seeing a more different side of Omid. A more serious one. Not too drastically but just some changes to show he's not so light hearted as he was.
which obviously means Christa since while i do Like omid more than Christa she would probably survive longer since Omid is too trusting while Christa s more cautious.
Yeah but I wouldn't mind seeing a more different side of Omid. A more serious one. Not too drastically but just some changes to show he's not so light hearted as he was.
For me, It's a toss-up between Thicker Than Water and From the Gallows.
Thicker Than Water.
Gabe's snitching (If you Chose to Kill Conrad) could be nerfed so that it doesn't happen unless you pick 2 of the Three Following Dialogues: "Gabe Screwed this Up," "Shut up and let the Adults Talk," and "You're out of control, Gabe." And assuming it DOESN'T happen, Clem intervenes and reminds the rest of the Group that they need all the help they can get, and (Determinantly) reminds Javi that Gabe bailed him out earlier: "If Gabe wants to help, just let him do it. Okay?" Gabe would later remark that he ALMOST "Screwed Up" (In other words "Snitched"). Assuming that Gabe doesn't snitch he stays quiet and stands guard without an issue and the interaction between him and Clem at THAT point is nerfed. Assuming that Gabe DOES Snitch, Gabe STILL acts up and Clem calms him down.
From The Gallows.
Here I would change a bunch of stuff. Firstly, the part on the overpass. At the point in which Clem references Lee, we would get a Lee flashback. Afterwards, Clem tells Gabe that family doesn't last forever and if something happens to Javi, Kate, or David, he needs to be ready to look after himself. As far as the Endings, I would make Javi and Kate BOTH determinant and the Easter-Egg Ending Canon. David would Die regardless, and Gabe would Live regardless (Because of this, Gabe could have a role to play in future Seasons). If No-one goes after him, Clem and Javi go back and find him just getting done killing some walkers just around the corner from the Truck. Assuming that Javi dies, we play as Gabe, and Clem is there with him placing the Photos on the wall (Clem would Already have her Hair Done off-screen). Realizing that Gabe is now in the same position SHE is in (WITHOUT FAMILY), Clem says something to the effect that she's proud of him. Before she Leaves, Clem asks Gabe if he wants her to bring AJ back with her. To that, we get the same choices Javi would get otherwise.
((This is based on the other rewrites i ve posted before in this thread.))
Alright here comes everyone s favorite Episode Amid the Ruins:
… moreThe episode Opens with the same scene you get in episode 4 if you kill the walker instead of cutting Sarita s arm off with Sarita saying she s dead because of the bite and you responding to her and Kenny showing up to take her with him.
At the same time Luke announces he s going after Sarah and Nick follows him.
Pete gets separated from The rest of the group as he runs off alone.
You then get a choice to go after either Sarita and Kenny ((Who would be with Mike , Carley and Lily.)) or Luke and Nick.
Luke And Nick:
If you go after Luke and Nick you catch up to them and run after sarah until you reach the trailer Car where Sarah hides in.
Nick will volunteer to go out to try to Warn the group to which Clem can either Protest or Go with him.
Protest: Clem will convince Nick to stay in the trailer and… [view original content]
Gonna go ahead and copy these things since I don't know if I'll ever get around to doing more personal stuff here.
* Javier having more… more development beyond being a Supporting Protagonist with Informed Flaws
* Clementine and "jesus" having a little more to them beyond obligatory fan service, with the former having more appropriate and/or consistent characterization(s) throughout
* Mariana either surviving Badger's sting operation, actually mattering in death, or never existing
* Gabe's depth/potential being tapped more before the finale(yes, I'm still kinda mad--wanna fight about it?)
* Actual backstory exposition, particularly where Kate and especially Tripp are concerned
* Hub areas where you can actually have meaningful interactions beyond the one immediate topic(again, looking at you Tripp)
* Far less rushed/dropped subplots and copouts--nuff said
* A more cohesive story, rewrites or not
* Determinate factors mattering or being… [view original content]
Lol it's currently free on the PS4 for anyone who has ps+ and funnily enough, so was tales from the borderlands. And a year ago the walking dead season 1 and 2 were
Ties that bind pt1: I would change Mariana's death scene so she would survive until episode 4-5, instead having her injured or something instead of Kate, causing javier to be sad and maki g him think she will not survive.
Ties that bind pt2: Scenes about mariana's death would be about her injuries, max meeting javier at the bottom of the gate accompanied by guards, giving the player the option to lunge themselves towards him to have the fight stopped by David walking in on them, surprising javier.
Thicker Than Water: I would change one of the options while talking about clem's menstruation from "it's normal" to "why are you telling me" just for the scumbag javier play throughs or for people who want that option. More action. A way to convince Eleanor to back you up that won't result in her betraying you, potentially helping javier save both Ava or Tripp, if the player were to fail to convince her then it would play out like normal.
From The Gallows: Clem wouldn't know how to write the motorcycle because it is unrealistic af so there should have been another car there if come we're to go alone, if not then they would take the bike. A secret hidden option that allows for all of the Garcia's to survive. Whoever survived episode 4 (Tripp/Ava) should have had a different death scene, but they also should have been able to survive. Finally, javier should have left with clementine so he could serve as a side character in season 4. As javi would offer, clem would either agree or disagree depending on what kind of person she became. If she agreed, then he is there from the start, if not then he would appear near the end of episode 1, being able to save clementine from the surrounded by walkers. and don't forget that satisfying bat... mmmmmm
Lol it's currently free on the PS4 for anyone who has ps+ and funnily enough, so was tales from the borderlands. And a year ago the walking dead season 1 and 2 were
i agree on the Mariana thing but i would have replaced her death scene there with having Hector from the 1st flashback survive until the ending of episode 1 where he would have died instead of Mariana ((him seeing her Tape player and grabbing it for her but when she s about to take it Badger shoots hector.))
Ties that bind pt1: I would change Mariana's death scene so she would survive until episode 4-5, instead having her injured or something ins… moretead of Kate, causing javier to be sad and maki g him think she will not survive.
Ties that bind pt2: Scenes about mariana's death would be about her injuries, max meeting javier at the bottom of the gate accompanied by guards, giving the player the option to lunge themselves towards him to have the fight stopped by David walking in on them, surprising javier.
Thicker Than Water: I would change one of the options while talking about clem's menstruation from "it's normal" to "why are you telling me" just for the scumbag javier play throughs or for people who want that option. More action. A way to convince Eleanor to back you up that won't result in her betraying you, potentially helping javier save both Ava or Tripp, if the player were to fail to convince her then it would play out like normal.
From Th… [view original content]
i agree on the Mariana thing but i would have replaced her death scene there with having Hector from the 1st flashback survive until the end… moreing of episode 1 where he would have died instead of Mariana ((him seeing her Tape player and grabbing it for her but when she s about to take it Badger shoots hector.))
So I've been thinking about what could have been done with Max and Lonnie, and I just wanted to put this rework out there:
Lonnie: After Max exposes Joan, she has him thrown in a cell along with Javier and David (more on this in a bit). However, Lonnie manages to stay in Joan's favor. He'd reappear at the end of episode 4, replacing one of the random soldiers that Javier kills at the execution. Lonnie will ultimately end up dead no matter what. Sucks, but it's still better than him disappearing like he does now. And given how he turns on David in the ending where you kill Max, I just can't see a story where he would actually help out Javi and co. I can see it with Max, but not with Lonnie. Which is why Max gets the preferential treatment...
Max: After exposing Joan, Max would also be imprisoned along with Javier and David. Episode 4 would open the same way, with David and Javier being thrown in. After their talk/fight, Joan comes down, dropping off Max, and taking David with her. From there, Javier and Max would have a small conversation. Javier asks where his buddy (Lonnie) is, and Max tells him that he managed to win over Joan's favor, and basically stabbed Max in the back. Max would then help Javier escape, but decides to split up and go his own way once they get out.
Max would finally reappear at the end of episode 4, where it would be revealed that he was recaptured by Joan and her people. Now, instead of only David being prepared for execution, Max would be there as well. The scene basically plays out the way it does now, with Joan pinning the events on David and Max. David would still do the majority of the talking during the execution scene, maybe with Max chiming in to cuss out Lonnie for turning on him. I'm also thinking that since Joan refers to David by his full name during this scene, maybe we could get a name drop for Max as well.
And now for the interesting part; when you get to the choice of taking Clint's deal or shooting Joan, Max would become double determinant based on your choice.
Shoot Joan: After Joan is shot, the chairs are kicked out from under both Max and David. You're able to get up to the stage to save David in time, like how it currently happens, but you aren't able to save Max in time. This would provide an actual consequence to shooting Joan, since as the scene currently stands, there's no real consequence besides David's near-hanging.
Take the deal: If you take the deal, Clint unties both David and Max. The scene carries out as normal-- David taking Clint hostage, etc etc. In the ensuing chaos, Max runs off to safety. However, this is not the last you see of him-- when Javier has to wrestle the gun away from Gasmask Cowboy, Max comes up behind him and knock him out to save Javi, like how Conrad does. There's a quick exchange where Javi thanks him, and then the ending happens as normal. If Conrad and Max are both alive, Conrad will take priority in the scene, always saving Javi.
If he survives, Max would get a few extra scenes in episode 5, as well. We'd first see him again in the apartments. He'd be trying to help some of the injured Richmond residents. I think this acts as a subtle character arc of sorts for Max; he goes from the reluctant raiding-- which he probably tried to rationalize as helping ensure the survival of the people in Richmond-- to physically helping people; literally saving lives. Character growth and semi-redemption, all in one.
Max would then make his final appearance the end of the episode, in an optional scene like Conrad/Lingard. It'd be explained that everyone more or less pardoned Max after he tried to make amends, and he ends up sticking around in Richmond. Javier and Max would have one final talk, where Max would be grateful for Javier sparing his life. Javier can either thank him for his help, or just brush him off, kind of like with Eleanor.
And since his character becomes more important, he'd also get his own statistics at the end of episode 5. Some ideas for those:
You cooperated with Max at the gates of Richmond. (Drop your guns at the end of episode 2)
You refused to cooperate with Max at the gates of Richmond. (If you don't drop your guns)
Then you blamed Max for his role in the attack on Prescott. (If you tell Joan about Mariana's death)
But you kept quiet about Max's role in the attack on Prescott. (If you didn't tell them about Mariana's death)
After the fight at the factory, you executed Max. (If you kill him)
David killed Max after the fight at the factory. (If David kills him)
Unfortunately, Max was hanged in retribution for Joan's death. (If you kept him alive and shot Joan)
Ultimately, your actions allowed Max a chance to make amends. (If you kept him alive and took the deal, which saves his life)
Boom, Max now has a relatively big presence in the game again.
guessing Lonnie would be there to add to Joan s speech and confirm what she says since in the ending where Max dies he turns on David and he lies about David being in charge
EDIT: finished reading the part about Max and i really think that could have actually see that happening in game telltale should hire you as a writer .
So I've been thinking about what could have been done with Max and Lonnie, and I just wanted to put this rework out there:
Lonnie: After … moreMax exposes Joan, she has him thrown in a cell along with Javier and David (more on this in a bit). However, Lonnie manages to stay in Joan's favor. He'd reappear at the end of episode 4, replacing one of the random soldiers that Javier kills at the execution. Lonnie will ultimately end up dead no matter what. Sucks, but it's still better than him disappearing like he does now. And given how he turns on David in the ending where you kill Max, I just can't see a story where he would actually help out Javi and co. I can see it with Max, but not with Lonnie. Which is why Max gets the preferential treatment...
Max: After exposing Joan, Max would also be imprisoned along with Javier and David. Episode 4 would open the same way, with David and Javier being thrown in. After their talk/fight, Joan comes down,… [view original content]
while i dont see Max being a major part in episode 5 and at best see him just helping the people in the house where the survivors were holed up helping Eleanor with the wounded i can see Conrad and Tripp actually being in those kinds of scenes overall i thought these ideas were great.
Ill do every episode of a new frontier, i already made a post about this, but no one bothered to see it.
Episode 1:
Only gonna chang… moree flashbacks because Kenny, Jane, and Edith's death were poorly fucking done. And if people want me to, then I'll write how each flashback plays out.
Kenny: Clem and AJ get separated from Kenny by a wolf attack on their camp. Kenny lives, but gets tons of scars, and Clem doesn't know he lives.
Jane: Let's be real here, all bias aside, Jane would probably ditch Clementine, for it either being too hard to take of her, or because she wants to start over.
Wellington: its fine except for the end, Clementine should hold AJ and Edith just goes in a different direction than Clementine.
Alone: this flashback is actually alright.
Episode 2:
Nothing wrong with this, just Javier shouldn't be the only one saving Prescott citizens.
Episode 3:
Just gonna give Conrad more dialogue and make Jes… [view original content]
i love "Long Road Ahead." but i would love to make some changes now that i think about it.
Instead of Duck getting bitten, he is shot by … moreone of the bandits.
I think a good choice would be:
•Leave Lily at the Motor Inn
•Let her in the RV
kind of the same thing of the original choice. in the rewrite, if you killed Larry, she tries multiple times to shoot you during the bandit raid and play it off as an accident. if you didnt kill Larry, she tries to shoot Kenny. if you leave her, it shows her shooting bandits/walkers and she runs out of ammo and she fleas. if she tries to kill Kenny and you bring her, Lily questions Ben and Kenny hits a walker. Kenny then hears all of Lily and Ben talking and snaps at Lily for trying to shoot him and calls her the traitor. Kenny and Lily get into a big argument and Lily snaps and tries to shoot Kenny but accidently shoots Katjaa. If you have Carely with you, she shoots Lily. If you have Doug, Kenny s… [view original content]
So this one s more of Just a concept then a rewrite .
So i think Russel from 400 days would have wanted to leave howe s since he wants to stay away from crazy people after Steve and Nate so i think there should have been something where Russel goes with Bonnie on the plan to leave howe s.
Id Just have it so that he stayed with the group for Amid the ruins to help with Rebecca then have him leave after AJ is Born.
Something like having him be with Mike and Bonnie at the museum while having a couple of talk options with him like asking why he left howe s and having him explain how Steve acted in more detail and Just have some more backstory on him when the outbreak began.
There could also be something like him leaving or not depending on your choices and he make it to Arvo s toothpick half built house and make him Wake up with clem to discover Mike ,Arvo and Bonnie stealing their supplies he would then try to convince Bonnie and Mike not to do it but Arvo shoots him and Clem but unlike Clem he gets shot in the head making Bonnie regret her decision and not run away as she freezes and is taken prisoner by the group having the Season end with a determinant Bonnie with you ((you could also leave her too if you pick leaving Jane/Kenny))
But of course Bonnie would die to an ice cream truck driven by a Walker in Anf lol.
Ok but really id Just have her get separated from Clem after a group of scavengers attack.
Sorry, don't mean to get your hopes up. I do plan on reviewing again, but it'll be later. For now, I just want to bump the thread to remind every it exists and hopefully get people posting again since the community traffic has significantly slowed down.
that s mostly why i end up posting some of theses extras as replies instead of editing them into the original post ((Althought i should probably just edit that in to not make it too confusing.))
Sorry, don't mean to get your hopes up. I do plan on reviewing again, but it'll be later. For now, I just want to bump the thread to remind … moreevery it exists and hopefully get people posting again since the community traffic has significantly slowed down.
posting this to bump the thread and cause i completely forgot to post something on 400 days lol.
So yeah 400 days Rewrite:
I dont think there s much id actually change from 400 days except for some things like:
Justin , Danny and Leland s sudden dissapearances .
This is an issue that could have easily been fixed by just having these characters appear in tavia s story and then instead of Vince coming only if you shot danny have it so that Tavia had to convince him with persuasion.
Then during season 2 just have Danny/Justin as cameos talking to Vince or Russel while Leland would have a larger role due to how Bonnie and him known each other longer than the rest of the 400 days crew.
For example:
During the scene where Bonnie apologizes to Clem about what happens in the lodge Leland backs her up and defends her .
Leland would be with Bonnie when clem s taken from Troy s group and he would be a little less supportive of letting Clem leave but he d allow it due to him trusting Bonnie , Then when Bonnie prepares to take off with the Cabin Group she would get Leland to go with her.
Id have Leland survive until either the Russian shootout or just kill him off during the herd at the beggining of amid the ruins.
that s mostly why i end up posting some of theses extras as replies instead of editing them into the original post ((Althought i should probably just edit that in to not make it too confusing.))
The episode Opens with the same scene you get in episode 4 if you kill the walker instead of cutting Sarita s arm off with Sarita saying she s dead because of the bite and you responding to her and Kenny showing up to take her with him.
At the same time Luke announces he s going after Sarah and Nick follows him.
Pete gets separated from The rest of the group as he runs off alone.
Oh yeah, that's a thing. How did that happen again?
You then get a choice to go after either Sarita and Kenny ((Who would be with Mike , Carley and Lily.)) or Luke and Nick.
Aw yeah, as it was probably intended at one point.
Luke And Nick:
If you go after Luke and Nick you catch up to them and run after sarah until you reach the trailer Car where Sarah hides in.
Nick will volunteer to go out to try to Warn the group to which Clem can either Protest or Go with him.
Protest: Clem will convince Nick to stay in the trailer and a timeskip happens until Jane showns up with Lily who volunteered to go with Jane to search for Clem and the others.
Ah yes, some nice POV and messing with fate.
Go with Nick: You get to talk more to Nick and save him from a walker who showns up behind him until you find Jane and Lily who were looking for you from there you put the Walker in the car to attract the other walkers and get back to the trailer and then everything proceeds the same as if you protest.
Also, is it possible to hang back with Luke and Sarah instead?.
The same thing as usual happens where they hold off the walkers while getting one person per time to the Top but there s a difference if you try to Leave Sarah Nick will still be there and he will die holding Off the walkers until Sarah gets up.
Oh yeah, I remember @IronWoodLover or someone suggesting something similar.
When you get to the Meeting Point you see that Sarita became a walker and was attacking Kenny but she s quickly shot down by either Carley or Mike.
And what of Kenny himself? Was he unable to do it himself or did he not even notice?
Go with Sarita and Kenny:
After you leave the Herd you have the chance to suggest to cut Sarita s arm off which would end up saving her life she doesnt wake up again until after you get back with Luke and ((Determinantly)) Sarah because Nick would get his Cop out Fence death .
More fate fuckery--good.
Also, correlation?
If Sarita s alive she will help Kenny with delivering the baby and give you a bit more information about herself if you talk to her in the Hub saying that she and her Sister travelled to Savannah to Visit a relative of theirs but that the outbreak started and she had to Kill her sister after she got Bitten and that a couple of days later she found Kenny in an abandoned Bar and they started travelling together.
Nick will stand Watch with Luke If he s alive and Carley will Go with Jane and Clementine.
The choices with Going with Bonnie and Mike / Going with Jane are the same except Carley takes only the pain killers and tells Arvo to go while pointing her gun at him.
Neat, I guess..
Pete will Arrive after You go after either Jane or Bonnie and Mike.
if Nick died then he will be sad and go sit away from the others and if you try to talk to him he will tell Clem he wants to be alone .
If nick lived then he will go talk to Kenny and go to where Nick is to watch for Walkers with him.
Later on when the walkers shown up Nick will give them a heads up that they re coming if he s alive and they get to the upper part of the place where Jane and Clem go to before the walkers arrive which pretty much instantly saves sarah
Sarah will Survive If either Nick Or Pete are alive because if Nick is alive he will tell the others about the walkers coming while if Pete s alive he will jump down With Matthew and lift the Rubble to get her out of there but unfortunately Matthew ends up dying while trying to hold the Walkers off after a Brick falls on Pete and then there s a later scene where you talk to Sarah and she starts getting over her Father s death .
The episode still ends up with the Russians starting a shootout with the Group.
Wait, Matthew was still around too? Man, I need to buff up on the previous ones before I review these.
1: I just thought up this now so there would also be something with Rebecca where she would survive episode 4 if you gave her the pain killers and waited a couple of days so that when the russian group arrives the shootout starts because Rebecca starts it instead of because she was shot as a walker.
Good, I think.
2: here s how i would actually have handled Nick s fate in episode 4 if i had to kill him off in it:
After Jane and Clementine scavenge those walkers for ammo they then find Nick who s fighting off the 2 walkers that you use to beep the horn to attract the other walkers attention .
After killing them Nick fills Clem and Jane in on what happened and about Sarah s state when Clem suddenly notices something on Nick s arm but he hides it.
While Clem and Jane figure out how to attract the walker s attention Nick announces that he will be guarding the area they came from so the ´´Lurkers´´ cant get them by surprise.
When you enter the room that originally has the 2 walkers that attack clem and Jane while they re making their way to the trailer you see that they re dead because Nick killed them.
When you enter the trailer Nick helps Jane hold off the walkers that are trying to get in .
Now here are the differences of how the Sarah choice plays out this way:
Leave Sarah: As Clem is boosted up to the top the Walkers break in and Nick Pushes Sarah to Jane s hands and tells them that he s not giving up on her he then holds off the Walkers as Jane and Sarah are lifted to safety by Luke and Clem sacrificing himself in the process to make sure the others make it.
Convince Sarah/Slap her: Instead of just having the option to slap Sarah if you played your cards right in the first dialogue with her after you entered the trailer you can convince her to go with you without having to slap her while if you failed to convince Sarah you need to slap her to snap her out of her state in both outcomes Nick lives thought that scenario.
During the walk back Luke notices Nick is acting a little weird and they discover that he was bitten by a Walker , Nick then tells them that he wants to atleast say goodbye to the rest of the group.
Luke agrees with him despite Jane s protests and when they make it back to the historical site and after Clem gets Kenny out of the tent Luke finishes Nick off after he says goodbye to everyone in the group and wishes good luck for Rebecca with her baby.
This probably could've been what happened if his voice actor was available, if that was really the case.
((This is based on the other rewrites i ve posted before in this thread.))
Alright here comes everyone s favorite Episode Amid the Ruins:
… moreThe episode Opens with the same scene you get in episode 4 if you kill the walker instead of cutting Sarita s arm off with Sarita saying she s dead because of the bite and you responding to her and Kenny showing up to take her with him.
At the same time Luke announces he s going after Sarah and Nick follows him.
Pete gets separated from The rest of the group as he runs off alone.
You then get a choice to go after either Sarita and Kenny ((Who would be with Mike , Carley and Lily.)) or Luke and Nick.
Luke And Nick:
If you go after Luke and Nick you catch up to them and run after sarah until you reach the trailer Car where Sarah hides in.
Nick will volunteer to go out to try to Warn the group to which Clem can either Protest or Go with him.
Protest: Clem will convince Nick to stay in the trailer and… [view original content]
so the reason why Kenny dint shoot Walker sarita was because i think he would have frozen up and not be able to kill her which is why someone else would need to help him.
Yeah i know extremely generic backstory for Sarita but its better than nothing lol.
Also Pete gets separated during the Herd scene.
Okay, time to deliver. This is Amid the Ruins
The episode Opens with the same scene you get in episode 4 if you kill the walker instea… mored of cutting Sarita s arm off with Sarita saying she s dead because of the bite and you responding to her and Kenny showing up to take her with him.
At the same time Luke announces he s going after Sarah and Nick follows him.
Pete gets separated from The rest of the group as he runs off alone.
Oh yeah, that's a thing. How did that happen again?
You then get a choice to go after either Sarita and Kenny ((Who would be with Mike , Carley and Lily.)) or Luke and Nick.
Aw yeah, as it was probably intended at one point.
Luke And Nick:
If you go after Luke and Nick you catch up to them and run after sarah until you reach the trailer Car where Sarah hides in.
Nick will volunteer to go out to try to Warn the group to which Clem can either Protest or Go with … [view original content]
True. The Russian Group as a whole is a chunk of wasted opportunities.
Huh. Trying to figure that one out and all I'm thinking of is @dan290786 's thread. And I don't recall how that ended for both of them.
Gonna go ahead and copy these things since I don't know if I'll ever get around to doing more personal stuff here.
A Joan Avatar? Really @DabigRG lol. Well my thread explains pretty much what i would rewrite.
Yeah, I originally had Ava(which btw, most of the avatars are pretty nice this time around), but I felt she, Kate, and Gabe might be too obvious picks, so I went down my personally list and Joan was the next character, which works since I doubt theere'll be too many of her around here.
I know, I should probably reread it at some point. And maybe finally get around to expanding on those other characters I said I would.
Personally i found ANF to be average with my main grip with it being how some characters were wasted ((Francine, Hector, Clint, Ava)) i mean what was the point of introducing Francine if she was Just gonna get killed off.
Primarily speaking, her death as a hostage is the primary catalyst for Conrad's arc, so at least a tangible effect on the story--more so than Mariana even.
However, it is worth noting that she was originally gonna betray the Garcias/Group/Town somehow according to the games code, so they did have more in mind for her befitting her introduction feeling like a quick character establishing moment.
You known what i think that would have been better than Just introducing her and killing her off.
I really dont get why so Many people hate episode 5 of GOT
Gonna go ahead and say avoid blatant spoilers, please and thank you!
Not gonna say anything about what happens but that episode has the hardest choice i ever made in a telltalegame.
Interesting. Might just give it a go one day.
which obviously means Christa since while i do Like omid more than Christa she would probably survive longer since Omid is too trusting while Christa s more cautious.
Yeah but I wouldn't mind seeing a more different side of Omid. A more serious one. Not too drastically but just some changes to show he's not so light hearted as he was.
i feel like that s what would happen to him if he lost Christa .
For me, It's a toss-up between Thicker Than Water and From the Gallows.
Thicker Than Water.
From The Gallows.
edited it off to put it in the original post .
I feel like Mariana should have been more than Just "insert character to get killed" maybe they could have done it with Hector instead of her.
Agreed. Especially since Hector was originally her dad to begin with.
well wasnt there a flashback explaining how Sandra Clem s babysitter died? Althought it got scrapped.
Exactly. It would be that, right before meeting Lee.
i really dont understand why they deleted that i just hope they add that next season.
Lol it's currently free on the PS4 for anyone who has ps+ and funnily enough, so was tales from the borderlands. And a year ago the walking dead season 1 and 2 were
Ties that bind pt1: I would change Mariana's death scene so she would survive until episode 4-5, instead having her injured or something instead of Kate, causing javier to be sad and maki g him think she will not survive.
Ties that bind pt2: Scenes about mariana's death would be about her injuries, max meeting javier at the bottom of the gate accompanied by guards, giving the player the option to lunge themselves towards him to have the fight stopped by David walking in on them, surprising javier.
Thicker Than Water: I would change one of the options while talking about clem's menstruation from "it's normal" to "why are you telling me" just for the scumbag javier play throughs or for people who want that option. More action. A way to convince Eleanor to back you up that won't result in her betraying you, potentially helping javier save both Ava or Tripp, if the player were to fail to convince her then it would play out like normal.
From The Gallows: Clem wouldn't know how to write the motorcycle because it is unrealistic af so there should have been another car there if come we're to go alone, if not then they would take the bike. A secret hidden option that allows for all of the Garcia's to survive. Whoever survived episode 4 (Tripp/Ava) should have had a different death scene, but they also should have been able to survive. Finally, javier should have left with clementine so he could serve as a side character in season 4. As javi would offer, clem would either agree or disagree depending on what kind of person she became. If she agreed, then he is there from the start, if not then he would appear near the end of episode 1, being able to save clementine from the surrounded by walkers. and don't forget that satisfying bat... mmmmmm
Oh yeah, I do remember them saying that on the Stream from back in November. Thanks!
Baby loves her some chocolate.
i agree on the Mariana thing but i would have replaced her death scene there with having Hector from the 1st flashback survive until the ending of episode 1 where he would have died instead of Mariana ((him seeing her Tape player and grabbing it for her but when she s about to take it Badger shoots hector.))
What could have worked but how else could javier and the others know that bites turn people?
they were in the road for 3 years so they would have most likely discovered it eventually .
So I've been thinking about what could have been done with Max and Lonnie, and I just wanted to put this rework out there:
Lonnie: After Max exposes Joan, she has him thrown in a cell along with Javier and David (more on this in a bit). However, Lonnie manages to stay in Joan's favor. He'd reappear at the end of episode 4, replacing one of the random soldiers that Javier kills at the execution. Lonnie will ultimately end up dead no matter what. Sucks, but it's still better than him disappearing like he does now. And given how he turns on David in the ending where you kill Max, I just can't see a story where he would actually help out Javi and co. I can see it with Max, but not with Lonnie. Which is why Max gets the preferential treatment...
Max: After exposing Joan, Max would also be imprisoned along with Javier and David. Episode 4 would open the same way, with David and Javier being thrown in. After their talk/fight, Joan comes down, dropping off Max, and taking David with her. From there, Javier and Max would have a small conversation. Javier asks where his buddy (Lonnie) is, and Max tells him that he managed to win over Joan's favor, and basically stabbed Max in the back. Max would then help Javier escape, but decides to split up and go his own way once they get out.
Max would finally reappear at the end of episode 4, where it would be revealed that he was recaptured by Joan and her people. Now, instead of only David being prepared for execution, Max would be there as well. The scene basically plays out the way it does now, with Joan pinning the events on David and Max. David would still do the majority of the talking during the execution scene, maybe with Max chiming in to cuss out Lonnie for turning on him. I'm also thinking that since Joan refers to David by his full name during this scene, maybe we could get a name drop for Max as well.
And now for the interesting part; when you get to the choice of taking Clint's deal or shooting Joan, Max would become double determinant based on your choice.
Shoot Joan: After Joan is shot, the chairs are kicked out from under both Max and David. You're able to get up to the stage to save David in time, like how it currently happens, but you aren't able to save Max in time. This would provide an actual consequence to shooting Joan, since as the scene currently stands, there's no real consequence besides David's near-hanging.
Take the deal: If you take the deal, Clint unties both David and Max. The scene carries out as normal-- David taking Clint hostage, etc etc. In the ensuing chaos, Max runs off to safety. However, this is not the last you see of him-- when Javier has to wrestle the gun away from Gasmask Cowboy, Max comes up behind him and knock him out to save Javi, like how Conrad does. There's a quick exchange where Javi thanks him, and then the ending happens as normal. If Conrad and Max are both alive, Conrad will take priority in the scene, always saving Javi.
If he survives, Max would get a few extra scenes in episode 5, as well. We'd first see him again in the apartments. He'd be trying to help some of the injured Richmond residents. I think this acts as a subtle character arc of sorts for Max; he goes from the reluctant raiding-- which he probably tried to rationalize as helping ensure the survival of the people in Richmond-- to physically helping people; literally saving lives. Character growth and semi-redemption, all in one.
Max would then make his final appearance the end of the episode, in an optional scene like Conrad/Lingard. It'd be explained that everyone more or less pardoned Max after he tried to make amends, and he ends up sticking around in Richmond. Javier and Max would have one final talk, where Max would be grateful for Javier sparing his life. Javier can either thank him for his help, or just brush him off, kind of like with Eleanor.
And since his character becomes more important, he'd also get his own statistics at the end of episode 5. Some ideas for those:
You cooperated with Max at the gates of Richmond. (Drop your guns at the end of episode 2)
You refused to cooperate with Max at the gates of Richmond. (If you don't drop your guns)
Then you blamed Max for his role in the attack on Prescott. (If you tell Joan about Mariana's death)
But you kept quiet about Max's role in the attack on Prescott. (If you didn't tell them about Mariana's death)
After the fight at the factory, you executed Max. (If you kill him)
David killed Max after the fight at the factory. (If David kills him)
Unfortunately, Max was hanged in retribution for Joan's death. (If you kept him alive and shot Joan)
Ultimately, your actions allowed Max a chance to make amends. (If you kept him alive and took the deal, which saves his life)
Boom, Max now has a relatively big presence in the game again.
guessing Lonnie would be there to add to Joan s speech and confirm what she says since in the ending where Max dies he turns on David and he lies about David being in charge
EDIT: finished reading the part about Max and i really think that could have actually see that happening in game telltale should hire you as a writer .
while i dont see Max being a major part in episode 5 and at best see him just helping the people in the house where the survivors were holed up helping Eleanor with the wounded i can see Conrad and Tripp actually being in those kinds of scenes overall i thought these ideas were great.
wait if Katjaa shot Duck and ran out of ammo when she tried to commit suicide then how did she die right after if she dint have ammo?
So this one s more of Just a concept then a rewrite .
So i think Russel from 400 days would have wanted to leave howe s since he wants to stay away from crazy people after Steve and Nate so i think there should have been something where Russel goes with Bonnie on the plan to leave howe s.
Id Just have it so that he stayed with the group for Amid the ruins to help with Rebecca then have him leave after AJ is Born.
Something like having him be with Mike and Bonnie at the museum while having a couple of talk options with him like asking why he left howe s and having him explain how Steve acted in more detail and Just have some more backstory on him when the outbreak began.
There could also be something like him leaving or not depending on your choices and he make it to Arvo s toothpick half built house and make him Wake up with clem to discover Mike ,Arvo and Bonnie stealing their supplies he would then try to convince Bonnie and Mike not to do it but Arvo shoots him and Clem but unlike Clem he gets shot in the head making Bonnie regret her decision and not run away as she freezes and is taken prisoner by the group having the Season end with a determinant Bonnie with you ((you could also leave her too if you pick leaving Jane/Kenny))
But of course Bonnie would die to an ice cream truck driven by a Walker in Anf lol.
Ok but really id Just have her get separated from Clem after a group of scavengers attack.
Sorry, don't mean to get your hopes up. I do plan on reviewing again, but it'll be later. For now, I just want to bump the thread to remind every it exists and hopefully get people posting again since the community traffic has significantly slowed down.
that s mostly why i end up posting some of theses extras as replies instead of editing them into the original post ((Althought i should probably just edit that in to not make it too confusing.))
posting this to bump the thread and cause i completely forgot to post something on 400 days lol.
So yeah 400 days Rewrite:
I dont think there s much id actually change from 400 days except for some things like:
Justin , Danny and Leland s sudden dissapearances .
This is an issue that could have easily been fixed by just having these characters appear in tavia s story and then instead of Vince coming only if you shot danny have it so that Tavia had to convince him with persuasion.
Then during season 2 just have Danny/Justin as cameos talking to Vince or Russel while Leland would have a larger role due to how Bonnie and him known each other longer than the rest of the 400 days crew.
For example:
During the scene where Bonnie apologizes to Clem about what happens in the lodge Leland backs her up and defends her .
Leland would be with Bonnie when clem s taken from Troy s group and he would be a little less supportive of letting Clem leave but he d allow it due to him trusting Bonnie , Then when Bonnie prepares to take off with the Cabin Group she would get Leland to go with her.
Id have Leland survive until either the Russian shootout or just kill him off during the herd at the beggining of amid the ruins.
That is indeed smart.
Okay, time to deliver. This is Amid the Ruins
Oh yeah, that's a thing. How did that happen again?
Aw yeah, as it was probably intended at one point.
Ah yes, some nice POV and messing with fate.
Also, is it possible to hang back with Luke and Sarah instead?.
Oh yeah, I remember @IronWoodLover or someone suggesting something similar.
And what of Kenny himself? Was he unable to do it himself or did he not even notice?
More fate fuckery--good.
Also, correlation?
Neat, I guess..
Wait, Matthew was still around too? Man, I need to buff up on the previous ones before I review these.
Good, I think.
This probably could've been what happened if his voice actor was available, if that was really the case.
Good job, man!
Sorry you had to wait so long.
so the reason why Kenny dint shoot Walker sarita was because i think he would have frozen up and not be able to kill her which is why someone else would need to help him.
Yeah i know extremely generic backstory for Sarita but its better than nothing lol.
Also Pete gets separated during the Herd scene.