My father got me the third game, along with Red Alert. They were the first video games I ever played.
Pfft. He still thinks it was one of the worst mistakes he ever made, considering how much money me and my brother had him blow out on consoles etc.
me and my sis saw a copy of Escape from Monkey Island in rentel store and we liked the look of it we got hooked straight away and my grandad would rent it for us evey week i dont no why he just didt buy it lol i love Escape from Monkey Island just for the fact that it got me and my sis hooked on the monkey island seris and if we hadt have played it i wouldt have played the outhers which sad as it is my life would be way more boring
I think my dad must have brought MI and MI2 before I was born because they've always been there. When I was 3 a demo version of Curse turned up followed soon after by the full version. I got Escape for my 11th birthday.
My brother, sister and I used to play MI1 and MI2 together but we never got round to actually completing the games for years. We just spent ages exploring Melee and Scabb Island, never getting very far.
When I was a kid my sister and her boyfriend borrowed a friends' Sega CD and Secret of Monkey Island was one of the games, after talking to the pirates in SCUMM Bar we loved it to death and for the next week or so (yes it was slow goings, drugging the poodles got us stuck for a while, kept putting the flower and meat in the cooking pot lol ) we ate slept and breathed MI and well, barely even showered MI...
I've been playing ever since. Good times man good times.
When I was about seven/eight, I found SMI at a carboot sale. My dad thought I'd like it, because there were pirates in it, so he got it for me. Started from there. This was on the amiga, I loved the amiga.
I had Maniac Mansion for the PC back in the day, but somehow never played MI or MI:2.
Anyway, it was 1999. I was 21. A good friend had downloaded the demo of CMI and showed it to the rest of our group. We all loved it. Before long we were going to Wal-Mart to try and find the game. We did. And the rest was history.
i remember when i turned 9 my mom told me that my uncles birthday present was "monkey island" i had no idea what it was but was really excited to learn that it was alot like fate of atlantis. When my birthday came i opened up the box to see the one compilation with monkey 1 2 and 3. Thats still my favourite birthday present to this day
i remember when i turned 9 my mom told me that my uncles birthday present was "monkey island" i had no idea what it was but was really excited to learn that it was alot like fate of atlantis. When my birthday came i opened up the box to see the one compilation with monkey 1 2 and 3. Thats still my favourite birthday present to this day
I was so close to getting that game. I was at the counter before the guy told me dad that the first two didn't have sound, so he decided to put it back. Real shame (i believe that it's worth twice what it was then,now on ebay)
Back when the first one came out I was 18 and had just received an Amiga 500 for my HS graduation. We had a small network of friends that traded games all the time (mostly C64 games), and I saw it at a friend's house and he made me a copy. I could be wrong, but I think I still have the "code wheel" copy that I had made (xerox). Likely in my Amiga 500 box stored in the basement. I'm pretty sure I saw a copy of a code wheel last time I cracked that open. I think the first one I bought was the 3rd one, but I also made ammends on the first two by buying the "Monkey Island Madness" PC CD-ROM with Monkey 1 & 2 on it later on.
A loaned, pirated (yarr) MI2 in 96 or so was my first encounter, could never find the lightswitch under the big whoop so never completed it lol. Got the white label reissues a while later.
Secret of Monkey Island was one of the first computer games I ever played.
It was the English EGA version (and I'm Austrian, so I could not read it). All I could do was to load an existing save file from the last chapter and kill LeChuck. That was quite satisfying everyone of the 100 times I did it.
Eventually I started to learn some English and play the full game, but I didn't understand half of things (if not more) that were said. And STILL I couldn't stop playing.
I don't know how old exactly I was back then, but probably around 6 or 7.
I think Monkey Island is the reason why I'm even interested in the English language that much and started to learn it before I went to school.
The CMI demo (Guybrush and Wally in LeChuck's hold) was one of the first games I ever played on the family PC. We got a CD either with the computer itself or with a copy of Computer Shopper, that boasted 25 game demos on it. Naturally intrigued, I set about installing these. After a long while with Yoda Stories, I tried CMI... And didn't understand how it worked. The Verb Coin was a mystery to me...
...However, when I got talking to Wally (not knowing anything other than he was Bloodnose, the dodgy-looking pirate) I started to appreciate the humour. After my chat with Murray ("The evil demonic SKULL!"), I was sold. I never actually got round to buying it, though - I didn't know much about the proper outlets at the time.
The years passed, and I completed the demo (I was slower back then). Sometime after this, I caught a demo of another game - Escape From Monkey Island. This time, I went out and bought the game, and loved every minute of it (when it worked on my underpowered computer). I had to use several walkthroughs to do anything, though - again, my adventuring/puzzling mind was underdeveloped - but I still loved the humour of the series.
...And that's the long story. In short? The CMI demo.
Back in 1990 (I was 4 or 5 at the time), my dad was apparently on a Lucasfilm Games mailing list, and got a floppy disk demo of SoMI in the mail. He played it with me and I apparently went ape **** over it, so he picked up the full game when it was out and we played through it together (and subsequently Sam 'n Max, Full Throttle, The Dig, Day of the Tentacle, went back and played Loom and Maniac Mansion as well). It was my first video game, and is rather dear to my heart.
Went to a friends house who had Windows 3.1 ... I didn't have a computer yet, so I was intrigued. Was searching around and accidentally double clicked on something that brought up Monkey Island 2... played it for a bit and was like "this is the coolest thing ever".
Half a year later, the family bought a computer, I saw a Monkey Island double pack with SMI and MI2 and bought it. The rest is history.
Well, not really history, but I enjoy Monkey Island a whole bunch.
LotSN was the first game for me. Since you guys seemed to love MI so much, I bought it. Very happy I did. I bought Secret of Monkey Island Special Edition on Steam, and I loved it. Thanks to Telltale (and all you fans) for introducing me to these great games!
My friend lent me a jewel case copy of Escape from Monkey Island. I never gave it back. I ended up played it about twenty times, then bought Curse, spent a year coaxing it to work on my computer, then hassled the same friend into giving me the first two as well. Then, I waited for about five years...
I had played the Dig and my favorite at the time Indiana Jones and the fate of atlantis so I was familiar with Lucasarts. I had MI2 lying around on floppys, but I never payed attention to those. When Indiana Jones and the Infernal Machine came out, it had a code to turn Indy into Guybrush (as well as a barbery coast level in 3D), and I didnt know who he was, so I looked it up and bought CMI.
The rest is history.
In 2000 I got a cd with Australian PC user magazine that had a demo for Escape from Monkey Island. I played the demo over and over again and thought it was the most fun hame I had ever played. We didn't get many computer games because the computer was meant to be for school work, not games.
In christmas 2000 I was trying to get a copy of EM1 but it was still around $60 at the time (at least in the stores I was looking at) but I saw a copy of Curse of Monkey Island for $25 which was exactly how much christmas money I had. Since it was with my christmas money my mum said I could get it. I had to wait another two weeks before I could play it because we where visiting my aunt, uncle and cousins at the time.
I was slightly put off at first by the different graphics and controls CMI had compared to the demo of EMI. But grew to like them very quickly. After I finished CMI all the way through in both modes I started to look at getting EMI again and finally got a copy a year later finding that after playing point it was very annoying to have to use the keyboard for everything. After I finished EMI I found that I was hooked and spend a very long time looking for the first two monkey island games, which then lead me to the rest of the lucasfilm adventure games.
My first one was Secret back on the Atari way back, can't remember which year it was. Couldn't finish it for about a year though because the game would always crash at the exact same point (memory overspill I think the error message said or something to that effect), which was right before going to the docks to board the Sea Monkey, and I never used to save (never used to get blank disks and never wanted to write over anything) so had to play it all over again, which was ironic because I eventually found that if I saved the game right before going to the docks then it would work fine. *facepalm*
my father bought Monkey Island 2 when it came out, he also bought the walktrough after a while, so I learned the hard version word by word, lol.
I've never played trought the easy version...
How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood ...
- a woodchuck could chuck no amount of wood since a woodcuck can't chuck wood ...
my father bought Monkey Island 2 when it came out, he also bought the walktrough after a while, so I learned the hard version word by word, lol.
I've never played trought the easy version...
How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood ...
- a woodchuck could chuck no amount of wood since a woodcuck can't chuck wood ...
But if a woodchuck could chuck wood how much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?
I borrowed a friend's CD which had Monkey Island 2 on it.
The name sounded really lame to me at the time but I had nothing else to play so I played it and ever since that day I've been a MI fan.
I think, with one of the first PCs we ever bought instead of getting them through my dad's work, we got Loom (with full sound/voices) and Myst free. After that, we were hooked (on all adventure games and later on also every other PC game around) and we bought the MI games, first Secret (the nice version), then we found 2 way later in France (and back home I discovered that meant I had to play it in French. Found an english version later), then we discovered ways of finding out about game releases in a timely fashion and just bought the rest as they came out. So we played them all in order.
I stated it in another thread, but I got into Monkey Island, oddly, through Grim Fandango. Played GF thought it was the best thing ever, saw a review of EoMI on TechTV (which I watched all the time back then, because it had just come on the air, I think that the EoMI reviews was one of the very first ones I ever saw on X-Play, when it was Extended Play and Kate Bordello was still on there) and started playing those! The rest is history.
On my dad's amiga, was first game I ever played Monkey Island 2, from that moment I was hooked! Bout 12 ruddy floppies :eek:
Later I discovered other adventure games when we got a PC and the man who built it had kindly installed Indiana Jones and the fate of Atlantis onto it :P
About 15 years ago, my cousin had a PC which came with the CD Edition of SOMI (this was before my family had a PC of our own). I used to go over there and play it all the time. Eventually, after my family got our own PC, I got the Monkey Madness CD that had both SOMI and LCR, and soon after I got CMI as well. A few years ago I found EMI at a grocery store (weird place to find a PC game).
The Monkey Madness CD came in one of the Lucasarts achives, so I was also treated to Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis, Day of the Tentacle, The Dig, Sam and Max, and Full Throttle. Since that time, I have become a complete adventure adict.
My first game was Secret of Monkey Island.
It was actually my first game I ever owned on PC.
I was 11 at the time and a friend of mine had it on his PC-Speaker sound, CGA machine and we played the crap out of the game.
When I got the game running on my shiny new PC (on which I had EGA graphics and a SoundBlaster card) I was hooked all over again.
Got LeChuck's Revenge THE MINUTE it was released and same goes for the other games in the series.
(HATE EMI by the way, seriously, what where they thinking, finished it once, started playing it again this morning, since it first came out that is)
Found the CD version of SOMI later on in a bargain bin somewhere.
Got the 10 adventures box to get the MI2 working again (broken discs).
then my PC couldn't play any of the LFG/LA games anymore and I got reunited with my long lost love when I found out about ScummVM.
Now every digital device I own has the MI series on it...
Seriously, I play Monkey Island on my clock radio:D
My first game was Monkey Island 1, i still got the original retail box with the pirate dial card... I copied the disks to a CD-rom a few years back but i couldn't trow away that box... So many laughs... so many memories!!!
Woah! I still have mine (1 is on 5 1/4" floppies) and the mix'n'mojo wheel from 2......ahhh happy days
MANY many years ago, somewhere on earth around 1992, I was very young (about 8 or so) and my little brothers and I loved to look at the pc games my older brother was playing. One of them was MI2. I didn't understand most of the humour at the time of course! (and it was in English, so as an 8 year old dutch boy it's hard to understand).
My brother also played Police Quest and Quest for Glory, so I kinda got into adventure gaming through him. Nowadays, I'm more into adventure, and he's more into Warcraft and fantasy.
I didn't know there was a MI1 until quite a few years later actually! And around 1997 a good friend of mine at the time (who also is a really big MI fan) bought CMI. I really was blown away with that! Awesome atmosphere and music. Still my favourite MI.
I still envy him of buying it in the original box. I didn't (I loaned the copy) so I never got the orginal box version of CMI, and nowadays they are quite expensive second hand.
... One of them was MI2. I didn't understand most of the humour at the time of course! (and it was in English, so as an 8 year old dutch boy it's hard to understand).
Same here... took me forever to figure out the "monkey wrench/waterfall" puzzle/joke
My English probably was better then than most dutch kids my age (I couldn't stop watching BBC at the time), some things were still hard.
my first monkey island title, was the worst of them all...
It was Escape from monkey island on the PS2-system, when I was a whoppin' 20 years old.
I read a review in a playstation2-magazine at the time, and the review alone made my funny-bone tickle! Promising!
I played the TAR out of the PS2 version, and laughed every time, I never played this type of game before, and it was a revelation to me!
But since i dit not have any type of PC game, I was blind to see all the other marvels in the Monkey Island world!
It was not untill I met my best bud from Holland, who teached me the ways of scummVm...That I started to play Mi1, 2 and 3, which in my (and every one else's opinion) are way better than the bastard son, which is Mi4.
Still... Mi4 will always be engraved in my heart as the one with: "*MUUUUUH*....muuuuh?, what kinda duck are you???".
they say, your first love will always be special, and I think that's true.
Pfft. He still thinks it was one of the worst mistakes he ever made, considering how much money me and my brother had him blow out on consoles etc.
My brother, sister and I used to play MI1 and MI2 together but we never got round to actually completing the games for years. We just spent ages exploring Melee and Scabb Island, never getting very far.
I've been playing ever since. Good times man good times.
Anyway, it was 1999. I was 21. A good friend had downloaded the demo of CMI and showed it to the rest of our group. We all loved it. Before long we were going to Wal-Mart to try and find the game. We did. And the rest was history.
I was so close to getting that game. I was at the counter before the guy told me dad that the first two didn't have sound, so he decided to put it back. Real shame (i believe that it's worth twice what it was then,now on ebay)
It was the English EGA version (and I'm Austrian, so I could not read it). All I could do was to load an existing save file from the last chapter and kill LeChuck. That was quite satisfying everyone of the 100 times I did it.
Eventually I started to learn some English and play the full game, but I didn't understand half of things (if not more) that were said. And STILL I couldn't stop playing.
I don't know how old exactly I was back then, but probably around 6 or 7.
I think Monkey Island is the reason why I'm even interested in the English language that much and started to learn it before I went to school.
...However, when I got talking to Wally (not knowing anything other than he was Bloodnose, the dodgy-looking pirate) I started to appreciate the humour. After my chat with Murray ("The evil demonic SKULL!"), I was sold. I never actually got round to buying it, though - I didn't know much about the proper outlets at the time.
The years passed, and I completed the demo (I was slower back then). Sometime after this, I caught a demo of another game - Escape From Monkey Island. This time, I went out and bought the game, and loved every minute of it (when it worked on my underpowered computer). I had to use several walkthroughs to do anything, though - again, my adventuring/puzzling mind was underdeveloped - but I still loved the humour of the series.
...And that's the long story. In short? The CMI demo.
Half a year later, the family bought a computer, I saw a Monkey Island double pack with SMI and MI2 and bought it. The rest is history.
Well, not really history, but I enjoy Monkey Island a whole bunch.
The rest is history.
In christmas 2000 I was trying to get a copy of EM1 but it was still around $60 at the time (at least in the stores I was looking at) but I saw a copy of Curse of Monkey Island for $25 which was exactly how much christmas money I had. Since it was with my christmas money my mum said I could get it. I had to wait another two weeks before I could play it because we where visiting my aunt, uncle and cousins at the time.
I was slightly put off at first by the different graphics and controls CMI had compared to the demo of EMI. But grew to like them very quickly. After I finished CMI all the way through in both modes I started to look at getting EMI again and finally got a copy a year later finding that after playing point it was very annoying to have to use the keyboard for everything. After I finished EMI I found that I was hooked and spend a very long time looking for the first two monkey island games, which then lead me to the rest of the lucasfilm adventure games.
I've never played trought the easy version...
How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood ...
- a woodchuck could chuck no amount of wood since a woodcuck can't chuck wood ...
A woodchuck would chuck as much wood as a woodchuck could chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood.
Oh, shut up.
The name sounded really lame to me at the time but I had nothing else to play so I played it and ever since that day I've been a MI fan.
Later I discovered other adventure games when we got a PC and the man who built it had kindly installed Indiana Jones and the fate of Atlantis onto it :P
The Monkey Madness CD came in one of the Lucasarts achives, so I was also treated to Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis, Day of the Tentacle, The Dig, Sam and Max, and Full Throttle. Since that time, I have become a complete adventure adict.
It was actually my first game I ever owned on PC.
I was 11 at the time and a friend of mine had it on his PC-Speaker sound, CGA machine and we played the crap out of the game.
When I got the game running on my shiny new PC (on which I had EGA graphics and a SoundBlaster card) I was hooked all over again.
Got LeChuck's Revenge THE MINUTE it was released and same goes for the other games in the series.
(HATE EMI by the way, seriously, what where they thinking, finished it once, started playing it again this morning, since it first came out that is)
Found the CD version of SOMI later on in a bargain bin somewhere.
Got the 10 adventures box to get the MI2 working again (broken discs).
then my PC couldn't play any of the LFG/LA games anymore and I got reunited with my long lost love when I found out about ScummVM.
Now every digital device I own has the MI series on it...
Seriously, I play Monkey Island on my clock radio:D
Woah! I still have mine (1 is on 5 1/4" floppies) and the mix'n'mojo wheel from 2......ahhh happy days
But...if a woodchuck could (and would) chuck any amount of much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?
OMG we bugged the living crap out of my Dad with that for months - me and my sis pretty much memorised the whole thing
My brother also played Police Quest and Quest for Glory, so I kinda got into adventure gaming through him. Nowadays, I'm more into adventure, and he's more into Warcraft and fantasy.
I didn't know there was a MI1 until quite a few years later actually!
I still envy him of buying it in the original box. I didn't (I loaned the copy) so I never got the orginal box version of CMI, and nowadays they are quite expensive second hand.
My English probably was better then than most dutch kids my age (I couldn't stop watching BBC at the time), some things were still hard.
It was Escape from monkey island on the PS2-system, when I was a whoppin' 20 years old.
I read a review in a playstation2-magazine at the time, and the review alone made my funny-bone tickle! Promising!
I played the TAR out of the PS2 version, and laughed every time, I never played this type of game before, and it was a revelation to me!
But since i dit not have any type of PC game, I was blind to see all the other marvels in the Monkey Island world!
It was not untill I met my best bud from Holland, who teached me the ways of scummVm...That I started to play Mi1, 2 and 3, which in my (and every one else's opinion) are way better than the bastard son, which is Mi4.
Still... Mi4 will always be engraved in my heart as the one with: "*MUUUUUH*....muuuuh?, what kinda duck are you???".
they say, your first love will always be special, and I think that's true.