Sam and the Screwdriver

edited October 2009 in Sam & Max
Heavy Spoilers from 204, so, don't read until you finish it!
Did you remember the Screwdriver which Sam "borrow" from Little Sam? When you try to return the Screwdriver, Sam comments for his own sake he will never return the screwdriver to himself. The point is, he did! No to Little Sam, but to Past Sam! (I like to call them "Season 1 Sam & Max" ^^!) But this detail which be THAT curious to me, except for the fact how Present Sam & Max has to return to the Spaceship: They had to "replace" Past Sam & Max from 102 to 203! Which means, when Past Sam & Max takes the elevator, no matter where they go, Present Sam & Max are "there" too!

In resume, I think, in someplace in the future (Or even since 102) there's 2 Sam & Max, and one of them we don't play with them, had a Time Machine AND a screwdriver (OF EVIL!)

I'm the only one who notice that. I'm overthinking everything again as usual?


  • edited July 2009
    To quote the Mystery Science Theater 3000 theme song:

    "Just repeat to yourself, 'It's just a show, I should really just relax'"
  • edited July 2009
    I did notice that Sam ended up returning the screwdriver to himself. Only took him 26 years, but he managed it.

    I like to assume that past Sam and Max took the elevator to 1980 and caused little Sam and Max not to go to the prom, causing present Max to stop liking girls.

    I think there is a mention of past Sam and Max travelling through time on their own, unplayable adventures.

    Sam: Well, we might be heading for an inevitable death, but at least our past selves are still gallivanting through the timestream, carrying on our legacy.
    Max: All the more reason to escape, Sam. So we can hunt down those accursed clones and destroy them!

    That's when you talk to Max in the smaller room after the ship begins to self destruct. I think.
    To quote the Mystery Science Theater 3000 theme song:

    "Just repeat to yourself, 'It's just a show, I should really just relax'"
    I wish people would stop saying that. It's like telling someone that video games are a pointless waste of time and not to play them because you're not personally interested in games. No one's getting upset about this stuff. At least I hope they're not.
  • edited July 2009
    Shwoo wrote: »
    I did notice that Sam ended up returning the screwdriver to himself.

    In fact, when I put that phrase, I tried to do it in a interrogation form, like asking if I was the only one =P. But I was in a hurry...
  • edited August 2009
    Time-travel just gives me a headache. I try not to dwell on it anymore.
    They seriously should have caused a bigger paradox. Like in Escape From Monkey Island where if you
    messed up in the Mysts of Tyme Marsh, you got sucked into the continuum and had to start over,
    though I'm DEFINITELY not comparing EMI to S&M. Nope, not me.
  • edited August 2009
    Maxilyah wrote: »
    Time-travel just gives me a headache. I try not to dwell on it anymore.
    They seriously should have caused a bigger paradox. Like in Escape From Monkey Island where if you
    messed up in the Mysts of Tyme Marsh, you got sucked into the continuum and had to start over,
    though I'm DEFINITELY not comparing EMI to S&M. Nope, not me.

    EMI hater. :(
  • edited August 2009
    thatdude98 wrote: »
    EMI hater. :(

    No, I didn't HATE the game. It just happens to be my least favorite out of most of the adventure games I've played.
  • edited August 2009
    Maxilyah wrote: »
    No, I didn't HATE the game. It just happens to be my least favorite out of most of the adventure games I've played.

    Ooooooohhhhh... that's perfectly alright then!
  • edited August 2009
    thatdude98 wrote: »
    Ooooooohhhhh... that's perfectly alright then!

    I can't tell if that was sarcasm, or if you were being serious. Teehee!
  • edited October 2009
    GinnyN wrote: »
    In resume, I think, in someplace in the future (Or even since 102) there's 2 Sam & Max, and one of them we don't play with them, had a Time Machine AND a screwdriver (OF EVIL!)[/spoiler]

    I'm the only one who notice that. I'm overthinking everything again as usual?

    Now you made ME overthink this too, thanks a lot ! ;)
    Anyway, the logic is not there.

    For all the puzzles, the "self-contained time-line" concept of time travel is used.
    If you go back in time and change something, you notice the effects of the change when you come back.
    There is only one time line that is consistent with itself.

    For the Sam & Max swap at the Idol contest event, the "alternative universe" concept of time travel is used. Since the swap did not actually happen in the S1 episode, it means that the S2 Sam and Max went back in time to an alternative universe.

    Since the 2 concepts of time travel can not both be right at the same time, logic goes out of the window. There is no way of telling what happened to the Sam and Max that escaped the spaceship by time machine before the crash, because the whole thing doesn't make scene either way.
  • edited October 2009
    Whoa, bump. Anyway, isn't it possible that they did change the past and what we saw when playing the original episode (and every episode up to 203) was merely the original not-yet-changed timeline? That leaves some weird loose ends, sure, but nothing impossible. The most convenient part about it is that because of the way the time machine works the playable Sam & Max retain all and only their memories of the original timeline (just like Boscow keeping his memories of being himself, instead of remembering having been a cow all his life).
  • edited October 2009
    Harald B wrote: »
    Whoa, bump. Anyway, isn't it possible that they did change the past and what we saw when playing the original episode (and every episode up to 203) was merely the original not-yet-changed timeline? That leaves some weird loose ends, sure, but nothing impossible. The most convenient part about it is that because of the way the time machine works the playable Sam & Max retain all and only their memories of the original timeline (just like Boscow keeping his memories of being himself, instead of remembering having been a cow all his life).

    That the funny thing of time travels episodes: Without that you mention, the story can't simple continue.

    The thing wanted to said, anyway, was that Screwdriver, according to "Present Sam" somehow carries all his geekiness (It's not like he actually said it, but, for how he reacts to return it to himself (Little Sam), probably) and he return it to himself anyway, but to "Past Sam" (Who, with "Past Max" become Alterns, but, whathever). So, with his geekiness returned to himself, what do you think could happen?
  • edited October 2009
    I think you're overthinking the screwdriver. He just wanted to keep it out of obsessed kid Sam's clutches, it's not some magic nerdulator. Nothing happened when he held it himself, or when he picked up a screwdriver in 103.
  • edited October 2009
    I love overthink stuff. Doesn't look like?
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