How would you rank all the Arkham games?
As we all know, the Batman: Arkham series is arguably one of the best video game series of all time. How would you rank all the games in it?
My ranking is City (10/10) > Asylum (9/10) > Origins (6/10) > Knight (3/10)
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Arkham City (9.5/10) Arkham Asylum (9/10) Arkham Knight (8/10) Arkham Origins (7/10)
Best to Worst:
Arkham City
Arkham Asylum
Arkham Origins
Arkham Knight (From what I've played so far.)
Best to worst :
Arkham City
Arkham Asylum
Arkham Knight
Arkham Origins
Arkham City - awesome!
Arkham Asylum - good but can't compare with City.
Arkham Origins - what a buggy, fu**** copy of AC!
Arkham Knight - watched some gameplays only - I don't like it.
I thought you liked Arkham Origins the most.
I did, but after some deliberation, while I think Origins does improve on the gameplay a bit and have the superior boss fights, the story in Arkham City was definitely better than in Origins, I like the concept of City more than Origins (having all of Batman's villains in one, central place with very little rules or supervision), and I just feel like I'm more inclined to go back to that rather than Origins.
1.Arkham Origins(people will hate me for this)
2.Arkham City
3.Arkham Knight
4.Arkham Asylum
This goes by both story and gameplay
1 - Arkham City (The pride rock that holds the best story + Catwoman
2 - Arkham Origins (The best gameplay with a good story)
3 - Arkham Asylum (Being the first, sure it has interesting gameplay but something lacks in the story)
4 - Arkham Knight (Nothing new on this except for the absurd quantity of the batmobile and the obvious character reveal)
Arkham City (easily due to it's story, open world and boss battles).
Arkham Asylum (great atmosphere with unrefined combat, but still delivers a great Batman experience).
Arkham Knight (without the DLC it's pretty shallow but overall it's not nearly as bad as some make it out to be, imo).
Arkham Origins (I'm currently replaying it, I don't think I gave it a fair chance but the boss battles are the main highlight).
Arkham City - The best feel for Batman, though the prison does feel cramped.
Arkham Asylum - Once the game's over, it's over (unless you didn't get Riddler's trophys. Hated the last battle.
Arkham Knight - Loved this game, but too much tank, disappointing boss battles, questionable ending. Disappointing DLC stories, cool DLC maps + skins.
Arkham Origins - Loved Joker, loved the cutscenes. Batman can't breakdown wooden doors... lazy setting (snow on Arkham City). Boss battles on point (thanks for reminding, Venom); amazing Bane boss battle that's scary.
Arkham City
Arkham Asylum
Arkham Knight (it's not as bad as people say it is :P)
Arkham Origins
Arkham City
Arkham Asylum
Arkham Origins
Arkham Knight
My recent experience with Arkham Knight hasn't been very positive.
I liked City more than Asylum, but I still think I'd put Asylum over City just for nostalgia's sake. Haven't played Origins, so I left it off my list!
Lol, same because I played the Arkham games on PS4 because my PC is a disaster for gaming. Origins wasn't added in the remastered collection.
So I only played the Rocksteady ones, I didn't play Origins because it's not on PS4. Here is my rank:
I loved the first 2, but Arkham Knight pissed me off too much with that damn Bat mobile.
1-Arkham City
2-Arkham Origins
3- Arkham Asylum
4- Arkham Knight
Why not?
ikr when I was first playing and driving the Batmoblie I was like, "Wait what are the controls?!??!"
Never played them.
Arkham City
Arkham Asylum
Arkham Origins
Arkham Knight
I wouldn't say Knight is the worst, but it is the most disappointing one. Batmobile is overused and it gets annoying and boring after some time, boss fights aren't as good as in Arkham City, the controls to change the gadgets are slower, siundtrack isn't as memorable as AC... of course there are plenty of good things about it, but I played it only some months after having played Arkham City and it was a huge disappointment.
City in 4th? This is unpopular, why didn't you like it?
For some reason It just didn't clicked with me. Gameplay was tiresome and the story IMO was really bland in comparison to the rest. It feels like it's more concerned about throwing new recognisable characters and plot twists insead of developing them. Especially Talia who's death supposed to be a shocking twist was shockingly undeveloped, the same goes for R'as. Joker, as goos as his death was, didn''t really fit the story, at least that's how I felt when he suddenly became the big bad guy after Hugo and R'as died anticlimacticly. Bruce also was really bland in this game. And I know that Batman is supposed to mysterious and calm, but in other games like Knight and Origins we see him dropping this act which humanizes him. Here the only moment he does somehing as a result of emotions overwhelming him is deciding to save Talia, but I never get the impression that he cares about her that much in that interpretation of Batman. And when the Playable Character does something that you as a player don't agree, it can ruin the narrative, at least that's intentional.
I'm kinda rambling but that's how I felt about City.
Thought the car was awesome. It really felt Batman took the situation very seriously and upped his game as a result.
It felt, for lack of a better term, appropriate.
Just because I was forced to kill Lucy in ac brotherhood doesn't mean that was a bad twist. Oh, and to kill her I just had to press the "X" button. Still a great ending to set up a sequel.
What are you even talking about? Desmond was forced to kill Lucy by a mystical being, Batman decides to rescue his bae after 20 hours of pragmatism.
That's not the point, you said that you don't like it when the game forces you to do something you don't like.
But Desmond was FORCED just like the player. Batman CHOSE.
See the difference?
I feel like people say that a lot about the soundtrack. Arkham City undoubtedly has the best theme, in fact it is one of my favourite themes from any video game. I thought Arkham Knight had a brilliant soundtrack, quite a lot of resonance and ambiance that was absent in the other games.
1 Arkham City (awesome story full of great twists, fantastic open world and overall it a big step up in every way from AA)
2. Arkham Origins (very rehashed in terms of world and gameplay but the story is the best of the series and I love the christmas atmosphere)
3. Arkham Knight (Tank bs dragged the game down and the AK was a garbage villian. Ending sucked as well BUT Rocksteady perfected the actual gameplay when you arent in the tank and Conroy & Hamill give their best performances. Its more emotional and darker than the rest as well.
4. Arkham Asylum (great for its time but it doesn't hold up that well. Its too linear, the story is boring and Joker feels wasted.
I've only played Asylum and City
Asylum is the one I like as I hated the open world and endless amount of Riddler junk in City, to me it felt like Asylum was the more focused experience with more attention to detail and just enough Riddler stuff that I wanted to actually do it all. Basically I barely remember a thing about City while I can vividly remember whole rooms in Asylum.
Having recently played Arkham Knight, I'd rank them as following:
Arkham City: Best story with twists, Best boss battles, huge improvement of gameplay over Asylum)
Arkham Asylum: Awesome environment (love Batman being in Asylum), Great Boss Battles (though the Joker battle one at the end did have me scratching my head lol)
Arkham Knight and Arkham Origins (tie in 3rd place): Knight has beautiful environment, and still has the great gameplay when playing as Batman. Downside, Batmobile overkilled it especially with tank battles and Riddler races, and boss battles were almost non-existent. Story was alright, except that Arkham Knight reveal was disappointing.
With Origins, most (but not all) of boss battles are great, but environment is basically recycle of Arkham City, and basic combat/predator has no innovation (pretty much same as City). Story was alright, but what annoyed me was that Joker stealing the center stage again......from Black mask (thank goodness Arkham Knight had Scarecrow as the main villain).
I've only play Arkham Asylum and Arkham Knight. I loved Arkham Knight. Yes the story is predictable but I absolutely love the gameplay, yes even all of the batmobile stuff. I definitely should play City seeing that it's pretty high on everybody's list.