It seems we have a tie!
A tough thing to handle (not really sure what to do about that, but i'm sure i'll figure it out)
Anyway the next part is ready, and I should post it right after this post actually, it's a Nick part and you'll see the consequences of him entering the school.
The clouds were dark and the rain poured heavily upon Nick’s tense face, he had to enter the school, who knows what’s happening and maybe he could stop it, with a short walk he returned to the back entrance, he was nervous, scared even, of course he was, who knows what’s behind these steel gates, and who says it’s not dangerous, the school rarely had anything like this. Plus, the heavy wind didn’t make things better.
Looking through the steel gates not much was visible, not yet anyway, Nick had to enter them first, all that could be seen currently was wet grass, a slippery walkway, an empty carpark, and class buildings, Nick had to jump the gate before he could see more, which was a bit of a problem, as the gate had spikes on top of it, Nick was always fairly athletic and strong, not the most as that would go to the Arcland brothers, those two were always working out, nonetheless Nick still had to get past the gate.
He started by wrapping his right hand around one of the steel bars, he used that to launch himself in the air, well he atleast tried to, it didn’t work as well as Nick intended, he didn’t get as high as he needed, he only managed to make it halfway up the gate, where as he thought he’d be able to reach the top in one leap, he was wrong, this caused him to slightly slide down the gate, it wasn’t too much of a problem as he managed to lean both of his feet against the gate, he decided to climb it normally, a bit like a ladder but much more unstable.
It didn’t take him long to reach the top and now the real problem, the spikes, he rested his hand around one of the spikes, as only the very top was sharp, now Nick thought about how he would do this, he could try and launch himself over the spikes, or he could carefully climb over them.
Nick was always impatient so he went for the former, he readied his body in a jumping position leaning his feet heavily across the steel gate, with his hands he heavily gripped the top of the gate. Nick then launched himself over the gate, he got over, a bit higher than he expected, the flight ended quickly as he landed rolling on his back on the wet grass.
Now his jacket was covered in grass as was his jeans, and they were already wet from the rain, Nick was still on the wet grass, as the jump took quite a bit out of him, he noticed in this time a slight sting in his wrist, he brought his right arm around to look at it, a small cut was visible, Nick must have accidently hit one of the spikes in his jump, luckily it didn’t hurt too much, and he had more important things to attend to.
Nick lifted himself of the ground, and he dusted of his clothing, he was only mildly successful, but that didn’t matter, he had other things to focus on, so he focused on them. Nick proceeded to the walkway, he could already see more of the school, but nothing that screamed danger, only a few more class buildings, so he kept walking, slowly, he kept walking. He walked past the basketball court and the cafeteria, before he even found something somewhat suspicious, it was a man, the police hadn’t found him yet but Nick did, the man was standing mysteriously at the centre of the school’s football field, he had no weapon, none that was visible, and his head was covered with a hood, he even had his back turned to Nick, nothing dangerous, just weird, so why were the gates locked?
Nick got his answer, as three police officers charged from the eastern entry of the field, with fully automatic weapons in hand, they did not see Nick, as he hid behind a tree. Nick could barely hear their voices but one of the officers yelled, with his gun pointed at the man, “Stand down, sir, we do not wish to hurt you!” the strange man, didn’t move as the officer spoke, everything in him was still, like a statue, “Do you not? Then why are your weapons pointed at me?” the man questioned the officer with his back turned to him, “We will put down the weapons, sir, just stand down, no one else needs to die,” the strange man slowly turned around to these words, and Nick could briefly see a sadistic grin on his face, “Oh, that’s a shame. BECAUSE THAT’S JUST WHAT I WANT!!”
Then it all happened so fast as the man charged the leading officer unarmed, he butchered him so quickly Nick couldn’t even comprehend what he saw, it was inhuman, he then threw his dead body at his former officers, it knocked them down as they were not expecting him to die so quickly, his body was still on the officers as the strange man proceeded to pick up the fallen officers gun, he then released three bullets into one of the officers head, and shot the other in the leg, before forcing him to stare into his eyes
“Why do you insist on this? Hmm, I thought he grew tired of me,” the remaining officer had a look of terror on his face, the strange man was unlike anything he had seen, and unlike anything Nick had ever seen, who is this man? The officer didn’t even get time to reply as a load of lead had already entered his face, the strange man’s face was looking at the ground, and then suddenly shifted to Nick, this scared Nick more than anything a murderer was staring at him with a grin, dead in the eye and for some reason, Nick was staring right back, it was the strangest feeling in the world, so were the man’s strange grey eyes, but for some reason the man didn’t shoot Nick even though his expression suggested he would.
The strange man then threw the gun to the ground and slowly wandered off to one of the classrooms, leaving the three bodies. Nick was currently panicking as he has never had an experience like this, he was breathing so heavily he almost passed out, it was so bad his body sort of shut down. After a while of waiting, and panicking, and thinking, where the man could be now, what could he be doing, could he have gotten to the others, is Amber okay? It was the last thought that mainly motivated Nick, as he had to see if Amber was okay, with that thought he finally managed to calm down just enough to go out and check on the bodies.
It was disgusting, the most heinous thing Nick had ever seen, and he thought his father was bad, this man was worse. The leading officer who was killed first, had his throat completely ripped out, and the fact the man did it with his bare hands was terrifying, the other two men were probably worse, one’s jaw was completely removed, and his face looked undead, even seeing a dead person was enough to disgust Nick, these were good men, how could someone do this? What sort of person would be capable of this? The third officer was the worst, Nick was unsure if it was his missing eye, or the fact that the officer was still alive.
With his remaining eye, the officer looked at Nick, with a dead voice he spoke, “Boy…what…are…doing…dangerous…here” the officer could barely talk, and his speech was barely understandable, still, Nick needed answers, “Who was that man?” Nick said with a very nervous voice, “That…is…Ja…” the officer took a confused pause, before he continued, “Kill…me…please…” The officer pleaded to Nick with a long dead voice.
But Nick couldn’t do it, killing someone was too much for him, he instead closed the officer’s remaining eye, and tried his hardest to not look at his blood covered missing eye, “I’m sorry, but I can’t,” Nick said, while he approached the gun to pick it up. “Why…I…need…this… please” the officer begged one last time, Nick was unsure what to do, killing someone he wasn’t sure if he could do it, but could he really let this man suffer?
[Walk away] This event is traumatic enough for Nick, he can't just kill a man. Who knows what it could do to his mental state. Plus it would technically be a crime and he'd get in a lot of trouble for it. I really wish Nick didn't pick up that gun though. His fingerprints are now on a weapon used to kill a couple police officers.
Nick Warner, Friday, Feb 6, 9:31AM
The clouds were dark and the rain poured heavily upon Nick’s tense face, he had to enter the school, w… moreho knows what’s happening and maybe he could stop it, with a short walk he returned to the back entrance, he was nervous, scared even, of course he was, who knows what’s behind these steel gates, and who says it’s not dangerous, the school rarely had anything like this. Plus, the heavy wind didn’t make things better.
Looking through the steel gates not much was visible, not yet anyway, Nick had to enter them first, all that could be seen currently was wet grass, a slippery walkway, an empty carpark, and class buildings, Nick had to jump the gate before he could see more, which was a bit of a problem, as the gate had spikes on top of it, Nick was always fairly athletic and strong, not the most as that would go to the Arcland brothers, those two were always working out, nonetheless Nick still had to get … [view original content]
That's a hard choice, a really, really hard choice, mostly because this man is begging for death and I usually am in favour of granting such wishes in a situation where it can prevent pain. However, how on earth should Nick ever explain to the other cops that he didn't do this when he actually does shoot this man? They'd likely see him as the murderer, given how unbelievable his version of the story would sound. Actually, I do expect the other cops to arrest him, now that they have likely been alarmed by the gunshots. However, from watching far too many police shows, I know that there is a thing called Cartridge Discharge Residue, which can prove if he truly shot a weapon in the recent time. As long as he doesn't shoot this gun, they should eventually be able to find out that he is innocent. So, as much as I hate to put this officer through additional pain, we have to think of Nick's well-being here.
Nick Warner, Friday, Feb 6, 9:31AM
The clouds were dark and the rain poured heavily upon Nick’s tense face, he had to enter the school, w… moreho knows what’s happening and maybe he could stop it, with a short walk he returned to the back entrance, he was nervous, scared even, of course he was, who knows what’s behind these steel gates, and who says it’s not dangerous, the school rarely had anything like this. Plus, the heavy wind didn’t make things better.
Looking through the steel gates not much was visible, not yet anyway, Nick had to enter them first, all that could be seen currently was wet grass, a slippery walkway, an empty carpark, and class buildings, Nick had to jump the gate before he could see more, which was a bit of a problem, as the gate had spikes on top of it, Nick was always fairly athletic and strong, not the most as that would go to the Arcland brothers, those two were always working out, nonetheless Nick still had to get … [view original content]
Nick Warner, Friday, Feb 6, 9:31AM
The clouds were dark and the rain poured heavily upon Nick’s tense face, he had to enter the school, w… moreho knows what’s happening and maybe he could stop it, with a short walk he returned to the back entrance, he was nervous, scared even, of course he was, who knows what’s behind these steel gates, and who says it’s not dangerous, the school rarely had anything like this. Plus, the heavy wind didn’t make things better.
Looking through the steel gates not much was visible, not yet anyway, Nick had to enter them first, all that could be seen currently was wet grass, a slippery walkway, an empty carpark, and class buildings, Nick had to jump the gate before he could see more, which was a bit of a problem, as the gate had spikes on top of it, Nick was always fairly athletic and strong, not the most as that would go to the Arcland brothers, those two were always working out, nonetheless Nick still had to get … [view original content]
I think that its better to clash with reality now, before real hell starts. Also if we would spare the man, kid can have regrets of not ending the suffering of wounded man who actually asked for it. So same end result in both votes.
Nick Warner, Friday, Feb 6, 9:31AM
The clouds were dark and the rain poured heavily upon Nick’s tense face, he had to enter the school, w… moreho knows what’s happening and maybe he could stop it, with a short walk he returned to the back entrance, he was nervous, scared even, of course he was, who knows what’s behind these steel gates, and who says it’s not dangerous, the school rarely had anything like this. Plus, the heavy wind didn’t make things better.
Looking through the steel gates not much was visible, not yet anyway, Nick had to enter them first, all that could be seen currently was wet grass, a slippery walkway, an empty carpark, and class buildings, Nick had to jump the gate before he could see more, which was a bit of a problem, as the gate had spikes on top of it, Nick was always fairly athletic and strong, not the most as that would go to the Arcland brothers, those two were always working out, nonetheless Nick still had to get … [view original content]
Nick Warner, Friday, Feb 6, 9:31AM
The clouds were dark and the rain poured heavily upon Nick’s tense face, he had to enter the school, w… moreho knows what’s happening and maybe he could stop it, with a short walk he returned to the back entrance, he was nervous, scared even, of course he was, who knows what’s behind these steel gates, and who says it’s not dangerous, the school rarely had anything like this. Plus, the heavy wind didn’t make things better.
Looking through the steel gates not much was visible, not yet anyway, Nick had to enter them first, all that could be seen currently was wet grass, a slippery walkway, an empty carpark, and class buildings, Nick had to jump the gate before he could see more, which was a bit of a problem, as the gate had spikes on top of it, Nick was always fairly athletic and strong, not the most as that would go to the Arcland brothers, those two were always working out, nonetheless Nick still had to get … [view original content]
This is probably the better choice for nick, but not so much for the officer.
The next part will be from a new PoV it takes place near Oakbreach City (Human city), I haven't had much time to write and unfortunately I won't be able to continue writing the part for at least a few days.
The Voting is closed!
Nick will walk away
This is probably the better choice for nick, but not so much for the officer.
The next pa… morert will be from a new PoV it takes place near Oakbreach City (Human city), I haven't had much time to write and unfortunately I won't be able to continue writing the part for at least a few days.
The Voting is closed!
Nick will walk away
This is probably the better choice for nick, but not so much for the officer.
The next pa… morert will be from a new PoV it takes place near Oakbreach City (Human city), I haven't had much time to write and unfortunately I won't be able to continue writing the part for at least a few days.
No, definitely not, a short hiatus was all (I was really just planning the story in greater detail) sorry for not responding to your last comment the next part should be up tomorrow.
No, definitely not, a short hiatus was all (I was really just planning the story in greater detail) sorry for not responding to your last comment the next part should be up tomorrow.
Yes, I know the feeling. I'm still a bit salty about spending time on a character for a story that never started and the poster just ignored us despite clearly being active on the forums.
Next part should be up in a few hours, extremely sorry for the long wait, even more sorry for not informing you all. But hopefully you guys can forgive me with the next part, which is still the same PoV, but much more refined, when I first started writing this part (which was about 2 or 3 weeks ago i think) I had no clue where her storyline was going to go, so I decided to stop improvising and actually plan the story. Anyway her part will be up in a few hours, or maybe more.
Lydia Seachell – Evergreen Forest, Eastern Continent, 201 AC
Meat is what Lydia needed today, deer meat to be precise not much else was in the area, for the real goods Lydia would have to cross Evergreen’s magical barrier which covered from Evergreen to Oakbreach itself, past the barrier were demons, which Lydia knew she could not handle, she was never a fighter, a mere bowman is what she was, she did however have an innate ability for light healing, which she never did receive training for, so her natural talent is all she ever had.
The foothills of Evergreen is where Lydia had always lived, with her mother and four younger brothers, she was usually the one to take care of business and protect the family, as her mother was deathly ill and her four siblings were all below ten, she herself was past twenty, it was always her responsibility to take care of the house after her father died in the Battle of Oakbreach ten years ago then she was only a little girl herself, so it was rather difficult for her to get everything she needed done all by herself.
Lydia focussed back on track and kept creeping slowly around the tall green grass, she was in the deep forest it was always better to hunt here, it was peaceful and quiet, she had her bow in hand, she had not found any deer yet.
The grass went up to her knees atleast, although she was on her knees, so now it went to her elbows, she never was tall, probably below the average height of a human female, but so was her mother, her father was the tall one.
It was hard for her to see with all this grass in her face but she had to be stealthy, she took a quick look around and brushed aside some grass, she looked left first.
A few trees and bushes could be seen but overall there wasn’t much. Next she looked her right, a few more trees and bushes pretty much the same thing from the other side, except there was something different, a figure, which was rare since she was in the middle of the forest, it looked like a human, rather than a deer which is what she expected, Lydia moved towards the figure, slowly, since she didn’t want to draw its attention.
It was dark, shrouded in shadow, a strange thing, could it be a demon? No, it couldn’t be, every demon was locked outside the barrier, it would be impossible for one to even manage to get past it, let alone wander the forests of evergreen.
She continued watching the shadow, it had very strange mannerisms, she stared deeper into the darkness, until the shadow gazed back at her, then it began moving, which it was doing before but this time it was moving towards her, Lydia being frightened, pulled out a single arrow from her quiver and placed it between the string. She fired. The arrow went blazing through the air, until it met the shadow, within which it flew straight through landing into the tree behind it, leaving the shadow unharmed and then something happened, something unexpected.
Lydia’s body was slammed hard against a tree, she felt a few pieces of bark enter her shoulder, “What do you think you are doing!?” the elf whispered sternly, he was tall and rather thin, with long dark hair and pointy ears, his skin was quite pale, his blue eyes were watching Lydia as if sentencing her to death.
“I’m…hunting for food,” she managed to stutter while frightened and held against a tree.
“Yes, because attacking my shadows is going to get you food,” the elf sounded frustrated and highly displeased, yet he let go of his hold on her. Lydia used her freedom to pull the pieces of wood out of her shoulder, the elf noticed this “Sorry about that, I didn’t expect to slam you so hard, you’re more fragile than I thought,” he said with sincerity, “Though you shouldn’t be here, not today, no matter what you’re hunting, dangerous beings lurk here and my shadows aren’t one of them, so please leave, I won’t stop you,”
“Dangerous beings? Like what, Demons? I’ve seen them before, how can you stop them with a shadow? Shadows are a form of dark magic, they couldn’t stop demons,”
“I didn’t say I was going to stop them and they aren’t demons, they’re something far worse, something you shouldn’t bother yourself with. Don’t you have a family to protect? They could probably use your help right now.”
“A family, how do you know I have one of those, I never mentioned anything about a family.”
“I know you never mentioned it, I assumed and you confirmed it,” the elf was walking towards his shadow-walker by now, the one Lydia shot, “How would you know if I had a family,” Lydia asked, the elf stopped to look back at Lydia “Let’s see, you’re out here alone hunting for food, are you going to eat that all alone? I don’t think so, not a small girl like you and I’d suggest you learn how to hide, it’s painfully obvious that you lack the skill,” this whole interaction was by far the strangest Lydia had ever had in her life, this elf was a dark wielder, yet he hadn’t tried to kill her, their kind usually always does that and he seemed an intelligent one on top of that, once again she didn’t expect that, their kind were usually always mad fanatics who praise The One Above All, yet this one didn’t seem to.
“Who are you?” asked Lydia
“Kieran Ravainis is my name, and yours?” The elf kept walking, he didn’t seem to care about the conversation.
“Lydia Seachell,” Lydia said, while still giving him her full attention
“You definitely grew up here, your name makes it so obvious, only an Oakbreach human would have a name like that,”
“What’s wrong with my name?”
“Oh, nothing, not to me anyway, I think it’s quite nice, what others think, I’m not so sure,” by this time he had arrived at his shadow-walker, “Well, Lydia. I’ll be of now, I think you should be to, go protect your family.” Kieran now began twisting his shadow-walker into the form of a horse, the spell looked very strange, from the flicking of wrists, to the dark energy that came out of Kieran, it was creepy.
“Can I come with you?” Lydia blurted out. She was genuinely interested in where this elf was going and what he was up to.
Kieran was still twisting his shadow-walker into a horse, although the spell was almost complete, “Are you crazy, if I let you come you’d be killed. No, you have to go back home,” Kieran told her in a demanding and fierce tone, as he finished the spell. The shadow was now a fully mountable horse, although it was completely black with dark energy flowing out of it, it would make for a terrifying thing to ride, Kieran however did not hesitate to mount it.
“Are you sure I’d die, I’m not just good with a bow, I have other abilities,” Lydia told him stubbornly, she was sure she’d amaze him with her next move.
Kieran didn’t seem impressed, “I’m sure you do,” he said uncaringly. Kieran started leaving, slowly he began trotting his dark horse down the bushy grass of evergreen.
While Lydia, she was upset, he completely ignored her and she really wanted to prove she could do magic, by now he was already a good twenty feet away from her, I’ll show him.
Lydia began pulsating light energy through her chest and arms, she forged this energy for several seconds, soon her arms began shining of holy light, before she released a huge stream of light towards Kieran’s unholy horse.
What happened next was catastrophic to say the least, Lydia in her moment of anger forgot, that when light and dark magic come together things don’t always go as planned, When Lydia’s beam of holy light struck Kieran’s horse, the demon horse shattered instantly, making Kieran drop to the grass beneath him whilst this happened Lydia’s large beams were redirected into the magical barrier that covered Oakbreach and Evergreen, and her holy beams, they broke the barrier.
Instantly the demons that were patiently waiting outside the barrier, as if they knew this would happen, they all rushed into the now vulnerable Evergreen, from Traix’s which made the trees of evergreen burn just by touching them, to Gomelihr whose toxic scent instantly poisoned the airs of evergreen, to Nexuhm’s whose slime and goo would infest evergreen and many many more demons began charging through the forests of evergreen, as they began slaying and purging everything in their wake, Lydia could hear the scream of the people from miles away, as she was in the deep forest far away from the chaos. And she just stood there, listening as Kieran was just managed to get back to his feet.
It’s happening. Lydia thought. All over again and this time it was all her fault, why, why didn’t she just listen to Kieran and go back to her family, now she has killed every one by a simple mistake, all of Evergreen, all of Oakbreach would be destroyed because she had to prove to Kieran that she could do something, now he would die, and her mother to, the very thought of her mother dying almost brought tears to her eyes, how could she have done this, why didn’t she just let it go and leave, like Kieran told her, her little brothers, all four of them, innocent children she let them die to. She had already seen her father die ten years ago, slaughtered like a pup by the demonic Volrohn, and now she would see it happen all again. All these thoughts led Lydia to tears, it was hopeless not a soul in Oakbreach could stop this, not again, they’d almost lost ten years ago, and now they would all lose again. Lydia began sobbing, tear after tear showered down her face, she couldn’t stop.
She stood there, as demon after demon charged through evergreen, the demons began closing on her and Kieran’s location, the forest was already ablaze by the Traix’s touch, and much of the air was poisoned with a green cloud from the Gomelihr, Lydia only had one objective even if it was pointless, maybe she could atleast save her family, hopefully. Kieran who was still about twenty feet away from her, he was up now and to say he was angry would be an understatement, he was very confused but even more infuriated, with the fact the demons were attacking being the only thing stopping him from lecturing Lydia right now, Kieran focused his full attention on the demons, as an army of them charged Lydia and him, many of the easier demons attacked him first, he used this to his advantage as he used dark magic to bind their souls to him, Kieran very quickly managed to gather an army of about 10 demons, they looked to be fire goblins, this barely weakened him.
Lydia struggled a lot more than Kieran, a fight like this was far out of her league and her petty arrows couldn’t even defeat one of Kieran’s shadows, how could she hope to stand up to this, she was in a lot of trouble, and her thoughts only made it worse, at first she was attacked by three slug-like demons that slowly charged at her left side, five fire goblins attacked to, although the fire goblins helped her, it seems that Kieran somehow managed to control all the fire goblins, which was very useful as there were more of them than any other demon, they helped Lydia slay the three slug demons, with carefully placed fire spells and a few arrows shot from Lydia the slugs were soon defeated.
While Kieran was surrounded by and protected by an army of fire goblins, he had managed to completely control every new fire goblin that entered the battlefield, this did cause Kieran to be unable to cast any other spells as he had to focus on controlling the goblins, this also seemed to drain him completely of all magic.
Time passed as Kieran’s army grew, he managed to get the demons to focus their full attention on him, as his now immense fire goblin army rose up to face the Traix’s, Gomelihr and Nexuhm’s, Lydia managed to rush over to stand with Kieran, “Good to see you’re alright,” Kieran said with a hint of struggle from the overwhelming force of demons he was now facing virtually alone, “Even if you’re a bloody idiot, what were you thinking! And how did you even do that, I hadn’t sensed any light wielders around?” Kieran managed to get the upper hand against the demons as his fire goblins did a fair amount of damage, “I don’t know. I am so sorry. I should of listened to you, please don’t hate me.” Lydia pleaded whilst standing behind Kieran as his powerful mind control worked wonders “I can’t hate you if we’re both dead, now let me focus, or we will both be,” Kieran told her sternly, it was clear their conversation made Kieran unable to fully focus on his attack with the goblins, so she followed his request and remained quiet, truthfully Kieran was doing an amazing job and if they got out of this, Lydia could never truly repay him.
Lydia tried to help as she fired her arrows, they seemingly did nothing, the fire goblins did an impressive job though, their fire slayed all the gooey Nexuhms and since more fire goblins kept spawning it seems that Kieran would win, but the Gomelihr’s vile tusks and irradiated green skin made many fire goblins fall, and the Traix’s were immune to the damage the fire goblins dealt, however the fire goblins were immune to the Traix’s fire as well so it was only the powerful strength of the Traix’s that managed to hurt the goblins, although Kieran handled this well, as he managed to remain far away from the Traix’s and even managed to trick them into attacking a few Gomelihr’s as the fire goblins were small and acrobatic, they could easily maneuver around a giant like a Traix, so Gomelihr’s were the main problem.
The battle lasted for a while, with the fire goblins managing to slay a majority of the Gomelihr, with tricky tactics enforced by Kieran, however in the end it was the demons who prevailed, as more demons came charging through the now dead forest, focusing their full attention on Kieran, a large shadow demon being one of them, a cloud of darkness following it, it was so large it towered over even the Traix’s, who were a fiery demonic race that stood thirty feet tall themselves. The giant shadow killed all of the fire goblins with dark unspeakable spells, it did not struggle at all to defeat them, and Kieran’s tactics didn’t help either, the remaining fire goblins were now turned to the demon’s side, all of the demons now had their full force attacking Kieran and Lydia, with no one backing them up.
Kieran was highly overwhelmed by this, he did not expect to be ambushed by that thing and that wasn’t the main problem, he knew what that thing was and it wasn’t a demon, “Lydia,” Kieran said forcefully, “Someone else is here, someone who isn’t a demon,” Kieran continued speaking quickly, “That giant shadow,” he pointed to it and Lydia looked, “It isn’t a demon,” Lydia was confused, terrified and anxious, “Then what is it,” Kieran was visibly frustrated as he forged up a very powerful barrier of dark energy, “I don’t have time to explain, we need to get behind this barrier, it won’t hold for long but that doesn’t matter. I have a plan,” Lydia got behind the barrier quickly it looked as if a giant black sphere was covering them, she could only barely see out of it.
“What is the plan?” Lydia asked, very curious and still terrified for her life, but more so her family’s.
“How many arrows do you have left?” Kieran asked quickly while his hands struggled to hold up the powerful barrier that was under heavy fire from demonic, shadow and fire magic, the fact he managed to hold it was nothing short of incredible, there was surely atleast two-hundred demons he was stopping with this, although Kieran himself looked almost dead, his hands were completely black due to excessive magic use and his blue eyes were almost as black, that however didn’t stop him. Lydia grabbed her quiver to see how many arrows she had. Only three, she had wasted a lot even though she managed to always hit the demons, the arrows did nothing to them.
“Only three,” she told him, “And why the arrows? They haven’t done anything, why would they start working now”
“You are a light wielder aren’t you!?” Kieran asked aggressively and swiftly whilst under incredible amounts of struggle.
“Yes, bu-
“Enchant your arrows with your magic, trust me it will work!” Kieran told her calm and sternly.
“Okay,” she followed his order and grabbed a single arrow, she closed her eyes and forgot, about everything, the demons, Kieran, her mother, her brothers, her father, she just focussed and it worked the light rushed out of her fingertips and circled around the arrow enchanting it with divine power, “Kieran! it worked! What now?” Lydia asked with anticipation, as she realized the barrier began to flicker to nothingness.
“Shoot the barrier! Quickly!” Kieran spoke rapidly as his hold on the barrier began to diminish “Just like you blasted my horse, the effect should be better and without consequences this time, trust me.” Kieran told her, she followed his order of course, as quickly as she could, the barrier was all but destroyed and she could feel the demons fire from within.
Lydia placed her divine arrow on her bow closed her eyes and fired. As she opened her eyes what she saw was truly magnificent, the explosion was immense much more than before, yet Kieran sucked in the explosion with his hands and used it as his own spell he then redirected it into the demonic forces, this was a very powerful move, an attack of pure light and dark energy that formed into a beam the light and dark circled each other as they killed demon after demon, the demonic forces stood no change against such a thing, the force and energy of the light and dark caused the demons to freeze and shake before they quickly exploded, the giant shadow was the only one who managed to withstand, but not for long as Kieran managed to completely shatter it into nothingness with the powerful light and dark beam.
Quickly it was all over, all the demons were gone, and seemingly no dangers were there, yet the beam didn’t stop, Kieran couldn’t control it as it took control of him and added in the damage of what the demons had already inflicted.
Luckily and with great struggle Kieran managed to control the beam, but it took all his power as he forcefully closed his hands the powerful beams energy exploded and threw Kieran’s body into a tree, but Kieran had stopped the beam.
Lydia rushed over to Kieran who had basically stopped an entire army all alone, he was laying on his stomach he looked dead, “Kieran! Kieran! Are you okay?” a stupid question Lydia knew, yet she didn’t know what else to say.
“I…I..” he stuttered, stopping that beam took a lot out of him.
“I’ll go look for some help, surely there are guards or knights here by now, they will help you, I promise.”
“No,” Kieran managed to say, he forced himself to lay on his back, “That….took…” he let out one deep breath before speaking, ”That took a lot out of me, far more than I expected,” he said whilst sitting against a burnt tree, “I’m still not sure how Evergreen’s barrier broke, yet that doesn’t matter at this time, I need to get to Oakbreach, there is someone there I must speak with, the demons will be back, so I need to inform the mages, they can put another barrier up,” Kieran pushed himself to his feet as Lydia helped him up.
“Kieran, what you said before, who was controlling that giant shadow?”
“I have my suspicions and you don’t need to know them. You should go check on your family now, the demons may have gotten them, yet I hope that’s not the case.” Kieran told her, at this point Lydia was helping Kieran walk as his leg was shattered from the impact of the tree, “This fight’s not over yet, the demons will be back, I assume the Order of Light will be here soon, and I suggest you see them, they could teach you how to wield the light properly,” with this Lydia let Kieran go, he was still limping, yet he managed to carry himself well, Lydia herself began turning around, thinking about her family, it was in this moment she saw what damage the demons had done, most of evergreen was now a poisoned hellhole,
the once bright green grass was now replaced with pools of acidic bubbling blood as the Gomelihr’s and Nexuhms poisoned everything they touched, the trees were all burnt to ash, nothing remained of them and Lydia could only think how she had caused this. Evergreen was once a beautifully forest and they had only just recovered from the Volrohn attack ten years ago, Lydia hadn’t even seen the inner forest yet, hopefully it won’t be as bad, but she heard the screams, it could be worse.
Kieran suddenly turned around, “Lydia!” he yelled to her, she quickly rushed over to him to see if he was alright, “Lydia I’m not blaming you what happened, you didn’t know and frankly neither did I, I’m surprised I couldn’t sense your light, but that doesn’t matter, the mages in Oakbreach should help me figure out what has happened and how to stop it.” Lydia hugged Kieran suddenly, which surprised Kieran, yet it didn’t seem to bother him, “Thank you, Kieran, if not for you, me and my family would be dead.”
“It’s fine, you stay safe now Lydia,” with that Kieran limped off to Oakbreach and Lydia decided what she was going to do, she could immediately go see her family who she was incredibly worried about, or maybe she could investigate the demon ashes maybe she could find out who was controlling that giant shadow, she could also follow Kieran although he would probably know she was there, she did feel he was up to something though, or she could see The Order of Light they would arrive soon, Kieran did suggest to speak with them. She was unsure but whatever she was going to do she had to do it quickly.
[Check on your Family] [Investigate the ashes of the Demons] [Follow Kieran] [Speak with the Order of Light]
the once bright green grass was now replaced with pools of acidic bubbling blood as the Gomelihr’s and Nexuhms poisoned everything they touc… morehed, the trees were all burnt to ash, nothing remained of them and Lydia could only think how she had caused this. Evergreen was once a beautifully forest and they had only just recovered from the Volrohn attack ten years ago, Lydia hadn’t even seen the inner forest yet, hopefully it won’t be as bad, but she heard the screams, it could be worse.
Kieran suddenly turned around, “Lydia!” he yelled to her, she quickly rushed over to him to see if he was alright, “Lydia I’m not blaming you what happened, you didn’t know and frankly neither did I, I’m surprised I couldn’t sense your light, but that doesn’t matter, the mages in Oakbreach should help me figure out what has happened and how to stop it.” Lydia hugged Kieran suddenly, which surprised Kieran, yet it didn’t seem to bother him, “Thank you, Kieran, i… [view original content]
That was amazing! An absolutely fantastic part. I never expected Kieran to have such an amazing introduction. Seriously, best introduction for a character I've submitted so far. It seems that Kieran is very powerful.
I also really like Lydia and Kieran as a pair, they play off each other well and I'd love to see their relationship develop.
This is what I wanted. Seeing something dark used for a good purpose. As you may be able to tell, you have impressed me.
[Speak with the Order of Light] I don't think Lydia's family is in any immediate danger and as much as I'd love to see Lydia tag along with Kiran, I think it's best to follow his advice here. Lydia seems very much a novice when it comes to her magic and it could be useful in the future to learn something, plus it might prevent her from making a huge rookie mistake again and putting people in danger.
the once bright green grass was now replaced with pools of acidic bubbling blood as the Gomelihr’s and Nexuhms poisoned everything they touc… morehed, the trees were all burnt to ash, nothing remained of them and Lydia could only think how she had caused this. Evergreen was once a beautifully forest and they had only just recovered from the Volrohn attack ten years ago, Lydia hadn’t even seen the inner forest yet, hopefully it won’t be as bad, but she heard the screams, it could be worse.
Kieran suddenly turned around, “Lydia!” he yelled to her, she quickly rushed over to him to see if he was alright, “Lydia I’m not blaming you what happened, you didn’t know and frankly neither did I, I’m surprised I couldn’t sense your light, but that doesn’t matter, the mages in Oakbreach should help me figure out what has happened and how to stop it.” Lydia hugged Kieran suddenly, which surprised Kieran, yet it didn’t seem to bother him, “Thank you, Kieran, i… [view original content]
That was amazing! An absolutely fantastic part. I never expected Kieran to have such an amazing introduction. Seriously, best introduction f… moreor a character I've submitted so far. It seems that Kieran is very powerful.
I also really like Lydia and Kieran as a pair, they play off each other well and I'd love to see their relationship develop.
This is what I wanted. Seeing something dark used for a good purpose. As you may be able to tell, you have impressed me.
[Speak with the Order of Light] I don't think Lydia's family is in any immediate danger and as much as I'd love to see Lydia tag along with Kiran, I think it's best to follow his advice here. Lydia seems very much a novice when it comes to her magic and it could be useful in the future to learn something, plus it might prevent her from making a huge rookie mistake again and putting people in danger.
the once bright green grass was now replaced with pools of acidic bubbling blood as the Gomelihr’s and Nexuhms poisoned everything they touc… morehed, the trees were all burnt to ash, nothing remained of them and Lydia could only think how she had caused this. Evergreen was once a beautifully forest and they had only just recovered from the Volrohn attack ten years ago, Lydia hadn’t even seen the inner forest yet, hopefully it won’t be as bad, but she heard the screams, it could be worse.
Kieran suddenly turned around, “Lydia!” he yelled to her, she quickly rushed over to him to see if he was alright, “Lydia I’m not blaming you what happened, you didn’t know and frankly neither did I, I’m surprised I couldn’t sense your light, but that doesn’t matter, the mages in Oakbreach should help me figure out what has happened and how to stop it.” Lydia hugged Kieran suddenly, which surprised Kieran, yet it didn’t seem to bother him, “Thank you, Kieran, i… [view original content]
Thank you. I'm always open to support fellow writers in the community. Do you do pm posts, Fot message posts or on-page posts? Also is there a character sheet?
Thank you. I'm always open to support fellow writers in the community. Do you do pm posts, Fot message posts or on-page posts? Also is there a character sheet?
WOW! Seriously, this part was well worth the wait. Out of the parts so far, this has to be my favourite. If we get such an epic battle so early on, man, I can't imagine how awesome things are going to be in the future. Gosh, this even gave me the inspiration I was searching for for one of my characters. Brilliantly written! I was already excited for how the story will play out, but now it's safe to say that I'm hyped
[Investigate the ashes of the Demons]
I must say... I think by doing this, she'd still get a chance to speak to the Order of Light. If she remains in the area, there is a good chance the Order people will catch up to her and she can speak to them as well, maybe with some new information. I am really curious about this. That said, speaking to the Order of Light is what I see as the best choice, though with this, maybe she can do both. I agree with Agent that her family is likely not in direct danger and going with Kieran, as interesting as he is, would go against his suggestions. He seems like a guy who knows what to do in such situations (I actually have to wonder how often they happen for him that he remains so cool about it ), so I would absolutely like to follow his advice.
the once bright green grass was now replaced with pools of acidic bubbling blood as the Gomelihr’s and Nexuhms poisoned everything they touc… morehed, the trees were all burnt to ash, nothing remained of them and Lydia could only think how she had caused this. Evergreen was once a beautifully forest and they had only just recovered from the Volrohn attack ten years ago, Lydia hadn’t even seen the inner forest yet, hopefully it won’t be as bad, but she heard the screams, it could be worse.
Kieran suddenly turned around, “Lydia!” he yelled to her, she quickly rushed over to him to see if he was alright, “Lydia I’m not blaming you what happened, you didn’t know and frankly neither did I, I’m surprised I couldn’t sense your light, but that doesn’t matter, the mages in Oakbreach should help me figure out what has happened and how to stop it.” Lydia hugged Kieran suddenly, which surprised Kieran, yet it didn’t seem to bother him, “Thank you, Kieran, i… [view original content]
Forgive me my confusion, but I absolutely have to ask, what is an Fot message post? It sounds like something I should know about, yet it's the first time I hear this term
Thank you. I'm always open to support fellow writers in the community. Do you do pm posts, Fot message posts or on-page posts? Also is there a character sheet?
Forgive me my confusion, but I absolutely have to ask, what is an Fot message post? It sounds like something I should know about, yet it's the first time I hear this term
Forgive me my confusion, but I absolutely have to ask, what is an Fot message post? It sounds like something I should know about, yet it's the first time I hear this term
This would be where you submit characters
I post on the page frequently usually when a part is out soon, or the voting is closed. And yes I do pm posts.
Thank you! However don't answer if it spoils anything. I sadly have not stated reading the story yet btw.
Ok first off the big one: "it's our Earth, except in this story Earth isn't real, but an illusion of sorts created only to trap our heroes in a world they think is real, except it isn't." Ok so is earth and everyone in it fake? Have others been in this illusion before the heroes? If its an illusion is everyone in it unconscious or is there a place for it? Do 'our heroes' forget about who they are and where their from? Who exactly created this illusion? the Eowoqir or something else?
So the First and Second war were against the corrupted orcs and Eowoqir. What was the Third one? From the description it sounded like a High Elf civil war. What did the other races do in it?
What kingdoms remain in the world currently (Before the story started)? What races rule them? And under who?
You said Aramoor was in the north. Ok but you also said there were four continents. Was Aramoor the northernmost in comparison or was it just in a northern continent? What was Aramoor's global place before then? Was it a great kingdom whose taking lead to chaos or a weak kingdom taken for its ease? After its fall did Aramoorians try to conquer land or just mix in with the other kingdoms?
What are the major cultural differences between races (and kingdoms if any)? What are their morals? Is there any major religion? What are their laws?
(I can already see Liquid and anyone who's seen my characters before grinning but ill ask anyway) Would you accept evil characters? Maybe tragic, maybe redeemable, maybe completely psychotic, maybe so monstrous in character that they could be considered demons in their own right. Would you accept these types of characters in your story?
Sorry if that was too many, but thank you for your time
Earth is the illusion/simulation and no, the people on earth are actually real, even their physical bodies on earth are real, so they can die, I can't reveal what happens if they do die on earth, because of spoilers.
Have others been in this illusion before the heroes?
Yes, I can't reveal exactly who, but it will be revealed since many have been in the illusion.
If its an illusion is everyone in it unconscious or is there a place for it?
I can't actually answer this yet, but you're definitely on the right track here.
Do 'our heroes' forget about who they are and where their from?
Yes, they forget everything and completely accept earth as the reality.
Who exactly created this illusion? the Eowoqir or something else?
The One Above All created the illusion, the Eowoqir are the demons you'll see that randomly attack kingdoms and villages, of course their main army has not been seen yet.
So the First and Second war were against the corrupted orcs and Eowoqir. What was the Third one? From the description it sounded like a High Elf civil war. What did the other races do in it?
It was the undead forces against the races of the Eastern Continent (High Elves, Dark Elves, Dwarves, Halflings, Humans). Aramoor was destroyed in this war and it's kingdom is now infested with undead, while the high elves had their king slain during the war, in the end it was the undead that won. The undead now plague the north of the Eastern Continent, near A'lelin, the high elf kingdom, it is likely you will first see the undead in the high elf storyline.
What kingdoms remain in the world currently (Before the story started)? What races rule them? And under who?
We have Oakbreach of course which is ruled by the Humans. A'lelin, a grand magical kingdom which is ruled by the High Elves. Isylnor, the ancient magical forest ruled by the Dark Elves. Chorrod, a arid wasteland with Doraggir being the only place of proper safety, it is ruled by the Orcs. Komladur Mountain, an impenetrable mountain fortress so strong it doesn't need magic to protect it, it is ruled by the Dwarves, with the Halflings helping them keep it afloat. Anklegnaw, which is located near Komladur, it is a city full of technological wonders, it was formerly ruled by the Halflings, they lost the city when they were ambushed by trolls which hid beneath Anklegnaw, their city has been lost since the second war and the air is intoxicated with radiation, which killed the Trolls and most Halflings, it also made Anklegnaw unlivable, many of the worlds technological wonders still rest within Anklegnaw although no one can reach them. The Volrohn kingdom is unknown, it is unsure if they even have one, yet their is an oddly large number of them.
You said Aramoor was in the north. Ok but you also said there were four continents. Was Aramoor the northernmost in comparison or was it just in a northern continent? What was Aramoor's global place before then? Was it a great kingdom whose taking lead to chaos or a weak kingdom taken for its ease? After its fall did Aramoorians try to conquer land or just mix in with the other kingdoms?
Aramoor was in the north of the Eastern Continent and yes their still are only four continents though the east and west (Zodane) are very large continents. Aramoor was the main populace for humans before the undead invasion. It was a great kingdom, although they were betrayed. The Aramoorians fled to Oakbreach, where many of them still live.
What are the major cultural differences between races (and kingdoms if any)? What are their morals? Is there any major religion? What are their laws?
Cultural they are very diverse, The Orcs are noble and savage and their gods would be the elementals. The Humans are proud and tenacious they mainly praise the light, The High Elves don't have gods and mainly rely on their own on abilities to get things done, they are cocky and are known to be deceitful. The Dark Elves are the most honorable and noble race, they protect and keep balance to the natural world, as in they are very heavy into nature magic, since they live for thousands of years, they are also among the smartest, they worship Anlaei a mysterious goddess, who has proven to be real. Dwarves are builders, as seen by their impenetrable fortress, they are stoic and secluded in the kingdom that rests in a mountain, they are one of the most resilient and ingenious races on Osleron, they seem to revere the stone gods. Halflings are geniuses they were the race that brought mechs into Osleron, they mainly rely on logic and brainpower instead of strength and magic, their main god would probably be science. Volrohn's don't seem to have a culture, they are an enigma to everyone.
(I can already see Liquid and anyone who's seen my characters before grinning but ill ask anyway) Would you accept evil characters? Maybe tragic, maybe redeemable, maybe completely psychotic, maybe so monstrous in character that they could be considered demons in their own right. Would you accept these types of characters in your story?
Definitely, I've had a lack of evil characters and they would be more than welcome, considering the state Osleron is currently in, there would probably be more bad guys than good.
Thank you! However don't answer if it spoils anything. I sadly have not stated reading the story yet btw.
Ok first off the big one: "it's… more our Earth, except in this story Earth isn't real, but an illusion of sorts created only to trap our heroes in a world they think is real, except it isn't." Ok so is earth and everyone in it fake? Have others been in this illusion before the heroes? If its an illusion is everyone in it unconscious or is there a place for it? Do 'our heroes' forget about who they are and where their from? Who exactly created this illusion? the Eowoqir or something else?
So the First and Second war were against the corrupted orcs and Eowoqir. What was the Third one? From the description it sounded like a High Elf civil war. What did the other races do in it?
What kingdoms remain in the world currently (Before the story started)? What races rule them? And under who?
You said Aramoor was in the north. Ok but you al… [view original content]
Ok so is earth and everyone in it fake?
Earth is the illusion/simulation and no, the people on earth are actually real, even their p… morehysical bodies on earth are real, so they can die, I can't reveal what happens if they do die on earth, because of spoilers.
Have others been in this illusion before the heroes?
Yes, I can't reveal exactly who, but it will be revealed since many have been in the illusion.
If its an illusion is everyone in it unconscious or is there a place for it?
I can't actually answer this yet, but you're definitely on the right track here.
Do 'our heroes' forget about who they are and where their from?
Yes, they forget everything and completely accept earth as the reality.
Who exactly created this illusion? the Eowoqir or something else?
The One Above All created the illusion, the Eowoqir are the demons you'll see that randomly attack kingdoms and villages, of co… [view original content]
It seems we have a tie!
A tough thing to handle (not really sure what to do about that, but i'm sure i'll figure it out)
Anyway the next part is ready, and I should post it right after this post actually, it's a Nick part and you'll see the consequences of him entering the school.
Nick Warner, Friday, Feb 6, 9:31AM
The clouds were dark and the rain poured heavily upon Nick’s tense face, he had to enter the school, who knows what’s happening and maybe he could stop it, with a short walk he returned to the back entrance, he was nervous, scared even, of course he was, who knows what’s behind these steel gates, and who says it’s not dangerous, the school rarely had anything like this. Plus, the heavy wind didn’t make things better.
Looking through the steel gates not much was visible, not yet anyway, Nick had to enter them first, all that could be seen currently was wet grass, a slippery walkway, an empty carpark, and class buildings, Nick had to jump the gate before he could see more, which was a bit of a problem, as the gate had spikes on top of it, Nick was always fairly athletic and strong, not the most as that would go to the Arcland brothers, those two were always working out, nonetheless Nick still had to get past the gate.
He started by wrapping his right hand around one of the steel bars, he used that to launch himself in the air, well he atleast tried to, it didn’t work as well as Nick intended, he didn’t get as high as he needed, he only managed to make it halfway up the gate, where as he thought he’d be able to reach the top in one leap, he was wrong, this caused him to slightly slide down the gate, it wasn’t too much of a problem as he managed to lean both of his feet against the gate, he decided to climb it normally, a bit like a ladder but much more unstable.
It didn’t take him long to reach the top and now the real problem, the spikes, he rested his hand around one of the spikes, as only the very top was sharp, now Nick thought about how he would do this, he could try and launch himself over the spikes, or he could carefully climb over them.
Nick was always impatient so he went for the former, he readied his body in a jumping position leaning his feet heavily across the steel gate, with his hands he heavily gripped the top of the gate. Nick then launched himself over the gate, he got over, a bit higher than he expected, the flight ended quickly as he landed rolling on his back on the wet grass.
Now his jacket was covered in grass as was his jeans, and they were already wet from the rain, Nick was still on the wet grass, as the jump took quite a bit out of him, he noticed in this time a slight sting in his wrist, he brought his right arm around to look at it, a small cut was visible, Nick must have accidently hit one of the spikes in his jump, luckily it didn’t hurt too much, and he had more important things to attend to.
Nick lifted himself of the ground, and he dusted of his clothing, he was only mildly successful, but that didn’t matter, he had other things to focus on, so he focused on them. Nick proceeded to the walkway, he could already see more of the school, but nothing that screamed danger, only a few more class buildings, so he kept walking, slowly, he kept walking. He walked past the basketball court and the cafeteria, before he even found something somewhat suspicious, it was a man, the police hadn’t found him yet but Nick did, the man was standing mysteriously at the centre of the school’s football field, he had no weapon, none that was visible, and his head was covered with a hood, he even had his back turned to Nick, nothing dangerous, just weird, so why were the gates locked?
Nick got his answer, as three police officers charged from the eastern entry of the field, with fully automatic weapons in hand, they did not see Nick, as he hid behind a tree. Nick could barely hear their voices but one of the officers yelled, with his gun pointed at the man, “Stand down, sir, we do not wish to hurt you!” the strange man, didn’t move as the officer spoke, everything in him was still, like a statue, “Do you not? Then why are your weapons pointed at me?” the man questioned the officer with his back turned to him, “We will put down the weapons, sir, just stand down, no one else needs to die,” the strange man slowly turned around to these words, and Nick could briefly see a sadistic grin on his face, “Oh, that’s a shame. BECAUSE THAT’S JUST WHAT I WANT!!”
Then it all happened so fast as the man charged the leading officer unarmed, he butchered him so quickly Nick couldn’t even comprehend what he saw, it was inhuman, he then threw his dead body at his former officers, it knocked them down as they were not expecting him to die so quickly, his body was still on the officers as the strange man proceeded to pick up the fallen officers gun, he then released three bullets into one of the officers head, and shot the other in the leg, before forcing him to stare into his eyes
“Why do you insist on this? Hmm, I thought he grew tired of me,” the remaining officer had a look of terror on his face, the strange man was unlike anything he had seen, and unlike anything Nick had ever seen, who is this man? The officer didn’t even get time to reply as a load of lead had already entered his face, the strange man’s face was looking at the ground, and then suddenly shifted to Nick, this scared Nick more than anything a murderer was staring at him with a grin, dead in the eye and for some reason, Nick was staring right back, it was the strangest feeling in the world, so were the man’s strange grey eyes, but for some reason the man didn’t shoot Nick even though his expression suggested he would.
The strange man then threw the gun to the ground and slowly wandered off to one of the classrooms, leaving the three bodies. Nick was currently panicking as he has never had an experience like this, he was breathing so heavily he almost passed out, it was so bad his body sort of shut down. After a while of waiting, and panicking, and thinking, where the man could be now, what could he be doing, could he have gotten to the others, is Amber okay? It was the last thought that mainly motivated Nick, as he had to see if Amber was okay, with that thought he finally managed to calm down just enough to go out and check on the bodies.
It was disgusting, the most heinous thing Nick had ever seen, and he thought his father was bad, this man was worse. The leading officer who was killed first, had his throat completely ripped out, and the fact the man did it with his bare hands was terrifying, the other two men were probably worse, one’s jaw was completely removed, and his face looked undead, even seeing a dead person was enough to disgust Nick, these were good men, how could someone do this? What sort of person would be capable of this? The third officer was the worst, Nick was unsure if it was his missing eye, or the fact that the officer was still alive.
With his remaining eye, the officer looked at Nick, with a dead voice he spoke, “Boy…what…are…doing…dangerous…here” the officer could barely talk, and his speech was barely understandable, still, Nick needed answers, “Who was that man?” Nick said with a very nervous voice, “That…is…Ja…” the officer took a confused pause, before he continued, “Kill…me…please…” The officer pleaded to Nick with a long dead voice.
But Nick couldn’t do it, killing someone was too much for him, he instead closed the officer’s remaining eye, and tried his hardest to not look at his blood covered missing eye, “I’m sorry, but I can’t,” Nick said, while he approached the gun to pick it up. “Why…I…need…this… please” the officer begged one last time, Nick was unsure what to do, killing someone he wasn’t sure if he could do it, but could he really let this man suffer?
[Kill the officer] [Walk away]
[Walk away] This event is traumatic enough for Nick, he can't just kill a man. Who knows what it could do to his mental state. Plus it would technically be a crime and he'd get in a lot of trouble for it. I really wish Nick didn't pick up that gun though. His fingerprints are now on a weapon used to kill a couple police officers.
[Walk away]
[Walk away]
That's a hard choice, a really, really hard choice, mostly because this man is begging for death and I usually am in favour of granting such wishes in a situation where it can prevent pain. However, how on earth should Nick ever explain to the other cops that he didn't do this when he actually does shoot this man? They'd likely see him as the murderer, given how unbelievable his version of the story would sound. Actually, I do expect the other cops to arrest him, now that they have likely been alarmed by the gunshots. However, from watching far too many police shows, I know that there is a thing called Cartridge Discharge Residue, which can prove if he truly shot a weapon in the recent time. As long as he doesn't shoot this gun, they should eventually be able to find out that he is innocent. So, as much as I hate to put this officer through additional pain, we have to think of Nick's well-being here.
[Walk away]
[Kill the officer]
I think that its better to clash with reality now, before real hell starts. Also if we would spare the man, kid can have regrets of not ending the suffering of wounded man who actually asked for it. So same end result in both votes.
[Walk away]
The Voting is closed!
Nick will walk away
This is probably the better choice for nick, but not so much for the officer.
The next part will be from a new PoV it takes place near Oakbreach City (Human city), I haven't had much time to write and unfortunately I won't be able to continue writing the part for at least a few days.
Any news on a new part?
So, is this story already cancled?
I like to think that @Arrodor would be decent enough to tell us if they don't plan on continuing the story.
No, definitely not, a short hiatus was all (I was really just planning the story in greater detail) sorry for not responding to your last comment the next part should be up tomorrow.
That is certainly good to hear
Would not be the first time that someone just stopped posting the story
Yes, I know the feeling. I'm still a bit salty about spending time on a character for a story that never started and the poster just ignored us despite clearly being active on the forums.
Next part should be up in a few hours, extremely sorry for the long wait, even more sorry for not informing you all. But hopefully you guys can forgive me with the next part, which is still the same PoV, but much more refined, when I first started writing this part (which was about 2 or 3 weeks ago i think) I had no clue where her storyline was going to go, so I decided to stop improvising and actually plan the story. Anyway her part will be up in a few hours, or maybe more.
Lydia Seachell – Evergreen Forest, Eastern Continent, 201 AC
Meat is what Lydia needed today, deer meat to be precise not much else was in the area, for the real goods Lydia would have to cross Evergreen’s magical barrier which covered from Evergreen to Oakbreach itself, past the barrier were demons, which Lydia knew she could not handle, she was never a fighter, a mere bowman is what she was, she did however have an innate ability for light healing, which she never did receive training for, so her natural talent is all she ever had.
The foothills of Evergreen is where Lydia had always lived, with her mother and four younger brothers, she was usually the one to take care of business and protect the family, as her mother was deathly ill and her four siblings were all below ten, she herself was past twenty, it was always her responsibility to take care of the house after her father died in the Battle of Oakbreach ten years ago then she was only a little girl herself, so it was rather difficult for her to get everything she needed done all by herself.
Lydia focussed back on track and kept creeping slowly around the tall green grass, she was in the deep forest it was always better to hunt here, it was peaceful and quiet, she had her bow in hand, she had not found any deer yet.
The grass went up to her knees atleast, although she was on her knees, so now it went to her elbows, she never was tall, probably below the average height of a human female, but so was her mother, her father was the tall one.
It was hard for her to see with all this grass in her face but she had to be stealthy, she took a quick look around and brushed aside some grass, she looked left first.
A few trees and bushes could be seen but overall there wasn’t much. Next she looked her right, a few more trees and bushes pretty much the same thing from the other side, except there was something different, a figure, which was rare since she was in the middle of the forest, it looked like a human, rather than a deer which is what she expected, Lydia moved towards the figure, slowly, since she didn’t want to draw its attention.
It was dark, shrouded in shadow, a strange thing, could it be a demon? No, it couldn’t be, every demon was locked outside the barrier, it would be impossible for one to even manage to get past it, let alone wander the forests of evergreen.
She continued watching the shadow, it had very strange mannerisms, she stared deeper into the darkness, until the shadow gazed back at her, then it began moving, which it was doing before but this time it was moving towards her, Lydia being frightened, pulled out a single arrow from her quiver and placed it between the string. She fired. The arrow went blazing through the air, until it met the shadow, within which it flew straight through landing into the tree behind it, leaving the shadow unharmed and then something happened, something unexpected.
Lydia’s body was slammed hard against a tree, she felt a few pieces of bark enter her shoulder, “What do you think you are doing!?” the elf whispered sternly, he was tall and rather thin, with long dark hair and pointy ears, his skin was quite pale, his blue eyes were watching Lydia as if sentencing her to death.
“I’m…hunting for food,” she managed to stutter while frightened and held against a tree.
“Yes, because attacking my shadows is going to get you food,” the elf sounded frustrated and highly displeased, yet he let go of his hold on her. Lydia used her freedom to pull the pieces of wood out of her shoulder, the elf noticed this “Sorry about that, I didn’t expect to slam you so hard, you’re more fragile than I thought,” he said with sincerity, “Though you shouldn’t be here, not today, no matter what you’re hunting, dangerous beings lurk here and my shadows aren’t one of them, so please leave, I won’t stop you,”
“Dangerous beings? Like what, Demons? I’ve seen them before, how can you stop them with a shadow? Shadows are a form of dark magic, they couldn’t stop demons,”
“I didn’t say I was going to stop them and they aren’t demons, they’re something far worse, something you shouldn’t bother yourself with. Don’t you have a family to protect? They could probably use your help right now.”
“A family, how do you know I have one of those, I never mentioned anything about a family.”
“I know you never mentioned it, I assumed and you confirmed it,” the elf was walking towards his shadow-walker by now, the one Lydia shot, “How would you know if I had a family,” Lydia asked, the elf stopped to look back at Lydia “Let’s see, you’re out here alone hunting for food, are you going to eat that all alone? I don’t think so, not a small girl like you and I’d suggest you learn how to hide, it’s painfully obvious that you lack the skill,” this whole interaction was by far the strangest Lydia had ever had in her life, this elf was a dark wielder, yet he hadn’t tried to kill her, their kind usually always does that and he seemed an intelligent one on top of that, once again she didn’t expect that, their kind were usually always mad fanatics who praise The One Above All, yet this one didn’t seem to.
“Who are you?” asked Lydia
“Kieran Ravainis is my name, and yours?” The elf kept walking, he didn’t seem to care about the conversation.
“Lydia Seachell,” Lydia said, while still giving him her full attention
“You definitely grew up here, your name makes it so obvious, only an Oakbreach human would have a name like that,”
“What’s wrong with my name?”
“Oh, nothing, not to me anyway, I think it’s quite nice, what others think, I’m not so sure,” by this time he had arrived at his shadow-walker, “Well, Lydia. I’ll be of now, I think you should be to, go protect your family.” Kieran now began twisting his shadow-walker into the form of a horse, the spell looked very strange, from the flicking of wrists, to the dark energy that came out of Kieran, it was creepy.
“Can I come with you?” Lydia blurted out. She was genuinely interested in where this elf was going and what he was up to.
Kieran was still twisting his shadow-walker into a horse, although the spell was almost complete, “Are you crazy, if I let you come you’d be killed. No, you have to go back home,” Kieran told her in a demanding and fierce tone, as he finished the spell. The shadow was now a fully mountable horse, although it was completely black with dark energy flowing out of it, it would make for a terrifying thing to ride, Kieran however did not hesitate to mount it.
“Are you sure I’d die, I’m not just good with a bow, I have other abilities,” Lydia told him stubbornly, she was sure she’d amaze him with her next move.
Kieran didn’t seem impressed, “I’m sure you do,” he said uncaringly. Kieran started leaving, slowly he began trotting his dark horse down the bushy grass of evergreen.
While Lydia, she was upset, he completely ignored her and she really wanted to prove she could do magic, by now he was already a good twenty feet away from her, I’ll show him.
Lydia began pulsating light energy through her chest and arms, she forged this energy for several seconds, soon her arms began shining of holy light, before she released a huge stream of light towards Kieran’s unholy horse.
What happened next was catastrophic to say the least, Lydia in her moment of anger forgot, that when light and dark magic come together things don’t always go as planned, When Lydia’s beam of holy light struck Kieran’s horse, the demon horse shattered instantly, making Kieran drop to the grass beneath him whilst this happened Lydia’s large beams were redirected into the magical barrier that covered Oakbreach and Evergreen, and her holy beams, they broke the barrier.
Instantly the demons that were patiently waiting outside the barrier, as if they knew this would happen, they all rushed into the now vulnerable Evergreen, from Traix’s which made the trees of evergreen burn just by touching them, to Gomelihr whose toxic scent instantly poisoned the airs of evergreen, to Nexuhm’s whose slime and goo would infest evergreen and many many more demons began charging through the forests of evergreen, as they began slaying and purging everything in their wake, Lydia could hear the scream of the people from miles away, as she was in the deep forest far away from the chaos. And she just stood there, listening as Kieran was just managed to get back to his feet.
It’s happening. Lydia thought. All over again and this time it was all her fault, why, why didn’t she just listen to Kieran and go back to her family, now she has killed every one by a simple mistake, all of Evergreen, all of Oakbreach would be destroyed because she had to prove to Kieran that she could do something, now he would die, and her mother to, the very thought of her mother dying almost brought tears to her eyes, how could she have done this, why didn’t she just let it go and leave, like Kieran told her, her little brothers, all four of them, innocent children she let them die to. She had already seen her father die ten years ago, slaughtered like a pup by the demonic Volrohn, and now she would see it happen all again. All these thoughts led Lydia to tears, it was hopeless not a soul in Oakbreach could stop this, not again, they’d almost lost ten years ago, and now they would all lose again. Lydia began sobbing, tear after tear showered down her face, she couldn’t stop.
She stood there, as demon after demon charged through evergreen, the demons began closing on her and Kieran’s location, the forest was already ablaze by the Traix’s touch, and much of the air was poisoned with a green cloud from the Gomelihr, Lydia only had one objective even if it was pointless, maybe she could atleast save her family, hopefully. Kieran who was still about twenty feet away from her, he was up now and to say he was angry would be an understatement, he was very confused but even more infuriated, with the fact the demons were attacking being the only thing stopping him from lecturing Lydia right now, Kieran focused his full attention on the demons, as an army of them charged Lydia and him, many of the easier demons attacked him first, he used this to his advantage as he used dark magic to bind their souls to him, Kieran very quickly managed to gather an army of about 10 demons, they looked to be fire goblins, this barely weakened him.
Lydia struggled a lot more than Kieran, a fight like this was far out of her league and her petty arrows couldn’t even defeat one of Kieran’s shadows, how could she hope to stand up to this, she was in a lot of trouble, and her thoughts only made it worse, at first she was attacked by three slug-like demons that slowly charged at her left side, five fire goblins attacked to, although the fire goblins helped her, it seems that Kieran somehow managed to control all the fire goblins, which was very useful as there were more of them than any other demon, they helped Lydia slay the three slug demons, with carefully placed fire spells and a few arrows shot from Lydia the slugs were soon defeated.
While Kieran was surrounded by and protected by an army of fire goblins, he had managed to completely control every new fire goblin that entered the battlefield, this did cause Kieran to be unable to cast any other spells as he had to focus on controlling the goblins, this also seemed to drain him completely of all magic.
Time passed as Kieran’s army grew, he managed to get the demons to focus their full attention on him, as his now immense fire goblin army rose up to face the Traix’s, Gomelihr and Nexuhm’s, Lydia managed to rush over to stand with Kieran, “Good to see you’re alright,” Kieran said with a hint of struggle from the overwhelming force of demons he was now facing virtually alone, “Even if you’re a bloody idiot, what were you thinking! And how did you even do that, I hadn’t sensed any light wielders around?” Kieran managed to get the upper hand against the demons as his fire goblins did a fair amount of damage, “I don’t know. I am so sorry. I should of listened to you, please don’t hate me.” Lydia pleaded whilst standing behind Kieran as his powerful mind control worked wonders “I can’t hate you if we’re both dead, now let me focus, or we will both be,” Kieran told her sternly, it was clear their conversation made Kieran unable to fully focus on his attack with the goblins, so she followed his request and remained quiet, truthfully Kieran was doing an amazing job and if they got out of this, Lydia could never truly repay him.
Lydia tried to help as she fired her arrows, they seemingly did nothing, the fire goblins did an impressive job though, their fire slayed all the gooey Nexuhms and since more fire goblins kept spawning it seems that Kieran would win, but the Gomelihr’s vile tusks and irradiated green skin made many fire goblins fall, and the Traix’s were immune to the damage the fire goblins dealt, however the fire goblins were immune to the Traix’s fire as well so it was only the powerful strength of the Traix’s that managed to hurt the goblins, although Kieran handled this well, as he managed to remain far away from the Traix’s and even managed to trick them into attacking a few Gomelihr’s as the fire goblins were small and acrobatic, they could easily maneuver around a giant like a Traix, so Gomelihr’s were the main problem.
The battle lasted for a while, with the fire goblins managing to slay a majority of the Gomelihr, with tricky tactics enforced by Kieran, however in the end it was the demons who prevailed, as more demons came charging through the now dead forest, focusing their full attention on Kieran, a large shadow demon being one of them, a cloud of darkness following it, it was so large it towered over even the Traix’s, who were a fiery demonic race that stood thirty feet tall themselves. The giant shadow killed all of the fire goblins with dark unspeakable spells, it did not struggle at all to defeat them, and Kieran’s tactics didn’t help either, the remaining fire goblins were now turned to the demon’s side, all of the demons now had their full force attacking Kieran and Lydia, with no one backing them up.
Kieran was highly overwhelmed by this, he did not expect to be ambushed by that thing and that wasn’t the main problem, he knew what that thing was and it wasn’t a demon, “Lydia,” Kieran said forcefully, “Someone else is here, someone who isn’t a demon,” Kieran continued speaking quickly, “That giant shadow,” he pointed to it and Lydia looked, “It isn’t a demon,” Lydia was confused, terrified and anxious, “Then what is it,” Kieran was visibly frustrated as he forged up a very powerful barrier of dark energy, “I don’t have time to explain, we need to get behind this barrier, it won’t hold for long but that doesn’t matter. I have a plan,” Lydia got behind the barrier quickly it looked as if a giant black sphere was covering them, she could only barely see out of it.
“What is the plan?” Lydia asked, very curious and still terrified for her life, but more so her family’s.
“How many arrows do you have left?” Kieran asked quickly while his hands struggled to hold up the powerful barrier that was under heavy fire from demonic, shadow and fire magic, the fact he managed to hold it was nothing short of incredible, there was surely atleast two-hundred demons he was stopping with this, although Kieran himself looked almost dead, his hands were completely black due to excessive magic use and his blue eyes were almost as black, that however didn’t stop him. Lydia grabbed her quiver to see how many arrows she had. Only three, she had wasted a lot even though she managed to always hit the demons, the arrows did nothing to them.
“Only three,” she told him, “And why the arrows? They haven’t done anything, why would they start working now”
“You are a light wielder aren’t you!?” Kieran asked aggressively and swiftly whilst under incredible amounts of struggle.
“Yes, bu-
“Enchant your arrows with your magic, trust me it will work!” Kieran told her calm and sternly.
“Okay,” she followed his order and grabbed a single arrow, she closed her eyes and forgot, about everything, the demons, Kieran, her mother, her brothers, her father, she just focussed and it worked the light rushed out of her fingertips and circled around the arrow enchanting it with divine power, “Kieran! it worked! What now?” Lydia asked with anticipation, as she realized the barrier began to flicker to nothingness.
“Shoot the barrier! Quickly!” Kieran spoke rapidly as his hold on the barrier began to diminish “Just like you blasted my horse, the effect should be better and without consequences this time, trust me.” Kieran told her, she followed his order of course, as quickly as she could, the barrier was all but destroyed and she could feel the demons fire from within.
Lydia placed her divine arrow on her bow closed her eyes and fired. As she opened her eyes what she saw was truly magnificent, the explosion was immense much more than before, yet Kieran sucked in the explosion with his hands and used it as his own spell he then redirected it into the demonic forces, this was a very powerful move, an attack of pure light and dark energy that formed into a beam the light and dark circled each other as they killed demon after demon, the demonic forces stood no change against such a thing, the force and energy of the light and dark caused the demons to freeze and shake before they quickly exploded, the giant shadow was the only one who managed to withstand, but not for long as Kieran managed to completely shatter it into nothingness with the powerful light and dark beam.
Quickly it was all over, all the demons were gone, and seemingly no dangers were there, yet the beam didn’t stop, Kieran couldn’t control it as it took control of him and added in the damage of what the demons had already inflicted.
Luckily and with great struggle Kieran managed to control the beam, but it took all his power as he forcefully closed his hands the powerful beams energy exploded and threw Kieran’s body into a tree, but Kieran had stopped the beam.
Lydia rushed over to Kieran who had basically stopped an entire army all alone, he was laying on his stomach he looked dead, “Kieran! Kieran! Are you okay?” a stupid question Lydia knew, yet she didn’t know what else to say.
“I…I..” he stuttered, stopping that beam took a lot out of him.
“I’ll go look for some help, surely there are guards or knights here by now, they will help you, I promise.”
“No,” Kieran managed to say, he forced himself to lay on his back, “That….took…” he let out one deep breath before speaking, ”That took a lot out of me, far more than I expected,” he said whilst sitting against a burnt tree, “I’m still not sure how Evergreen’s barrier broke, yet that doesn’t matter at this time, I need to get to Oakbreach, there is someone there I must speak with, the demons will be back, so I need to inform the mages, they can put another barrier up,” Kieran pushed himself to his feet as Lydia helped him up.
“Kieran, what you said before, who was controlling that giant shadow?”
“I have my suspicions and you don’t need to know them. You should go check on your family now, the demons may have gotten them, yet I hope that’s not the case.” Kieran told her, at this point Lydia was helping Kieran walk as his leg was shattered from the impact of the tree, “This fight’s not over yet, the demons will be back, I assume the Order of Light will be here soon, and I suggest you see them, they could teach you how to wield the light properly,” with this Lydia let Kieran go, he was still limping, yet he managed to carry himself well, Lydia herself began turning around, thinking about her family, it was in this moment she saw what damage the demons had done, most of evergreen was now a poisoned hellhole,
the once bright green grass was now replaced with pools of acidic bubbling blood as the Gomelihr’s and Nexuhms poisoned everything they touched, the trees were all burnt to ash, nothing remained of them and Lydia could only think how she had caused this. Evergreen was once a beautifully forest and they had only just recovered from the Volrohn attack ten years ago, Lydia hadn’t even seen the inner forest yet, hopefully it won’t be as bad, but she heard the screams, it could be worse.
Kieran suddenly turned around, “Lydia!” he yelled to her, she quickly rushed over to him to see if he was alright, “Lydia I’m not blaming you what happened, you didn’t know and frankly neither did I, I’m surprised I couldn’t sense your light, but that doesn’t matter, the mages in Oakbreach should help me figure out what has happened and how to stop it.” Lydia hugged Kieran suddenly, which surprised Kieran, yet it didn’t seem to bother him, “Thank you, Kieran, if not for you, me and my family would be dead.”
“It’s fine, you stay safe now Lydia,” with that Kieran limped off to Oakbreach and Lydia decided what she was going to do, she could immediately go see her family who she was incredibly worried about, or maybe she could investigate the demon ashes maybe she could find out who was controlling that giant shadow, she could also follow Kieran although he would probably know she was there, she did feel he was up to something though, or she could see The Order of Light they would arrive soon, Kieran did suggest to speak with them. She was unsure but whatever she was going to do she had to do it quickly.
[Check on your Family] [Investigate the ashes of the Demons] [Follow Kieran] [Speak with the Order of Light]
I hope you all enjoy and sorry for the long wait.
[Speak with the Order of Light]
That was amazing! An absolutely fantastic part. I never expected Kieran to have such an amazing introduction. Seriously, best introduction for a character I've submitted so far. It seems that Kieran is very powerful.

I also really like Lydia and Kieran as a pair, they play off each other well and I'd love to see their relationship develop.
This is what I wanted. Seeing something dark used for a good purpose. As you may be able to tell, you have impressed me.
[Speak with the Order of Light] I don't think Lydia's family is in any immediate danger and as much as I'd love to see Lydia tag along with Kiran, I think it's best to follow his advice here. Lydia seems very much a novice when it comes to her magic and it could be useful in the future to learn something, plus it might prevent her from making a huge rookie mistake again and putting people in danger.
That's good to here. Kieran was great fun to write, pairing him with Lydia made me feel like the part wrote itself.
I really like how creative you got with the dark magic btw.
[Check on your Family]
Wonder if my character will appear soon, since I think she was the first one submitted after all.
As for part, that was quite intense and long one. Good job, even if sometimes hard to read because of super long sentences.
Hmm. Any room left to join?
Plenty. Feel free to submit as many characters as you want.
Thank you. I'm always open to support fellow writers in the community. Do you do pm posts, Fot message posts or on-page posts? Also is there a character sheet?
This would be where you submit characters
I post on the page frequently usually when a part is out soon, or the voting is closed. And yes I do pm posts.
WOW! Seriously, this part was well worth the wait. Out of the parts so far, this has to be my favourite. If we get such an epic battle so early on, man, I can't imagine how awesome things are going to be in the future. Gosh, this even gave me the inspiration I was searching for for one of my characters. Brilliantly written! I was already excited for how the story will play out, but now it's safe to say that I'm hyped
[Investigate the ashes of the Demons]
I must say... I think by doing this, she'd still get a chance to speak to the Order of Light. If she remains in the area, there is a good chance the Order people will catch up to her and she can speak to them as well, maybe with some new information. I am really curious about this. That said, speaking to the Order of Light is what I see as the best choice, though with this, maybe she can do both. I agree with Agent that her family is likely not in direct danger and going with Kieran, as interesting as he is, would go against his suggestions. He seems like a guy who knows what to do in such situations (I actually have to wonder how often they happen for him that he remains so cool about it
), so I would absolutely like to follow his advice.
Forgive me my confusion, but I absolutely have to ask, what is an Fot message post? It sounds like something I should know about, yet it's the first time I hear this term
I was wondering what that was to.
Post like where to post a character. FOT uses a google doc's character submission.
Oh god I kinda want to post 2 or 3 characters right now. But I have so many questions even after reading the lore provided? Could you help pls?
Sure. What do you need to know?
Thank you! However don't answer if it spoils anything. I sadly have not stated reading the story yet btw.
Ok first off the big one: "it's our Earth, except in this story Earth isn't real, but an illusion of sorts created only to trap our heroes in a world they think is real, except it isn't." Ok so is earth and everyone in it fake? Have others been in this illusion before the heroes? If its an illusion is everyone in it unconscious or is there a place for it? Do 'our heroes' forget about who they are and where their from? Who exactly created this illusion? the Eowoqir or something else?
So the First and Second war were against the corrupted orcs and Eowoqir. What was the Third one? From the description it sounded like a High Elf civil war. What did the other races do in it?
What kingdoms remain in the world currently (Before the story started)? What races rule them? And under who?
You said Aramoor was in the north. Ok but you also said there were four continents. Was Aramoor the northernmost in comparison or was it just in a northern continent? What was Aramoor's global place before then? Was it a great kingdom whose taking lead to chaos or a weak kingdom taken for its ease? After its fall did Aramoorians try to conquer land or just mix in with the other kingdoms?
What are the major cultural differences between races (and kingdoms if any)? What are their morals? Is there any major religion? What are their laws?
(I can already see Liquid and anyone who's seen my characters before grinning but ill ask anyway) Would you accept evil characters? Maybe tragic, maybe redeemable, maybe completely psychotic, maybe so monstrous in character that they could be considered demons in their own right. Would you accept these types of characters in your story?
Sorry if that was too many, but thank you for your time
Earth is the illusion/simulation and no, the people on earth are actually real, even their physical bodies on earth are real, so they can die, I can't reveal what happens if they do die on earth, because of spoilers.
Yes, I can't reveal exactly who, but it will be revealed since many have been in the illusion.
I can't actually answer this yet, but you're definitely on the right track here.
Yes, they forget everything and completely accept earth as the reality.
The One Above All created the illusion, the Eowoqir are the demons you'll see that randomly attack kingdoms and villages, of course their main army has not been seen yet.
It was the undead forces against the races of the Eastern Continent (High Elves, Dark Elves, Dwarves, Halflings, Humans). Aramoor was destroyed in this war and it's kingdom is now infested with undead, while the high elves had their king slain during the war, in the end it was the undead that won. The undead now plague the north of the Eastern Continent, near A'lelin, the high elf kingdom, it is likely you will first see the undead in the high elf storyline.
We have Oakbreach of course which is ruled by the Humans. A'lelin, a grand magical kingdom which is ruled by the High Elves. Isylnor, the ancient magical forest ruled by the Dark Elves. Chorrod, a arid wasteland with Doraggir being the only place of proper safety, it is ruled by the Orcs. Komladur Mountain, an impenetrable mountain fortress so strong it doesn't need magic to protect it, it is ruled by the Dwarves, with the Halflings helping them keep it afloat. Anklegnaw, which is located near Komladur, it is a city full of technological wonders, it was formerly ruled by the Halflings, they lost the city when they were ambushed by trolls which hid beneath Anklegnaw, their city has been lost since the second war and the air is intoxicated with radiation, which killed the Trolls and most Halflings, it also made Anklegnaw unlivable, many of the worlds technological wonders still rest within Anklegnaw although no one can reach them. The Volrohn kingdom is unknown, it is unsure if they even have one, yet their is an oddly large number of them.
Aramoor was in the north of the Eastern Continent and yes their still are only four continents though the east and west (Zodane) are very large continents. Aramoor was the main populace for humans before the undead invasion. It was a great kingdom, although they were betrayed. The Aramoorians fled to Oakbreach, where many of them still live.
Cultural they are very diverse, The Orcs are noble and savage and their gods would be the elementals. The Humans are proud and tenacious they mainly praise the light, The High Elves don't have gods and mainly rely on their own on abilities to get things done, they are cocky and are known to be deceitful. The Dark Elves are the most honorable and noble race, they protect and keep balance to the natural world, as in they are very heavy into nature magic, since they live for thousands of years, they are also among the smartest, they worship Anlaei a mysterious goddess, who has proven to be real. Dwarves are builders, as seen by their impenetrable fortress, they are stoic and secluded in the kingdom that rests in a mountain, they are one of the most resilient and ingenious races on Osleron, they seem to revere the stone gods. Halflings are geniuses they were the race that brought mechs into Osleron, they mainly rely on logic and brainpower instead of strength and magic, their main god would probably be science. Volrohn's don't seem to have a culture, they are an enigma to everyone.
Definitely, I've had a lack of evil characters and they would be more than welcome, considering the state Osleron is currently in, there would probably be more bad guys than good.
I can you answer just few more I came up with?