Teasers in Twitter?

edited August 2009 in Sam & Max
I just wanna be sure, In any of the chapters of any season, Did Sam reference the Sergeant Blip and the Rubber Pants Commandos (My favorite Deux Ex Machina ever)? Because in Sam's Twitter there's a message about them. I was thinking about probably they will appear in Season 3 (And someday, Mack Salmon, but he's dead since the Animated Series...), so, I wonder if that message is a some sort of teaser of Season 3.

In any case, If I'm just alucinating, Which character of the Comics (Or even the Animated Series) will you like to appear in the Games someday?


  • edited August 2009
    Unless I'm mistaken, no, they haven't.
  • edited August 2009
    Unless I'm mistaken, no, they haven't.

    You're correct, no trace or sign of them, course I've been wrong before.
  • edited August 2009
    The line's from Bright Side of the Moon. I found it when I was messing with the Telltale Speech Extractor. It's in between the "I miss our old cases" dialogue and the "random but innocuous comment" dialogue, which makes me think it was something you coiuld talk about with Max that didn't make it into the final game. Bright Side of the Moon seems to be full of things that didn't make it into the final game.
  • edited August 2009
    Thanks a lot for the answer ^^!

    By the way
    Shwoo wrote: »
    I found it when I was messing with the Telltale Speech Extractor.

    What's that?
  • edited August 2009
    This. I've had a lot of fun going through it, but ti doesn't work with any game newer than the first episode of Strong Bad's Cool Game For Attractive People.

    Actually, I just tested it out with some newer games, it it works with the first episode of Wallace & Gromit's Grand Adventures. I haven't downloaded the other three yet, so I don't know wherther they work.
  • edited August 2009
    Let's rip random Max phrases for my cell phone ringtones!!!

    Thanks you ^^!
  • edited August 2009
    I'm not sure which episode but I think Sam refrences Mack Salmon when you talk to Max in the office.
    And also what do the Rubber Pants Commandos have to do with Deus Ex Machina (God of/from machine).
  • edited August 2009
    Sam and Max have Twitters?

    I don't know...I suppose I can see Max having one - if only to update us on those odd, misanthropic things he does.
  • edited August 2009
    And also what do the Rubber Pants Commandos have to do with Deus Ex Machina (God of/from machine).

    A Deux Ex Machina is a Plot Device when you break all the rules of logic in a story just for make the story works. Like, when you need a boat you just find a boat near to you, or, when you need something happen, that happen and no one can explain why.

    The Rubber Pants Commandos ussually appears, without any explanation (At least in the TV Series) just to save Sam and Max everytime from everywhere just in the right moment. That why they are my favorite Deux ex Machina
    Sam and Max have Twitters?

    I don't know...I suppose I can see Max having one - if only to update us on those odd, misanthropic things he does.

    Yes! They do!

    -> http://twitter.com/PresidentMax
    -> http://twitter.com/JustPlainSam

    Sadly, they just said stuff they said in the games at random, but they make me remember some really interesting (And funny) lines ^^!
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