Are you done with Telltale?
I recently purchased Telltale's Gotg episode 1(which is a surprise considering i haven't played any Telltale game since GoT ep1, just watched most of them) The games doesn't do it for me anymore atleast. I remember when i started playing twds1ep1 and it fully grabbed my attention in 10-15 minutes of its start, it was that good, same was the case with twau. But now even after 100-120 minutes, i am not interested in what's happening in the game. I fear the magic might be gone permanently. I wont even discuss about ANF because the less said about it, the better. Yes i am mad with telltale because its unbelievable how good they were and what they have became now.
Please stop using these cash grab titles (batman got gotg etc) and go back to ur roots, make those games who you are passionate about. Its already probably too late but you can always try.
If Game of thrones S2 turns out like dogshit, then yes I will be done with Telltale for good
I'm in too deep. I'm still gonna buy every Telltale game from here on out, no matter how many problems they have.
It's like i'm in a broken relationship but just too cowardly to pull the plug on it because i'll always remember the good times.
After New Frontier wraps up I might be. Unless I hear about the fourth walking dead season and it being almost as good as the first season. Otherwise I may just watch all their future games from YouTube playthroughs for free. Most times their other games aren't interesting or even dumb to have had waisted time on and the ones that could be potentially great like walking dead, wolf amongst us and game of thrones they just half ass it with the same stupid lazybones mistakes in reliance that they'll still make a good profit off of a no efforts rushed project. Loosing a great portion of customers could be what it takes for them to finally get a clue, but by then it's a bit too late.
I'm sure as hell not gonna buy any of their games after how they treated ANF.
Sad to say im getting to that point. Hearing about how they function as a company and seeing what they have done recently, some of the negative reactions towards them are what they deserve.
After ANF is finished I'm done with this awful company for good it was a shit journey telltale hope you never see the light of day again
I am invested in TWD and to some extent GOT, but am seriously considering just youtubing instead of buying in the future. Guess I will see how good they look. New Frontier has been decent enough I guess lol.
I am done with telltale i not buying any thing of her games i rather watch them on youtube with imagning my self playing them.
I do still want to buy Minecraft: Story Mode, but other than that, I think I'm done with them after watching the finale to New Frontier.
I'm still a good supporter of them. I can still find enjoyment in these titles.
But, I now take everything they say with a grain of salt.
I'm sticking around for TWD and GoT because I'm so damn invested in the characters, but I'm no longer buying every new series on instinct. I'm very skeptical of everything they say now and I'm only going to buy series if they are reviewed well and at a discount or free.
I still plan to buy Game of Thrones. But after that, I think I will take a long break.
I'm not done with TT, however I've lost my respect for this company and I'm sure as hell won't put trust in them again.
Nah. I've been invested in their products for too long now. I'm probably gonna stick with them until they go out of business. IF they go out of business.
I'm taking a break after the final episode of ANF. There are a lot of games that I'm looking forward to play. I began to play Resident Evil 7. Next will be Outlast 2, Crash Bandicoot Remake and Uncharted The Lost Legacy.
I'm not the biggest fan of ANF, but I'm not quite ready to write TT off until I've seen how it wraps up. These last two episodes will be the deciding factor, I'm beyond disappointed with how the series has been handled so far but still hopeful.
I'm kind of bored with their games. I'll definitely be relying more on word of mouth than making an automatic purchase. This company is capable of making good games; they just have to get it together.
Eh, Ill stick around for a bit, not a very big fan of how A New Frontier has turned out so far, but Telltale are still pretty much the only people making these types of games, and I absolutely enjoy this style of games, so I will stick around, especially since I hope they get their act together for a potential season 4 of TWD, since I love that series
I still want Telltale to make good games, but damn... lately its been hard to care.
For one, now it feels like Telltale is just spitting out games without a care of what happens after. Its just new ip after new ip that will just be left and forgotten after its done. For example, there still isnt a Wolf S2, or what seems to be even plans or talk about it at Telltale. GOT S2 still has 0 news despite being very obscurely announced after season 1 ended, with the Job ama with Job hinting that we may not even see a S2 and that the door is just "open at the moment" which feels more like what they say about every game that people want a season 2 for that never comes out.
Everything just feels uninspired at this point. A while ago it was "Telltale shouldnt be stuck on old games they should explore more IPs" but now its just Telltale throws up new series and leaves the old ones that people beg for second season's behind. Basically theres been a huge lack of quality at Telltale since Tales from the Borderlands ended with Batman being the small exception. Telltale needs to realize what fans want. Which sadly doesnt seem like its going to happen considering at PAX Job seemed to be unaware fans wanted a Poker Night 3 and even admitting that Telltale knows everyone begs for Wolf Season 2 every day, Telltale still refuses to make another season.
It will be awhile until I give up I say this a lot but I'm in the minority and still love the stories they make and the games keep getting better in my opinion and I can't find one game of theirs that I don't like (except for GOT I didn't understand it ) I still continue to buy their games and will for awhile.
The response about GoT s2 was very troubling. They straight up announced it but now it's just open if they decide to do more? The hell?
Ever since they started trying to appeal to casual players I feel like things have went to shit. I'm just waiting for them to realize that forced action sequences, emotions or faster pace isn't what makes people buy their games. I've been buying every single game since Back to the Future, but I think it's time to take a break, at least until Game of Thrones Season 2.
People here are so quick to label anything they don't like as a cash grab.
Anyway no I am certainly not done with Telltale. I love all their games, so much so that itt seems like all these people complaining have been playing different games.
I'm still a fan of Telltale, but I think part of the problem is exacerbated by the repetition of the gameplay formula. When I say "gameplay formula", I don't mean that as a generalized conglomeration of interactive story telling as a whole, but more specifically Telltale's specific template. Some innovation and liveliness in Telltale's particular gameplay template would do them some wonders in terms of giving us players a breath of fresh air.
I became a fan of Telltale years before Walking Dead because I really liked the idea of playable TV shows (which is their direction now), but I also liked the creativity and individuality they had in tailoring the interactive elements of their pre-Season 1 games to fit the source material. Back in the day, games like Strong Bad, Sam and Max, Puzzle Agent, Monkey Island, Poker Night 1, Wallace and Gromit, etc all had variety - even if some of them followed the same general template.
After Walking Dead, the only gameplay diversification comes from making different flavors of choices if you are playing Batman instead of Walking Dead, or Minecraft instead of Wolf Among Us, or so on...
There's definitely nothing wrong with the template and I'm still a fan, but I think some unique and personalized additions to gameplay that fit the source material would benefit Telltale for future games.
Walking Dead Season 1 was not a success because it was an interactive Netflix show where you pressed buttons to make characters say different things - it was because the timed moral choice making was a neat form of interactive story telling and role playing that was tailor made for Walking Dead at its time. If, instead of looking at the Season 1 success story at surface value and repeating the same gameplay formula for [X Pop Culture franchise] - they instead looked into why Season 1 was a success and emulated the individualized creative process for other franchises the same way they did for Walking Dead during Season 1, I think that would do wonders for revitalizing Telltale.
I'm still a fan of Telltale and I'm not leaving anytime soon, but I would like to see them spice things up.
Hell no. Though it would be good for Telltale to spice things up in the gameplay department.
What makes you think they werent passionate about those games you call cash grabs? What game isnt a cash grab?
To answer the question, as long as I have fun playing the games, I'll stick with them. Id be done with the forums first.
I'll be done with telltale after they make the wolf among us 2.
Don't say that! Then they'll never make TWAU S2!
If you looked at TTG games pre-TWD S1 Era, you would know that TWD itself was a cash grab and a very successful one that i respect. I think around the time MCSM was announced i kind of got bored of the company aside from TWD. I'm not done with TTG entirely, though. I still love posting on here and hope to continue. And i will (probably) continue to replay the classics.
I'm only invested in TWD related titles at this point. Everything else they've released hasn't really interested me at all, besides TWAU but that was years ago now.
I second that! This place just isn't as fun as it used to be anymore.
I'm done with Telltale...forums.
I don't think i'm done with telltale, but I hope they take unique titles and passion projects. but I understand that being a partner with DC/marvel etc.. you cant say no.. i'm enjoying GOTG more than I did with ANF/BATMAN combined....... minecraft took me by suprises, I ended up loving it as the dlc's were sooo good , I just want them to take passion projects more. because it shows the care they put, anf was lacking in that.
If NF is a disappointment in the end, I'll probably stop buying TT games. I will most likely try GoT S2 if that ever comes out, though if that game is a letdown then I will ultimately be done with TT as a whole.
But but Luke I love you:(
Most of the telltale older team has left the company so what did you expect. Most of the jackasses there now are nothing but cash-grabers.
It had to end some day . The Wolf among us season 2 (good or bad ) will be my last game that I will buy from these sellouts.
I wanted to be done with them after Minecraft. That one was so bland to me, and the bullshit they did with making more episodes not a part of the season was just a real "fuck you, loyal customer, give us more money."Add on to that that horrible, pointless Youtubers episode full of "famous youtubers" I've never heard of. But there were a handful of OK moments, that I though I would give them 1 last chance with batman. And batman turned out OK, but in the background of that, the shit storm of ANF was beginning and the writing on the walls was incredibly clear to me. Telltale has embraced the rut they've dug themselves into, and just keep pulling franchises into it.
I am absolutely done with everything Telltale now. There's just too many glaring issues with EVERYTHING they do. Episodes are getting shorter, more expensive (I'm not american), somewhat predictable, choices clearly not mattering anymore, the engine continues to be unreliable and janky. The clear drop in quality of graphics and writing and explaining away concerns about the quality of their content by having that mouthpiece say that the Forums for their games are where the minority of fans are and thus complaints aren't as valid is fucking garbage.Telltales horrible track record of release dates adds on to everything, so you can't reliably expect a game to come out anywhere near the time Telltale states. You simply can't take their word seriously anymore, as any promise of improvement is just PR talk.
The last time a lot of people believe telltale was actually good was back when Tales from the Borderlands released, and part of that games success, if I understand this right, was that Telltale had outside people come in and they are the reason that game was so memorable, not TT's own staff which has been disappointing many pretty reliably since the Game of Thrones attempt.