Do you play S+M when you're upset?

edited January 2010 in Sam & Max
For me it doesn't work, I always get frustrated from this other world where there are more dramatised life pressures, such as people trying to kill Sam and Max and only you can stop 'em.

Anyone find S+M is a perfect remedy, though?


  • edited August 2009
    Thanks to the XBLA version, I randomly jump into an episode, and Abe Lincoln Must Die is my anger remedy. You can't click something without laughing.
  • edited August 2009
    I very rarely engage in S&M not really my thing... what sort of question is that on a forum?

    oh you mean the game! ;)

    Sorry bad joke, couldn't resist ;)
  • edited August 2009
    They said S+M, so I'm not sure that joke works here.

    And I played Chariots of the Dogs for the first time when I was upset. It wasn't a good idea. I went back to it the next morning when I could concentrate better.

    I've never really played the games to cheer myself up, but they always make me smile, so they'd probably work.
  • edited September 2009
    i play house of the dead when im angry
  • edited September 2009
    I actually haven't played Sam and Max again since I first went through them. I'd like to sometime, my retail disc is sitting on my shelf to take care of that need whenever that seems like a good idea, but they're adventure games. The genre doesn't lend itself well to multiple playthroughs.
  • edited September 2009
    I've never really tried it, but it sounds like a good plan.
    Sometimes I read the comics when I'm upset, and that works sometimes.
    Another thing you guys should know: it's almost impossible to feel upset when you're listening to "Living in the Sunlight, Loving in the Moonlight" by Tiny Tim. Trust me. It works.
  • edited September 2009
    Today I did it when I was sad... it's works!
  • edited September 2009
    Thanks to the XBLA version, I randomly jump into an episode, and Abe Lincoln Must Die is my anger remedy. You can't click something without laughing.
    Glad I'm not the only one for minute I thought I was.
  • edited January 2010
    I've never played it when I was "extremely" upset, but when I discovered the series I was going through a bout of depression. Needless to say, it definitely helped me through it :)

    My only problem is that nowadays when I'm upset or depressed, I usually don't think of playing games. Real life gets too distracting these days...
  • edited January 2010
    Nope. I Drink when I'm angry, helps me calm down.

    ......dont judge me......
    >.> >.< <.<

    Though back in the day I did play DOOM or Mortal Kombat a few times when angry... wasnt a good idea as I had... issues... and nearly broke the console... but I'm better now...
  • edited January 2010
    I play S+M when I'm bored but when I'm angry, I do one (or all) of the three things:
    1- I just put in some Brawl and play that for a good two hours.
    2- Just sit around and watch a bunch of movies (mostly Dark Comedy kind of movies), it's weird how it cheers me up.
    3- I draw. Great form of venting.
  • edited January 2010
    I very rarely engage in S&M not really my thing... what sort of question is that on a forum?

    I just realised something... Wouldn't you say Max is mostly S, and Sam is mostly M? I mean, they're both both to some extent, but...

    Anyway, if I'm upset I walk around listening to music (which may or may not be Sam & Max soundtrack) or I write.
    I'm afraid I can't fully enjoy playing a game if I'm in a bad mood, so I don't do it.
  • edited January 2010
    Avistew wrote: »
    I just realised something... Wouldn't you say Max is mostly S, and Sam is mostly M? I mean, they're both both to some extent, but...
    Not really. Sam doesn't really seem to like getting beaten into unconsciousness and manacled to spinning wheels and stuff, he just ends up in those situations due to a lack of planning on his part.

    Max, on the other hand, has these lines:

    (Game episode Bright Side of the Moon)
    Abe: Only a a grade A sociopathic masochist would want that thankless job.
    Max: Grade A? I'm flattered!

    (Cartoon episode The Glazed Mcguffin Affair)
    (Sam slaps Max to stop him from freaking out over the lack of Glazed McGuffins)[/i]
    Max: Hit me again, I like it!

    If either of them has masochistic tendencies, I think it's Max.
  • edited January 2010
    Max is kind of both. He just seeks some action. Sam is more like a watcher rather than being the one who's IN the action, which is more detailed and requires more thinking and planning than the other. It's not "sadistic and masochistic", it's "active and passive" in my opinion.
  • edited January 2010
    I usually play through comedic adventure games twice. The first time I just beat the game as efficiently as possible, the second attempt I try to find all the jokes I missed the first time around. Recently though when I want my Sam and Max fix I turn to the comics, instead.
  • edited January 2010
    You know, after read the Animated Series Bible, I get with the idea Sam is a some sort of Knight Templar. So, it's not like he is "M" or "S", he does everything for the sake of Right and Justice (And probably the fact he spend way too many time with Max).
  • edited January 2010
    I haven't read the Animated Series bible, although I want to, but I don't think Sam is that extreme. I agree that he seems to have a strong drive to do the right thing, which is marred by his poor impulse control, among other things, but I don't think he'd go to the lengths of killing innocent people just to solve a case like a Knight Templar would. Stealing from innocent people, making them cry, and injuring them, yes. But not killing them.

    I agree that the fact that he's less than sane is probably a result of spending too much time with Max, though.
  • edited January 2010
    Sam advocates driving down the highway firing your gun randomly while steering with your feet....

    How is that sane or a shining example of righousness? Sam is a psycopath just like max, he's just much quieter... (it's always the quiet ones!)
  • edited January 2010
    The Knight Templar character type described by TV Tropes aren't sane, shining beacons of righteousness either, they just think they are. Sam doesn't have to be very good at carrying it out to be a strong believer in justice.
  • edited January 2010
    Shwoo wrote: »
    The Knight Templar character type described by TV Tropes aren't sane, shining beacons of righteousness either, they just think they are. Sam doesn't have to be very good at carrying it out to be a strong believer in justice.

    Sorta like a fantacle Vigalante? (Immediatly my mind jumps to Alexander Anderson....)

    eeeehhhhh, I think Sam kinda has a begrudging respect for hte law most of the time... Though I agree his sence of *justice* (however twisted it may be) is certainly strong.
  • edited January 2010
    Shwoo wrote: »
    If either of them has masochistic tendencies, I think it's Max.

    But what I meant (and I realise I might be wrong) is that they both have both.
    Max has a lot of both, but in my view more sadism than masochism. Sam is quieter but he seems more masochist to me, for putting up with everything Max-related, for missing him when he's gone, for agreeing that Max is the one who should run for president for a foolish reason, and stuff like that.

    And I don't think Sam ends up in these situations accidentally. It's not like he doesn't know by now that Max is going to cause them. Sometimes, he causes them himself, too, and I see no reason to believe it's only out of stupidity or lack of foresight.

    It was just a silly comment anyways, I don't think it's worthy of a lengthy debate. (Of course, this is a forum).
  • edited January 2010
    Avistew wrote: »
    But what I meant (and I realise I might be wrong) is that they both have both.
    Max has a lot of both, but in my view more sadism than masochism. Sam is quieter but he seems more masochist to me, for putting up with everything Max-related, for missing him when he's gone, for agreeing that Max is the one who should run for president for a foolish reason, and stuff like that.
    I saw those as Sam genuinely liking Max, and having messed up priorities. Still, it's a matter of perception.
    And I don't think Sam ends up in these situations accidentally. It's not like he doesn't know by now that Max is going to cause them. Sometimes, he causes them himself, too, and I see no reason to believe it's only out of stupidity or lack of foresight.
    Both the things I mentioned were his own fault. With the beating into unconsciousness thing, I was thinking of the part in the comic where he tries to scare some cultists by splattering mud onto himself, and they beat him up, although I'm pretty sure there's other examples. Anyway, I always thought that rushing blindly into things without considering how they'll probably get him killed is one of Sam's character traits, but I don't think it's ever explicitly stated, so I could be wrong.
    It was just a silly comment anyways, I don't think it's worthy of a lengthy debate. (Of course, this is a forum).
    But debating the characterisation of cartoonish talking animals is closest I get to happiness! Don't take that away from me! (Note: This is a huge exaggeration. I do like it, though. It's fun)
  • edited January 2010
    Well... acording to him there's no big (or any) diference with stole an ice cream and take over the world =P. And, acording to the series bible also, Max is the one who leverage his seriousness about his work :3.

    Agree he's not an actual knight templar, but a lower level of that could be.
    Ashton wrote: »
    Sam is a psycopath just like max, he's just much quieter... (it's always the quiet ones!)

    I always believe he's as insane as Max is, the difference comes with him having concience and a sense of purpose, while Max doesn't (Max just want to have fun).

    According to TV Tropes also... they are an Heroic Sociopath Duo. In fact, they give the page quote, dammit!
  • edited January 2010
    GinnyN wrote: »
    And, acording to the series bible also, Max is the one who leverage his seriousness about his work :3.
    I've really got to get that DVD so I can read the series bible. I'm not sure what you mean by leverage, though.
  • edited January 2010
    Shwoo wrote: »
    I've really got to get that DVD so I can read the series bible. I'm not sure what you mean by leverage, though.

    Probably that is a case of "Spanish Sentences Literaly Translated to English". My bad.

    Basically, Max makes Sam less serious about his work. Or put his levels of seriousness from some-like-Knight Templearish to normal.
  • edited January 2010
    It takes a lot to get me upset, but when I am I tend to play games with more action, ones that I can just go into auto pilot and not have to think. Besides, I like Sam and Max too much to start equating them to bad memories :P

    As for the characters themselves, as it's been pointed out Sam is probably just as insane as Max is (well you'd have to be to not be appalled by some of the things he does), he just has more impulse control. Also they either both have their own sense of justice, or Max has a sense of loyalty to Sam. Although the latter might not be the case what with Max having no hesitation to beat up Sam, or even shoot at him.
  • edited January 2010
    Zonino wrote: »
    It takes a lot to get me upset, but when I am I tend to play games with more action, ones that I can just go into auto pilot and not have to think. Besides, I like Sam and Max too much to start equating them to bad memories :P

    As for the characters themselves, as it's been pointed out Sam is probably just as insane as Max is (well you'd have to be to not be appalled by some of the things he does), he just has more impulse control. Also they either both have their own sense of justice, or Max has a sense of loyalty to Sam. Although the latter might not be the case what with Max having no hesitation to beat up Sam, or even shoot at him.

    Max is pain-resistant and has some sort of invulnerability, so it's fine.
  • edited January 2010
    Max gets just plain desesperate when Sam is not around. Sam is probably obsesive, but Max gets desesperate. The thing is, they just have to see each other to get back to normal. Appart, you have to be really attached to someone for still live with him when this person has dementia.

    I'm sure Max cares Sam a lot, it's just he has his way to demontrate it.
  • edited January 2010
    Zonino wrote: »
    As for the characters themselves, as it's been pointed out Sam is probably just as insane as Max is (well you'd have to be to not be appalled by some of the things he does), he just has more impulse control. Also they either both have their own sense of justice, or Max has a sense of loyalty to Sam. Although the latter might not be the case what with Max having no hesitation to beat up Sam, or even shoot at him.
    I think Max is very loyal to Sam, he just takes out his violent impulses on everything around him, and Sam is frequently around him. And I don't think he thought it through when he shot Sam in Situation: Comedy.
  • edited January 2010
    Shwoo wrote: »
    I think Max is very loyal to Sam, he just takes out his violent impulses on everything around him, and Sam is frequently around him. And I don't think he thought it through when he shot Sam in Situation: Comedy.

    That or
    Sam had told Max before the episode's events that he built the hypnosis blocker into his head
  • edited January 2010
    GinnyN wrote: »
    Max gets just plain desesperate when Sam is not around. Sam is probably obsesive, but Max gets desesperate.

    I never thought about this. You have a very good point about Max's co-dependance on Sam. And about Sam's willingness to put up with max... clarly the two love one another immensly (take that as you will)

    in a way it's cute, in another way it's disturbing...
  • edited January 2010
    That or
    Sam had told Max before the episode's events that he built the hypnosis blocker into his head

    Like Max would have remembered :P
    This being said, he aimed for the hat. Not the most efficient way to kill someone even if you want to.
  • edited January 2010
    Ashton wrote: »
    I never thought about this. You have a very good point about Max's co-dependance on Sam. And about Sam's willingness to put up with max... clarly the two love one another immensly (take that as you will)

    in a way it's cute, in another way it's disturbing...

    I'm in the cute camp ^^!
    Avistew wrote: »
    Like Max would have remembered :P
    This being said, he aimed for the hat. Not the most efficient way to kill someone even if you want to.

    Nah... Max actually aimed to Sam. But he knows he will fail because he knows he doesn't have Good Aim.
  • edited January 2010
    GinnyN wrote: »
    Nah... Max actually aimed to Sam. But he knows he will fail because he knows he doesn't have Good Aim.

    Where did that come from? I've heard mention of it before but I cant place it. (It seems like Sam's made comments about Max's aim being bad and about how he (sam) should "take the shot because [his] aim [was] better than [Max's]" but I cant seem to find the references...)
  • edited January 2010
    Isn't it pretty much the norm that both Sam and Max have terrible aim? The games are the exception of course because you need to hit things, but in those occasions Sam actually has to stop and focus his aim. When he and Max just shoot wildly though, then tend to hit nothing.
  • edited January 2010
    Ashton wrote: »
    Where did that come from? I've heard mention of it before but I cant place it. (It seems like Sam's made comments about Max's aim being bad and about how he (sam) should "take the shot because [his] aim [was] better than [Max's]" but I cant seem to find the references...)

    On the road. First. two. pages. Really.
  • edited January 2010
    Also, What's New Beelzebub?.

    "Satan must have messed up my aim, to torment me!"
    "But Sam, you're a lousy shot in real life too!"
    "I said, Satan must have messed up my aim."

    I don't remember if that's the exact line, but it's something like that. Also, Max's violence shoots at Sam whenever he comes near, but never manages to hit him.
  • edited January 2010
    Nah, when I'm upset, my memory is awful. In situations like that I prefur mindless shooters or sword-swinging fantasy RPGs. I'm also proned to using the god-mode cheat in particularly fowel moods. You never die in Sam & Max, but if you can't remember what you use on what, it takes a lot of thinking.
  • WillWill Telltale Alumni
    edited January 2010
    I read Yotsuba&! It works every time. Every single time.
  • edited January 2010
    Will wrote: »
    I read Yotsuba&! It works every time. Every single time.

    Could Azumanga Daioh be a suitable substitute? :p
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