Your favorite videogame ending(s)?
Hello everyone !
It seems there are a lot of general videogame threads, which made me think to open up this one. Couldn't find a search-function, so eh, sorry if this topic has been discussed before.
I'd like to know your personal, favorite endings of videogames. Endings that you felt were just brilliantly written, great in terms of visuals or music.. anything really. And please share why exactly you like the particular ending(s). I'm sure we all have individual criteria to rate how much we like something. Feel free to include video-links as well, but please use the spoiler-tag when it becomes too much, so this thread won't blow up in terms of loading time, especially for mobile users. Thank you for reading and happy posting.
I'll add mine later in the replies. :>
Bioshock Infinite and the first The Walking Dead.
Wellington ending in S2
AC IV Black Flag ending
The Last of Us
Valiant Hearts
inFamous 2
Metal Gear Solid 3 and V
The walking dead season 1 ending
The walking dead season 2 Kenny endings
Quantum break
Fallout 4 all endings
Arkham City
Ratchet & Clank Future: A Crack In Time
Mass Effect (max persuade/intimidate ending)
Endings which really grabbed me and were memorable.
The first Walking Dead and Mass Effect 2. There's probably more, but those are the only two I can think of off the top of my head.
Nothing got my blood pumping as hard as the Suicide Mission in Mass Effect 2, the music, the potential for deaths every few minutes, the varied gameplay segments, really was a thrill that first time you play.
On the feels side of things sorry TWD but To the Moon got me way harder, short steps man.
Red Dead Redemption! Damn, that game had one of the saddest endings period. I can't wait for the best company to come back and blow every other game out of the water. It's a shame RDR2 has been delayed, but hopefully it's for the best.
The Last of Us and The Walking Dead, duh.
Also, Deadlight (Director's Cut), Valiant Hearts, The Wolf Among Us, Bioshock Infinite, Firewatch, Inside, and more.
Thank you all for your replies so far. :>
The endings that affected me the most, are the following. No specific order:
That game.. even though it has this pixel-rpg style, it made me cry so many times. I was a mess after I finished watching it. The ending was so sad but beautiful at the same time. However, the moment where you find out the truth behind the paper-rabbits did hit me even harder. Doesn't belong to the ending, but still worth mentioning. If you haven't watched/played To The Moon, please catch up with it.
This destroyed me in an emotional way as well. Valiant Hearts does a great job in portraying a different point of view on war. It's not the usual Call of Duty/Battlefield-type of "War-heroes save the world, action is fun!!" story. This game pointed out how cruel, sorrowful, disgusting and completely unnecessary war truly is. Paired with the music, you need to lack emotions in order not to tear up. DO. PLAY. THIS. GAME. PLEASE.
The Walking Dead Season Two, Stay-with-Kenny
I think you are all familiar with this one. No need to explain.
Beyond: Two Souls, Zoey-ending
This was a happy ending. I love "the homeless people" so much, they are the first true friends in Jody's life and (in my opinion) the only justified choice at the end.
The Last of Us
Probably a no-brainer as well. In Joel's position, I would've done the same to save the person who is dear to me. I also liked that it was an "open" ending. but at the same time, Ellie's thoughts were clear to read from her facial expression.
The Last Guardian
Say what you want about the controls, camera and gameplay mechanics. But the cutscenes (especially the ending) were very well done. The music is simply fantastic. If you share your life with a pet, it's almost impossible to not tear up. The game definitely was worth the wait in my book.
The last "good" AC-game in my opinion. Ezio is one of my favorite fictional characters of all time and Ubisoft did a brilliant job with delivering a heartwrenching, yet intense ending. It connected the two most famous AC protagonists, concluded Ezio's long journey as an Assassin and showed the downfall of the first organization. All of that, paired with marvelous music and this mystical atmosphere. That's what I miss in all the AC-games after Revelations.
That's all that I can remember
In Water - Silent Hill 2
End of Fire - Dark Souls III
Alone - The Walking Dead: Season Two
Ending A - Dead Rising 2
The Last Of Us Ending
The Walking Dead Season 1 Ending
The Walking Dead Season 2 Ending w/Kenny
The Wolf Among Us Ending with you won the crowd.
Uncharted 4 Ending
Half Life Ending
Batman Telltale Series Ending when you kissed Catwoman and she send you a postcard w/cat picture.
GTA V ending with Trevor and Michael finally put aside everything and fight together