So which ending did you get?
In my walk through my was with javi's decision we didn't part and went to save Gabe and David as i didn't like Kate i saved both Gabe and David and David came to Richmond
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In my walk through my was with javi's decision we didn't part and went to save Gabe and David as i didn't like Kate i saved both Gabe and David and David came to Richmond
Got that ending too. Didn't dislike Kate though.
My Clem became graceful gunslinger
Javi and Kate were the survivors and are in a relationship.
I got Javi and Gabe ending. I'm not content with it but no way I'm replaying the whole episode just to change it
Man. I could not save David in any ending.
David got an offscreen death in my ending. Gabe and Kate survived and Kate and Javi are NOT in a relationship.
You can save David just Clem and you should be on the same side and save Gabe and David first and if you want David to Richmond stay with him just not that discussion with Clint and Gabe as per my walk through and just stay away from Kate
Same !
Gabe died. Kate survived and we decided to start a family. My Clem become a graceful gunslinger.
Which ending do you want?
Gabe and David survived and the latter can't to Richmond. My Clem became a trusting fighter.
Gabe and Kate survived in my game and I'm not okay with that.
Holy shit! you could save Dave? for real?? I got stuck with that stupid Gabe and Kate was fuckin lost! Holy shit I wish that got the David ending.Is there an ending where both David and Kate live and Javi ain't asshole and let David be with his slutty wife who wants to fuck her brother in law???
Got the same ending as you, Gabe and David, and I was pretty happy about it. Didn't like Kate and to be honest it annoyed to hell how she was always trying to get it on with Javi and push him away from his brother. I didn't give up on Kenny, what makes you think I'm going to give up on David?
Also, I've seen what she does if you are actually in a relationship with her. She freaking kisses you right in front of your brother, lmao, seriously? I was pissed enough that she said "I can't believe I ever loved any of you". And then if Gabe and David die she suddenly seems to be ok and wants to start a family with Javi? When practically all of his family just died? Damn, that's just.. wrong. So yeah, Gabe and David ending seems right to me and the one that makes more sense because of the whole promise to Javi's father as well as sticking up with family during hard times and never give up on them. Kind of reminds me of Kenny's situation to be honest. I do think David can change and be a better father/brother just like Kenny was a good father/mentor to Clem and AJ in the end.
Kate's walker scene was sad but by the end of the game, I liked Gabe more than her and that's saying a lot because I hated the little shit. As for David, I didn't like him at first but I always felt compelled to be nice to him and support him. In the end he turned out to be something more than I initially thought and I actually started to like him, so I'm happy I managed to save him and bring him back to Richmond.
Sorry but David is not gonna stick with Javi if you manage to save him.
As far as I know, no. It's either Kate and Gabe, or Gabe and David (or just Gabe/Kate alone). I think the reason is because of the conflict between them. It would be weird to have a Kate/David ending after what happened, specially if you are in a relationship with her. I'm curious, have you seen the ending where Gabe dies? That honest to God made me change my mind about him, it's so damn sad.. I feel like the David and Gabe ending is the best one. I disliked Kate more than Gabe at the end...
He can come back to Richmond at the end if you save him and convince him to.
Show me a video.
Then how come he isn't around anymore after 3 days?
1.I saved him in my original (play through) Kate died.
He is in Richmond, he's just keeping his distance. Gabe says David doesn't talk to him and Javi says the same (at 20:20). But he is there if you convince him.
David only ending (Is this even possible?)
Well, still makes no sense.
Why not? I think it does. He wants to run away initially. If you convince him, he's probably shocked about you not giving up on him and he probably doesn't know what to do with himself for the next few days. I imagine he will come around eventually and start talking to his brother and son again soon, but sometimes people just need some time for themselves to get their heads straight, you know? And after what David did, he definitely needs some time out to put his ideas in place...
I loved David through this season until Episode 5. They destroyed his character in that episode. I'd rather have Kate alive only and David and Gabe dead.
You can have David and Gabe
Kinda funny:I was with David the whole episode.supported his action and thanked him cuz I think he did the right things.Dunno why in garage you had no choice but to be against David.seemed all of us hated him and I had no choice to be with him.And then the bitch kissed Javi and shit started!
do you have to let kate die to get the ending where david says he loves you in spanish?
idk how to get it.
Kate and Gabe survived while David died. I'm content with the ending I got, as it was the one I only wanted.
I think the only way to actually have a last conversation with a dying David (where he says "te quiero") is if Clem goes with Kate and you go alone after Gabe and David. If Clem goes with you, both survive and Kate dies. If Clem goes after them and you go with Kate, then only Gabe survives and David dies off screen. If no one goes after them, then both die, so yeah... The key here is Clem. She needs to either choose to go to the place you don't, or choose to go with Kate on her own. If she says she'll go with you or she wants to go after Gabe, then you can't get that ending. The tricky part is what makes her come to those decisions..
I chose Kate and Gabe
I think the ending where David dying (and possibly Kate missing) with Gabe alive is the best ending in my opinion for ANF, because Gabe still has time to develop if he's seen in a future season. After what they did with David in Ep5, it showed a point of no return for his character, meaning even if you convince him to come to Richmond, he'd never have a finished arc as we never really talk to him much after that. There was no real payoff. Him dying onscreen at least gave a proper send-off and a last great bonding moment with him and Javi. It did justice to people that liked him and gave Gabe a big developing moment if you let him shoot David, almost could complete Gabe's arc if we never saw him again too, as it ultimately taught Gabe the consequences for all his actions and made him do a big decision like making sure his father doesn't turn.
David and gabe survived, kate died
I stayed behind with Kate.
Clem saved Gabe.
David died off-screen.
Me and Kate decided we'd start a family together.
I promised Jesus I'd step up and take leadership over Richmond.
Clem went off to find A.J.
I got the ending where Kate, Gabe, Lingard, and Conrad are alive. Also, Kate and Javi are together and I told Clem to bring AJ back.
I stayed behind with Kate.
Clem saved Gabe.
David died off-screen.
Me and Kate decided we'd start a family together.
I promised Jesus I'd step up and take leadership over Richmond.
Clem went off to find A.J