Michelle is one of the characters I would've like to have seen more of, Omid's accident notwithstanding. Debatably the most complex antagonist (if you don't count Jane/Kenny) and a One scene wonder, she felt like she could have been Season 2's Jolene: unapologeticly thuggish and yet not without a few sympathetic traits and a story to tell. Her purpose in the story of Season 2 is act as the starter villain, kill off the established supporting character of Omid, and set the tone that the rest Season is supposed to operate by. Given how that turned out, I would have loved for her to pop up again at some point in the future, whether it be as an old enemy whose true, frightened self is known by Clementine, some decayed jobber used to establish how much more powerful and competent another villain or hero is, or an uneasy ally who has to deal with the repercussions of what she did that day.
Incidentally, I came up with an idea to incorporate her into the story we got last year in @dan290786 's thread and my own rewrite thread.
He literally fell into a fucking black hole so Telltale completely forgot he existed. There is bad handling of a determinate character (like nick and ava) and then there is outright not handling them at all.
Honestly I'm surprised many people haven't noticed this and arent talking about it. How can you make a game and possibly have one of your characters completely vanish off the face of the earth?
Imagine if in TWDG S2E2, Nick dies by getting eaten by the walker, but he is determinate. So, you expect to see him in the next episode, where you can talk to him in Carver's camp. But, nope, he's not there. Whether or not you saved Nick he literally never appears again. No mention of him, no nothing, and telltale gives the excuse "eh, he died." like???? Its utterly baffling.
Michelle is one of the characters I would've like to have seen more of, Omid's accident notwithstanding. Debatably the most comp… morelex antagonist (if you don't count Jane/Kenny) and a One scene wonder, she felt like she could have been Season 2's Jolene: unapologeticly thuggish and yet not without a few sympathetic traits and a story to tell. Her purpose in the story of Season 2 is act as the starter villain, kill off the established supporting character of Omid, and set the tone that the rest Season is supposed to operate by. Given how that turned out, I would have loved for her to pop up again at some point in the future, whether it be as an old enemy whose true, frightened self is known by Clementine, some decayed jobber used to establish how much more powerful and competent another villain or hero is, or an uneasy ally who has to deal with the repercussions of what she did that day.
Incidentally, I came up with an idea to inco… [view original content]
I present...Shades-Chick!
Credit to @Jayroen.
For the two of you who don't remember her, she's a guard working for Clint directly, fet… moreching Max on his orders to give an account of his take on Javier, escorting Javier to the quarantine to take his group(minus the cleared Eleanor, Gabe, and Kate) out of the city, and is determinately shows up during David's confrontation of Joan, leaving in Ava's place if Javier tried to sneak out of Richmond with Kate. On my first viewing, her suspiciously similar appearance(which Javier seems to subtlely pick up on)and the fact that her mark seems to be on her armor rather than her body lead me to believe she was actually Huh-Chick in disguise, having survived the destruction of Prescott and joined the New Frontier, acting as a double-agent. On that note, it is worth noting that the mark was originally supposed to be only for soldiers of TNF, as stated by Joan in unused dialogue.
However, as revealed… [view original content]
Well, logically speaking here, why would he be flirting(?) with them when he has Jane back at camp offering him nookie to do her favors? Especially since he also seems to hate Sarah for no apparent reason.
Yeah, that's the only place besides escorting Lee and Clementine after they escape and I don't think it would've been as dramatic as having them alone.
Though it could've made the fakeout dream in No Going Back interesting if you were anti-Kenny up till that point.
Oh, we've been talking about it since Thicker than Water came out, it's just that there were other, new things to complain about.
Yeah, I was expecting him to either join the Pro-David forces that David alluded to for the final battle, be revealed to have been demoted/killed/worse by Joan as punishment for spilling the beans, or be determinantly locked in a cell with her and Lonnie in a more conclusive ending.
He literally fell into a fucking black hole so Telltale completely forgot he existed. There is bad handling of a determinate charact… moreer (like nick and ava) and then there is outright not handling them at all.
Honestly I'm surprised many people haven't noticed this and arent talking about it. How can you make a game and possibly have one of your characters completely vanish off the face of the earth?
Imagine if in TWDG S2E2, Nick dies by getting eaten by the walker, but he is determinate. So, you expect to see him in the next episode, where you can talk to him in Carver's camp. But, nope, he's not there. Whether or not you saved Nick he literally never appears again. No mention of him, no nothing, and telltale gives the excuse "eh, he died." like???? Its utterly baffling.
From what I can guess, I don't think it was used as a proper slaughterhouse so much as a place where they kept and prepared their walker soldiers. I beleive Max was originally supposed to become determinate there after Clementine and Javier accidentally(?) set some of them free and he gets trapped under a turnstile(?) during the escape.
literally every character was wasted, pretty much. although i really liked gabe for some reason, they could've made him progress throughout the season, rather than having him only improve in the fifth episode. kate could've been more than just a stupid thot and a love interest for javi that just causes david to go insane. like if you were romantic with her, she grieves for five seconds, then goes straight to bringing up her desire to start a family with javi. like what the actual fuck? your relationship with david should've affected whether or not he chose to fight with you. max should've appeared a little more because he literally just casually disappeared, same thing with clint and joan. you take basically your main antagonist, let the player kill her in the second to last episode, but then you don't give any closure with her. not to mention, david in the beginning of episode five is supposed to be ruthlessly looking for joan/clint in order to kill their asses, yet instead he is questioning kates whereabouts. she wasn't even present at the execution to begin with. krispy kate is also a wasted idea, it could've made the explosion and cliffhanger a bigger deal and could've made the episode more intersting. ava's death was so fucking shitty, it was probably the worst death in the entire series. eleanor is once again given five milliseconds of screentime which provide no reason for her betrayal. they also shouldn't have killed every garcia family member determinantly. you give us a whole family, then of course, they have to all die eventually. but, they could've let another one of them, such as gabe, be a sole survivor. something that really could've saved this season would be not a huge team of writers every episode. this caused the writing, plot, and characters to be inconsistent.
although i really liked gabe for some reason, they could've made him progress throughout the season, rather than having him only improve in the fifth episode.
max should've appeared a little more because he literally just casually disappeared, same thing with clint and joan. you take basically your main antagonist, let the player kill her in the second to last episode, but then you don't give any closure with her.
our relationship with David should've affected whether or not he chose to fight with you.
That's an issue with the games past Season 1 in general, despite there being a few aversions.
Eleanor is once again given five milliseconds of screentime which provide no reason for her betrayal
Actually, she does: she wanted to try and amend the feud between the Garcia-Prescott group and Joan(and loosely Clint)'s Factions in a peaceful manner for they could all stay in Richmond, but Javier(or whoever it was) suggesting they outright assassinate Joan to free David at a public hearing was very counter-intuitive to that idea. So when no one would listen to her, she decided to warn Joan that he'd be coming for her.(Which leads me to question what the fuck the plan was if they were literally just gonna walk up to the damn stage to begin with, since Ava wasn't captured until after they split up from Kate.) Of course, she didn't expect Joan to capture Tripp and Ava to be executed as well, prompting Javier/David to attack Joan/Clint, and cause a huge firefight to break out anyway, so her efforts were ultimately for naught.
they also shouldn't have killed every garcia family member determinantly. you give us a whole family, then of course, they have to all die eventually. but, they could've let another one of them, such as gabe, be a sole survivor.
Yeah, when I found out that Gabe is determinant, I immediately thought it was huge copout.
literally every character was wasted, pretty much. although i really liked gabe for some reason, they could've made him progress throughout … morethe season, rather than having him only improve in the fifth episode. kate could've been more than just a stupid thot and a love interest for javi that just causes david to go insane. like if you were romantic with her, she grieves for five seconds, then goes straight to bringing up her desire to start a family with javi. like what the actual fuck? your relationship with david should've affected whether or not he chose to fight with you. max should've appeared a little more because he literally just casually disappeared, same thing with clint and joan. you take basically your main antagonist, let the player kill her in the second to last episode, but then you don't give any closure with her. not to mention, david in the beginning of episode five is supposed to be ruthlessly looking for joan/clint in order… [view original content]
Kenny and Sarah have basis in the same trope and do/experience the same general things in In Harm's Way and Amid the Ruins. This might have been meant/utilized to have her be a Foil[and/or good counterpart(?)] to him at the end.
It's not flirting, he's creeping on them.
If the game weren't rated the way it was, don't you think we would have seen more of that? Oh, we just brought a bunch of pretty young vulnerable girls into our camp and the worst thing that happened was somebody slapped one.
Well, logically speaking here, why would he be flirting(?) with them when he has Jane back at camp offering him nookie to do her favors? Especially since he also seems to hate Sarah for no apparent reason.
Doh, whatever. Often times, the only difference is the appearance/conduct of flirter or/and the age/vulnerability of the flirtee.
Idk, I always get the vibe that people are quick to make that assumption about any villain for the sake of making them seem far more horrible than they actually are and I guess personal preference might have something to do with me not really wanting that type of thing being in there if I don't think it's needed. I know Troy is apparently an inversion of that and his original characterization would've at least been more in line with that mind set, which is part of why I'm glad it was done.
And again, Clementine seems like she'd be kinda offputting(pretending I know anything about child molesters for a second) and targeting Sarah, while arguably making more sense, doesn't really seem like a best interests type of thing given her dad is the settlement's Doctor. Then again, considering he's kind of a dumb prick who likes giving people a hard time for no reason...
It's not flirting, he's creeping on them.
If the game weren't rated the way it was, don't you think we would have seen more of that? Oh, w… moree just brought a bunch of pretty young vulnerable girls into our camp and the worst thing that happened was somebody slapped one.
What about that bearded hippie looking guy that attacked Javier and Gabe in the hallway without making a sound or facial expression only to be later seen getting eaten by walkers he seemed so interesting.
What about that bearded hippie looking guy that attacked Javier and Gabe in the hallway without making a sound or facial expression only to be later seen getting eaten by walkers he seemed so interesting.
That he and Huh-Chick(who might truly be ShadesChick) were originally Prescott-ites but joined the New Frontier after Clementine killed Eli and Badger sacked the town itself.
Also, I didn't realize that was him as well. Good eye!
Yup, that's him. But he just wakes up there, what are you trying to show me?
You can also see him before you enter Eleanor's apartment in Episode 5, btw. His shoulder/arm is injured from the explosion.
Interesting. You know, I like theorizing about stuff like that! They may be minor and unimportant things, but I am having fun!
My version: Huh-chick and Shades-chick are twin sisters who got separated at some point - Shades-chick joining the New Frontier and Huh-chick finding shelter in Prescott. Soon, Sideburnface comes and destroys Prescott. Francine dies(my favourite minor character ;-;) Huh-chick dies (RIP) along with many people, but THAT guy survives. He joins the New Frontier and teams up with Shades-chick to kill Badger--Uh, Sideburnface when the time is right.
That he and Huh-Chick(who might truly be ShadesChick) were originally Prescott-ites but joined the New Frontier after Clementine killed Eli and Badger sacked the town itself.
Also, I didn't realize that was him as well. Good eye!
That is the best way of uniting theories, yes, given that Shadeschick was stated to be an old friend of David's and was answering to the Council directly.
Interesting. You know, I like theorizing about stuff like that! They may be minor and unimportant things, but I am having fun!
My version:… more Huh-chick and Shades-chick are twin sisters who got separated at some point - Shades-chick joining the New Frontier and Huh-chick finding shelter in Prescott. Soon, Sideburnface comes and destroys Prescott. Francine dies(my favourite minor character ;-;) Huh-chick dies (RIP) along with many people, but THAT guy survives. He joins the New Frontier and teams up with Shades-chick to kill Badger--Uh, Sideburnface when the time is right.
Oh, thank you!
Michelle is one of the characters I would've like to have seen more of, Omid's accident notwithstanding. Debatably the most comp… morelex antagonist (if you don't count Jane/Kenny) and a One scene wonder, she felt like she could have been Season 2's Jolene: unapologeticly thuggish and yet not without a few sympathetic traits and a story to tell. Her purpose in the story of Season 2 is act as the starter villain, kill off the established supporting character of Omid, and set the tone that the rest Season is supposed to operate by. Given how that turned out, I would have loved for her to pop up again at some point in the future, whether it be as an old enemy whose true, frightened self is known by Clementine, some decayed jobber used to establish how much more powerful and competent another villain or hero is, or an uneasy ally who has to deal with the repercussions of what she did that day.
Incidentally, I came up with an idea to inco… [view original content]
The fact that Max, Lonnie, and Badger were secretly ordered to raid other settlements by Joan, the Diplomacy Leader, was an interesting concept that could've been used to do some more extensive world building and get an idea of what Richmond's exact relationship with them, as well as if the rest of the Council was even aware of the fact that raids are occurring. Especially given the immediate implication that Badger's unauthorized sacking of Prescott was very out of the norm and the fact that most of those locations are indeed still standing.
Waisted Characters:
-Christa and Omid
-All of the 400 Days characters(Nate and Eddie specifically)
-Kenny and Jane post Sea… moreson 2
Wasted Locations:
-The Moonstar Lodge
-Howe's Hardware

Michelle is one of the characters I would've like to have seen more of, Omid's accident notwithstanding. Debatably the most complex antagonist (if you don't count Jane/Kenny) and a One scene wonder, she felt like she could have been Season 2's Jolene: unapologeticly thuggish and yet not without a few sympathetic traits and a story to tell. Her purpose in the story of Season 2 is act as the starter villain, kill off the established supporting character of Omid, and set the tone that the rest Season is supposed to operate by. Given how that turned out, I would have loved for her to pop up again at some point in the future, whether it be as an old enemy whose true, frightened self is known by Clementine, some decayed jobber used to establish how much more powerful and competent another villain or hero is, or an uneasy ally who has to deal with the repercussions of what she did that day.
Incidentally, I came up with an idea to incorporate her into the story we got last year in @dan290786 's thread and my own rewrite thread.
He literally fell into a fucking black hole so Telltale completely forgot he existed. There is bad handling of a determinate character (like nick and ava) and then there is outright not handling them at all.
Honestly I'm surprised many people haven't noticed this and arent talking about it. How can you make a game and possibly have one of your characters completely vanish off the face of the earth?
Imagine if in TWDG S2E2, Nick dies by getting eaten by the walker, but he is determinate. So, you expect to see him in the next episode, where you can talk to him in Carver's camp. But, nope, he's not there. Whether or not you saved Nick he literally never appears again. No mention of him, no nothing, and telltale gives the excuse "eh, he died." like???? Its utterly baffling.
Can anyone explain me the slaughterhouse stuff? I still don't understand what was it supposed to be about.
weird, since you have no problem pointing out other sexual things. yet you think troy was just being a kidder. mkay
I can't imagine anywhere that would have fit in.
"hey clem It's me lilly? need a ride to the outskirts of the city?"
I don't think so. Christa's callous killing of her also helped set the tone for what was going on.
Is that Hector on the right? wtf
It's not him. It's a New Frontier soldier.
This whole season is a fail and a waste of everything.
Well, logically speaking here, why would he be flirting(?) with them when he has Jane back at camp offering him nookie to do her favors? Especially since he also seems to hate Sarah for no apparent reason.
Yeah, that's the only place besides escorting Lee and Clementine after they escape and I don't think it would've been as dramatic as having them alone.
Though it could've made the fakeout dream in No Going Back interesting if you were anti-Kenny up till that point.
I know, but still, she would've make a mor personal antagonist for Clementine than Carver or maybe even Arvo could've been.
Plus, Christa's shooting her was actually a key plot point in my rewrites, though I may have to copy it from dan290786's thread.
Oh, we've been talking about it since Thicker than Water came out, it's just that there were other, new things to complain about.
Yeah, I was expecting him to either join the Pro-David forces that David alluded to for the final battle, be revealed to have been demoted/killed/worse by Joan as punishment for spilling the beans, or be determinantly locked in a cell with her and Lonnie in a more conclusive ending.
From what I can guess, I don't think it was used as a proper slaughterhouse so much as a place where they kept and prepared their walker soldiers. I beleive Max was originally supposed to become determinate there after Clementine and Javier accidentally(?) set some of them free and he gets trapped under a turnstile(?) during the escape.
literally every character was wasted, pretty much. although i really liked gabe for some reason, they could've made him progress throughout the season, rather than having him only improve in the fifth episode. kate could've been more than just a stupid thot and a love interest for javi that just causes david to go insane. like if you were romantic with her, she grieves for five seconds, then goes straight to bringing up her desire to start a family with javi. like what the actual fuck? your relationship with david should've affected whether or not he chose to fight with you. max should've appeared a little more because he literally just casually disappeared, same thing with clint and joan. you take basically your main antagonist, let the player kill her in the second to last episode, but then you don't give any closure with her. not to mention, david in the beginning of episode five is supposed to be ruthlessly looking for joan/clint in order to kill their asses, yet instead he is questioning kates whereabouts. she wasn't even present at the execution to begin with. krispy kate is also a wasted idea, it could've made the explosion and cliffhanger a bigger deal and could've made the episode more intersting. ava's death was so fucking shitty, it was probably the worst death in the entire series. eleanor is once again given five milliseconds of screentime which provide no reason for her betrayal. they also shouldn't have killed every garcia family member determinantly. you give us a whole family, then of course, they have to all die eventually. but, they could've let another one of them, such as gabe, be a sole survivor. something that really could've saved this season would be not a huge team of writers every episode. this caused the writing, plot, and characters to be inconsistent.
That's an issue with the games past Season 1 in general, despite there being a few aversions.
Actually, she does: she wanted to try and amend the feud between the Garcia-Prescott group and Joan(and loosely Clint)'s Factions in a peaceful manner for they could all stay in Richmond, but Javier(or whoever it was) suggesting they outright assassinate Joan to free David at a public hearing was very counter-intuitive to that idea. So when no one would listen to her, she decided to warn Joan that he'd be coming for her.(Which leads me to question what the fuck the plan was if they were literally just gonna walk up to the damn stage to begin with, since Ava wasn't captured until after they split up from Kate.) Of course, she didn't expect Joan to capture Tripp and Ava to be executed as well, prompting Javier/David to attack Joan/Clint, and cause a huge firefight to break out anyway, so her efforts were ultimately for naught.
Yeah, when I found out that Gabe is determinant, I immediately thought it was huge copout.
Kenny and Sarah have basis in the same trope and do/experience the same general things in In Harm's Way and Amid the Ruins. This might have been meant/utilized to have her be a Foil[and/or good counterpart(?)] to him at the end.
Duh, I'm saying they reused his facial assets or something
It's not flirting, he's creeping on them.
If the game weren't rated the way it was, don't you think we would have seen more of that? Oh, we just brought a bunch of pretty young vulnerable girls into our camp and the worst thing that happened was somebody slapped one.
Doh, whatever. Often times, the only difference is the appearance/conduct of flirter or/and the age/vulnerability of the flirtee.
Idk, I always get the vibe that people are quick to make that assumption about any villain for the sake of making them seem far more horrible than they actually are and I guess personal preference might have something to do with me not really wanting that type of thing being in there if I don't think it's needed. I know Troy is apparently an inversion of that and his original characterization would've at least been more in line with that mind set, which is part of why I'm glad it was done.
And again, Clementine seems like she'd be kinda offputting(pretending I know anything about child molesters for a second) and targeting Sarah, while arguably making more sense, doesn't really seem like a best interests type of thing given her dad is the settlement's Doctor. Then again, considering he's kind of a dumb prick who likes giving people a hard time for no reason...
You can see him in Conrad's bar, sleeping on a chair, too.
I thought he looked familiar. The evidence is piling up!
What about that bearded hippie looking guy that attacked Javier and Gabe in the hallway without making a sound or facial expression only to be later seen getting eaten by walkers he seemed so interesting.
You mean The Specialist, or as I call him, "Kelvin." Eh, he had it comin.
He was the most bland backround character. Although his design made it look like he had a bigger role for what ever he was chained for.
Yeah, I don't get that either. I guess he's that much of an unfettered beast.
Evidence for what?
Start at 4:52 if it doesn't render there.
Yup, that's him. But he just wakes up there, what are you trying to show me?
You can also see him before you enter Eleanor's apartment in Episode 5, btw. His shoulder/arm is injured from the explosion.
That he and Huh-Chick(who might truly be ShadesChick) were originally Prescott-ites but joined the New Frontier after Clementine killed Eli and Badger sacked the town itself.
Also, I didn't realize that was him as well. Good eye!
Interesting. You know, I like theorizing about stuff like that! They may be minor and unimportant things, but I am having fun!
My version: Huh-chick and Shades-chick are twin sisters who got separated at some point - Shades-chick joining the New Frontier and Huh-chick finding shelter in Prescott. Soon, Sideburnface comes and destroys Prescott. Francine dies(my favourite minor character ;-;) Huh-chick dies (RIP) along with many people, but THAT guy survives. He joins the New Frontier and teams up with Shades-chick to kill Badger--Uh, Sideburnface when the time is right.
Oh, thank you!
Hey, that's half the fun of a episodic series.
That is the best way of uniting theories, yes, given that Shadeschick was stated to be an old friend of David's and was answering to the Council directly.
And you're welcome!
Damn straight!

The fact that Max, Lonnie, and Badger were secretly ordered to raid other settlements by Joan, the Diplomacy Leader, was an interesting concept that could've been used to do some more extensive world building and get an idea of what Richmond's exact relationship with them, as well as if the rest of the Council was even aware of the fact that raids are occurring. Especially given the immediate implication that Badger's unauthorized sacking of Prescott was very out of the norm and the fact that most of those locations are indeed still standing.
What would you have liked to see with some of them?
How do you think things would have gone had Larry lived longer?
What do you think could've been done with some of them?
Except maybe Kenny and Mariana
What do you think could've been done with some of them?
I can't say for sure.