Clementine doesn't really feel like Clementine to me anymore..
Especially in Episode 5 where she is beside a dying Gabe like:
"i thOUGHT I'D BE aloNE BUT THEN I met u gABE"
This is very cringy, and so out of character for Clem. She only knew Gabe and Javi for like what, a week? A few days? And it ruined Clem's character for me, especially that god damned period scene.
Seriously, whenever I see Clem now, I see her as just a random edgy teenager now. I no longer see her as the girll I know from S1 and S2. I just feel like there is something missing. That little magic touch to her character.
Clem doesn't really feel like Clem anymore. Does anyone else feel the same?
Here is to hoping that Telltale fixes their shit in the ACTUAL season 3 of TWD. Because ANF felt like a side series like Michonne. Or a DLC of some sorts showing us what happened to Clem. It added nothing to the story of TWDG
How did the period scene ruin her character??? I do agree she wasn't herself until atleast episode 4
It didn't exactly ruin her character for me, what I'm trying to say is the period scene made her out of character moments much worse than it already is. At least for me.
It made me uncomfortable because I didn't want to believe that she's actually going through that. I know, it's realistic, but couldn't Telltale do that scene in later seasons when Clem is much older?
I actually liked ANF Clem much more than S2 Clem but true, Clementine's emotions on Gabe's death is completely out of character, especially when you have her kiss him. Telltale is trying way too hard to make her look like a badass, they made her drive a motorcycle without an explanation how she even knows how to and according to the unused lines, Kenny taught her that. Really Telltale? Kenny taught her how to drive a car, not a motherfucking motorcycle.
They didn't have too, no. I guess its a "personal" and "important" moment between Javi and Clem they wanted. I mean you can complain about the period scene being uncomfortable but don't you think Mariana getting shot in the head, smashing in badgers brains, is much more extreme?
How people even remotely views Clementine as the same in S1&S2 is way beyond me. Unfortunately Clementine has become a typical badass teenager lacking any depth or complexity or even uniqueness with little to no interesting appeal. The period scene was just a effortless attempt to try and "develop" Clementine which fell straight on its face since she's been a background character for the majority of the series with little to no investment in her. Her romance with Gabe was horribly forced and made no sense other than both of them being teenagers and the opposite gender of each other. Her relationship with Javier was nearly non existent and forgettable not to mention quite forced which was even more obvious in EP4. It didn't help that they kept writing what little character she had so inconsistent throughout the series.
I like Clem in ANF too, but, I just wish Telltale had written her character better. Because she feels more edgy, and less Clemmy.
I could see her going edgy if AJ actually dies, but he is still alive. And she also had other people to help her like TNF and Prescott. So there is no reason for her to act this way.
I agree with the Clem & Gabe scene. It was completely out of character for her and I don't think the writer even cared about it(Considering he just make love plays & other shit), he just wanted to please the Gabentine fans with the kiss even though it was completely out of character and didn't even make sense.. Kissing a boy that you have known for 3 days? Really? If that's all it takes for Clem, then I think any boy out there can literally get with Clem.
It made no sense to have Clem as a side character anyways, she should've been the main character. Luckily, we will never have to witness Clem as a side character anymore, since she WILL be the main character next season.
No wonder they lied to us about 42 Different Clementines and her revenge story.
Unfortunately, many people are going to feel this way because everyone created their own version of Clem in Season 2 but ANF does not show any variation in her character.
So her character will only "feel" like she is still Clem if you played her a certain way in Season 2.
I knew she wasn't the Clementine I had raised and looked after the second she shot Eli in cold blood. And don't give me that "It was an accident!" or "He sold her faulty bullets; he deserved it!" or "He tried to kill Javier!" shit. I know he attacked him, but there were so many other ways that situation could have been resolved, but instead, she instigated and raised her gun at him first, and pulled the trigger more than once. She then intentionally reloaded it, and you know what's the most fucked?
She didn't even care that she had just murdered someone. All she cared about was not getting caught. And as the cherry on top, she expected Javier, someone who she had just threatened to shoot, kinda made him make a deal with her about handing over the van (which had everything they owned), and held him hostage. This was one of the most fucked scenes in my opinion, and it showed me my choices from season two didn't mean jack-shit.
As much as I praise this season and say how much I loved it, this fucked me over the most. She felt like a fucking Jane 2.0, and I hated it. This was not the girl I raised.
EDIT: What also makes me so mad is that this happens in every play-through. You literally cannot prevent it. There should've been variations to this scene and who Clementine became instead of lying to us and making us feel like our choices actually mattered.
If Telltale always told the truth and listened to their fan's criticism then they would be up there as the best gaming company.
It's a shame, because they've turned into shameless cash grabbers with Minecraft S2. Sure, when they first did TWD you could call it a cash grab, but they've done TWD S1 so well that it no longer became a cash grab anymore.
While Minecraft on the other hand is easy to do and generates the most money from 10 yr old kids, so obviously they would do this.
^ This, so much this.
I thought Jane was more capable of leaving people to die to care for herself, not kill people directly.
i agree your opinion on her reaction to gabe's death. it would've been much more fitting if he died later on because they would've known each other for a longer amount of time, thus making them more close. i also feel that they should've refrained from gabentine completely this season because not only did they know each other for three days max, it just felt so forced. it would be okay if it was done correctly.
plz no
What I'm saying is Clementine started to have fucked morals like Jane, but I get what you mean.
It's almost as if Telltale wanted the Kenny ending or Alone ending to be non-canon.
I hate how they're trying so hard to make her a "badass", but other then that I feel like she's become more of a character this season then previous ones. Season 2 did good on that, but I feel s3 pushed it further.
Yea. I think that's just poor writing on the part of Telltale to be honest. I would wrote something like "I should've went after you, Gabe. I'm sorry. I really am." I wouldn't have had her kiss him on the mouth either. I would've had her kiss him on the forehead or cheek instead.
More than that, its very cheesy. Not something you'd expect from The Walking Dead.
Yea. Like, already that's WAY less cringy than what was ACTUALLY said in the game.
I agree with you.
Gabe is our new Lord and Saviour.
Well to be fair that's business as usual regardless of age.
I kinda liked the scene in a way, but it's indeed not something i expected Clementine to do.
Unlike season 1, where she was also a secondary character, the Clementine in A New Frontier wasn't there to advance her story but there to enhance Javier's.
She wasn't a character but a prop for Telltale to get people to care, or dislike, Javier even more.
Plus I suspect she was only in the game because not only is she the face of their Walking Dead series but they needed to get her to a standardised point for season 4.
Well it's not about 42 versions of Clementine, it's her being completely different than Clem we used to have around. She seemed like she's forgotten everything that had happened in previous season, including Lee and Christa, and only cared for what she's experienced in flashbacks, if at all.
The writing made her character flat, shallow and ridiculously bland, but the worst thing is that she is now badass, just for the sake of action-drama gameplay in which there's necessarily to have a regular swearing NPC that breaks rules of physics, shoots big guns and drives motorcycles.
I'm sorry but ... bullshit. Clem it's Clem. She's grown up and that what she's now.
Well. I kind of EXPECTED that to be honest. And to be fair, Clementine isn't suppose to be realistic anyway.
because apparently periods are gross and icky.
I am not agree with you.
The only thing that made New Frontier Clementine not my Clementine is her affection towards Gabe. My Clementine wouldn't even bat an eye in Gabe's direction, let alone sticking by his side 24/7.
Actually, I cared about this girl because she was realistic. Clementine was fine in both previous games so her being suddenly out of character is clearly fault of the bad writing.
Telltale: So, your Clementine was kind to everyone in Season 2, she remember Lee as a kind soul, she chose not to kill people and she always helped everyone out and in the end she decided to be alone, well congrats! Now she's an edgy survivalist teen who's not afraid to kill someone and be rude to other people! Don't be mad! It's just that we developed your Clementine for you!
Please No! I was kidding! Please have mercy on me, I don't want to be burned at the stake!
Forgive me Lord Kenny, who art in heavenly Boat, hallowed be thy name, thy Boat come, thy will be done and the wicked Gabe for ever be gone.
Yeah, I concur. They kinda dug this whole by advertising the idea of her being #MyClementine to begin with, but ANF!Clementine is pretty far removed from the original character anyway.
This Clementine is nothing like the one I played.
In Season 2, everyone's Clementine was slightly different, everyone interpreted the subtle nuances of her emotions and expressions differently, and the thought process behind her choices was unique to each players considerations.
If we ignore the fact that Season 2's terrible writing turned an eleven year old girl into an adult, and that there was no unique writing, gameplay or scenarios based around the fact that she was a little girl who needs to be resourceful to survive and not rely on superman powers to survive frostbite, freezing to death, and getting shot all in one day.
Even the people who made the same choices read it differently, and created a unique Clementine in their mind as they played her, her emotions, facial expressions, actions, speculated thoughts and the way she would react in dialogue, created a unique personality for each person.
The fact that they turned Clementine into a defined NPC is one of the worst things I've seen this company do, it makes absolutely no sense, after the dozens of unique ways we roleplayed her.
Heck, even the fact they force us to swear, completely negating our choices regarding that, ruins it for me.
If they got advanced researchers and analysts to create an algorithm for players different types of Clementine, it doesn't show, she doesn't have 42 unique personalities, she barely has 1.
This season isn't canon, plain and simple.
Probably taught her both, a motorcycle is easy as heck to drive, my dad teached me when I was 13 you can learn in about an hour.
What pisses me more is that Clem knows how to drive a car even if Kenny is dead, we got no explanation to that.
"Clem knows how to drive a car even if Kenny is dead"
So true!