I keep wondering why Elaine was so quick to take a liking to LeChuck when he was transfromed back into a human. Didn't she tell him to "drop dead" before the events of Monkey Island, in his first life?
She did say he didn't even try to marry her ever since he turned human. I guess that means that human LeChuck is NOT the same human LeChuck Elaine knew in the past. Otherwise she wouldn't like him that much, I think.
And I don't think that Elaine liking LeChuck is kind of a spell or something... however... it IS strange that out of all poxed people, Elaine seems to be the only one who's unaware that she's sick.
She did say he didn't even try to marry her ever since he turned human. I guess that means that human LeChuck is NOT the same human LeChuck Elaine knew in the past. Otherwise she wouldn't like him that much, I think.
And I don't think that Elaine liking LeChuck is kind of a spell or something... however... it IS strange that out of all poxed people, Elaine seems to be the only one who's unaware that she's sick.
What I mean though, is LeChuck was this fearsome pirate who only became even more terrifying in death. Elaine has had more experience of him than Guybrush and clearly despised him previously. It just seems weird and inconsistent that while Guybrush is still suspicious, Elaine has done a complete U-turn and is now pretty taken with the 'new and improved' LeChuck.
I know she says something about keeping an eye on him at the end of ep. 2 but that seemed a bit ambiguous as to whether she doesn't totally trust him or just wants to spend more time with him.
And it would also explain why Elaine said "And don't put your lips on anything!" when Guybrush left Spinner Cay.
I was just replaying the first Secret of Monkey Island... when you say you'll browse the store, the store owner says 'Okay, but don't put your lips on anything.'
And I don't think that Elaine liking LeChuck is kind of a spell or something... however... it IS strange that out of all poxed people, Elaine seems to be the only one who's unaware that she's sick.
1) I bet Morgan LeFlay will get ahold of the engagement ring... leading to Elaine going pyscho at Guybrush
2) If Elaine is evil now, she might end up trying to kill Guybrush at one point, thus prompting Morgan to save Guybrush by engaging in a cat fight with Elaine
The part about growing feet may mean that the plan is almost 'afoot', perhaps? Doesn't sound too far-fetched, but I could be way off. And 'clam' sorta sounds like 'plan'
"But four young Oysters hurried up,
All eager for the treat:
Their coats were brushed, their faces washed,
Their shoes were clean and neat--
And this was odd, because, you know,
They hadn't any feet."
Somehow, this is all it reminded me of. Walrus and the Carpenter and tiny oyster shoes.
I actually don't think Elaine likes Lechuck in the romantic sense. I just don't see Elaine as being a cheater...but I easily see Guybrush being the jealous type
If anything it'll be Guybrush's lack of trust in Elaine that will lead to them breaking up...and it's entirely possible with Ron Gilbert's input.
What I mean though, is LeChuck was this fearsome pirate who only became even more terrifying in death. Elaine has had more experience of him than Guybrush and clearly despised him previously. It just seems weird and inconsistent that while Guybrush is still suspicious, Elaine has done a complete U-turn and is now pretty taken with the 'new and improved' LeChuck.
I know she says something about keeping an eye on him at the end of ep. 2 but that seemed a bit ambiguous as to whether she doesn't totally trust him or just wants to spend more time with him.
Don't forget though that because Elaine has more experience of what Lechuck used to be like, she is able to see a much more dramatic change in him than Guybrush can.
Not to mention Guybrush is insanely jealous of Lechuck for the time being. He's bound to be hateful and suspicious of him. Jealousy tends to have that affect
I think the idea is that all the voodoo curses performed by Lechuck over the years is what made him so twisted and evil in the first place.
Then when Guybrush stabbed him with the cutlass, all the evil within Lechuck manifested itself as the pox, infecting the whole Caribbean but leaving the zombie fella as a fairly normal (and genuinely nice) human being.
Anyone else get that impression? I can't remember exactly what was said (i've only played through once) but I think it was Lechuck who explained it...?
I'm not sure whether or not I like an explanation as to why Lechuck is/was evil. I kinda preferred the idea that he was just being a git
Not that it's affecting my enjoyment of the game one bit. I just find myself comparing stories of old to new
I heard somewhere that a change in career, or a promotion can cause some types of women to cheat on her spouse...
maybe the pox is Elaine's career change and she thinks she can do better than Guybrush?
(please don't take this as sexist, I'm just restating a possible cause)
But we all know Guybrush is infected with some sort of disease, and they're still on the same playing level.
However, Elaine has always been the independent type, and never been with Guybrush during the games (as far as I can remember). They've always worked "apart" but for the same goals. I'm sure there are other things that might come into play here, primary her distraction with LeChuck rather than being cured for her disease. She's seeming to put the monkey issue before her own problems. Hmmm...
McGillicutty says that the sponge needs to be destroyed so the pox can stay around. It's a great physical enhancement for the pirates, to appear more mean, as well as the obvious mental changes. However, this curse and the ill-tempered side-effects are exactly what Guybrush has been trying to defeat.
Guybrush's point of view might change in these episodes, whether or not he accepts the pox. He might accept it willingly or it just might warp his perspective. The same might happen with Elaine, but her perspective might change so she would enjoy LeChuck's company.
I don't see Guybrush being the jealous type but he certainly has developed an even more sensitive ego. He slips up once in the second chapter, but Elaine seems to be more susceptible to the curse.
However, in either case, I'm sure Elaine does not feel the same as McGillicutty about the sponge. She might not be as interested as she is about saving the monkeys, but I'm sure she recognizes she has some form of the pox, and it needs to be cured.
I bring up the issue regarding career promotion in jest. The pox may make her feel more powerful, but does she really need it?
Guybrush's attitude towards LeChuck can be expected, as he's been the nemesis in every chapter of the game's series. But his aggressive and self-centered nature seems to be affected more by the pox. Will this affect Guybrush and Elaine, and will they turn into zombified pirates for the remainder of the series?
I think it would be an interesting plot twist for LeChuck to actually save the two of them, due to his love for Elaine. However, I think that's something the writers are already trying to decide upon (or already have). :rolleyes:
There's some monkey business going on between LeChuck and Elaine... hee-hee... monkey business... I wonder if TellTale intented that
I'd say yes. The Telltale team have been putting as much sexual induendo in thess episodes as they can get away with. I mean could they get any more obvious with the name Jerkbait Islands?! I'm surprised the Merfolk weren't called Seamen.
One important thing to note is that LeChuck is aware of his past. He even jokes about it with Guybrush saying that it was much easier killing people until he got what he wanted. I don't see how it's possible for him to retain his memory but also become good. I don't think LeChuck planned any of this either. He is taking advantage of the situation though. I think his new objective is to extract all of the Voodoo that has been sucked up by the Sponge.
I have a feeling that LeChuck is genuinely good, and that some incident will occur that will seem like a betrayal, and probably as just he gets reinfected with the pox. This will bring about the return of evil LeChuck with a vendetta against Guybrush.
LeChuck is probably a good guy.
My bet is Guybrush would screw LeChuck by somehow infecting him back with the pox and for doing this Elaine's going to leave him.
I don't see Guybrush being the jealous type but he certainly has developed an even more sensitive ego.
Really? I thought it was pretty much cemented in stone that Guybrush was getting jealous.
He even annoys Elaine by being so untrusting of her, during their first conversation after being reunited.
Not to mention when Elaine tells Guybrush to give Lechuck instructions on her plan, he decides to take the heroic part while lumbering his former nemesis with distracting one of the ships.
You could look at that part as a matter of ego I guess but when has Guybrush ever willingly put himself in danger other than for own personal gain? Even in this episode he's quite ready to leave when the island is under attack.
He's also funny about Elaine wanting to stay and help Lechuck find the monkeys near the end. Whether you think he has reason to be or not he's most definately jealous.
I think it would be an interesting plot twist for LeChuck to actually save the two of them, due to his love for Elaine. However, I think that's something the writers are already trying to decide upon (or already have). :rolleyes:
I'm still betting that Lechuck activates the sponge which in turn some how 're-infects' him.
As much fun as human Lechuck is there's no way he's going to remain a good guy by the end of the season. The outrage would be diabolical amongst hardcore fans :eek:
Disney only adapted the tale... it isn't an actual Disney-original.
Um, all of Disney's feature films are adaptations. This is what makes them solid before they even get to storyboarding the films out. Except for some of their sequels, which are complete bollocks even before they're conceived.
The only things that Disney created originally is it's own cast of characters they manipulate in story and character-driven short films.
True, very true, and I have no argument here. However, because of Guybrush's lack of stature compared to the rest of the cast, and how he's always being pushed around for comedic sake, I don't see him being insanely jealous. A little annoyed at how things don't go his way, yes, because it's necessary.
However because of his condition and how it affects his thinking, I'd assume his jealousy is not coming from the same place as it normally would. Because one can draw the line between jealousy under the influence of something else, and pure rivalry - I'd say Guybrush is more of the former.
A thought occurs to me regarding how Elaine always turned LeChuck down. We don't really know how old Elaine was back then, but she was no doubt young, and she was constantly being swamped with propositions left, right and centre. In that scenario I can see Elaine thinking "Ugh, fat old bloke coming on to me. Like that's gonna happen!" Then, as she got older, her tastes changed and she also became aware that she may not be getting as many looks as she used to...
Also, it's happened in many stories in which a woman initially doesn't like someone but ends up falling in love with them later (Princess Leia and Han Solo being a prime example), and with the attentions she was getting from all the pirates at the time she probably automatically rejected everyone regardless, and got really forceful with LeChuck when he started to get too irritating. Maybe now, with the situation being different, she might actually fall for him...
As for LeChuck, first off he might have been nice AND a fearsome pirate! The real-life Blackbeard was a fearsome pirate but he was also loved by his crew, it's more a case of how your enemies view you really. As for whether he's nice or still evil, I really need to watch that scene again involving him talking to the monkey in ep2, but I wonder if maybe parts of him are split off into the monkeys? Sort of like what someone else said, his evil went into them, and maybe he lost some of his capability too, but is able to regain them when they are near? Hence why the monkey was with him when he was trying to work out the clam, he needed the extra skill locked in it to try and work out the puzzle and why he suddenly changes expression (the evil leaving him as the monkey moves away) when Guybrush comes near?
Also, anyone else wonder where he might have got the part of the key he had from?...
Oo, one final thing I forgot to mention: what about LeChuck's reaction to finding out Guybrush is pox'd? Perhaps he is trying to keep Elaine near him because he is afraid of what you might do to her, not realising she is infected too?
Cheers Hayden, I'll take a look at the clip once I get home, at work at the mo so not in a good position to watch it yet.
Oo, one final thing I forgot to mention: what about LeChuck's reaction to finding out Guybrush is pox'd? Perhaps he is trying to keep Elaine near him because he is afraid of what you might do to her, not realising she is infected too?
Cheers Hayden, I'll take a look at the clip once I get home, at work at the mo so not in a good position to watch it yet.
@PurpleTentacle: However, because of Guybrush's lack of stature compared to the rest of the cast, and how he's always being pushed around for comedic sake, I don't see him being insanely jealous. A little annoyed at how things don't go his way, yes, because it's necessary.
However because of his condition and how it affects his thinking, I'd assume his jealousy is not coming from the same place as it normally would. Because one can draw the line between jealousy under the influence of something else, and pure rivalry - I'd say Guybrush is more of the former.
Interesting ideas. I must admit I haven't thought about it that deeply.
I see what you mean about not seeing Guybrush as the jealous type now. I meant I could see him as the jealous type when it came to romance rather than overall.
I disagree his jealousy was born from his condition though. I think that's just Guybrush
I mean Elaine is paying Lechuck a lot of attention, I assume he's meant to be good looking within the Monkey Island Universe, he's playing the hero now and to boot he's Guybrush's number 1 enemy.
I think his jealousy is understandable, even though I personally think he should just get over it and trust his wife more. I'm not convinced that it's the influence of the pox.
True, very true, and I have no argument here.
No arguments at all, just a friendly discussion I'm not about to tell you your theories are wrong, they just don't fit in with my ideas of what's going to happen.
It's not really definite until he does something evil. But yeah it looks like they're hinting he is with that expression...though it seems a little too obvious...I say they're bluffing
But it wouldn't make a lot of sense if he was still evil, he could've hatched that plan with a 'good looking' disguise at any point. Not to mention it would imply that the pox only affected him physically and not psychologically like it has the infected pirates.
Righteo, having watched the video, I have to say, he does have a seriously dodgy expression on his face, but it doesn't seem to be as evil as people make it out to be. In fact, it looks more 'annoyed' than anything, a sort of "Oh great, you're here" sort of expression, which could be because he is indeed still up to no good but could also be because he had wanted to be alone with Elaine more in order to make his move (he obviously still has a thing for her).
His whisper to the monkey is intriguing though, not sure what the hell that could mean, though does anyone think he seems to be standing wierdly while he whispers?
It's not really definite until he does something evil. But yeah it looks like they're hinting he is with that expression...though it seems a little too obvious...I say they're bluffing
I'm sticking with the idea he's a good guy :cool:
True - Severus Snape was hinting he's evil all the time and at the end... I belive he's good now.
I must say, i really love that character, so far most of the TOMI characters seems boring and bland, but this new LeChuck haha, he is so good its almost evil! xD
His voice just fits him so perfectly. More Characters of that quality would be so nice.
I must say, i really love that character, so far most of the TOMI characters seems boring and bland, but this new LeChuck haha, he is so good its almost evil! xD
His voice just fits him so perfectly. More Characters of that quality would be so nice.
Oh, yes! I love the voice. When Episode 1 was just came alot of fans had a problem with the lack of Earl Boen, the original LeChuck voice. Now that I played Episode 2 I can safely say the new voice actor does an amasing job. It's just awesome acting and the voice fits the character really, really well.
Oh, yes! I love the voice. When Episode 1 was just came alot of fans had a problem with the lack of Earl Boen, the original LeChuck voice. Now that I played Episode 2 I can safely say the new voice actor does an amasing job. It's just awesome acting and the voice fits the character really, really well.
I agree, but it's interesting that the voice actor voicing the human LeChuck is different from the one voicing the zombie LeChuck in the prologue of chapter 1. I wonder why they have two separate actors for the same character. I guess the guy doing his undead form couldn't do a good human LeChuck voice.
You know, I think I'm starting to really like the human LeChuck, so I for one would be kinda sad if he was to return to his zombie form by the end of ToMI.
But I'd love to see good LeChuck and evil LeChuck becoming two separate characters. For instance, by the end of ToMI, the pox could become an evil voodoo loa incarnation of evil LeChuck, while good LeChuck would remain human and change his name to Captain Charles or something.
Um, all of Disney's feature films are adaptations. This is what makes them solid before they even get to storyboarding the films out. Except for some of their sequels, which are complete bollocks even before they're conceived.
The only things that Disney created originally is it's own cast of characters they manipulate in story and character-driven short films.
True, very true, and I have no argument here. However, because of Guybrush's lack of stature compared to the rest of the cast, and how he's always being pushed around for comedic sake, I don't see him being insanely jealous. A little annoyed at how things don't go his way, yes, because it's necessary.
However because of his condition and how it affects his thinking, I'd assume his jealousy is not coming from the same place as it normally would. Because one can draw the line between jealousy under the influence of something else, and pure rivalry - I'd say Guybrush is more of the former.
You know, I think I'm starting to really like the human LeChuck, so I for one would be kinda sad if he was to return to his zombie form by the end of ToMI.
But I'd love to see good LeChuck and evil LeChuck becoming two separate characters. For instance, by the end of ToMI, the pox could become an evil voodoo loa incarnation of evil LeChuck, while good LeChuck would remain human and change his name to Captain Charles or something.
But I guess it's not gonna happen.
Well, if he's really still evil, then it might not be that sad. There are a lot of moments where he seems to be holding back his anger but contains it with mild comments: "If I wanted to murder you I would just throw you off this cliff." Things like that.
She did say he didn't even try to marry her ever since he turned human. I guess that means that human LeChuck is NOT the same human LeChuck Elaine knew in the past. Otherwise she wouldn't like him that much, I think.
And I don't think that Elaine liking LeChuck is kind of a spell or something... however... it IS strange that out of all poxed people, Elaine seems to be the only one who's unaware that she's sick.
What I mean though, is LeChuck was this fearsome pirate who only became even more terrifying in death. Elaine has had more experience of him than Guybrush and clearly despised him previously. It just seems weird and inconsistent that while Guybrush is still suspicious, Elaine has done a complete U-turn and is now pretty taken with the 'new and improved' LeChuck.
I know she says something about keeping an eye on him at the end of ep. 2 but that seemed a bit ambiguous as to whether she doesn't totally trust him or just wants to spend more time with him.
I was just replaying the first Secret of Monkey Island... when you say you'll browse the store, the store owner says 'Okay, but don't put your lips on anything.'
The peg leged pirate didnt know either
1) I bet Morgan LeFlay will get ahold of the engagement ring... leading to Elaine going pyscho at Guybrush
2) If Elaine is evil now, she might end up trying to kill Guybrush at one point, thus prompting Morgan to save Guybrush by engaging in a cat fight with Elaine
Ooooh lala
"But four young Oysters hurried up,
All eager for the treat:
Their coats were brushed, their faces washed,
Their shoes were clean and neat--
And this was odd, because, you know,
They hadn't any feet."
Somehow, this is all it reminded me of. Walrus and the Carpenter and tiny oyster shoes.
In the days where every Disney film was brilliant and filled with that Disney magic from start to finish...
If someone tells you to trust them more than once, it usually means you can't trust them.
If anything it'll be Guybrush's lack of trust in Elaine that will lead to them breaking up...and it's entirely possible with Ron Gilbert's input.
Don't forget though that because Elaine has more experience of what Lechuck used to be like, she is able to see a much more dramatic change in him than Guybrush can.
Not to mention Guybrush is insanely jealous of Lechuck for the time being. He's bound to be hateful and suspicious of him. Jealousy tends to have that affect
I think the idea is that all the voodoo curses performed by Lechuck over the years is what made him so twisted and evil in the first place.
Then when Guybrush stabbed him with the cutlass, all the evil within Lechuck manifested itself as the pox, infecting the whole Caribbean but leaving the zombie fella as a fairly normal (and genuinely nice) human being.
Anyone else get that impression?
I'm not sure whether or not I like an explanation as to why Lechuck is/was evil. I kinda preferred the idea that he was just being a git
Not that it's affecting my enjoyment of the game one bit. I just find myself comparing stories of old to new
this reminds me of that.
maybe the pox is Elaine's career change and she thinks she can do better than Guybrush?
(please don't take this as sexist, I'm just restating a possible cause)
But we all know Guybrush is infected with some sort of disease, and they're still on the same playing level.
However, Elaine has always been the independent type, and never been with Guybrush during the games (as far as I can remember). They've always worked "apart" but for the same goals. I'm sure there are other things that might come into play here, primary her distraction with LeChuck rather than being cured for her disease. She's seeming to put the monkey issue before her own problems. Hmmm...
It's our own little version of "Desparate Housewives" or "Bachelorette". So shhh!
Just see what McGillicutty says about the sponge.
What do you mean by that?
McGillicutty says that the sponge needs to be destroyed so the pox can stay around. It's a great physical enhancement for the pirates, to appear more mean, as well as the obvious mental changes. However, this curse and the ill-tempered side-effects are exactly what Guybrush has been trying to defeat.
Guybrush's point of view might change in these episodes, whether or not he accepts the pox. He might accept it willingly or it just might warp his perspective. The same might happen with Elaine, but her perspective might change so she would enjoy LeChuck's company.
I don't see Guybrush being the jealous type but he certainly has developed an even more sensitive ego. He slips up once in the second chapter, but Elaine seems to be more susceptible to the curse.
However, in either case, I'm sure Elaine does not feel the same as McGillicutty about the sponge. She might not be as interested as she is about saving the monkeys, but I'm sure she recognizes she has some form of the pox, and it needs to be cured.
I bring up the issue regarding career promotion in jest. The pox may make her feel more powerful, but does she really need it?
Guybrush's attitude towards LeChuck can be expected, as he's been the nemesis in every chapter of the game's series. But his aggressive and self-centered nature seems to be affected more by the pox. Will this affect Guybrush and Elaine, and will they turn into zombified pirates for the remainder of the series?
I think it would be an interesting plot twist for LeChuck to actually save the two of them, due to his love for Elaine. However, I think that's something the writers are already trying to decide upon (or already have). :rolleyes:
He also says that the sponge and Guybrush stand in the way of the next step in the evolution of Pirating.
the Analogy made by the poster I was quoting equated Elaine having the pox as something empowering. McGillycutty also said that this was true.
I'd say yes. The Telltale team have been putting as much sexual induendo in thess episodes as they can get away with. I mean could they get any more obvious with the name Jerkbait Islands?! I'm surprised the Merfolk weren't called Seamen.
One important thing to note is that LeChuck is aware of his past. He even jokes about it with Guybrush saying that it was much easier killing people until he got what he wanted. I don't see how it's possible for him to retain his memory but also become good. I don't think LeChuck planned any of this either. He is taking advantage of the situation though. I think his new objective is to extract all of the Voodoo that has been sucked up by the Sponge.
Disney only adapted the tale... it isn't an actual Disney-original.
My bet is Guybrush would screw LeChuck by somehow infecting him back with the pox and for doing this Elaine's going to leave him.
He even annoys Elaine by being so untrusting of her, during their first conversation after being reunited.
Not to mention when Elaine tells Guybrush to give Lechuck instructions on her plan, he decides to take the heroic part while lumbering his former nemesis with distracting one of the ships.
You could look at that part as a matter of ego I guess but when has Guybrush ever willingly put himself in danger other than for own personal gain? Even in this episode he's quite ready to leave when the island is under attack.
He's also funny about Elaine wanting to stay and help Lechuck find the monkeys near the end. Whether you think he has reason to be or not he's most definately jealous.
I'm still betting that Lechuck activates the sponge which in turn some how 're-infects' him.
As much fun as human Lechuck is there's no way he's going to remain a good guy by the end of the season. The outrage would be diabolical amongst hardcore fans :eek:
Um, all of Disney's feature films are adaptations. This is what makes them solid before they even get to storyboarding the films out. Except for some of their sequels, which are complete bollocks even before they're conceived.
The only things that Disney created originally is it's own cast of characters they manipulate in story and character-driven short films.
True, very true, and I have no argument here. However, because of Guybrush's lack of stature compared to the rest of the cast, and how he's always being pushed around for comedic sake, I don't see him being insanely jealous. A little annoyed at how things don't go his way, yes, because it's necessary.
However because of his condition and how it affects his thinking, I'd assume his jealousy is not coming from the same place as it normally would. Because one can draw the line between jealousy under the influence of something else, and pure rivalry - I'd say Guybrush is more of the former.
Also, it's happened in many stories in which a woman initially doesn't like someone but ends up falling in love with them later (Princess Leia and Han Solo being a prime example), and with the attentions she was getting from all the pirates at the time she probably automatically rejected everyone regardless, and got really forceful with LeChuck when he started to get too irritating. Maybe now, with the situation being different, she might actually fall for him...
As for LeChuck, first off he might have been nice AND a fearsome pirate! The real-life Blackbeard was a fearsome pirate but he was also loved by his crew, it's more a case of how your enemies view you really. As for whether he's nice or still evil, I really need to watch that scene again involving him talking to the monkey in ep2, but I wonder if maybe parts of him are split off into the monkeys? Sort of like what someone else said, his evil went into them, and maybe he lost some of his capability too, but is able to regain them when they are near? Hence why the monkey was with him when he was trying to work out the clam, he needed the extra skill locked in it to try and work out the puzzle and why he suddenly changes expression (the evil leaving him as the monkey moves away) when Guybrush comes near?
Also, anyone else wonder where he might have got the part of the key he had from?...
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TNEFpngqStA - Look at his expression at 7:23
Cheers Hayden, I'll take a look at the clip once I get home, at work at the mo so not in a good position to watch it yet.
Hehe, no problem!
I see what you mean about not seeing Guybrush as the jealous type now. I meant I could see him as the jealous type when it came to romance rather than overall.
I disagree his jealousy was born from his condition though. I think that's just Guybrush
I mean Elaine is paying Lechuck a lot of attention, I assume he's meant to be good looking within the Monkey Island Universe, he's playing the hero now and to boot he's Guybrush's number 1 enemy.
I think his jealousy is understandable, even though I personally think he should just get over it and trust his wife more. I'm not convinced that it's the influence of the pox.
We shall see
It's not really definite until he does something evil. But yeah it looks like they're hinting he is with that expression...though it seems a little too obvious...I say they're bluffing
But it wouldn't make a lot of sense if he was still evil, he could've hatched that plan with a 'good looking' disguise at any point. Not to mention it would imply that the pox only affected him physically and not psychologically like it has the infected pirates.
I'm sticking with the idea he's a good guy :cool:
His whisper to the monkey is intriguing though, not sure what the hell that could mean, though does anyone think he seems to be standing wierdly while he whispers?
True - Severus Snape was hinting he's evil all the time and at the end... I belive he's good now.
Dying to save them due to love for Elaine sounds like Snape too
That's why I said "...and at the end". You'll still be surprised after what we said : )
His voice just fits him so perfectly. More Characters of that quality would be so nice.
Oh, yes! I love the voice. When Episode 1 was just came alot of fans had a problem with the lack of Earl Boen, the original LeChuck voice. Now that I played Episode 2 I can safely say the new voice actor does an amasing job. It's just awesome acting and the voice fits the character really, really well.
I agree, but it's interesting that the voice actor voicing the human LeChuck is different from the one voicing the zombie LeChuck in the prologue of chapter 1. I wonder why they have two separate actors for the same character. I guess the guy doing his undead form couldn't do a good human LeChuck voice.
But I'd love to see good LeChuck and evil LeChuck becoming two separate characters. For instance, by the end of ToMI, the pox could become an evil voodoo loa incarnation of evil LeChuck, while good LeChuck would remain human and change his name to Captain Charles or something.
But I guess it's not gonna happen.
Lilo & Stitch was great
Well, if he's really still evil, then it might not be that sad. There are a lot of moments where he seems to be holding back his anger but contains it with mild comments: "If I wanted to murder you I would just throw you off this cliff." Things like that.