A minor Force Awakens rant
If you have not seen Star Wars Episode VII which is unlikely because everyone and his mother has seen Star Wars EP7 and the hole franchise I can talk about this without spoiler warning EXCEPT if I talk about EP8.
I am a Star Wars fan, I like the movies I like the games and watch Star Wars explained videos everyday because I just think it's fun to listen and watch... So forgive me for my LITTLE rant here I use caps lock because Star Wars fans can be really poisen in my expierence.
I have seen EP7 5 times three times in Cinema and two times at home and I really like the movie even though it copy pastes EP4.
But the writing is kinda shit at times and huge shit at times.
The First Order
I had no fucking idea where the hell these people come from like at all I thought the Empire was defeated 30 years ago and suddenly the Empire is back with a new name and leader with better weapons WHERE DID THEY COME FROM? WHY ARE THEY CALLED THE FIRST ORDER?
I need a Star Wars lore guy or girl on this SOOOOO this is Lukes lightsaber but how can a lightsaber survive miles I mean freaking miles of height?
Starkiller base
How does that thing function how did they make it?
Rey thinks the Jedi are a myth?
Oke does the entire galaxy believe that the Jedi never really existed? I know Disney tries to ignore the prequels in the upcoming movies but they still consider it canon so how does this make sense? Palpatine declared the Jedi the enemy of the Empire 30 YEARS AGO, the Jedi fought on hundred kind of planets during the clone wars 30 YEARS AGO.
So how does this make sense at all?
This fucking guy!
I want to point out that the first time I saw Kylo Ren I thought for a second that Disney wanted Darth Revan as a villian in the movie... But it's not Darth Revan it's the biggest Darth Vader fanboy in the Star Wars galaxy who has problems so his mommy and daddy send him to Luke because Luke is... A therapist? I don't fucking know! get's trained by Luke, kills his students that we never see on screen.
Get his ass kicked by Rey who never used a lightsaber before even though Kylo should know more about jedi fight styles because there are multiple and one of them was mentioned in Star Wars Rebels S1.
Not only that but Disney says Star Wars Knights of the old republic series is no longer canon so we give Kylo the Darth Revan fucking robes and a ancient lightsaber WONDERFUL WRITING (Sarcasm).
Look I like this movie but I can't point out the mistakes or dumb ass things in the movie with my friends because they just believe everything is perfect beside the prequels and I am a bitch according to them.
I haven't seen the movie in a long time btw
I never watched it this far.
To me the true story ended with the 6th.
I agree with some of your points here, but I actually really like the character of Kylo Ren. It's nice to not get a dark, tall, brooding villain who is immensely evil. It's refreshing to have a villain who acts like a spoiled, bratty kid.
I understand the criticisms of this. This movie is not even better than Revenge of the Sith in my opinion.
The First Order is the Disney version of the Imperial Remnant, when Disney bought star wars they made a lot of the lore and content non-cannon including the Imperial Remnant, since Disney wanted to continue Star War in the future, they needed a villain like the Imperial Remnant so they created the First Order.
Assuming the First Order controlled the planet shortly after the fall of the Empire, they most likey built it in the span of 30 years, most likey using the labor of already subjugated peoples (like the Empire before it) and its own manpower, though it is highly unlikely that a project of that size would be completable in such short time frame, that is something you will have to bother Disney about. It functions using dark energy that is present in the universe, it is fueled by stars in a way you might compare to Goku's spirit-bomb.
When the movie takes place it is 30 years after the fall of the Empire so it is a long time since the galaxy saw massive battles involving dozens of Jedi. Since the end of the clone wars and destruction of most of the Jedi, most people believed that the Jedi no longer existed until Luke Skywalker and even after the establishment of the New Republic the Jedi still weren't important enough to people since they weren't as their presence wasn't as strong like in the previous Republic so people didnt really care. Again with the 2nd destruction of the Jedi most people believed the Jedi to be a myth at that point since their were no Jedi (except Luke) that survived and the Jedi like i said before didnt really have a strong presence in the New Republic so the Jedi simply just became a myth.
Like you said this movie is a copy and paste job of episode 4 so they need a Darth Vader "fan-boy" to fill the role, though I cant explain how he lost so easily, I'll just say that they made it out so the light side is way stronger than the dark so Rey can unlock the light side and win when she fully grasps the force.
It really looks like you're getting mad just for the sake of being mad honestly.
The Empire is HUGE and it spans multiple galaxies. You cut off one head and another will take its place.
It's a planet that they turned into a weapon. It's literally easier to explain Starkiller bases construction than the Death Star.
The Jedi went into hiding for decades after Revenge of the Sith and by A New Hope people were already thinking the Jedi were a myth as evidenced by Han Solo not believing Kenobi's Jedi powers. By the end of Return of the Jedi only Luke remained. He tried to restart the Jedi council by himself in an isolated area and it failed miserably. So it makes perfect sense that not everyone believes the Jedi are real.
Kylo Ren's character is that he's TRYING to be the next Vader. He fucking worships him to the point where he's talking to the melted helmet of his grandfather. Disney knows they can probably never make a character as awesome as Vader so they went with the next best thing. He's "whiny" because he's young and emotional. He's conflicted in his feeling and that's what makes him interesting.
Kylo got shot by Chewie's bowcaster. Meat is GONE. You can see throughout the fight with Finn and Rey that he keeps hitting the area he got shot at. Then Finn manages to also cut him up a bit and the same goes for Rey. Plus as mentioned by Snoke, Kylo isn't fully trained yet. Also Rey has lived alone all her life and has been shown to be quite good at fighting with her staff.
Of course Rey thinks the Jedi are a myth, she has been an orphan isolated in a desert just trying to survive for the majority of her life. Chances are she's never even seen people who've been claimed to be Jedi.
While I agree that sending Kylo Ren to Luke wasn't a smart idea, I do get why they would--he won a war, he's a Jedi, he's a close and trusted friend, they probably thought he could pull lightsabers out of his ass for all we know.
Eh, it's a flawed movie, but at least it's well executed and mostly makes sense, unlike the prequels.
How can they make a planet a death star in 30 years?
Plot i guess, like i said that is something you'd have to ask Disney. It is possible that the Empire may have started construction but based on the what i have read it began under the First Order and managed to build it in 30 years.
Eh, even if the dialogues aren't good, Revenge of the Sith has more memorable moments than The Force Awakens.
Well, it has more memes, that's for sure. Memorable in a good way? Not so much.
The opening sequence, Order 66, Anakin VS Obi-Wan etc. No matter how bad they are, you can never forget those moments after watching them for the first time.
Yeah well, you could say the same thing about TFA opening (Kylo's attack on the Jakku village), Kylo killing Han, and the Kylo vs. Rey duel in the forest. To mention few scenes from TFA I'd definitely call memorable.
Is it copy paste of episode 4? yes. but it is well acted, well shot and the experience of seeing it in a packed theater midnight release sitting next to a pretty danm good Princess Leia cosplay wont be topped anytime soon.
The movie is competently made and far outshines the prequels (obviously), but it still lacks that Star Wars charm. The tone of the movie is always either far too serious or not serious enough, not to mention it has a lot of reused plot points from A New Hope and Empire. However it's a nice movie with some fantastic visuals, wonderful music and some really good CGI/Effects. Hopefully The Last Jedi can break from the mold a bit and differentiate itself from the original trilogy while still keeping that Star Wars magic.
sometimes i wish i could unsee the youngling's voice acting... i still have the nightmares.
First Order: According to the lore, the remnants of the Empire fled to the Unknown Region, basically a region in space that is uncharted and thus they are able to hide themselves. There they grow strong and powerful enough to challenge the good guys again. This is pretty much the standard routine in Star Wars. Bad guy gets defeated, goes hiding and come back as a badass only to get defeated and we start that circle all over again.
Starkiller Base: According to the lore/wiki, the planet of Starkiller Base was the same planet where the Empire mined to get those crystal for the Death Star. The First Order eventually found the planet and used it as their unofficial HQ. I don't know how they are able to build an entire planet-sized weapon, but considering this is a setting with droids and advanced technology and fantasy, it is not out there that they managed to built it.
Kylo Ren: Admittingly, at first I did not like Kylo Ren. But my opinion on him got better over time. He hide his insecurity behind a mask of fear and power. He is a rather refreshing type of villain. We are used to seeing confident, insane and arrogant villain, but not one who is this insecure and conflicted. As for the lightsaber fight, don't forget that Kylo Ren was wounded when Chewie shot him in the stomach and he was visibly bleeding during the final part of the movie. He was unfocused and unstable due to having just murdered his father. So, it was believable that Rey managed to defeat him.
But ultimately, I don't really care that the movie was a copy-paste of Episode 4. I enjoyed the movie when I saw it. My first experience of it was good. So why should I care so much about its flaws when I really love what the movie did right.
You mean the horrible duel between Anakin and Obi-Wan...the one that was so fucking stupid it ruined what should have been a major moment in the story.
I dunno what you're talking about. It pulled the best stunts out of all the lightsaber battles. Anakin and Obi-Wan vs Dooku from Episode 2 was the worst one.
It's a safe, bland film that should have taken way more chances with the liscence.
It gets the job done as a movie since the prequels couldn't do that, but it doesn't feel as rich or inspired as the OT and it tries so hard to be.
Oh AronDracula, let me explain to you why you are so wrong in even liking that fight, let alone any of the prequel crap fights.
When they fought it was like they were running all over Mustafar in some kind of elaborate dance that just happened to involve lightsabres. Any drama the fight might of had was pounded out of it by the 10th minute and there were many more minutes to go. Fighting on the droids over the lava field? That was needless and lets face it...just dumb.
Compare this to the fight in at the end of VII...There was no pussy footing around or wasted minutes just to show off eye candy. It was a fight between a half trained conflicted force user who had taken a bow caster shot to the abdomen like a fucking boss and someone who was used to having to fight to survive on a daily basis...who also just might be a Skywalker or Solo or even another Jedi's offspring who used her anger to defeat Kylo, who by the way wanted to save her to train her.
Now the fight at the end of Sith....here is how it should have gone down...
Obi-wan sneaks on the Padme's ship and when they get to the base, he locks her in and goes to confront Anakin.
Anakin is meditating on a overhang that looks out onto a Lava ocean.
A: Master, I felt you coming here.
O: Anakin...
A: All these years, Master...me at your side...
O: Why?
A: For her.
O: Padme loves you Anakin, but Palpatine....
A: Yes, all this time and no one saw it...All of the Council's knowledge and all of their skill...their arrogance. I know what he is...but with his knowledge I will keep Padme alive!
O: What are you talking about Anakin, she is alive and well.
A: Never mind Master. (Anakin stands up fully his hand on his lightsabre) I have lost too much and done too much to turn back now....
O: I loved you as a brother Anakin...but the younglings...the temple...you killed those children!
A: I followed the council most of my life Obi-wan...what did it ever get me? I couldn't save my mother, was not allowed to go to her. I was told that love is forbidden. I cannot walk that path anymore my Master...my friend...and to keep the Galaxy safe and free of conflict...(tears start running down his face as his emotions war within him) and to keep her and my child safe...yes...I killed them.
On Padme's ship she has a view of them both and is listening in on their conversation...she falls back into her seat...her life devastated as Her Anakin just admitted to using her as an excuse to kill the jedi children.
A: You should go Master...(Anakin ignites his sabre, the pale blue blade feebly casting a light across Anakin's face as the red glow of Mustafar seemingly pushes it away)
O: (Ignites his sabre...the cool blue light fully illuminating his face) I will always love you Anakin. (He blocks Anakin's initial strike)
See...a scene done like this...would have been more impactful than that overblown dance number we got. The lightsabre fights in StarWars are less about the combat and more about the reason behind the fight. Much like how TWD is more about scenes of people sitting around a campfire getting to know each other than actually fighting zombies.
If all you appreciate is the fight...then you miss the point of the battle. And that is why Revenge of the Sith is such a fucking failure along with the rest of the prequels.