The Walking Dead Season 4: Play as AJ?

Its good to play as some other characters so what about aj, season 4 is very likely to come out soon. we should be able to play as a ? year old, he is maybe around 4 but still i think its possible
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Bruh, what have you been smokin' that you think playing TWD as a 4 year old character is in anyway a good idea.
They will most likely not go past the current timeline of the comics so playing as AJ when he is older is also unlikely.
Not if you consider 2 years 'soon'.
"season 4 is very likely to come out soon"source???
play as aj
a zombie comes near you
triangle: (shit yo pants)
square: (cry)
cross: (stare)
circle: (...)
Y: (poopy yo' pants)
A: (Stare)
X: (Cry)
B: (...)
These kinds of topics are the main reason why TWD screwed up badly
-Make Clem lesbian
-Ship Clem with Luke or Javier
-Play as a 2 year old kid
-Force characters to be LGBT person.
-Force Clem to drive a car and a motorcycle to make her more badass and cool even she doesnt know how(Jane and Alone endings)
I really don't want to play as AJ even slightly. We already played as a kid, I don't think we need to play as a toddler. It would be way too silly imo.
Yeah they better not make Clem a lesbian!
Yeah, and in season 5 we'll play as fucking sperm.
If they do her bisexual as well, I am done.
If Telltale could not even hit adult characters in ANF, imagine with children ...
I think the fans on the forums should put aside their opinions, and discuss things that we can all agree one for once, and even if one set of people can't agree we make it sound good enough so they will. That means minus the pointless threads, minus the arguments, and chances are that telltale would listen and we will get our dream season, not as good as season 1 but hopefully better than season 2.
No doesn't work in the timeline we can't go ahead of the comics
Anf takes place in a timeskip of the comics. Maggie was preggo before the timeskip and her baby can talk and walk after the timeskip. So I think it works. But playing as a fucking 4 year old would be stupid.