If you went on a Date with any (Telltale Game) Charater who would it be?
I know what you think...(DORK ALERT) Guilty as Charged I just had this on my mind, which (Telltale Game) Character would you go on a Date?
Me personally...in my list
- Carley
- Fiona
- Sasha
- Lily (If Larry doesn't punch me in the face)!!
*Kate (If David or Javi don't kill me)Sam from the Michone mini series
- Yvette
Which character would you go on a Date let me know on the comments bellow.
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Rueben or Collin XD
I would totally go on a date with LoaderBot
Christa or Sasha
Definitely Sasha (sorry Rhys).
Kate and Fiona
Alvin be like:
'He a boy, dawg!'
I think I would love to date Elaena.
A part of me want to say Talia, but that's more of a strong unselfish emotional platonic love.
Kate or Fiona. I love dirty stoner chicks.
I want gabes 2 inch Co**
Bigby Wolf! He's a good boy.
Aren't you being a little generous with 2 inches?
I'm just feeling kinda hor**
Gared Forrester
Incoming people lamenting Reuben's death.
I would go with Talia Forrester
What kind of good boy? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
My idea of Perfect Date is paint graffitti, steal and pickpocket someone and drive like crazy at night with First Aid Kit music playing in the background so definetly Fiona.
Wow, real forward. You mean business ma'am.
Talia or Mira from GoT. Or the other handmaiden, I've forgotten her name (clearly it's true love).
Sheesh basment dweller alert!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
definitely Duck
Luke, Rhys, and maybe Asher (although honestly it's kind of hard to pick between him and Rodrik).
I just find Toad so irresistibly hot
I can't believe no-one went with Omid! Who doesn't love a guy with a good heart and a sense of humor?
...but I'd go with Axel, cuz I've been WAITING to get to flirt with him and Omid's taken.
Beskha but I fear she might chop my dick off.
Let's start with first game I ever played (TWD, my friend was nice enough to mess with a save file of his) and then, with the rest.
TWD: Lee, Mark, Ben
TWD 2: Luke, Nick, Carlos (don't shame me ;~;)
TWD: 400 days: Vincent, clearly Vincent, Vincent all the way
TWD: Michonne: Michonne
TWDANF: Javier (saw a guy that looked like him a few days ago, and I was like "OMG HOT"), Gabe
GoT: Gared, Cotter, Finn, Asher, definitely Asher (dat monkey grin )
TfTB: Rhys, Vaughn, August
Mcsm: Axel, Reuben the Usher, the green-eyed male Jesse
Basically, I'd date almost every male character, if you give me the chance.
Talia is like 13.
It's all about V.
Wow don't get me wrong!!
V like vendetta, vegetables, vase, vanilla,..... )))
Rodrick or Bigby Wolf. Maybe Rhys, because duh, look at dat socks.
Kate or Javier. They're cool.
Samantha Fairbanks
sam is hot
Dude her appearance tells you so much things
she's also hot headed you know