The Stranger is my favorite villain in the entire game series. He's a guy you absolutely despise, but at the same time you understand why he is the way he is.
Game - Carver, with Norma (and Randall) in a very close second
Comic - Negan
Show - Governor (better than comic Gov in just about ever… morey way, except the sheer impact comic Gov caused to the characters)
Spin-off show - Walker (short-lived so far, but already one of the more intimidating and interesting antagonists of the franchise)
Overall - Comic Negan
B can't just become A. Think of all the spelling errors we would have to deal with. He is a total asshole though. Maybe he was famous before shit went down? I buy the trades so I'm a few issues behind.
Beta is cooler than every other villain. He's so mysterious. why did him and Alpha wear roamer skin? this question is a spoiler for the comi… morecs Why didn't he call himself Alpha after Alpha died? Why doesn't he want people to see his face? Why is he such an asshole?
Carver was the most charismatic TWD villain we've seen in any of the games, TV shows, or comics, in my opinion. His scenes with Clem in episode 3 were among the best in S2. He didn't have any problems slapping Clem around, but he also saw her as a potential heir to his kingdom. Carver was the only character in S2 who knew Clem was more than she appeared the moment he first set eyes on her.
Yeah, though I favored Brenda specifically because she wasn't evil at all but rather a Greyish Blue-and-Orange in a way and just seemed to be a naturally pleasant person forced into a role she isn't that comfortable with by her family values for the sake of survival.
Danny is kinda fascinating for being as opposite as he could get, seemingly the closest to a truly vile individual Season 1 had due to how legitimately sick he was. Though Andy is kinda boring in comparison for being something of a middleground and feeling like he becomes more transparent the more I revisited the episode.
I was wondering if anyone was gonna pick one of the St. John's, they were pretty decent villains despite only lasting one episode.
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Carver was the most charismatic TWD villain we've seen in any of the games, TV shows, or comics, in my opinion. His scenes with Clem in epis… moreode 3 were among the best in S2. He didn't have any problems slapping Clem around, but he also saw her as a potential heir to his kingdom. Carver was the only character in S2 who knew Clem was more than she appeared the moment he first set eyes on her.
Randall from TWD Michonne. He's a fucking monster and I love him for it. All hail Randall!
But as for someone else, I'd say Merle Dixon from the TV series (before he became good guy, of course).
Are you calling him a villain because he get strained with Clem about Sarita's death ? You are judging his actions because he lost all of his loved ones. But still, he is looking out for AJ and Clem. Apologized later, anyway. He is still the family man we've met in season 1. Dont see any reason to make him a villain since he wasnt a threat to group.
Carver is a good villain but he has a psychotic way. Pushing Reggie down the floor cause he is weak of character ? Kenny would never do such thing. Ben was weak of character but he was with Ben and never suggested to kick him out or execute him because of his weakness. Kenny is a protective family man.
Kenny's a bitch and I don't have time for little bitchs like him, He has no reason to beat up that russian kid and he shouldn't have started a fight with Jane, I agree what she did was wrong but Kenny should have let her explain herself and he's should have let the group vote for what happens next, Kenny has to remember he doesn't speak for everyone, also Kenny to blame for Luke's death if he just took it easy on the russian kid he wouldn't have ran.
Anyway I respect you view on Kenny, I hope you respect my too :•)
Are you calling him a villain because he get strained with Clem about Sarita's death ? You are judging his actions because he lost all of hi… mores loved ones. But still, he is looking out for AJ and Clem. Apologized later, anyway. He is still the family man we've met in season 1. Dont see any reason to make him a villain since he wasnt a threat to group.
Carver is a good villain but he has a psychotic way. Pushing Reggie down the floor cause he is weak of character ? Kenny would never do such thing. Ben was weak of character but he was with Ben and never suggested to kick him out or execute him because of his weakness. Kenny is a protective family man.
Kenny's a bitch and I don't have time for little bitchs like him, He has no reason to beat up that russian kid and he shouldn't have started… more a fight with Jane, I agree what she did was wrong but Kenny should have let her explain herself and he's should have let the group vote for what happens next, Kenny has to remember he doesn't speak for everyone, also Kenny to blame for Luke's death if he just took it easy on the russian kid he wouldn't have ran.
Anyway I respect you view on Kenny, I hope you respect my too :•)
No reason? Then who is responsible for sending his russian friends to attack Clem's group? Clem almost died because of Arvo, why would he be calm to someone who almost got them killed?
Kenny to blame for Luke's death if he just took it easy on the russian kid he wouldn't have ran.
Bullshit. Arvo would have done that anyway because he tricked them into using the lake to get across instead of the ground nearby. Also, if anything, you have no one to blame but Luke himself because instead of staying in cover until the attackers run out of ammo, he decided to go for another cover to shoot Vitali which caused him to get shot, causing his own death for being an idiot.
Kenny's a bitch and I don't have time for little bitchs like him, He has no reason to beat up that russian kid and he shouldn't have started… more a fight with Jane, I agree what she did was wrong but Kenny should have let her explain herself and he's should have let the group vote for what happens next, Kenny has to remember he doesn't speak for everyone, also Kenny to blame for Luke's death if he just took it easy on the russian kid he wouldn't have ran.
Anyway I respect you view on Kenny, I hope you respect my too :•)
He has no reason to beat up that russian kid
No reason? Then who is responsible for sending his russian friends to attack Clem's gro… moreup? Clem almost died because of Arvo, why would he be calm to someone who almost got them killed?
Kenny to blame for Luke's death if he just took it easy on the russian kid he wouldn't have ran.
Bullshit. Arvo would have done that anyway because he tricked them into using the lake to get across instead of the ground nearby. Also, if anything, you have no one to blame but Luke himself because instead of staying in cover until the attackers run out of ammo, he decided to go for another cover to shoot Vitali which caused him to get shot, causing his own death for being an idiot.
tries to leave Lee to die if you side against him once.
Just because that happens doesn't mean it happened to all the players who chose different decisions.
Yeah that also separates him from most of the other villains. You felt sorry for him.
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God bless you.
Nice list. There's a guy named Walker in the show?
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Never heard of him. He a new villain? When was he in the comics?
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God bless you.
I think the Wolves from the TV show were pretty damn cool. I don't know if they were in the comics.
Yeah he is pretty cool.
B can't just become A. Think of all the spelling errors we would have to deal with. He is a total asshole though. Maybe he was famous before shit went down? I buy the trades so I'm a few issues behind.
Carver was the most charismatic TWD villain we've seen in any of the games, TV shows, or comics, in my opinion. His scenes with Clem in episode 3 were among the best in S2. He didn't have any problems slapping Clem around, but he also saw her as a potential heir to his kingdom. Carver was the only character in S2 who knew Clem was more than she appeared the moment he first set eyes on her.
Yeah the stranger was good, and the series governor did pretty well. (as well did Negan).
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God bless you.
True, he was one of the few villains you felt extremely sorry for.
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God bless you.
Never played Michonne so don't know who he is.
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God bless you.
To be fair, he also gets people killed and tries to leave Lee to die if you side against him once.
Yeah, though I favored Brenda specifically because she wasn't evil at all but rather a Greyish Blue-and-Orange in a way and just seemed to be a naturally pleasant person forced into a role she isn't that comfortable with by her family values for the sake of survival.
Danny is kinda fascinating for being as opposite as he could get, seemingly the closest to a truly vile individual Season 1 had due to how legitimately sick he was. Though Andy is kinda boring in comparison for being something of a middleground and feeling like he becomes more transparent the more I revisited the episode.
Never played Michonne but yeah Negan seemed pretty cool as villains. I mean it takes guts to risk your arm getting shot just to flip off your enemies.
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God bless you.
Actually, Sarah, Luke, Bonnie, and Jane also had vaguely similar thoughts.
Never played Michonne. I was wondering if someone would pick Merle.
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God bless you.
They picked a great actor to play him based on what I've seen.
Yeah mine too. He was like the best of the Governor and Negan.
Thank you for the comment.
God bless you.
Kenny that's a new one?
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God bless you.
Yeah Negan from what I've seened was legit. Never played Michonne.
Thank you for the comment.
God bless you.
Yeah they picked a good actor to portray him.
Thank you for the comment.
God bless you.
God bless you too :•)
Hey, I remember you. I watched one of your videos pre ANF and you said you thought Lee might have been alive. Anyways Norma
Damn. Never seen him look so menacing
Show - Negan
Comics - the Governor
Games - Carver
Yeah he's new, the show hasn't got to that part yet. He is the leader of the whisperers. Used to be second in command.
Damn right. Look at this charisma and evil at the same time.
Games:Kenny Tv Show:Negan Comics:Negan Fear:Troy Otto
Are you calling him a villain because he get strained with Clem about Sarita's death ? You are judging his actions because he lost all of his loved ones. But still, he is looking out for AJ and Clem. Apologized later, anyway. He is still the family man we've met in season 1. Dont see any reason to make him a villain since he wasnt a threat to group.
Carver is a good villain but he has a psychotic way. Pushing Reggie down the floor cause he is weak of character ? Kenny would never do such thing. Ben was weak of character but he was with Ben and never suggested to kick him out or execute him because of his weakness. Kenny is a protective family man.
Kenny's a bitch and I don't have time for little bitchs like him, He has no reason to beat up that russian kid and he shouldn't have started a fight with Jane, I agree what she did was wrong but Kenny should have let her explain herself and he's should have let the group vote for what happens next, Kenny has to remember he doesn't speak for everyone, also Kenny to blame for Luke's death if he just took it easy on the russian kid he wouldn't have ran.
Anyway I respect you view on Kenny, I hope you respect my too :•)
I respect yours too. Everyone doesnt have to look the full side of the cup.
I have never thought a person could call him a villain, though.
Man... I don't know. Carver maybe? Or Randall or the Governor from TV show. Hmm...

Naah, Negan from comics is my favourite of all TWD villains.
No reason? Then who is responsible for sending his russian friends to attack Clem's group? Clem almost died because of Arvo, why would he be calm to someone who almost got them killed?
Bullshit. Arvo would have done that anyway because he tricked them into using the lake to get across instead of the ground nearby. Also, if anything, you have no one to blame but Luke himself because instead of staying in cover until the attackers run out of ammo, he decided to go for another cover to shoot Vitali which caused him to get shot, causing his own death for being an idiot.
Just because that happens doesn't mean it happened to all the players who chose different decisions.
It's agree to disagree :•)
I suppose everyone has a different Kenny :•)
Great scott.
Dat butt crack doh. And why does that man's jacket look so familiar?