What was cut from ANF?
I'm seeing a lot of people talking about "cut content", and Telltale saying it didn't feel "authentic enough". I noticed that the slaughterhouse is just gone (and let's be honest, they clearly made a 2 hour episode and split it into two for that money). But what else is cut?
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A lot of dialogues, the story was changed alot. Clementine and Javier were supposed to meet at a totally different place, slaughterhouse i believe. Kate was supposed to have a different name and also should have looked different. Lonnie got shot by Javier and there was also an animation where Max was trying to save him or something like that. Theres a video on Youtube that shows you pretty much everything. Just type in The walking dead ANF cut content or something.
Overall, I think the cut content was much better than the one we got in the end.
the ENTIRE story was rewritten
All the good shit
. @IronWoodLover (lol) had a thread dedicated to documenting it a little while ago, but off the top of my head:
Marianna was always in the story, but was mostly written as Gabe's cousin through Hector and an unused sister of Javier named Anita. This was likely changed roughly during the voice recording process to make her death more personal for David. She was also always intended to die fairly early on in development, with the details as to why and how it affected the story/characters changing a few times. One such change involves her being shot in the throat and suffocating during the ambush by Badger, with Clementine/Javier having to put her down before they can bury her.
Kate was originally named Grace and her original model was likely reused as Huh-Chick(a Prescott citzen who is distressed by Eli's murder) and remodeled into Shades-Chick(one of Clint's personal guards) and TTB!Jane. This was most likely changed fairly late in the initial development to make her look more like someone Javier would be attracted to when they implemented the so-called love triangle, as Grace still shows up in a copy of the Episode 1 title card.
The game's coding script reveals that Javier originally had the option to cooperate with Max in the trailer, where he'd have his hands binded just to be safe but with the emphasized implication that they didn't intend to harm him, only escort presumably to what would eventually be Richmond. This was changed to have Lonnie find the other Garcias, forcing Javier to incriminate himself by attacking him.
Lonnie was supposed to get unintentionally(?) shot by Javier in either the ear or the neck in their struggle, forcing Max to put him before knocking out Javier. Badger is in this scene because he was originally supposed to be the one driving Javier to Richmond, but he was replaced with Rufus to allow Javier the option to shoot him and unknowingly establish his character in front of Clementine.
Clementine was originally supposed to be in the locked ambulance found in the junkyard, either hiding out there to presumably ambush Max or being imprisoned in there to begin with.
Max was originally supposed to presumably be in charge of the dummied out Slaughterhouse, where he was keeping Javier, Clementine, or both/neither captive alongside other villagers. He was supposed to get caught under a turnstile while fleeing some of the released Walker soldiers kept there, with Javier having the option to help him or not. Because the section was cut, he instead was kept around as a foil to Badger and was given the role of exposing the real villain to Javier in Above the Law, with the choice to spare him being implemented there instead.
Tripp/Prescott was originally supposed to be stricter and much harsher, as visitors were required to be checked for bites and hanging was a valid threat for discouraging troublemakers, who are then left hanging from the gates as walkers to deter herds and other threats. Clementine is even distressed about this after she kills Eli.
The game's coding script mentions that Francine originally supposed to betray Javier/Prescott at some point, with the fact that she doesn't get checked for bites by Tripp supposedly being a moment to foreshadow this.
Eleanor was originally designed as the long-lost daugher of Joan, who wasn't originally the main villain of the story. However, because her character apparently went through so many changes that this backstory no longer made sense, this reveal was never implemented into the game.
Ava was originally envisioned as a white/albino [dwarfish?] prison guard in charge of watching over The Specialist(the guard who attacks Gabe and stabs Javier in the armory), was originally supposed to provide an instance where Javier had to use his bilingual skills to communicate with him. Ava was at some point made black/dark-skinned and cast in a major role as David's answer to Clementine/Tripp.
Dr. Lingard was originally modeled for a character named Mason, who was to be the real villain manipulating Max and Badger into carrying out the raids. For whatever reason, the character was cut , with his role being given to Joan and his model was used to represent Dr. Lingard instead.
Thicker than Water and From the Gallows both went through heavy rewrites, with From the Gallows in particular having several dummied out choices and determinate factors excluded from the final product.
The group was originally taking refuge in David's House and the sewer system in front of it, where they were planning to launch a surprise attack to rescue David from Joan. This was scrapped in favor of taking advantage of Eleanor's perks by having them hide out in her new apartment instead.
And finally, there was almost certainly intended to be a multi-faceted civil war in Richmond, as the episode title cards from the final two episodes feature Clementine and Javier leading their own armies through the streets of Richmond. Above the Law has Max, Kate, David, Clementine, and "jesus" allude to potentially going to war and/or having followers/friends that can help them in it. And Above the Law also has one of Clint/Joan's personal guards(Shades-chick) determinantly show up at and disillusioned-ly leave the confrontation amongst the Council members if you tried to leave with Kate; this guard was confirmed in an AMA to be a friend of David's who was disturbed by the revelations regarding the raids who was planning on telling the others about what she heard.
Yeah I mean what in the actual fuck. Purposely sabotaging a decent game.
All the good stuff.
To elaborate:
In the early mock of the story (based on the E3 trailer), we know that their relationship in the game would be hostile, but they'd be dependant on each other. As "emotional anchors for each other" or something like that. They'd have a "common goal" in the season to reunite him, and as evidenced by the trailer's 'Just hold on' line, it could be to find their families. AJ for Clem, and Javi's family for Javi, as they were probably taken away.
There's lots more but I'm on my phone right now and I don't want to type a bunch. Those are just the main 3 ideas that were scrapped. There are other more minor things like name changes, fate changes, backstory changes and entire scene/freewalk changes.. But others can shed a light on that.
Oh yeah, I forgot about the Javier and Clementine stuff, which may or may not speak for the characters themselves.
Dude. This sounds fucking awesome. A multi-faceted civil war? With Clementine leading her own army and stuff? Oh my god, that's both uniqe and awesome. We've never had a multi-faceted civil war to begin with and so having something where
Clementine and Javier lead their own army to take over Richmond
David has his own army to take over Richmond for himself
Joan has her own army to take over Richmond for herself
Mason has his own army to defend/keep Richmond for himself
Think of how great this could be.
Gabe/Kate would have to choose whether to stick with Javier or stick with David.
David and Javier may have to butt heads.
If Eleanor was the long lost daughter of Joan, she'd have to choose as well.
Tripp/Conrad may not trust Clementine but have to work with her, or could betray her but also betray Javier
You could have the choice to take over Richmond for yourself or to possibly aid another group.
David wants liberty. Joan wants security. Mason wants stability.
All of which have their own pro's and con's.
If you stick with Mason, Richmond flourishes and is the best option economically and so on (of course you have to get rid of Mason in the process). But at what cost? You lead a blood ridden empire and Jesus could warn you that the Kingdom may not like this.
If you stick with Joan, you have security, the people are safer but they're not as happy as rationing comes into play and personal liberty is lost for safety. It could give Clementine flashbacks of Carver.
David wants liberty, people are happier and more free but death could be more rampant. People could get killed a lot more often, and though there are supplies and other communities are happier with you and are happier to help, you need to look after your people.
And what about you? Maybe you choose your own options
In fact that'd be so cool!
If at the end you give a stirring speech in the church to tell people what rules/laws/customs you'll allow and people react differently to it depending on your choices. Like if you killed Mason in cold blood and said that "You will never execute people, people can only be killed in self defense, typical punishment is being exiled" people may think you're a hypocrite for not exiling Mason and instead killing him.
Maybe at the end where it showcases relationships, it shows the type of Richmond that you built. Like:
You built a Richmond based upon:
and so on, before it describes what type of Clementine you got and your relationships.
The ending is different, with Clementine either escaping a war torn Richmond after losing a war (if she doesn't agree with you) and wants to focus on finding AJ and getting away to the happier ending you get with Clementine.
During the war, Mason could play dirty and cause walkers to flood the streets whilst he stays in his own home with his army and that could explain the horde coming in Episode 4/5.
Also this would be a great way for Clementine to be different!
Maybe she advises you join Joan, if you were more so complicit with Carver and accepting of his ways as well as if you had the Jane ending because you value safety.
Maybe she advises you to join David, if she resisted Carver (so much so as watching him be killed), if she went to Wellington and thus saw the value of liberty. This could also be impacted if you took her to see Crawford as she saw first hand what "security" and "isolationism" can do to you if you require everyone to work and how dangerous it could be.
Maybe she advises you to take over Richmond with her if she had the 'Alone' ending, due to the fact she knows what it's like to strive for yourself and not have to accept either of your options if they are both detrimental to you.
Agh! So much potential and now it's wasted.
In episode 5, there should be a Clem Season 1 flashback according to sound files but they cancelled it.
But we got random knights on horseback, so I guess that makes it all okay! NOT!
When I first read this I read it as the whole story was cut.
Which actually sounds pretty accurate.
Why Telltale, Why.... did you do this?
That would make this song fit even more than I thought It did before.
Not the whole thing. Just parts.