Honestly I hate how Telltale did this whole "for new players" bullshit. LIKE WTF!!! If ur new to TWDG then u fucking start with the first season!! Like r u retarded?
They made a good job to make Clementine a phenomenon. Most of the people bought this game because of Clementine factor. And if they started this season with Kenny, Jane and Edith and make these stories went in different ways; A New Frontier could have been a game that have a potential to earn Game Of The Year Award. Because thats how season 1 won. Telltale doesnt need to save money because they already earned so much money from S1-S2, Tales From Borderlands, The Wolf Among Us and Batman Season 1. I figured thats enough for an awesome game to earn hell of a cash. But the chances went to hell, so...
Maybe to save money. The original better sounding story could of maybe been more extravagant in cost and had substance close to the first t… morewo games. Bad, weak story might be cheaper so you know how most companies always cut unnecessary corners for their own pocket books.
It honestly doesn't have the best writing, although it did improve in Ep 3 and 4, it lost all possibilities in Ep5.
Good writing has a point, a goal that it is intended to achieve. For Clementine, that was AJ ( even if that was nearly cripplingly emphasized ). It's never achieved. For Javier, that goal is never made entirely evident. It doesn't go far enough to convey a sense that he's doing more than drifting in a current.
ANF didn't have terrible characters. It had terrible means of presenting and showcasing those characters. It's all introductions with no substance. Much like a display case pretzel, it looks tasty, but it's hollowed and plastic. Was Kate a compelling character? We're told she's one thing, but she spends nearly the entire game side-lined by a wound and we never see it in action. Were Gabe and Mariana sympathetic and natural? She barely existed before she was gone, and he rarely had any interactions on screen with depth. What about David? He was interesting, but Ep 5 completely went off the rails. That's not to mention the side characters that died.
It was the shortest of TWD series, and it suffered majorly for it.
Was it utterly horrible in every aspect? No. It had good moments, but not frequently. If the finale had been able to deliver in a more satisfactory means, I think more people would've forgiven a few of the games other flaws.
How is this a question? Let me mention the obvious:
* Short episodes. Biggest season so far, MY ASS.
* Choices from the previous seaso… morens didn't matter.
* Terrible graphics.
* Lame characters.
* Being for new players instead of the old players.
* Episode 1 was split in two because it was TOO BIG.
* Full of plot holes.
* Atrocious writing.
* Clementine having no purpose in this game other than marketing.
* Gabriel Garcia. Also, Gabentine.
* Lack of gameplay content (Hubs and Explorations).
* Pretty unfinished.
* Lack of character development.
* Lame deaths.
* The cancellation of the Slaughterhouse scene. Doesn't feel like an authentic Walking Dead story. Telltale, just fuck off.
It honestly doesn't have the best writing, although it did improve in Ep 3 and 4, it lost all possibilities in Ep5.
* Good writing has … morea point, a goal that it is intended to achieve. For Clementine, that was AJ ( even if that was nearly cripplingly emphasized ). It's never achieved. For Javier, that goal is never made entirely evident. It doesn't go far enough to convey a sense that he's doing more than drifting in a current.
* ANF didn't have terrible characters. It had terrible means of presenting and showcasing those characters. It's all introductions with no substance. Much like a display case pretzel, it looks tasty, but it's hollowed and plastic. Was Kate a compelling character? We're told she's one thing, but she spends nearly the entire game side-lined by a wound and we never see it in action. Were Gabe and Mariana sympathetic and natural? She barely existed before she was gone, and he rarely had any interactions on screen with … [view original content]
Friend, if this question was really bothering you, why didn't you try to type it in google or just scroll through the forums? You would've found literally hundreds of answers.
could you perhaps elaborate? i don't understand your point but it seems interesting and would love to hear what you mean
Let's start with Kate. Nice, laidback gal implied to be coping with bouts of depression/paranoia using very rarely indulged drug use...was apparently the group leader in everything but name and authority, in charge keeping the family organized and safe for four years. This implies a hidden talent for ingenuity in conjunction with some capability of her own...barely gets to show most of it off. Thanks a lot, Worf. Remember how it was automatically assumed she was being abused...how about the huge waves of hate she got after Above the Law? Eh, I guess it was just in people's nature to dismiss her as just a weed smoking thot and nothing else--Humanity is Good, doncha know! Persisted even though she did what she felt was right. Almost seemed like a recurrent victim, jobber, and designated contrarian, she did. Was increasingly neglected throughout the installment, with her appearances generally being limited to trying to support a step-family that often clashes against her and talking about love. Remember all of the intense backstory, focus, nuance, and development her character got and the effort put into fleshing out her perspective on things? Neither do I. And when conflict starts escalating and she decides to step up by wanting to save David, resolve her flawed relationships, and insist on helping save everyone in any way she can? Barely emphasized. And with David kidnapping Gabe, practically all of the finale's emotional weight and tension is in his court once again.
Next is Gabe. Emo teen out of a magazine, Heroic Wannabe, overachiever, fuckin loves pudding, big brother to chill, head in the clouds, chocolate whore little girl from same magazine. Curse you Disney! Oh, and a total tsundere too. Constantly argued with Kate...never told her he loved her. 2BA Man is his real test--Maximum Puberty! Idolizes his dad...sure, he's done that a fair number of people...but specifically wants to live up to his David's standards. He wants to walk like him, talk like him too. He's willing to do [almost] whatever it takes to achieve this goal--he'll even go off on his carefree uncle for...not letting a friend cap him, I guess. But "Boo!", everyone says. He's not suited for the rage of war--fuckit, somebody call Donny Osmond to the mic! Question is, can he ever truly evolve into that or better yet, does he really need to be? Sure, he's already shows the symptoms through acting like an angry, petty, judgmental, holier than thou hypocrite...but not an abuser or a killer. Maybe utter failure is the best option. Oh, btw, did you notice that he had a crush on Clementine? ...What's that? You thought it was made clear that he didn't? No, he was obviously just playing it cool the entire time, you silly goose.
Remember Clemmy-Cloo? She's back--as a Jane-clone! The Bad Future came true! The reason why she's acting like an edgy bitch who steals candy from chichiquitas, killed a guy and tried to cover it up, lethally injects doctors, and got a tatoo? She fucked the New Frontier and then the abusive dad took her caramel Goofball away. Now she's on her period...wanted to boink Gabe all allong. Cuban Cuck? Try Cuban Cunt Blocker. Cherry-boy hungry she-devil.
And how about that Thai Nurse Eleanor? So she's nice, busty, calls you pretty/handsome, and want's to help you save your family...obviously a whore-spy. That trendy scarf she's always wearing...hides a capricorn shaped hickey. Also, she and husky white guy had a thing once...fizzled out real fast. But dat Latino heat...slicks that poor horse's entire back. Oh, but what's this? She genuinely loves helping people, smiles as he kisses out with her supposed romantic rival, personally tends to her wounds and escorts her to get additional supplies, and gets upset when she finds out her pleas to get her help fell on deaf ears? That opportunistic bitch. Later, her opinion on what to do is completely ignored, so she instead went and told fellow Thai lady that Javi was coming to call her out...and apparently not that he was also gonna assassinate her. ...K. Alas, she ends up not only being unable to prevent a crisis but is helpless when Tripp(Lol, friendzoned) is gambled for a potential execution...so she blames you no matter what!
(but, i'm guessing your claim of ableism is referring to sarah? please correct me if i'm wrong though.)
I suppose it is logical to include her in that category.
But really, just compare and contrast the portrayals of characters like Kenny, Carver, and most likely(?)Jane to the treatment of Reggie, Arvo, and especially Sarah. Take your time.
could you perhaps elaborate? i don't understand your point but it seems interesting and would love to hear what you mean (but, i'm guessing your claim of ableism is referring to sarah? please correct me if i'm wrong though.)
The writing was very poor in my opinion. I couldn't care less about any of the characters or the overall situation, and many things that
happened seemed so dumb.
I didn't want to feel like this but the way I feel right now is basically, if Season 4 is decent then if I wanted to do a whole play through of all the seasons 1-4 then I'd most likely skip 3. It's boring, predictable and feels rushed! It's nothi g to do with the not playing a Clem, I liked Javier but every other character was 1 dimensional and just plain boring.
Not sure if anyone else feels the same, I haven't visited the forum in a while as I've been in denial about this game.
I managed to get quite a few of them (about six short from getting them all) and they were all exactly the same, only thing that changed would be the bit where it states who she ended up with. Most of them were the same but had different names.
They must somehow be different as it's hard to get them and the choices do affect which one's you get.
* S2 endings didn't matter
* 42 different Clementine staring points even though at best there were four
* Ep's 1 and 2 were so big they we… morere split, but they were only an hour each
* "Biggest season yet" Only 5 hours, S1 was 12, S2 was 8
* Clementine marketed as a main character and a playable protagonist, only play as her 5 minutes each episode and only in flashbacks
Eh nah, golden raspberry awards are for worst films of a particular year. It's like the Oscars of notable badly put together movies and or actors that cannot act well.
Hence why I mentioned a equivalent event could be held for worst games of year. Awarding bad games with a infamous trophy of sorts.
If they do already have this kind of event then I suppose I just never heard of it.
TWD TellTale Season 1 - Season 2 episode 2 really great stuff. Everything down from there crap:
Short episodes
Lack of hubs, puzzles
Boring cliche characters
Forced tension/conflict
Lack of original ideas (meet new people, zombies/enemies attack, some people get killed and you have to make some meaningless choice, repeat)
Lack of comedy, there was a lot of great funny scenes with Clem and Lee in S1 I cant think of a single time in TNF when something was atually funny
Boring flashbacks
Annoying characters
People treating you like shit all the time, its like everyones a Larry now
Its basically like reading the third Lord of the Rings book, and then complaining not knowing why a ring is so important
They made a good job to make Clementine a phenomenon. Most of the people bought this game because of Clementine factor. And if they started this season with Kenny, Jane and Edith and make these stories went in different ways; A New Frontier could have been a game that have a potential to earn Game Of The Year Award. Because thats how season 1 won. Telltale doesnt need to save money because they already earned so much money from S1-S2, Tales From Borderlands, The Wolf Among Us and Batman Season 1. I figured thats enough for an awesome game to earn hell of a cash. But the chances went to hell, so...
It honestly doesn't have the best writing, although it did improve in Ep 3 and 4, it lost all possibilities in Ep5.
Was it utterly horrible in every aspect? No. It had good moments, but not frequently. If the finale had been able to deliver in a more satisfactory means, I think more people would've forgiven a few of the games other flaws.
they might well add slaughter house in season 4
LOL thats why season 1 earned the game of the year award while ANF keep straight sucked over
This is a pretty good post for the most part.
Yeah that's probably right.
Nah...! Season 1 it's still the best.
I agree with you about Javier, he is charismatic and has a lot of good traits, i really enjoyed playing as him.
Friend, if this question was really bothering you, why didn't you try to type it in google or just scroll through the forums? You would've found literally hundreds of answers.
Does this really need to be asked again?
Let's start with Kate. Nice, laidback gal implied to be coping with bouts of depression/paranoia using very rarely indulged drug use...was apparently the group leader in everything but name and authority, in charge keeping the family organized and safe for four years. This implies a hidden talent for ingenuity in conjunction with some capability of her own...barely gets to show most of it off. Thanks a lot, Worf. Remember how it was automatically assumed she was being abused...how about the huge waves of hate she got after Above the Law? Eh, I guess it was just in people's nature to dismiss her as just a weed smoking thot and nothing else--Humanity is Good, doncha know! Persisted even though she did what she felt was right. Almost seemed like a recurrent victim, jobber, and designated contrarian, she did. Was increasingly neglected throughout the installment, with her appearances generally being limited to trying to support a step-family that often clashes against her and talking about love. Remember all of the intense backstory, focus, nuance, and development her character got and the effort put into fleshing out her perspective on things? Neither do I. And when conflict starts escalating and she decides to step up by wanting to save David, resolve her flawed relationships, and insist on helping save everyone in any way she can? Barely emphasized. And with David kidnapping Gabe, practically all of the finale's emotional weight and tension is in his court once again.
Next is Gabe. Emo teen out of a magazine, Heroic Wannabe, overachiever, fuckin loves pudding, big brother to chill, head in the clouds, chocolate whore little girl from same magazine. Curse you Disney! Oh, and a total tsundere too. Constantly argued with Kate...never told her he loved her. 2BA Man is his real test--Maximum Puberty! Idolizes his dad...sure, he's done that a fair number of people...but specifically wants to live up to his David's standards. He wants to walk like him, talk like him too. He's willing to do [almost] whatever it takes to achieve this goal--he'll even go off on his carefree uncle for...not letting a friend cap him, I guess.
But "Boo!", everyone says. He's not suited for the rage of war--fuckit, somebody call Donny Osmond to the mic! Question is, can he ever truly evolve into that or better yet, does he really need to be? Sure, he's already shows the symptoms through acting like an angry, petty, judgmental, holier than thou hypocrite...but not an abuser or a killer. Maybe utter failure is the best option. Oh, btw, did you notice that he had a crush on Clementine? ...What's that? You thought it was made clear that he didn't? No, he was obviously just playing it cool the entire time, you silly goose.
Remember Clemmy-Cloo? She's back--as a Jane-clone! The Bad Future came true! The reason why she's acting like an edgy bitch who steals candy from chichiquitas, killed a guy and tried to cover it up, lethally injects doctors, and got a tatoo? She fucked the New Frontier and then the abusive dad took her caramel Goofball away. Now she's on her period...wanted to boink Gabe all allong. Cuban Cuck? Try Cuban Cunt Blocker. Cherry-boy hungry she-devil.
And how about that Thai Nurse Eleanor? So she's nice, busty, calls you pretty/handsome, and want's to help you save your family...obviously a whore-spy. That trendy scarf she's always wearing...hides a capricorn shaped hickey. Also, she and husky white guy had a thing once...fizzled out real fast. But dat Latino heat...slicks that poor horse's entire back. Oh, but what's this? She genuinely loves helping people, smiles as he kisses out with her supposed romantic rival, personally tends to her wounds and escorts her to get additional supplies, and gets upset when she finds out her pleas to get her help fell on deaf ears? That opportunistic bitch. Later, her opinion on what to do is completely ignored, so she instead went and told fellow Thai lady that Javi was coming to call her out...and apparently not that he was also gonna assassinate her. ...K.
Alas, she ends up not only being unable to prevent a crisis but is helpless when Tripp(Lol, friendzoned) is gambled for a potential execution...so she blames you no matter what!
I suppose it is logical to include her in that category.
But really, just compare and contrast the portrayals of characters like Kenny, Carver, and most likely(?) Jane to the treatment of Reggie, Arvo, and especially Sarah. Take your time.
They should have opposite equivalents of game of the years awards. New Frontier could be a pretty good nominee for the golden raspberry gaming award.
The writing was very poor in my opinion. I couldn't care less about any of the characters or the overall situation, and many things that
happened seemed so dumb.
And this is why you shouldn't do drugs kids
I didn't want to feel like this but the way I feel right now is basically, if Season 4 is decent then if I wanted to do a whole play through of all the seasons 1-4 then I'd most likely skip 3. It's boring, predictable and feels rushed! It's nothi g to do with the not playing a Clem, I liked Javier but every other character was 1 dimensional and just plain boring.
Not sure if anyone else feels the same, I haven't visited the forum in a while as I've been in denial about this game.
I assume it is a camera joke
I managed to get quite a few of them (about six short from getting them all) and they were all exactly the same, only thing that changed would be the bit where it states who she ended up with. Most of them were the same but had different names.
They must somehow be different as it's hard to get them and the choices do affect which one's you get.
Because they cause jokes to fly over people's heads kids.
Eh nah, golden raspberry awards are for worst films of a particular year. It's like the Oscars of notable badly put together movies and or actors that cannot act well.
Hence why I mentioned a equivalent event could be held for worst games of year. Awarding bad games with a infamous trophy of sorts.
If they do already have this kind of event then I suppose I just never heard of it.
TWD TellTale Season 1 - Season 2 episode 2 really great stuff. Everything down from there crap:
Short episodes
Lack of hubs, puzzles
Boring cliche characters
Forced tension/conflict
Lack of original ideas (meet new people, zombies/enemies attack, some people get killed and you have to make some meaningless choice, repeat)
Lack of comedy, there was a lot of great funny scenes with Clem and Lee in S1 I cant think of a single time in TNF when something was atually funny
Boring flashbacks
Annoying characters
People treating you like shit all the time, its like everyones a Larry now