Message monkeyislandexec102 has stopped working
Hello - anyone getting this? I updated my Intel graphics driver - now getting "monkeyislandexec102 has stopped working. Windows will close the program and get back to you if a solution is available."
Such a cool game - what am I doing wrong?
Such a cool game - what am I doing wrong?

This discussion has been closed.
I had same problem - I think it was caused by one of two things - I installed the second episode on a different drive from episode 1 and I opted not to let the install process of episode 2 update the Directx drivers.
After I uninstalled episode 2 and installed it again on the same drive as episode one and also allowed it to update the Directx drivers if it wanted to I managed to get past the exec102 stopping problem.
I have now played through to conclusion but have had a couple of blue screens of death that appear to have been triggered in a Directx module - but have also had a slew of MS updates applied to the machine so it is hard to point a definitive finger at any one thing. (Prior to installing Episode 2 and the last set of MS updates this Vista machine has been rock solid).
So I'd suggest uninstalling and letting it update the directx drivers if you did not try this the first time round.
Anybody else having any problems?
Maybe your graphics driver update changed the color depth of your display. It has to be 32 bit, or the game will crash like that.
If that's not it, please give us some information.
Please start dxdiag:
Windows XP: Go to your start menu and click on run. Type in "dxdiag" and hit enter
Windows Vista: Press the windows key on your keyboard or click on the start menu. Type in "dxdiag" and hit enter.
Now click on the button that says "save all information".
It will prompt you to save a file. Save it where you can find it.
Now you have two options to make it accessible to us. Pick the one that works best for you:
i have receantly had a new hard drive put in.
operating system:Windows vista home premium (6.0 build 6001).
system manufacturer: Compaq-pressario
processor:intel pentium dual CPU e2220@2.40ghz (2CPUs), ~2.4ghz
memory:3060mb RAM
page file: 1194mb used, 5168mb available
Direct x 10
Display Device: intel g33/g31.Express Chipset Family
Let's deal with your malware issue first.
does this mean i have a problem im not quite sure what this means?
What exactly did the warning say?
Could you also please make a screenshot of the messages you get that tell you that you should scan your computer and buy stuff?
There are two things i am interested in, in order to identify what might have infected your system
- The warning message after your malware scan with the cd. You could just write it down or use a camera
- A screenshot of the messages that tell you to scan
Somehow it feels strange, that you get those messages, but the scan only shows a warning. The screenshot hopefully will make that more clear.
To speed things up, let's start with the game fixing part as well.
Do you get any error message when the game stops?
Since it always crashes after the prologue, it is likely that the installer got corrupted during download. The following procedure should help in that case:
Fresh Download
Uninstall the game and choose not to delete your save games.
Then make a clean download as described below, and install it.
Deleting temporary internet files:
Before downloading it again it is generally recommended that you
delete your browsers cache/temporary internet files so that it is not loaded from there:
Internet Explorer 7: In the menu choose "Extras/Delete Browsing History...". In the resulting Window select "Delete files..." for "Temporary Internet Files".
In recent Firefox and Internet Explorer 8 you can delete the cache/temporary internet files with CTRL-Shift-Del.
In Firefox you would only select "Cache".
In Internet Explorer only select "Temporary Internet Files".
Uncheck all other boxes in each case.
After installation check if the error still occurs.
If the game still doesn't work, please give us some more information:
Please start dxdiag:
Windows XP: Go to your start menu and click on run. Type in "dxdiag" and hit enter
Windows Vista: Press the windows key on your keyboard or click on the start menu. Type in "dxdiag" and hit enter.
Now click on the button that says "save all information".
It will prompt you to save a file. Save it where you can find it.
Now you have two options to make it accessible to us. Pick the one that works best for you:
But today I've read about the new version which was just released. I've uninstalled the previous one, re-downloaded the game today, and installed the new version.
This time, the launcher came up, the game was unlocked, but pressing the launch button brought the message whose snapshot I attach.
I also attach the results of running DXDiag + the text files saved by the Windows when the game crashed (the ones listed in the screenshot) - I can also send the dump file from the same crash, but it takes about 2MB compressed.
Last thing - never had a single problem with any of Telltale's games, including TOMI episode 1, has just checked it again, and it continues to work fine.
Please help - thanks!
That sounds like a difficult case then. I will give you at least some things to try.
Try starting the game after a clean boot like this:
Msconfig for Windows Vista:
To Boot Clean in Windows Vista
1. Click Start --> Run --> Type MSCONFIG --> Click OK
2. On the General tab, choose Selective Startup
3. Uncheck Load Startup Items
4. Select the Services tab
5. Check Hide all Microsoft services
6. Click Disable all
7. Click on OK
8. Click Restart.
9. After reboot, run game to see if it works.
After performing the necessary steps, restore your system by doing the following:
1. Click Start --> Run --> Type MSCONFIG--> Click OK
2. On the General tab, choose Normal Startup
3. Click Ok
4. Click Yes, when asked to restart your computer
Based on Will's post
If that doesn't work here are some driver updates for your system
- Reinstall DirectX from the Full DirectX Installer
- Install the latest Realtek sound driver
- Install the latest ATI Drivers
Updated to the latest DirectX (actually, there was no need - I was fully updated).
Installed the latest Catalyst driver (9.8 instead of 9.7).
Still didn't help...
Will try the audio driver update tomorrow.
This really frustrates
Let's hope it works.
If it doesn't your download could be corrupted.
You could create an MD5 Checksum for the ToMI_SiegeOfSpinnerCay_Setup.exe and compare it to mine.
MD5: ad3f461222ae16278a92e823b77ce6b9
If it's the same, your file should be fine. If it is not either one of ours or both could be corrupt.
Stop ignoring the fact that part 1 of the game runs and works just fine.
Stop ignoring the fact that every other game under the sun, from World of Warcraft to Everquest 2 to Crysis work just fine.
Part 2 of this game crashes, exactly as this user stated, and ONLY this game crashes.
It's not drivers, it's not the OS, it's the game. Telltale needs to fix it, and that's that.
The game may be missing fallbacks for various scenarios, but in most cases so far there was some reason that caused the crash. Yes, these problems could be handled more gracefully (like checking for compatible hardware, checking directx libraries, checking screen depth, checking MSIE version, ...), but for now we've got to work with what we have.
It helps because it's NOT the persons computer -- yet you're having him update this and that, perform all sorts of tweaks and setting changes when the cause is ONE game, all the while ignoring the fact that everything else works/runs fine, including part 1 of this game. Usually, you don't start recommending updates/driver tweaks and msconfig changes when the cause is 1 program that's not working, because you may end up breaking everything else or damaging his OS install.
The issue is that this game is built on the same engine as part 1 -- and while part 1 continues to work on the users computer, part 2 does not -- so having the user start altering system files, or updating various driver components (which can be disastrous), isn't the best first move. The problem seems widespread, so I'm pointing at the game, not at various users computers in most cases.
Edit: I had the same issue as this user, and while everything else on my computer worked just fine, this game did not. The update Telltale posted in the forum worked, though I haven't actually played yet, the game now launches successfully -- and this points to my original assessment, it wasn't the users computer, it was the game.
BTW, just in case it has been overlooked: The most common cause for ToMI to crash is if the display is set to 16bit colordepth. So make sure it's set to 32 bit.
I know computers aren't that simple -- I've worked on them for over a decade in the realm of tech support, server support, administration, installation, firewalls, you name it...
If this was an isolated case, I'd agree with you, but it isn't. It's widespread. The fact that I changed NOTHING on my machine and the fixed download (posted by Telltale Games in the forum) works says it's more of an issue with the game compile itself than it is with individual systems.
You can't look at just one case and make a rule out of it.
There is not just that one problem that makes ToMI not working for everyone.
Did you consider integrating integrity checking into the installers of the games?
That could prevent some of the hard to track bug reports in the future.
Audio driver update - didn't help.
MD5 check - yielded different results from your MD5 (please see attached screenshot), for both the file downloaded from the the new release post in the support forums ("fromLink" directory in the snapshot attached), and from the file downloaded from my account ("fromAccount" directory).
Interestingly, not only that it's different from your checksum, the both download versions are different between them. The one from the forum link shows the launcher, but crashes after clicking on "Launch" (as described in this thread). The one from my account crashes even before I can see the launcher.
I'm starting to suspect spyware/malware/viruses, currently updating my protection software to see if these downloaded versions were somehow infected along the way, but I'm pretty sceptical.
I still don't understand why the file in the forum link differs from the one in my account (maybe browser cache?) - but in the meantime, can you please provide a direct link to the same file version that yields the checksum you've published?
Good teamwork
I still wonder why people get these corrupted files.
Better use a boot cd to scan. If your system is infected, the malware had the chance to manipulate your system so it can't be found, rendering every virus scanner running on the system itself useless.
Download the Avira AntiVir Rescue System. When you start it, it asks for a cd to burn itself to. Then you boot from that cd to scan your system for malware.
I don't understand what's going on.
I've downloaded your file, and not only that its MD5 is different than both of the downloads I've mentioned before, it is different than the one you've published (the correct one).
What's going on? I'm using the Firefox' download manager. Maybe the file gets corrupted along the way?
BTW, haven't found any viruses (yet).
Hope this 2nd-and-a-half download isn't too heavy on your server...
This time even the installer looks bad.
Could you tell us a little more about the way you are connected? Provider? Hardware? Software?
Man, your idea was excellent!
I've downloaded the split RAR, extracted, it gave the same exact checksum you were talking about - and, voila, the game is working like a charm
Now I need to find the root cause for having a corrupted download - I've never faced such a problem before, that's really unusual (and I'm downloading a lot). More than 5 different downloads of the installer exe, and all corrupt.
This only proves that an automated, even semi-automated, checksum verification procedure must be carried out by TTG, which will allow an instant recognition of the problem at the customer's side. This way I wouldn't have lost those precious hours at home, between taking the kids to bed and going to sleep in the middle of the night, and would've instantly identified the problem...
Thanks everyone for your help, you have been so helpful!
Especially DjNDB for his prompt replies, and hansschmucker, for suggesting the RAR idea and putting these files on his server for me - you're the king, man
If anybody else can't get a working download, just PM me.
Edit: Posted at the same time
About your connection problems... I honestly have never seen such a bad case, but if you want to share your provider's name and technology + your router's name, we may at least do a few educated guesses