I think harley quinn is using Bruce

After if she will know he is batman then she will not like him anymore i think so
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After if she will know he is batman then she will not like him anymore i think so
Thanks a lot, Captain Obvious.
She took the EMP generator and Phalanx key from him. Of course she is using her and again of course she wont like Bruce after she realizes the truth because he is a vigilante that catch criminals and send them to Arkham or Blackgate.
Probably. She seems super manipulative, I wouldn't be surprised if that heart-to-heart talk she has with him is all an act as well.
yah you are right
Thanks for the update, Sherlock.
That's nothing! You didn't hear this from me but, I'm preeetty sure that Bruce Wayne is Batman.
She can use me anytime she wants!
It's like Waller said: Bruce is a billionaire with influence, and this group are going to use him as much as possible before disposing of him.
yah guys really
Just like she is using John. Yes, most likely although I would not rule her being at least partially sincere out just yet.
ya bruh
It's easy to judge others but let me remind you that we're the ones who are using John.
I am okay with that.
Jokes aside let's not forget what our role is. We are the one's manipulating and decieving these people. Yes, they're the villains but let's not play victim and judge them for what we're doing.
Bruce is also using John Doe to learn about The Pact's plans. I think the only one who's not using anybody in this group is poor John x'D
You have no facts to back that up sir...that is slander. Bruce Wayne is just a regular hard working billionaire who wants to strike at big government! I submit to you that Bruce Wayne is a true American Patriot...not some VIGILANTE!
I have zero sympathy for Dr. Fries. Yes, it's sad that his wife dies. That doesn't make it okay to kill countless numbers of people. Boo hoo HQ's father died. That doesn't justify what she became either. Why did she get into a line of work which involves killing people? and to what end?
We're doing the manipulating to prevent crimes and catch criminals, while they are doing it for personal gain and committing crimes. Our intentions are completely different and that has to count for something.
HA. No way. Look at this picture.
Bruce Wayne and Batman standing next to each other.
Ha! Yeah sure. Next time you'll tell me that Lucius Fox died because he was working with Batman.
Absolutely true. I hate the assumption that we have to be forgiving of people's actions due to their traumas.
They can rot in hell as far as I'm concerned. They have a brazen disregard for human life.
I'm more willing to sympathize with villains. I've done bad things in my life. I 'l be damned if people are going to tell me I don't deserve sympathy during rough times just because I haven't been a perfect angel.
I never said what they are doing is okay. I just notice how easy it is for people to label John and Harley as manipulators when it's us who is manipulating and using them.
Those people are psycopaths and murderers. No mercy.
If Batman shared your mentality he wouldn't have any villains left because they'd all be dead.
In this universe, everyone's being used. Mostly Bruce - by Waller, Selena, Harley, Harvey, the chairmen and women of Wayne Enterprises.....
I'm okay with Batman not killing them, but the problem is that society isn't taking actions to make sure these villains can't continue committing crimes. Presumably they are trying to rehab the villains like Harvey, Penguin, and the Riddler. Somehow these SOBs escape and continue their devastation. I don't want mercy for these people, and I'm not so sure I care if they have mental illness. I personally knew a guy that went into a synagogue and shot six people, killing five. He was, among other things, bipolar. He's serving life in prison on account of his mental disability. Fuck that guy. He should be dead.
Like the Las Vegas gunman. It's good that he offed himself, he deserved it. There was a guy in Brazil that set a daycare on fire, which killed four kids and injured others. What kind of person does a thing like that? And does he deserve mercy? Does it matter whether he suffered from schizophrenia or depersonalization? I want people that guy, the Newtown killer, and Ted Bundy to get the electric chair or whatever method of capital punishment we choose.
The problem isn't Batman (it's good that he's not Dexter) but society being too sympathetic or something.
It would depend on what you did. What does "deserve sympathy during rough times" even mean? Were you a drug addict that committed armed robberies or did you steal from friends and family? You going through a hard time doesn't justify you causing other people misery. Handle your shit with more grace and don't be such a bitch or use that as an excuse to behave badly. I don't know if you played LIS, but I hated Chloe for exactly that reason.
You and I obviously have completely opposite views on this. Since this is something that's just going to stress me out, I'm going to end my half of this conversation.
yes thats the spirit guys gud all
Next you'll tell me John Doe is actually the Joker. Thanks for the information World's Greatest Detective.
Plot twist: John isn't actually The Joker and Alfred is, lol